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Beta testing 2.12


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7 hours ago, wesp5 said:

Would it be possible to remove the extra pixels in the fonts if somebody could point out to me where these are? When looking at dds from the fonts01 archive I only see white on transparent in Paint.NET and I can't make out anything...

You need to parse .dat files of the fonts to see the rectangles used by different characters.
Then you can take .dds file of the font and somehow overlay rectangles over the image.

I'm not even sure which kind of program is suitable for it.

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Since I got a request for it, here is a 2.12 beta 3 compliant version of the Fresnel Mod:


Also, the Animated Grass Demo has been made 2.12 beta compliant:


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On 1/14/2024 at 6:25 AM, wesp5 said:

Would it be possible to remove the extra pixels in the fonts[...]

Then the characters that you removed the pixels from would be less-well shaped. The right solution is to change the metadata around character spacings. That's deep in the weeds. And probably better pursued as part of generating a 12pt Stone image. If you want to take this on, I can send you some links. I did some prelim research on this last year, related to computing the width of a Stone string, but never tried to do a font edit or gen, because a lot of steps seemed unclear.

EDIT: Some of my thinking here is that maybe the scaling down from the available 24pt Stone image to a desired 12pt is introducing artifacts. Also, backing off a bit from what I said above, maybe not removing pixels, but shifting any problematic character glyth sideways within an image, would fix things well enough.

EDIT2: These are the main forum links I found helpful

The "Stone Print" source font in ttf form is available, e.g., from www.fontpalace.com. Useful Doom 3 tutorials are #10 "Using custom fonts" & #11 "Editing fonts". Tools include "Export Font to Doom3 - v1.02" and Q3Font. Some of this stuff comes from the wayback machine of the internet archive. I can get you copies. Sorry, can't help much with DDS editing tools.




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To follow on. While the TDM distribution does have a DDS file for Stone 12pt:


it is missing the corresponding DAT file:


so the system uses Stone 24pt as a basis instead.

BTW, the Russian version has both files for Stone 12pt. If you try to use the Russian DAT (renamed) with the English DDS, pixel nightmare.

I asked around in TDM a year ago if anyone had the missing dat file. No luck.

Hmmm, didn't mean to highjack this thread. I'll shut up now.

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On 12/3/2023 at 3:34 PM, stgatilov said:

* High mantle animation has become much faster (6343).

On 12/18/2023 at 10:23 PM, snatcher said:

Players can clip through ceilings in some situations

I hope this gets resolved. If there is one case there can be another one or many more.

By not fixing it mappers must update their best practices book and raise ceilings by a few units. Far from ideal.


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14 hours ago, Geep said:

While the TDM distribution does have a DDS file for Stone 12pt:


it is missing the corresponding DAT file:



I asked around in TDM a year ago if anyone had the missing dat file. No luck.

Maybe it is present in an older version of tdm. Files sometime get removed.

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4 hours ago, datiswous said:

Maybe it is present in an older version of tdm. Files sometime get removed.

I recall (from a year ago) I did try to go back as far as I easily could using TDM public resources. Also general searches on Google and Wayback Machine, for the specific filenames like "fontimage_12.dat" (in conjunction with "stone_0_12.dds") or possible alt naming like "stone_0_12.dat"

Maybe someone with TDM SVN/Art Archive privs could get further into the past. Or who has a machine with Doom 3 loaded? It is also possible that file is present in one of the other Thief variants, possibly with a different filename. Someone else would be better placed to explore these possibilities.

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6 hours ago, wesp5 said:

Maybe you can fix the font pixel issue please? Because you already know much more about it than me ;)!

If no one turns up the missing file (previous post), then I'll probably try to figure out how to regenerate it sometime in 2024. And/or edit DDS images. But for TDM 2.13, not 2.12

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On 1/15/2024 at 2:35 PM, Geep said:

To follow on. While the TDM distribution does have a DDS file for Stone 12pt:


it is missing the corresponding DAT file:


so the system uses Stone 24pt as a basis instead.

BTW, the Russian version has both files for Stone 12pt. If you try to use the Russian DAT (renamed) with the English DDS, pixel nightmare.

I asked around in TDM a year ago if anyone had the missing dat file. No luck.

Hmmm, didn't mean to highjack this thread. I'll shut up now.

Try this, it's the development WIP of those dat files that Tels was patching to include features for other languages:


See also:


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13 hours ago, nbohr1more said:

Try this, it's the development WIP of those dat files that Tels was patching to include features for other languages

There's good news and bad news.

The good news is that this zip file does indeed contain the missing dat file. I have checked that it is compatible with the existing dds file across printable chars* of the standard ASCII set. I see no reason not to include it with the 2.12 distribution.

*except testing method using "inline" subtitles can't do double-quotes. And I didn't try whole set of Latin-1 chars.

The bad news is that in doesn't solve any problems with stray pixels or poorly spaced characters, compared to scaling down from Stone 24pt. Artifacts were seen to the left of

% C T W Y

During test, characters were separated by two spaces, to isolate which char was causing an artifact.

Nor did I see any visually discernible improvement or change in the rendering of characters. I was looking for any thickening of the thin parts of strokes, for instance.

BTW, both Stone 24pt and now Stone 12 pt have weird stuff for ASCII "<" and ">". Maybe that's a TDM customization? The > replacement includes an artifact to right.

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Yeah, I always found this ambiguous, the same as "uninstall mission", which could imply it will be removed from your computer. This is why I changed all similar appearances in my patch from "install/installed" to "activate/activated". I believe this is better than "selected" because you first need to select a mission in the list to be "activated" or "deactivated".

Edited by wesp5
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On 1/18/2024 at 11:02 AM, madtaffer said:

In Elixir, wall is not lit, in dark, but when player approaches, it gets lit.


The "light_1" has hide_distance 100, so disabling it when player is farther than 100 units away is desired behavior.

I think before 2.10 the issue was not happening because back then "hide_distance" did not work if you did not specify "dist_check_period" also. In 2.10 requirement for explicit "dist_check_period" was lifted, and this LOD started working. It is indeed bad, if it is not desired behavior, then why such low hide_distance was set?

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There's a bug I've been noticing for a long time, but for some reason it didn't click with me to mention it till someone else just mentioned seeing the same thing and I realized I'm not the only one.

The contents of some chests and small containers like drawers will sometimes not become frobable when you open that container: You may need to close the door and open it again, after which you can frob any scrolls / keys / etc inside. Most likely something is happening with target_setfrobable getting triggered at the wrong time.

Even when they are frobable, tiny items in small containers will sometimes only highlight from a very specific position and angle: I've had cases where I needed to lean forward and look at a coin just right and it would only highlight when my crosshair was on that one pixel.

I'm sorry I didn't think to note down a FM and viewpos where to test it; If you need I'll keep that mind for when I play the next one. This doesn't happen a lot any might be hard to catch, but often enough as to be noticeable... in most recent FM's it seems to occur at least once in some drawer or lockbox.

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21 minutes ago, wesp5 said:

New subtitles? For what exactly?

Change the subtitle setting from Story to On in the audio menu.

You will now see subtitles for standard AI greetings / barks.

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On 1/20/2024 at 11:10 PM, MirceaKitsune said:

The contents of some chests and small containers like drawers will sometimes not become frobable when you open that container: You may need to close the door and open it again, after which you can frob any scrolls / keys / etc inside. Most likely something is happening with target_setfrobable getting triggered at the wrong time.

See this post:

I wonder if it could be modified so that the set_frobable could be done when box is at a quarter of open animation.


On 1/20/2024 at 11:10 PM, MirceaKitsune said:

Even when they are frobable, tiny items in small containers will sometimes only highlight from a very specific position and angle: I've had cases where I needed to lean forward and look at a coin just right and it would only highlight when my crosshair was on that one pixel.

I think that this has to do with frob-distance and/or if the container where the item is in also has frob-higlight. It think that when the box is opened, frob-highlight for the box-body should be enabled.

So the best would be probably:

  • If box is closed, whole box should have frob-highlight enabled.
  • When box is open, only lid should have frob-highlight enabled.

This should be applied to all core prefabs.


I also have this sometimes with messages sticking to doors, where it is very difficult to frob the message or door.

Edited by datiswous
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