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Standalone Progress


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A definite improvement again. His eyes look a bit close together and his nose a bit short, but that also makes him look dense so not necessarily a bad thing either.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I took a break from mapping to work on the last D3 head replacement. This one was very frustrating and there's still a few things I'm not happy with, but I hope I'm just being too picky and it looks fine to everyone else. Here is the comparison below, and then a bunch of the alternate versions--different hairstyles, different facial hair, etc.


That's the last D3 head that needs replacing. Not much more to do as far as regular characters go...there are a few characters using limbs from D3...the noblewoman and the beggar, but they shouldn't be too hard to replace.


The biggest needs right now are the replacement werebeast, a skeleton mesh, and zombie animations.

this one looks funny, espesially hammer one, like "Whoaa??.."))))

What excuse do we have not to sculpt, and sculpt, and sculpt, until the job is done?

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Not entirely standalone, but ehhh - Portability.


First run of the ported code - amd64(x64), openal and all the rest, running without any horrible hacks natively on FreeBSD 10-Current.




Should on *nix and be a billion times easier to compile and package, just a lot of stuff to now make cleaner and finish making it happy with Windows again :) Soon my pretties.

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Engine code warnings : 11 (All are SSE+asm related, meh!)

Game code warnings : 1031


Thats what you get for using Boost and hiding things with pragmas :/


Now to see if missions actually work, hmm!


Good progress, can't wait. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants to get rid of boost.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Engine code warnings : 11 (All are SSE+asm related, meh!)

Game code warnings : 1031


Thats what you get for using Boost and hiding things with pragmas :/


Now to see if missions actually work, hmm!


Oh cool, sounds like you're raising the warning level up to the max, or almost as sane as it is :D Nice, 'cause I noticed the VS projects were mostly configured with (VS') Warning Level 3 at most. Warning Level 4 sounds a bit extreme as it also warns about unused arguments in functions and all but, at work, I like to get rid of those as well (my colleagues often ain't so "extreme" :P).


Anyway, without a Team Server Foundation edition of VS, it can barely scratch the surface of the code for emitting warnings, it doesn't take advantage of Windows' header SAL annotations and all. Thus, I always get better diagnostics with (a "recent" version of) GCC (>= 4.4) and Clang (>= 3.0) from that point of view (with appropriate warning-enabled arguments, of course) :)


Sorry, I'm digressing a bit. Just so excited to see all the progress towards TDM going standalone and getting better ;)

Edited by pelvis_presslays
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Good progress, can't wait. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants to get rid of boost.

Haha, It wont be running off anytime soon - but hopefully over time we can replace most of it with C++11 as that becomes more established :) But it'll be something I want out of the engine asap. As well as all that SVN stuff, never understood why it was really needed. Will have a little team talk about these once my stuff is in the repo (I really need to make a branch I know!)


Oh cool, sounds like you're raising the warning level up to the max, or almost as sane as it is :D Nice, 'cause I noticed the VS projects were mostly configured with (VS') Warning Level 3 at most. Warning Level 4 sounds a bit extreme as it also warns about unused arguments in functions and all but, at work, I like to get rid of those as well (my colleagues often ain't so "extreme" :P).

Whatever clang default warn level is. It doesn't try to understand the msvc pragmas, gcc does a few I think (and I've now just removed them all anyway, heh). The static analysis html output is pretty insane, will compress and upload it sometime.

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Will the dhewm code base bring some performance gains?

Nope, not really - aside from amd64, which should be a slight bump (Truth is I haven't built it on Windows yet, nor am I able to start missions just yet - close tho). It's just a lot cleaner than doing it ourselves. At the moment it's still got some SDL, which feels a bit clunky and slow, it however makes porting super easy. I plan to remove it, but keep the current simplified platform support. Performance should just... remain the same, but I think we can lighten the cpu side of things a lot from the game code side of things. Taaaki is currently waiting on me to try and investigate some threading for the AI (which seems to have been attempted in the past). Compile time should be way down on nix - More threads the merrier.


Took apart my main box and physically cleaned it, then rebuilt userland/kernel/ports etc. Now for some sleep - then a branch or tarball later for people to try play with.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Whoo! Nice!


All these recent advances (standalone progress, asset replacement, animations, many new people on the forums, multiple very promising missions under works, new mappers, bugfixes and other improvements) clearly shows there is some kind of golden age of TDM going on.


Lets keep the activity high, people!

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-The mapper's best friend.

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Well, I have one question: Why does every character have arm wrist straps?


They don't all have them, but this one does to hide the seam between the arms and the hands.

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Slowly grinding down the last of the SDL dependencies, half ported xlib to xcb. Woop woop. I just have no good idea of how to do the merger now :/


Think I figured out a nice way of speeding up load times for you guys who use on-the-fly compressed textures... just need to spend some time with OpenMP and icc (damn you clang, your one weakness :()


Oh well :)

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I'm moving all the new head stuff to another thread since it isn't related to going standalone.

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Put glasses on the one in the top left and that would be me that would.. :-D

Handsome fellow , looks like he can do a lot of buckle and swash ! You'll have to put your contact lenses in if you want to play him!

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