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TDM Gameplay Guide video


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Seems fine to me.

There was also something about the KO zone being on the back & base of the head, and the arc goes slightly right to left (IIRC), so two other reasons you might be failing & you're not sure why is you're hitting the side of the head or shoulders, and it might help to aim very slightly to the left of target if you're very close up. But those are minor things; probably don't need to change it just for that. And they probably get a good idea of where the KO zone is just from seeing about 20 successful KOs in that video alone.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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It's good. I linked it at a forum I frequent.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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I actually tweaked the original version that I uploaded on FB last week...I'd forgotten the part about "things that might mess you up", and replaced some of the low-res clips while I was at it.

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Nice video, I'm sure it will appeal to the youtube generation who don't want to read, but see a video instead.


Also, Spring, you sound a lot younger than I expected. :laugh:


The video was fine, good length. You seemed to speak maybe a bit too fast. A bit slower and clearer articulation would help a bit. But it was good as is.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Also, Spring, you sound a lot younger than I expected. :laugh:


You know you're getting old when you start to react positively to people saying you look or sound younger than you are. ;)

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This is very cool. I think this definitely is a very nice thing to have for people who never played thief but end up playing TDM anyway.

I've had some personal experiences where I've watched someone play TDM and they don't really get what the items and weapons do and wind up getting themselves killed.


And embarrassingly enough the video even highlighted a few things I didn't know of, myself ... :blush:

Edited by GameDevGoro
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That was really good, would definitely be helpful to a new player. I like the way lots of different missions were used, shows the variety already present in the mod which I think will interest anyone who liked thief but hasn't tried out TDM. I've been thinking of doing a guide myself but more a case of describing the mod whilst playing a mission, including configuration options (useful keybinds, possibly a quick run through of common issues/fixes).


A guide to arrows would be useful, particularly water arrows (I.e. water can splash onto a torch from above, so aim at the ceiling). Another nice topic would be a guide to the things that TDM has in common with thief and the things it adds: you can still lean into a door to eavesdrop; you can drag AND carry bodies; relighting torches etc. Not just new features but things that have an impact on gameplay.


I could see these types of videos doubling as informational as well as promotional and would go well with a v1.08 announcement on RPS or similar blogs, for the YouTube generation like myself :)

Edited by Midnight
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Brilliant idea and video, I thought the explanation was very clear and detailed, lots of video demonstrations, very nicely done! This should definetly help people get an idea of the unique gameplay sneaking games have (who would have thought that you can actually KO people silently ;) ). Oddly enough, koing everyone inside the map and then roaming around looking for loot, though incredibly boring as is mentioned in the video, actually seems to be quite a common practice, seen that being said by a bunch of people now. :)

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Oddly enough, koing everyone inside the map and then roaming around looking for loot, though incredibly boring as is mentioned in the video, actually seems to be quite a common practice


Oh, I agree. That's why we wanted to make it a little more challenging than just "lean forward from a shadow and hit him in the foot".

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I think it's also a good idea and well done, but I think it really would be most effective if it was under 1 minute.


Originally I was thinking of one-minute videos, but there was no way to fit all the info in for this one.

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I was thinking I might do the next one on basic stealth, covering the three ways you can alert AI (visual, audio, indirect evidence). That one would be most appropriate for the 'never played Thief' crowd. But would have something for regular players too (how many people know that going under water reduces your lightgem?).

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I like the idea, andd the execution, and also the diversity. The voice is good, and the info presented clearly and short (which will appeal to the video generation...) Good work!


The only thing I wished for was tha the clips would really show what TDM can do visually. No only is the video quality poor, but also it shows some of the more crude (older) missions etc. I know it will be quite a lot of work shooting videos extra for this series, but I think it would be really worth it. These could then also serve as promotion videos for TDM at the same time. Right now I think it does not do our work justice from a quality-of-scene POV.


(The heavy recompression by youtube does not really help, either. Ideally, one could select 1024p and bask in it's glory. Right now some of it looks like it was filmed with a toaster :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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