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Dishonored 2

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After a year of rumors and leaks, the anticipated sequel to Dishonored has officially been announced.




At least it's a different location, but I'm not sure how having both Corvo and Emily as playable characters would work, especially since their fates are determined by the player's choices in the original Dishonored.

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"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

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At the start of the story you get to choose between Emily and Corvo, and then you finish the entire game as the character you picked. You do not get to switch between characters mid-story. They have different powers, different animations, and the people in the world react differently to each of the characters.


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Post announcement interview

^for those of you who haven't seen it yet


Looks prerendered ;). Did they announce what engine this is running on? I don't believe Unreal 3 could pull something off like this. Unreal 4 or RAGE?

It's a cinematic trailer, it's not even in-engine probably. Probably going to be Unreal 4. They make it look as good as possible and don't pretend that this is what the engine can do. I respect that.

You can call me Phi, Numbers, Digits, Ratio, 16, 1618, or whatever really, as long as it's not Phil.

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At the start of the story you get to choose between Emily and Corvo, and then you finish the entire game as the character you picked. You do not get to switch between characters mid-story. They have different powers, different animations, and the people in the world react differently to each of the characters.

Sort of like the first Tenchu game.

"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

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After watching the Bethesda post show they announced it will be released in Spring 2016 and apparently the city it takes place in is the home place of Corvo, should be some interesting backstory there.


Speaking of the setting i'm really loving the city they choose this time, a pirate-esque down by the bay feel. My favorite Thief fm setting is the bay/pirate based ones so it will be fantastic to explore this game in that setting.

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It's a cinematic trailer, it's not even in-engine probably. Probably going to be Unreal 4. They make it look as good as possible and don't pretend that this is what the engine can do. I respect that.


The Dishonored 2 fact sheet from last years E3 said idTech5, not unreal.



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I could believe it's a mock-up someone on their staff, possibly totally out of touch with development, threw together for demo-ing, not official and before they had full info. But it'd be easy for some random person to outright fake too. Either way, the cat's out of the bag now anyway.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I could believe it's a mock-up someone on their staff, possibly totally out of touch with development, threw together for demo-ing, not official and before they had full info. But it'd be easy for some random person to outright fake too. Either way, the cat's out of the bag now anyway.

There were some things the fake leaks got right, such as being able to play as Emily.

"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

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That "fact sheet" is complete and utter horseshit.


Excuse my french, but that's what it is.


I don't know if it is or not. It says 'for internal use only' right on it, so it wasn't meant to be seen by the public. This has been discussed before on TTLG but since Zenimax owns Bethesda it seems logical that it might encourage their studios to use their own tech.

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Err, Crows? Where? Mostly I see Seagulls :unsure:


There's graffiti to read. Some of it reads 'Death to the Duke' and 'Howlers come at night'...

Mmmmm, those birds inside the dead body?

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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The thought is that the "fact sheet' is/was a fake. it states the game will take place in Tyvia, which is in the far northwest of Dishonored's world. The E3 announcement today states the opposite, that the game will take place in Serkonos, which is in the south.


They've also stated no multiplayer. So really the only thing it got right was "new main character." And then it says "Annihilate The Outsider." WTF? Sounds like the person who wrote that might have some issues with translating to English. That and all the strange placing of hyphens.. I'm guessing someone was having some fun.

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The idea that you can play as Emily isn't entirely unpredictable too. It's an obvious option following the last game, so it's not crazy to say a person just fishing for ideas could get that right.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Snippets! Some graffiti reads 'The Crown Killer is Watching' (30s). At the end of the trailer, the assassination target (The Duke, I'm guessing) appeals to Emily 'Think before you strike, you'll become the assassin we claimed you were...'


So there's a bit of a plot thing there. The dishonour in the game comes from anti-royalist propaganda, orchestrated by nobility(?) or some such.

Edited by jay pettitt
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