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Two Minute Papers is an excellent YouTube channel that reports on many science articles related to machine learning and cutting-edge computer graphics techniques. The graphics-related videos have obvious relevance to the TDM community. And then there's fun stuff like these:

One common refrain from the guy who runs the channel, Károly Zsolnai-Fehér, is that the pace of this type of research is so fast that you can expect a particular ML/graphics technique to be obsolete within months.

Just imagine what "deep fakes" will look like in 2028 after years of algorithmic and hardware improvements. We'll probably see completely synthesized videos that look genuine at first and second glance... rendered in real time. Trust No One.

Edited by jaxa
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2016 in a nut shell.

Wikileaks releases DKIM signed leak documents.

Press spends months trying to discredit them rather than addressing the contents of the documents.

Massive forum shilling to assist with this coverup.

Laws created to make FISA disclosure legal (after violating FISA laws).

Laws created to allow the US to create false Propaganda with no liability risk (after the IC community lying about Wikileaks).

US residents see through the shilling and vote a reality star (clown) into office as a protest vote. Welcome President Boaty McBoatface


NSA and CIA go to war with each other.


CIA wins. Assange secretly arrested.







2020 in a nutshell:



Deep-faked Assange "admits to Russian Collusion"


Hillary wins election


All NSA whistle-blowers > die (RIP Bill Binney)


All NYPD and FBI agents who prosecuted Anthony Weiner > die or ruined


All OIG oversight who got Peter Strzok and Andy McCabe fired > die or ruined


All Wikileaks contributors > die or ruined


Humanity awaits the new Wikileaks but it never comes. 1984 eternal. :(

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2016 in a nut shell.


Wikileaks releases DKIM signed leak documents.


Press spends months trying to discredit them rather than addressing the contents of the documents.


Massive forum shilling to assist with this coverup.


Laws created to make FISA disclosure legal (after violating FISA laws).


Laws created to allow the US to create false Propaganda with no liability risk (after the IC community lying about Wikileaks).


US residents see through the shilling and vote a reality star (clown) into office as a protest vote. Welcome President Boaty McBoatface


NSA and CIA go to war with each other.


CIA wins. Assange secretly arrested.







2020 in a nutshell:



Deep-faked Assange "admits to Russian Collusion"


Hillary wins election


All NSA whistle-blowers > die (RIP Bill Binney)


All NYPD and FBI agents who prosecuted Anthony Weiner > die or ruined


All OIG oversight who got Peter Strzok and Andy McCabe fired > die or ruined


All Wikileaks contributors > die or ruined


Humanity awaits the new Wikileaks but it never comes. 1984 eternal. :(

Thus the escapism

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This will be the ultimate get out of jail free card for every conspiracy theory nut out there who is confident they can see all the strings no one else can see.


When you can already get ten percent of a country to believe there's a conspiracy to hide the fact that the earth is flat...I don't know how we're supposed to tackle the genuine and difficult issues of maintaining civilization.

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Well, it probably goes so that people stop trusting anything they read, see or hear.


It will be really difficult to convey new ideas or progress things. Humanity will go stagnant: there will be those who are informed and able to discern reliable information and think for themselves, and there will be the masses of ignorant monkeys who are pulled to any direction the populists or hate mongers want.


Fascinating times. We have only little time to discard democracy and start running meritocratic technocracies for the benefit of the whole humanity. But how do we make sure the technocracies do not turn into autocracies?


-The mapper's best friend.

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there will be those who are informed and able to discern reliable information and think for themselves, and there will be the masses of ignorant monkeys who are pulled to any direction the populists or hate mongers want.

So it will be the same as today?


Humanity progress will continue - slowly. About thirty years ago there was no global information network. Humanity needs time to adapt to all the new tech. Always keep in mind that leaded gasoline was a common thing till 40 years ago.


If the third world ware does not happen, i am pretty confident, that Humanity will someday in the future even get completely rid of greed - although that will probably take hundreds of generations...

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I know about that correlation wich most likely is a causation too.

My point was, that humans where willingly and knowingly poison themselves and their loved ones with lead just to get the benefit of more performant and longer living car engines. It is like "yeah, we all get slowly poisoned by the lead and my child will probably be even duller than me - but look how good my new car performs". That is a level of stupidity - i can't imagine how it would be possible to beat that.

And we are only some decades away from that. So there surely is improvement to be seen. It is just at so low a level that it might seem as if it where just a drop in an ocean.

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This will be the ultimate get out of jail free card for every conspiracy theory nut out there who is confident they can see all the strings no one else can see.


When you can already get ten percent of a country to believe there's a conspiracy to hide the fact that the earth is flat...I don't know how we're supposed to tackle the genuine and difficult issues of maintaining civilization.


The solution to this problem is a signed chain of ownership like blockchain (aka bitcoin tech).


The problem is that our own Press is trying to discredit code signing in the wikileaks releases.


Google DKIM signing exists and therefore the documents signed by it are "the truth".


When the Press says "you can't believe encryption", "you can't believe network forensics (except by our allies in the CIA)"

you cannot use SCIENTIFIC analysis on captured leak data... the ability to define a standard of document, video, and audio digital signing is nullified.


The Press screams about "we need more truth" then works to dismantle faith in the very TECHNOLOGY needed to ensure it because

Wikileaks revealed a very damaging truth about them and they have no sound retort that stands up to INFORMATION SCIENCE.

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I like this channel! His excitement is contagious, even when the paper in question is kinda boring. Makes me want to get into this machine learning bandwagon. I have a colleague in physics who trained a neural network to find phase transitions in a simulation.


The rest of this topic is really confusing me though.

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The rest of this topic is really confusing me though.

The initial discussion was about using "Deep Fakes" to forge video evidence of political figures (etc)

saying or doing things they never did.

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In video #2 in the first post you can see how stuff like surveillance footage could be faked. You can combine appearance and movement data to make it look like someone is robbing a store or something.


And remember, the techniques will get better, the hardware will get faster, and you don't necessarily need a "perfect" fake video to fool a lot people or spread FUD. Come to think of it, a man just pleaded guilty in that Witchita swatting that got another man killed. We could see faked livestreamed hostage videos used to cause harm in the future. The channel emphasizes that many of these graphics techniques have been optimized to work in "real time".


@Diego I don't intend this topic to just be a bunch of paranoid talk. I will link the latest videos on the channel here if they seem really interesting. Some of these algorithms could be used by TDM mappers in the future, such as the stuff related to animations, modeling, textures, etc. And maybe we'll see real time ray tracing in TDM's deep future?

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those blackmail scams where they say they've got you doing something indecent on your webcam could take pictures of you from your Facebook page and create a fake video of you doing something indecent, even when you haven't, and then blackmail people into paying vast amounts of bitcoins to them using the fake video as evidence. .

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  • 2 months later...

I read this interesting article today -- Why Supersymmetry May Be The Greatest Failed Prediction In Particle Physics History


This is like the opposite of the "who ordered that?" moment in particle physics.

This is like the "soooo ... is my order not coming or what?" moment.

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What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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the computer running the universe in the 8th dimention moved the goal posts.

some weird quantum maths video on youtube says the universe is virtual, controled by a program running in 8th dimentional space, been running for infinity, had no start or end, and everything has always existed and can't be destroyed.

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the computer running the universe in the 8th dimention moved the goal posts.

some weird quantum maths video on youtube says the universe is virtual, controled by a program running in 8th dimentional space, been running for infinity, had no start or end, and everything has always existed and can't be destroyed.

Computer name: N-i3tzsch3

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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