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Twats in cars


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Ouch. :o

Hopefully you're not hurt.


Perilous business this traffic thing. Now when it is totally dark outside I'm trying to be very careful with my bicycle. There are always some moron who pays more attention to his cellphone than his car approaching crosswalks.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Ouch, Biker. Hope you're okay.


My dad was a motorcycle cop after he came home from WWII. When he had his mid-life crisis many years later, he bought a bike, much to my mom's chagrin. Two days after he got it, he ran it off the road avoiding a deer, breaking a couple ribs in the process. The bike was gone two days later.

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Shadowhide, your signature is getting ridiculously long. Seventeen lines of text is silly enough to begin with, but adding an image is pushing things too far. Pick one or the other.

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Damn that sucks, hope you alright, man. maybe use insurance money and buy new gfx card again? :D


Yeah, I will heal up soon enough. And yeah maybe, but the GTX480 I have is more than pokey enough :-) so perhaps a nice shiney new phone. :wub:


Well your alive and thats the main thing. I hope your not banged up too badly.


Its all soft tissue damage, so it looks and feels worse than it is.

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Glad to hear you're alright. You've probably got nice strong bones now like those martial arts guys who keep fracturing and healing their skulls till they've got half an inch of bone for cement block breaking...

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(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Well shit - I'm really sorry to hear that man - I'm so glad it's 'just' bangs and bruises and nothing broken.


I'm particularly wary of both cyclists and motorcyclists - I try to be very careful over taking and giving plenty of room.

"No proposition Euclid wrote,

No formulae the text-books know,

Will turn the bullet from your coat,

Or ward the tulwar's downward blow

Strike hard who cares—shoot straight who can—

The odds are on the cheaper man."


From 'Arithmetic on the Frontier' by Rudyard Kipling

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In my instance, the car drive did his manouver on a blind left hand corner just off the exit of a round about (which meant he had next to no way of seeing what might have been coming either from behind or worse oncoming). As this was demonstrative of showing a complete lack of "due care and attention" the police may even procecute him.


The wanker even had to cheek to say "I was going some" to which I replied, "mate look at the speed of the traffic" "and the laws of phyics would disgree with you, if I had of been going any faster than 10-20mph I and my bike would have travelled a lot further than we did"


Meh... its not the first time and it wont be the last.

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Good to know the damage isn't too bad. :) Brave men indeed!


My home is around the heart of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle company, so there's a fair amount of respect for bikers where I live. They might seem scary to little-ol'-ladies, but from my experience they're some of the nicest folks you'll meet.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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I've actually been in a car with someone who was texting... and also driving. It boggles the mind that someone could be *that* stupid.


and my father has had his THIRD DUI. Face it, some people should just be banned from driving all together. They should get one chance, and if they do something like either of the above again, they should have to take public transportation for the rest of their lives. It is for everyone's benefit (including theirs).

Edited by lost_soul

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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I'd love to see a news video of a biker that got into an accident while texting and driving... with no other vehicles involved. "Look Ma! No hands!" Of course our own biker would never be that foolish, but it'd be good for laughs to see someone really getting what they deserve on the road.

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