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Vote on site changes, redux.

Subjective Effect

Vote on your preferences  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Select the ideas you like

    • Having a centred and responsive site
    • Having the News page as the main page
    • Having the Mod info in a panel on all the main pages
    • Combining the Download sections
    • Having a mobile version of the site
    • Having Tapatalk enabled
  2. 2. Select the ideas you are indifferent to

    • Having a centred and responsive site
    • Having the News page as the main page
    • Having the Mod info in a panel on all the main pages
    • Combining the Download sections
    • Having a mobile version of the site
    • Having Tapatalk enabled
  3. 3. Select the ideas you don't like/don't think should be implemented

    • Having a centred and responsive site
    • Having the News page as the main page
    • Having the Mod info in a panel on all the main pages
    • Combining the Download sections
    • Having a mobile version of the site
    • Having Tapatalk enabled

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the download section looks cramped and the size of the missions has merged with the dates, and am looking at it on a screen width set to 1280 so on a cell phone it would probably look even more cramped.


No, no it won't. It's a responsive site. Try changing your browser size. The way it resizes can be altered too.


I've altered it a bit - it has a responsive background, an outline and the missions list is in smaller text.


Have a look.

Edited by Subjective Effect

I want your brain... to make his heart... beat faster.

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My thoughts:


- The "Stealth gamin gin a steampunk" should be at top of news, not on left column, regardless of what the latest update is, it should always be on top. Eyes center focus to read and I think that is the most valuable thing for them to see first thing to get them an understanding of what TDM is. Also, a link following it for "Download The Dark Mod now" would be great to get them to download it right away

- Columns seem a bit cluttered

- The link to the FB should use their respective icons to stand out

- The final font should still be the font that has been used

- There's been a people posting about common installations problems (read only folder), maybe we should have a link on downloads page to wiki installation / FAQ or add trouble shooting page to wiki to answer some of these questions?

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"The Dark Mod 2.0 is a FREE, first-person..."



The 2.0 version number should be removed. That's irrelevant to the message, and seems to say that version 2.0 is "FREE ...", making the reader wonder about what versions 1.0x were, and what versions beyond 2.0 will be.



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I think it's very nice. Those who missed the idea behind this, make your browser into a smaller window and expand it from the corner. The background image follows the size, as well as the logo and others.


The background image could be a bit bigger now when it stretches across. Gets quite pixelated on a big screen.


I opened the test page on my trusty Nokia N9 and given that it only has 480px wide screen, the web page looked near flawless and was very readable. On download section the SVN link and the mission downloads went over the border, but I think that's forgivable. I wish all webpages were like this! :)

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i dont like the combined download site, i mean i only download the Game once, and then i dont need it anymore, except for an eventually reinstallment. But the Missions are visited very often.

The new design just makes the Missions smaller, for me its so small and nearly not easy to read.


Tapatalk i dont know and i wont use it either.


responsive sites are a have-to!


And last but not least i like the Mainpage we have now, for new comers it has a nice detailed overview of the mod.

Also i dont look often at the news and i just read the headlines, also the news havent changed since i play this mod.

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dafuq...?! is there something the team has been holding back that they might like to talk about right about now?


Entries will be judged by a team consisting of marketing and sales personnel from Square Enix, Inc. ("Square Enix"), Square Enix Ltd., and Amazon, based on creativity, originality and overall association with the Thief game theme.


In the Terms and Conditions is no word of the TDM Team


Also i first saw this on the current Main Page

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Ok, this is what a responsive site looks like. Have a look on a big screen.


If you have a smartphone I suggest you look at it on that too, and also on any tablets or small screen devices you have. Rotate the screen and see what happens, especially if you have something like a Nexus 7.


Only the News and the Downloads sections work. All links are dummy links.


So - some caveats.

  1. This in not my final suggested template.
  2. This is to show you what a difference in approach can make.
  3. I haven't used all the graphics on the current site (and the onclick images on the main menu are all broken btw).
  4. I built this with my own templating system. thedarkmod.com is built on Wordpress which has respsonsive templates. I'm not suggesting using my templates, but rather just using a responsive template from Wordpress.

Tell me what you think.


Here is the link: http://www.southquar...mweb/index.html



I didn't see that link before, it actually looks much better than the original. The original always has a black bar on the right, it doesn't adjust to my screen size at all.


The downloads and missions together look better than what I imagined. But I still prefer to have a "missions" link independent of the downloads though. Putting things together makes sense when they are complementary, for example: downloads and instructions on installation. But no one that downloads the mod is interested in that organized missions list yet and vice versa.

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Repost: I think when you go to "my content" it should show my exact post and have a little javascript that goes to the exact page in the topic(if multiple pages) and then the position on the screen where the post is. Another thing , ~~ possible BIG ISSUE, am I suppose to be able to register for wordpress and then be able to see the wp-admin path?

Edited by c0mputer-fr0d
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Repost: I think when you go to "my content" it should show my exact post and have a little javascript that goes to the exact page in the topic(if multiple pages) and then the position on the screen where the post is.

Is this referring to the forums? If yes, then you click on "Only posts" under "See this member's" on the left. You can then go directly to the relevant post by clicking the #xxxxxx link at the top right of the post.


Another thing , ~~ possible BIG ISSUE, am I suppose to be able to register for wordpress and then be able to see the wp-admin path?

You can register but you can't do anything in the wp-admin area besides make changes to your profile. I'm not convinced that we need to allow people to register on the site, but I think it is needed for people to comment on articles. However, we don't actually show the comments, so I'd be happier if we just disabled user registrations and nuked all the non-admin/editor users.

I am the bat. The night is mine.

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I'd be happier if we just disabled user registrations and nuked all the non-admin/editor users.


That would be fine with me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Current mobile is pretty good. Ive seen some other forums on this engine, and mobile version was same too, its good. I dont see how taptalk can improve it, used it for some other forum that has it - didnt make much sense

What excuse do we have not to sculpt, and sculpt, and sculpt, until the job is done?

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      Taking a break to alleviate burnout. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have jumped into a map-making contest so quickly after just finishing another project and especially with my busy schedule, but I do believe I have something that the community will enjoy. No clue if I'll be able to finish it on time for the competition if I factor in a break, but I'd rather take my time and deliver something of quality rather than engage in development crunch or lose part of the map's soul to burnout.
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      Working on an update for my mission By The Cookbook. If anyone that played it has any further bugs to report, please let me know.
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      Happy birthday to me!
      Yes, today's my birthday and as much as I want to play The Dark Mod, I won't until it's late Autumn, where it should be a bit chilly in my place and there's some wind too.
      For now, it's time to enjoy my birthday, if any of you want to play a great fan mission in my honour...Well that's asking too much, just play the mission because it's fun, not because of me, enjoy it yourself! 💪
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