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16 minutes ago, datiswous said:

Are you still working on this? Because in the main thread it says this is free for adaption.

No, I returned it a while ago after making Perilous Refuge from part of it. NeonsStyles last expressed an interest in it.

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Work Name: Life in Luxery 

Former author(s): Theothesnopp
Current author(s):  -

Status: free for adoption
Due Date: -
Type: City
Theme: undefined

Progress:  Lot of Geometry done.

Broken in TDM 2.x. Requires update, heavy sealing and portaling.

Just want to report that this map loads fine in tdm 2.11 dev. Dmap takes ages though, so I quit for now. During dmap it shows:  Merge leaf nodes and this process becomes slower over time. Anyone knows what merge leaf nodes means?

Fixed 8 out of 10 visportals in the hope that it would help somehow, but it did not.

Edit: When I remove all Ai it dmaps quickly.

Pretty nice looking map actually.

Edited by datiswous
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Probably needs monsterclip. Dmap is probably choking on determining complex collision for AI paths.

Block out caulk for the player to walk / mantle on and block out monsterclip for AI then set most of the map geometry to func_static and non-solid

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As long as you are not working on optimizing gameplay or ai, you can use noflood as argument for dmap (dmap noflood mapname), this will skip the aas creation (pathfinding).

As @nbohr1moresaid, the pathfinding algorithm or more precisely the time it requires isn't linear with the amount of areas the ai can step into. If the map isn't properly monsterclipped and a lot of decorative stuff made from brushes is left worldspawn, you can easely end up with a huge workload. The same applies for the collision data creation.

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FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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9 hours ago, nbohr1more said:


By this you mean the back, what is not seen by the player? Otherwise I don't understand, probably have to do some reading on the subject.

Edit: Sorry this goes a bit off-topic. If it gets longer, maybe it needs to be split into a new thread.

Edited by datiswous
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If you set models to non-solid, they won't affect collision detection. This is a good idea for models used as decorative extension, like little beams on walls or other small stuff (like static junk). It won't speed up aas creation, but the cm file is created faster and it becomes less likely that ai gets stuck on small objects. Obviously you should't do this with large objects.

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FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Collision gets generated from the perspective of the AI or player that will navigate it.

If you create complex brushwork with tons of triangles, then all that geometry must be evaluated to determine how

it might impact physics and navigation.

Doom 3 was designed to be mostly indoor corridors so most brushes would be low-poly flat walls.

Places in Doom 3 where geometry is more complex tend to be made with Modelling apps like 3DS Max or Lightwave though some complex geometry is in the form of patches or brushes converted to func_static. In those special circumstances, clip brushes like monsterclip, playerclip, or caulk are used to ensure that no 2003 era CPU need to perform 3D physics evaluation of these high-ploy structures.

The same holds true in TDM though in 2.11 we do have some new model BVH optimizations that make it less critical to use clip brushes.

As I recall, these optimizations only apply to the real-time performance of a mission. Dmap still needs to generate collision surfaces and that is still very difficult.

TDM's dmap is far more optimized than Doom 3's but it's still vulnerable to complex structures with lots of connected edges needing to evaluate a huge number of permutations to resolve the final optimized collision structure. If you have a powerful enough CPU, lots of RAM, and possibly a decent chunk of patience for compile times you might be able to dmap a pathologically high-poly mission just by waiting 30 minutes or more.

It's not an advised practice though. Map loading still has to parse the compiled collision data and even the optimized result might take too long or eat too much RAM during the loading process for many players ( see how many folks couldn't load "The Painter's Wife" or "Penny Dreadful 3" when they came out. ). We still recommend the use of clip brushes to simplify collision and path-finding just as was done in 2003.

A few relevant topics:




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On 10/24/2022 at 7:27 PM, Dragofer said:

No, I returned it a while ago after making Perilous Refuge from part of it. NeonsStyles last expressed an interest in it.

I saw there was a download somewhere in this thread called neons_harbour.zip . Is that the correct one for Wrecker's Reach and why was it renamed?

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5 hours ago, datiswous said:

I saw there was a download somewhere in this thread called neons_harbour.zip . Is that the correct one for Wrecker's Reach and why was it renamed?

I think it was a small part that I split off from the main map because NeonsStyle was only interested in a specific aspect. It should be ignored.

Brush/patch/entity count is an interesting statistic to have, too.

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2 hours ago, datiswous said:

Ok, but do you have the whole "work" because Fllood doesn't have it.

Yes, Ive just sent the link to the current campaign archive to you 2.

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On 10/24/2022 at 6:57 PM, datiswous said:

I was wondering if certain custom assets can be re-used after the mission is used. For example atmospheric background sounds.

1. If you want to use custom work (sound, models, textures) from released missions, best thing is to ask the author if he/she agrees. So far, Sotha is the only one who permits unlimited usage of his custom work (he expressed that here on the forums). He just wants to be credited.

2. If mission authors from released maps are not available anymore, then I do not know what to do. @Dragofer@nbohr1more: Any suggestions?


On 10/24/2022 at 6:57 PM, datiswous said:

I mean in general, this is just an example. Or for example in the situation that somebody adapts the unfinished mission, but does not use all the assets from it.

I would say, that's the same situation as described above, just replace "released mission" with "abandoned work".

As for my released work, feel free to use whatever you want.


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1 hour ago, JackFarmer said:

2. If mission authors from released maps are not available anymore, then I do not know what to do. @Dragofer@nbohr1more: Any suggestions?

My view would be:

  • If the author is still reachable, ask for permission unless they already gave blanket permission.
  • If the author is not reachable, check whether they stated anywhere that they're opposed to their work being reused (i.e. in the FM credits).
  • If not reachable and no statement was made, I'd say the work can be reused if you give abundant mention of the author in the credits in the release thread and in the FM package. The vast majority of authors (who don't explicitly say they forbid reuse) are probably fine with that.
    • I'd distinguish between reuse of assets and map sections, however. The latter can easily be perceived as plagiarism, so it should always require close coordination with the original author if you want to use parts of their map in your own.
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I don't have an issue with reusing assets (like scripts et al.) either, reusing whole map parts would be odd, though. But if someone says, whoa, that's a nice doorframe or alters for example the puzzle in the Old Habits Rebuild, I see no issue. It never hurts to ask, though.

In regards to absent authors it is probably better to not reuse their stuff without consent. It just creates drama in the worst case and in the best case mission authors save a bit of work which they in return have to invest to understand whatever the previous mission author has bashed together.

EDIT: @Dragoferpretty much nailed it.

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FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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On 2/8/2017 at 3:54 AM, HMart said:

Hey guys i was playing around with darkmod and made a small test map, there's not much there and i really mean it, there's no history, objectives or anything, it was just me playing around with TDM tools, engine scripting and assets, because of lack of time i stop working on it but would be a petty if it went to the trash and perhaps it could be useful for someone, i'm releasing this as is, with no guaranty, i don't even know if it will work on your PC, if it blows up don't complain to me. 😜


I tried to make it into a mission to be easy to try. (worked on my PC)




Hope it is of some use.

I must say, I expected a much smaller map. The frob-animated boxes are cool.

Edited by datiswous
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4 hours ago, datiswous said:

I must say, I expected a much smaller map. The frob-animated boxes are cool.

That brought some memories :) is a very old test map/thing that I used to learn DR and TDM modding, I spend a few weeks messing with it only. I add almost no idea what I was doing the scale is all wrong for example. Thou If I remember correctly, this test map has at lest 2 or 3 custom models that i made that I don't recall ever being used on any real mission, would be a petty if no one took a look at them to see if they are of any use. 

Btw those frob-animated boxes, were my first foray into coding and Doom Scripting, also trying to code any ingame interaction with the language, to see if i could do it, so the script code logic most be a absolute mess and perhaps hardly useful but happy you find it cool. :) 

Edited by HMart
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I've added my old 2015-2016 WIP Of Brambles and Thorns to the abandoned repo. It's a large mansion mission set in the woods, suitable for a spooky or detective story, a faithful recreation of the real-life luxury hotel "Halcyon Hall"/posh girls' school "Bennett College", at least with regards to the exterior. You can find lots of historic material on the internet and drone-recorded videos of the whole exterior on Youtube.

Architecture is mostly done and some sparse interiors exist. There used to be more interiors, but they were lost during an incorrect backup overwrite - screenshots of some of those interiors can be found in #2 to #10 of this album and in the .pk4's screenshot folder (which is the reason why I personally have little motivation to recreate them, rather than working on my new & original WIPs). There are also some old versions of my custom assets - would be better to switch to the improved versions available in core assets.

This FM would be suggested for someone with intermediate mapping experience due to its large size.

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  • 3 months later...

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