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Loot "completion-ism"?



40 members have voted

  1. 1. When collecting loot, do you go for...

    • All of it, right down to every last coin please.
    • What objectives require, only more if it's there in front of me.
    • Egg salad, it's SO yummy...woot!
    • See below, as you didn't include my choice in your limited poll!

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I know we have some loot "completionists" among our players, I'm curious how many there might be compared to those of us who don't (heck, I tend to pick middle of the road loot requirements personally).

"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out."

- Baron Thomas Babington Macauley

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I always go for the loot requirements. Personally I think the only motivation to really gather the loot comes in campaigns where you need it to buy equipment for the next mission. Otherwise I don't care much about it at all.


But I noticed that there are a lot of people around here who enjoy searching for every piece of loot.

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I choose Egg SAL@|)!


Cause its delicious!


No really, I am a completionist and I search every freakin nook and cranny and most the time I will still miss a bit or bob here or there and I feel like I've searched everything both obvious and not so I just write it off and say... spit spot! We are not a cod fish!


And I close my mouth and carry on.



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I look for loot as long as it fits the storyline. But once I've completed my main objective I want to get out; I don't want to have to keep searching for loot long after my character would have left the scene.

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I remember someone asking in my FM thread where to find the last 3 coins they needed to get all the loot, and thinking how interesting that someone would be so interested, after getting over 1000 loot already in their pockets, in the 3 little coins still out there. Funny thing was I intuitively knew exactly which 3 coins she missed.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I get as much as the objective requires and whatever else pops up. Generally I'll be playing on the difficult skill level anyway so it’s normally a hefty amount I need to acquire. Although I often like being a completionist in many games, there’s too many ways to hide loot in areas I’d never think to find. Plus, many missions force ghosting on the hardest skill level anyway and it’s often impossible to be completely thorough if you can’t even blackjack anyone. So the loot gets left behind. I put my stealth score higher priority than loot found.

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Ideally I'll have enough when I've finished the other objectives, but I'll generally be ok with 1 more pass through a section of the level to get more if need be, any more and it starts feeling like a loot hunt. On the other hand, sometimes I'll have enough before I'm done with the rest, and then it's time to leave.

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I was just talking with a friend of mine and she knew she'd want to find it all if she played, her reasoning being curiosity to know where it was and see parts she hadn't yet (further exploration).


I'm actually surprised nobody has voted (well, it went toward Egg SALAD!) directly for getting it all yet. Perhaps those who like to get it all also tend to post in the forum threads, and already were represented?

"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out."

- Baron Thomas Babington Macauley

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I might try to get all of it on a replay, but not generally and not the first time I play.

Incidentally, as a mapper, I think I prefer making loot requirements optional. You get the nice check if you meet it, but it's not a requirement and it won't prevent you from completing the mission if you have the other objectives done.

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What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Minimal necessary for objectives. I personally find frustrating looking for the last 100 golds when all other objectives has been done... Personally I would put look objectives as bonuses.

Edited by ezze
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A completionist could have an option to lose a bag or two of loot when escaping with guards on his tail. What a conundrum. :D Probably happens in bank robberies when the alarm goes off, or when leaving a dead member of your heist with a sack.

Edited by jtbalogh
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I have played for complete loot occassionally, but most of the time I only play up to the limit, then try to find some extra, but usually not neccessarily hunt down ever last bit. Makes me happy though if I collect everything without having to search for hours for that missing bit. :)


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Some missions also kinda push the Difficult skill level loot requirements pretty close to the total amount of loot in the game. I'm starting to lose track of how many times I've broken down and used tdm_show_loot to complete a mission that required finding virtually all loot, especially the stuff in areas you'd never expect to search. Either that or I'm terrible at loot hunting. :)

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I think I prefer making loot requirements optional. You get the nice check if you meet it, but it's not a requirement and it won't prevent you from completing the mission if you have the other objectives done.


I'll use this advice.

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Just note many don't bother with optional objectives, since they are, well, not needed. If you remove a significant game-play element (exploring around to steal loot), you'll want other deep, involving objectives to compensate.


Gaining loot is also a reward which gives a spike of dopamine to the player if it matters. This is why key hunts and trying to finish missions after all the loot is obtained tend to be unsatisfying, it's just tedious to run around a bunch of rooms when nothing in them helps achieve the goal. But if you need some loot while you are there? Woot! Feels good.

"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out."

- Baron Thomas Babington Macauley

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Good point re giving the player a reward for exploring, but there are other ways to do that through the main objectives for an area that you want to be seen. Loot objectives are the main reason that there are a few missions that I've enjoyed but haven't completed. I ought to start BJing AIs more often to get past tough spots I guess, but since I almost never do that I often leave some highly visible loot uncollected, let alone hidden stuff, so an optional loot objective suits me. Then again I'm looking at it very much from my own POV. I tend to give games and FMs a quick play-through to learn the ropes and grasp the story, then go back and get all the achievements on max difficulty. Not everyone plays that way.

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I voted for Egg Salad because I agree with Lux. I try to look everywhere and get as much as possible but I ALWAYS seem to miss a couple of items, and I will NOT backtrack through a whole mission for a purse or two. My personal goal is 90% and I can usually hit that.

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I always go for the loot requirements. Personally I think the only motivation to really gather the loot comes in campaigns where you need it to buy equipment for the next mission.



Not sure if this is doable, but this would fantastic if it was integrated into the campaign.....

Edited by Mr M
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Not sure if this is doable, but this would fantastic if it was integrated into the campaign.....


Vice-versa, this is how it works, I didn't include a shop in my campaign implementation, but designers have to take measures to work around it, if they don't want it that way.

"The measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out."

- Baron Thomas Babington Macauley

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I am a completionist and I do not care about any mission-objectives at all.

Which means: I ignore any statement like 'go to place x first'.

My playstyle is to explore every accessible area in a systematic way, so that I won't miss anything - especially when it comes to loot.

Once done with that, I start caring a bit more about the plot and story and enjoy whereever the mission takes me next.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Usually, I go with the flow. If I complete all objectives before the loot objective, I go hunt the rest of what's required to finish. If I don't, then I just keep gathering and hunting loot even if I already reached the required minimum as I walk through the rest of the objectives. I do like to explore the levels, but, normally (in large maps, at least), I don't find the willingness to do it unless I have to (or unless I find a document with some interesting proposition (side/hidden objective) that sounds tasty enough), thus I end up leaving the extra loot behind.


If I'm playing a full campaign where money carries over to the next mission, then perhaps I'll try to get some more than required though.

Edited by Skaruts

My FMs: By The Cookbook

My tools: TDM Packer

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I personally prefer to look for loot in every corner and search for it from various perspectives while trying to meet objectives, however I don't care much if I miss some coins. While flirting with it, I never found "completionist" attitude rewarding, usually the loot was hidden in areas, which were explored before and otherwise enjoyable missions have turned into boredom. On the other hand, I prefer fulfilling all optional objectives and they are mostly rewarding, if they show some interesting aspects of the story.

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