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Video tutorials for this sort of program are very useful but it can quickly become frustrating when searching for a tiny bit that lasts maybe 5 seconds, in a 30 minute video. Or possibly the other one which was 27 minutes...


So, in the prefab selection window, how do we rotate the object (not the camera)?


Video tutorials for this sort of program are very useful but it can quickly become frustrating when searching for a tiny bit that lasts maybe 5 seconds, in a 30 minute video. Or possibly the other one which was 27 minutes...

That's certainly true, but don't hesitate to ask here--that's why it's a workshop and not just a video series.


So, in the prefab selection window, how do we rotate the object (not the camera)?

You can't rotate the object in the prefab selection window. That's an annoying limitation. It only works in the model and skin preview window.


Regarding the saves, there is an autosave and iterative save option in DR. Autosave is enabled by default and is set to five minutes. The saved map has an "_autosave" added after the name of you map. So if your map is called firstmission.map for example the autosave would be called firstmission_autosave.map. You can also enable iterative saving, called snapshots in DR. It will save continuosly and store the results in the defined subfolder. The size available for this saves is restricted (you can set it) and iirc the oldest save gets deleted once there isn't enough space left to do another save.


You find this under Edit->Preferences. Check the Autosave tab in there.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter


The next video is up. Lesson 4 is all about decorating your room using prefabs, models, and light entities. It also covers creating an ambient_world light and moving around sealing brushes.




This might be useful:


I found it quite difficult to see brushes in the default XY / YZ views of DarkRadiant after de-selecting them because their lines are black, as are the gridlines of the viewport. So, I customized my colors. I then noticed you had customized yours, too, Springheel; and I liked yours better, so I stole your idea to use light gray background, with white major grid lines.


If anyone else would like to customize their viewport colors, go to: "View > Colours... > DarkRadiant Default" and change Grid Minor, Grid Major, and Grid Background. Look at Springheel's videos for reference, if you want what looks to be a good color combination or a nice starting point.


  • Like 2

Hm, idle question: How do you reselect something you've deselected? Like let's say I want to move the players starting point a little to the left, how would I reselect?

Because in mystery novels, the first suspect is almost certainly never the murderer. No matter how much unmovable evidence there is, it will all be smashed in pieces by the wrath of the remaining number of pages of the story.


-"The Evil Spirit of the Zushi Clan" from Virtual Carnal Pleasure by Yamada Fuutarou

Posted (edited)

It also covers creating an ambient_world light and moving around sealing brushes.

Regarding the ambient light, there is an ambient light entity with the correct value of 19 and shader ready for the mapper to use -


create entity >lights >ambient_world




I've seen you and other mappers do this but don't know how to do it myself - when you have an object selected, whats the key combo to hide all other non-selected items in the map..?

Edited by Bikerdude



shift+h will let them appear again.


h hides the current selection.


See View->Hide/Show

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter


Maybe hit ESC key (escape), then SHIFT+LMB (or possibly SHIFT+ALT+LMB?) on the item you want to select? Not positive


esc = deselect


shift + leftclick = selects object


shift + alt + leftclick = selects ONLY object (deselects all other selections first)


shift + ctrl + leftclick = selects a single face of a brush


Under Edit->Mouse Bindings you can look up (and change) such settings. The amount of commands is overseeable.


Edit->Keyboard Shortcuts is the same for everything not involving a mouse. This list is much longer, though. You can search what you need there by simple typing it.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter


Just so I can plan the next video, was there anyone who doesn't have an interior region to start off with? The two topics I want to deal with next are how to make outdoor "rooms" and how to connect rooms together with tunnels/doors. I'd like to do the second one next, though I don't want to leave people out to dry if they wanted to start with an outdoor area.


Also, I'd love to see screenshots of peoples' decorated rooms once they finish lesson 4!

Posted (edited)

Lesson 4

Regarding your question in the 13th minute about anchoring one end of a texture while scaling:


You can align the texture with the main axis at the origin (i.e. Align Left side). 'Scale' multiplies the distance of each point from 0, so if some points are at 0 they won't move. You can see this visually in the texture tool, ctrl + alt + t. You can't use this for patches though because they always scale from their own centre.

Edited by Dragofer
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I've got some error about "entity 23"? I know I'm seeing "23" at least. When I tried to dmap I got that error and it didn't even stay long enough for me to see it on the console. Pointfile said it wouldn't open, so I can't see if it's a leak. I don't think it's saved in the wrong place either.

Edited by The Dark One

Because in mystery novels, the first suspect is almost certainly never the murderer. No matter how much unmovable evidence there is, it will all be smashed in pieces by the wrath of the remaining number of pages of the story.


-"The Evil Spirit of the Zushi Clan" from Virtual Carnal Pleasure by Yamada Fuutarou


I've got some error about "entity 23"? I know I'm seeing "23" at least. When I tried to dmap I got that error and it didn't even stay long enough for me to see it on the console. Pointfile said it wouldn't open, so I can't see if it's a leak. I don't think it's saved in the wrong place either.

You can open the console and use the "page up/down" buttons to navigate through the console output.

I've got some error about "entity 23"? I know I'm seeing "23" at least. When I tried to dmap I got that error and it didn't even stay long enough for me to see it on the console. Pointfile said it wouldn't open, so I can't see if it's a leak. I don't think it's saved in the wrong place either.



Often you can ignore warnings that you see during the dmap stage, unless something about the map doesn't work.


To share the warnings from the console, open the console again and type "condump [filename]" (do this after trying to dmap)


That will create a .txt file in your darkmod folder. You can then copy and paste the text here.


I finally found the time to watch the latest video today. I liked it very much! One thing, regarding the prefab preview window: It is true that you cannot use the LMB to rotate the model, but just like in 3D view, you can use the arrow keys to move around. So you can strave to the side (and compensate with turning via the mouse) to rotate around the prefab. It is more cumbersome than the LMB-turning, but it allows you to view the prefab before putting it in.


Also, while watching the part with the wall lamps, I thougt it would be good to mention the "Offset cloned objects button" (the second from the right button at the top). If this is active, the clone will be set off by one grid unit (so it also depends on the grid size you chose) to the bottom and the left. So, if you want to clone your lights, it is best that this is not active as you will have to readjust the position towards the wall. It is useful, if you do not move your clones immedaitely or want to create several clones, but personally, I do not really like it and have it turned off all the time.

  • Like 1

I wasn't aware of the ability to use the arrows...thanks for the tip!


For anyone else wanting to use that method--right-click in the prefab viewer to go into free-look mode. Then use your arrow keys to move the camera side to side. If you slide far enough and keep rotating you'll get to see the other side.


I wasn't aware of the ability to use the arrows...thanks for the tip!


For anyone else wanting to use that method--right-click in the prefab viewer to go into free-look mode. Then use your arrow keys to move the camera side to side. If you slide far enough and keep rotating you'll get to see the other side.

No problem! It is good to see that even veteran mappers like you can learn something from the workshop ;)

And thanks for adding that you need to hit the RMB, I forgot to mention it...



Often you can ignore warnings that you see during the dmap stage, unless something about the map doesn't work.


To share the warnings from the console, open the console again and type "condump [filename]" (do this after trying to dmap)


That will create a .txt file in your darkmod folder. You can then copy and paste the text here.


I tried, but it created a .proc file? Which I can't open. But I did see the error it was giving me, "Entity 23 has surfaces, but no name key."

Because in mystery novels, the first suspect is almost certainly never the murderer. No matter how much unmovable evidence there is, it will all be smashed in pieces by the wrath of the remaining number of pages of the story.


-"The Evil Spirit of the Zushi Clan" from Virtual Carnal Pleasure by Yamada Fuutarou


@The Dark One: Post your condump here, please. It is hard to judge on what is going one from our side if you don't provide more specific informations.


@Destined: Nice to see I am not the only one who find the offset feature irritating :D I can't even say why it bothers me, but I have it turned off all the time, too.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter


]dmap GN1T
---- dmap ----
--- LoadDMapFile ---
loading fms\NewMap\maps\GN1T
0 total world brushes
0 total world triSurfs
0 patches
90 entities
62 planes
0 areaportals
size: 1000000015047466200000000000000,1000000015047466200000000000000,100000001
5047466200000000000000 to -1000000015047466200000000000000,-1000000015047466200
1 entities containing primitives processed.
----- WriteOutputFile -----
writing fms\NewMap\maps\GN1T.proc
ERROR:Entity 23 has surfaces, but no name key



Think this is the relevant part?

Because in mystery novels, the first suspect is almost certainly never the murderer. No matter how much unmovable evidence there is, it will all be smashed in pieces by the wrath of the remaining number of pages of the story.


-"The Evil Spirit of the Zushi Clan" from Virtual Carnal Pleasure by Yamada Fuutarou


You don't appear to have a brush in your map. This error occurs when that's not the case.




The best way to fix this is to open your map, select all your entities, copy them, open a new map, draw out a brush someone out of the way, and then paste your entities and save.

  • Like 1
Springheel, on 13 Jul 2017 - 4:51 PM, said:

You don't appear to have a brush in your map. This error occurs when that's not the case.




The best way to fix this is to open your map, select all your entities, copy them, open a new map, draw out a brush someone out of the way, and then paste your entities and save.


Fixed! I thought I made a brush, but maybe I did, deleted the map, then forgot the next go around.


I do have another (mild) issue though.




The stone part of the wall ended up too low and I'm not sure how to fix it. It's a mild thing (I can just change that bit of wood into something else), but I'd like to know if there's a way to tweak it.

Because in mystery novels, the first suspect is almost certainly never the murderer. No matter how much unmovable evidence there is, it will all be smashed in pieces by the wrath of the remaining number of pages of the story.


-"The Evil Spirit of the Zushi Clan" from Virtual Carnal Pleasure by Yamada Fuutarou

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