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Beta testing 2.11


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On 2/6/2023 at 5:55 AM, Daft Mugi said:

Ooooooo, I found the issue.

Missions that override "def/tdm_weapon_blackjack.def" have the issue, because they are missing the "anim ready" and "anim unready" lines.

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@Wellingtoncrab @kingsal @Goldwell

That is good to know!


Ill delete the blackjack def file in my upcoming missions. And when I update my existing ones, I’ll remove it for them too. 

Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

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23 minutes ago, Goldwell said:

That is good to know!


Ill delete the blackjack def file in my upcoming missions. And when I update my existing ones, I’ll remove it for them too. 

Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

No missions are (or shouldn't be) broken in 2.11 because of the Blackjack changes. @Obsttorte was diligent and implemented a fallback. Until someone proves otherwise, all those missions are fine.


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It's not that the missions are broken. They are as good as they were with 2.10 or even better. It's that the new blackjack raise animation doesn't show. It breaks that feature; "tdm_blackjack_indicate 1" doesn't work. Players who are used to that behavior won't have it and may wonder why.

Whether or not this is a big deal will depend on the player, and it's up to the mission author to decide whether or not to fix it for them.

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I just wanted to make it clear to @Goldwell.

1 minute ago, Daft Mugi said:

 It's that the new blackjack raise animation doesn't show. It breaks that feature; "tdm_blackjack_indicate 1" doesn't work. Players who are used to that behavior won't have it and may wonder why.

I myself raised the point a few months back in a different topic for a different subject. It's a tricky situation that well deserves its own topic 😉


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Mission authors should check what core files they override (I think the console might show?) and then check if this is needed or even a good idea. Might also save some download space.

Nice to have a mappers file checker script that checks if files are both present in fm and core and (if text based) what are the differences.

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13 hours ago, snatcher said:

I just wanted to make it clear to @Goldwell.

I myself raised the point a few months back in a different topic for a different subject. It's a tricky situation that well deserves its own topic 😉


There's nothing to make clear. I didn't mention once in my original post that I thought the missions were broken because of the blackjack changes.


I'm only updating them because I want them to take advantage of the new blackjacking changes.

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Will update my blackjacks when I get a chance- might not be for a while though. I used custom blackjacks for a while but have since removed them from my pk4s.

Edited by kingsal
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On 2/5/2023 at 9:15 PM, stgatilov said:

I wonder if we should have override-with-inheritance for def files, as well as a proper way to delete a spawnarg after inheritance?

Splitting functionality up into more files might be easier to do. In both cases, mappers wouldn't need to override the entire thing just to change tiny aspects of it (probably mostly looks and parameters).

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