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Dishonored 2

Cambridge Spy

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I thought you could also rewire electric wall so they zap guards instead of you? But I may remember that wrong. In order to deal with an electric wall, try to look for cables coming out of it. You can usually see where they lead and either rewire them (you should have an inventory tab somewhere in the menu, but I don't have the game installed right now, so I cannot look) or disable the windmill thing that powers the wall. Alternatively, you could possess a guard and walk through inside their body. Maybe you can find small animals that you can possess and use small vents to get through. As you can see, there are several ways to deal with electric walls, but if you haven't played for a long time, it is quite difficult to start in the next to last mission. It also depends if you are playing as Corvo or as Emily, since they both have different powers.

In order to not get caught so easily, it is recommended to use the Blink ability a LOT. you can quickly get from cover to cover that way and thus avoid being seen. Remember, that Dishonored is not like Thief: shadows won't hide you very well. The main strategy to avoid being seen is by breaking line of sight. For this your Special Vision (forgot the name) is very helpful as you can see guards without being seen.

If you play without powers, it is more difficult to avoid guards. Lean around corners for a short time in order to check for guards and only move when they turn their back.

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Yeah. I'm finishing Death of the Outsider at the moment, and, it's pretty great.


Regading your playthrough of Dishonored 2, if you don't remember the former missions very well, why not start from the beginning again? TBH, i personally hate getting back to a game i stopped playing months or years ago, and then trying to find into it again. But then, i have a pretty bad memory, so, if yours is better, then you may not have any issues with that.

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It's pretty great BUT that kind of story NEEDS an entire game for itself......not an expansion :(

Indeed, I was left wanting after both. At least with DS1 we had the Knife of Dunwall and the Brigmore witches (the other dlc packs were kinds pointless, void Walker's Arsenal and Dunwall City Trials)

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TBH, the biggest issue i have with it is that i just can't identiy myself with the protagonist too much. Rather seems like a gathering of discrimination stereotypes (female, black, lesbian). Typical for games or movies these days. At least in Dishonored 2, you could choose a female and male character.


Gameplay is great, though, so...

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OK, thanks all. I'll check for another way round and while I'm doing it, check out the wires and the windmill.


I'm right out of those rune bone charm things so only got a little 'see guards through walls feature' left.


Still can't see any inventory of special objects nor of some readables. In Artemis mansion I took a note off a door saying Captain Cordero locked it and he'll be in dining room if needed. I killed/strangled everyone there but no key. So I had to reload the game several gamesaves earlier just to check the note again! I did find the key eventually. But the readable went into a black hole somewhere. Maybe it's in the same place as the rewire tools. I did recently discover blink upgrades I didn't know I had! I assumed if you bought an upgrade then it worked automatically. Looks like I won't get the hang of this game before it's all over!

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I completed the palace level and escaped back to the boat but the girl in the boat doesn't accept me but simply speaks generically, and there's no objective marker over her. Looking back I see the marker is to the palace so looks like although I escaped the palace it didn't tick off the objective. I've left it alone for a few days in disgust but now I'm looking to go back into the palace and come out again a different route see if that fixes it. If anyone knows about this bug and a fix then let me know.


[EDIT: Ignore the above. The objective says: escape palace and rendevous with meagan foster in the boat which I did. But when I reload an earlier save I now notice there's a smaller box at the side adding 'at the king's dock'. So she moves to a different dock. (but only if you go there, if you go to the old dock then she's still there!)]

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  • 2 months later...

TBH, the biggest issue i have with it is that i just can't identiy myself with the protagonist too much. Rather seems like a gathering of discrimination stereotypes (female, black, lesbian). Typical for games or movies these days. At least in Dishonored 2, you could choose a female and male character.


Gameplay is great, though, so...

It's obvious if you want to be inclusive.

And it's obvious 'cause the Outsider is the MOST discriminated one (he has been chosen literally as the outsider, it embodies the weak sacrificed to the lovecraftian gods of chaos=the Void and his Eye).


And it's why the Outsider and Billy are MORE linked/entangled than Corvo, Daud, Emily, etc.

It's not by chance that the Outsider gives Billy all is powers, it's because of this link and only because of this you can "kill" (release) him.

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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Are you sure that you don't read way too much into this, and that Dishonored 2 isn't in line with about EVERY game these days, which is supposed to teach you the political mainstream? ;) Really, just look around. People get totally hysteric if the character isn't gay, female, black, transgender, or whatever these days. The reason why i find this ridiculous is not because i criticize these things, but, because i criciticze games as a medium to entertain, but teaches you politics. "Hey, player, be tolerant already!!!"

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I don't buy the "political correctness compliance" argument.


Dishonored was always about a lovecraftian world (the Whales, the Outsider, the Void, the blank moral canvas, etc.)

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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People get totally hysteric if the character isn't gay, female, black, transgender, or whatever these days.

I think people get hysteric because they WANT TO THINK this, along the Far Right contro-teachings.

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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Not sure what you mean with "Want to think this", but, i prefer to think for myself, instead of getting a political opinion served, and having to eat what's on the table. Games were never about political messages, except for the ones which obviously thematized those. I don't know what entertainment has to do with politics, and why a political message always has to shipped with it these days. Poor kids. They can't even build a political opinion themselves.

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Not sure what you mean with "Want to think this", but, i prefer to think for myself, instead of getting a political opinion served, and having to eat what's on the table. Games were never about political messages, except for the ones which obviously thematized those. I don't know what entertainment has to do with politics, and why a political message always has to shipped with it these days. Poor kids. They can't even build a political opinion themselves.

Kids? Dishonored or similar games are for >18 yo people :D (kids = 5-9 yo)


People WANT to think there's a world-wide "political correctness compliance plan" in fieri. It's rage projected in paranoia's domain plain&simple.

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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Well, I hope a 20 yo ADULT can read the political manipulation. Of course the "liberals" (try to) do it, but the others do it too.

And I think the latter are really bad (word overload) at their game, 'cause paranoia is a not something to toy with.

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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I disagree. Billie Lurk is a good character (a bit superfluous in Dishonored 1 but good in 2) and if you couldn't connect with her that is perhaps on you, and moreover on the fact that you couldn't look past the qualities you described. Furthermore, DH2 gave you two character choices at the start, not two gender choices. The genders are incidental to the characterisation and everyone knows Emily's the correct choice to play as, as far as narrative coherence is concerned. Don't extrapolate to "most games do this" either, because you have to follow through with why you think they do this, and don't follow through here as this is still the DH2 thread.




I am on Duke Luca Abelle's mansion mission as well, can't believe I bought DH2 at release and we've reached the patch where they have unlocked the pre-order bonuses I had and I still haven't finished the game. Waiting 10 minutes every time to start the game has definitely killed it for me, but if you say the DRM has been removed... it's going to be a fun experiment to see how fast it loads now, just because Denuvo is out... I'll have to pay extra attention next time I start the game.

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Waiting 10 minutes every time to start the game has definitely killed it for me, but if you say the DRM has been removed... it's going to be a fun experiment to see how fast it loads now, just because Denuvo is out...

There shouldn't be any noticable difference regarding load times or ingame performance. Denuvo is pretty lightweight despite beeing the most complex code modification protection (Denuvo actually is not DRM but only serves to prevent manipulation or removal of the actual DRM) ever used for games. They avoid having the checks in parts of code that are critical for performance (they still sprinkle millions of checks over non-performance-critical parts of the code, wich makes it uncrackable by hand {but cracker groups made tools for [semi-]automatic cracking}).


Removing Denuvo is more an economic choice as it costs per sold protected copy of the game.

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you'll find kids playing 18+ games because their parents want to please their spoilt little horrors anyway they can.


was in town and some woman was trying to buy red dead redemption 2 for her son who looked about 6 years old, going on height for guess, she was arguring with shop manager that she had the right and money to buy it and he's was arguring that its a 17+ rated game and therefore not for kids.

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