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[2.10] Volumetric Lights


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@stgatilov Something to consider. I added a cvar (r_volumetricDustMod) that adjusts the amount of dust. This falls into that mapper vs player preference territory, though. So, it may require some discussion with mappers to see if it would be a good addition. I think players would want to adjust this in the settings menu. I'm not sure on the name, though. Maybe there's something better.

I find that I usually like the look of r_volumetricDustMod 0.5 (50% dust/intensity), since in my opinion, it gives a more natural, subtle glow and what lies beyond the volumetric lighting is less washed out. It looks nice in motion, too. And, I like the look of Hazard Pay better with that setting. The range 0.5 to 0.7 tends to work well.

However, I can see how r_volumetricDustMod 1.0 (100% intended dust/intensity) could look better and more flashy for screenshots.

There's no best value, so it's nice to be able to adjust it.

Also, this may be useful for mappers to try out different values or even with testing.

I thought I'd share since it improved the experience for me.

(Please see attached patch.)


Edited by Daft Mugi
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17 hours ago, Daft Mugi said:

I've found that while playing Hazard Pay with r10159 the distant pyramid structures in the background are missing their shadows compared to r9853. (See screenshot.)
When r_volumetricEnable 0 with r10159, the shadows are present.

Fixed this issue.

7 hours ago, Daft Mugi said:

@stgatilov Something to consider. I added a cvar (r_volumetricDustMod) that adjusts the amount of dust.

I added r_volumetricDustMultiplier in slightly different way.


This falls into that mapper vs player preference territory, though. So, it may require some discussion with mappers to see if it would be a good addition. I think players would want to adjust this in the settings menu. I'm not sure on the name, though. Maybe there's something better.

Adding cvar is not a big problem, but adding it to the menu would require many people to request that.

I admit factor = 0.5 on Hazard Pay looks like what I expected volumetrics to be when I initially worked on them 😁

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On 11/18/2022 at 11:27 PM, stgatilov said:

I fixed color banding issue and bumped default number of samples.

That does sound a bit concerning, given even in latest dev (after recent optimizations) volume lights are still a big performance hit. Is 8 samples not enough for good results?

Since I didn't get around to it and don't know what the best FM would be, could someone show a proper comparison between "r_volumetricLowres 1" and "r_volumetricLowres 2" please? I'm even curious if defaulting to 2 could be an option to reduce more of the load if it looks well enough.

Edited by MirceaKitsune
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6 hours ago, MirceaKitsune said:

That does sound a bit concerning, given even in latest dev (after recent optimizations) volume lights are still a big performance hit. Is 8 samples not enough for good results

Is it okay to place them sparse, like one in a room (camp fire) or near a light leak (whole in the wall)? My understanding is that they never were intended to be placed multiple times in the same location. How's performance that way - or how did you test them?

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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7 hours ago, SeriousToni said:

Is it okay to place them sparse, like one in a room (camp fire) or near a light leak (whole in the wall)? My understanding is that they never were intended to be placed multiple times in the same location. How's performance that way - or how did you test them?

I'm playing a FM in which I think I found a room with intersecting volumes. One is a light you can toggle: I noticed that when you turn that lamp on, the volume from the window behind it appears to disappear or dim in intensity... I realize this may be due to a small number of samples thus I may be wrong on 8 being a good maximum. If anyone thinks it's relevant I may go back and take some screenshots since I haven't finished it and am still on that FM.

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Hm I just wanted to be sure if we're talking about actual performance or performance in general. Because I think if the volumetric lights are placed sparsely it should be fine. I personally prefer a better looking volumetric light than a crappy looking one. (that's why I deleted volumetric lights from my mission)

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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@stgatilov I found that volumetric lighting passes through walls and illuminates the light gem when using stencil shadows. This doesn't happen with shadow maps.

To reproduce, play "Iris" and go to 6817 -568 -637.66. The volumetric lighting from the fireplace in the room above that location causes the light gem to illuminate.


light gem - dark

r9853  stencil
r9853  maps
r10183 stencil (r_volumetricEnable 0)
r10183 maps


light gem - illuminated

r10183 stencil (r_volumetricEnable 1)



Edited by Daft Mugi
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On 11/27/2022 at 8:49 PM, Daft Mugi said:

@stgatilov I found that volumetric lighting passes through walls and illuminates the light gem when using stencil shadows. This doesn't happen with shadow maps.

To reproduce, play "Iris" and go to 6817 -568 -637.66. The volumetric lighting from the fireplace in the room above that location causes the light gem to illuminate.

Yeah, my change caused the same light to use different shadows implementation in ordinary rendering and lightgem, which does not work. I think it is fixed now.

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  • 1 month later...
6 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

I'm on latest source code build

Wow cool, the statement was true for the 2.10 release and I was not able to create the effect for large lights - have not tried it with newer beta versions or dev builds.

Good to know that it's more flexible now.

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Large volumetrics are not blocked off, so you can indeed use them with careful tweaking.

The problems with large light I can think of:

  1. [shadows only] It requires shadow maps, but large lights are forced to stencil shadows. Even if you stay under this limit, shadow map resolution can simply be too low for accurate handling of occluders near player.
  2. As you recall, volumetric light works due to dust in the air slightly spreading light all around. However, this dust also slightly occludes the light (like fog does). TDM's volumetric code ignores this effect, since it is negligible for small but bright lights.

UPDATE: That said, large noshadows volumetrics are probably stable (even if they don't exhibit fogging). But shadowing ones seem risky...

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  • 1 year later...

I am considering to replace the fake moon beams in Sir Talbots Collateral with volumetric lights.

But I need information on some issues:

  • Do you they work well enough now? Are there issues with stencil shadows? I remember early posts mentioning that.
  • What performance/quality options are there? I use a weak notebook a lot, and want to keep the mission running on it.
  • Can I turn of volumetric rendering without disabling lights?
  • Any other things I need to be aware of?
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33 minutes ago, Baal said:

Do you they work well enough now? Are there issues with stencil shadows? I remember early posts mentioning that.

They don't work with stencil shadows. If a player has stencil shadows enabled, the volumetric lights have forced shadow maps enabled, while other lights have still stencil shadows. So it will just work.

I think it will have a performance hit (also because the mentioned forced shadow maps I assume), but the mission overal is not very demanding?

Afaik volumetric lights is enabled with a spawnarg. So via a trigger/script this setting can be changed? Not sure.

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If you disable VL by spawnarg, I believe they act like normal lights. Pretty sure you could use lod_bias args so that moonray patches show at low and lowest detail settings while VL would render at normal to highest.


Still, VL performance hit is pretty low in 2.11 and newer.

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