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Seems preferences don't save when updating DR, even though it finds the correct folder and remembers previous maps, etc...


Evreytime I update I have to change the default grid size again (which IMO should start at 16 anyway so n00bs aren't building on grid 1 right off the bat). I know that has caused more than one mapper to create leaks.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


If this has been asked for before my apologies...


but the old shift click when muylti selecting issue, where everything behind the brush/item you were trying to select gets selected so you have top start the multi select all over again.. The quick fix is for me to slow down while multi selecting, but for the love of god thats annoying.


my wish is to have a proper work around to the above.


my wish is to have a proper work around to the above.


The trouble is that it's working as intended; so the only way a workaround really makes sense is to either add an option for drag sensitivity or to add a slightly different input. I thought a bit about the first, but it doesn't really make sense since sometimes I drag tiny quick boxes to select a stack of stuff, but at the same time sometimes I do just want a single select.


As such perhaps something light shift+right click (does nothing currently) could be changed to this to this? otherwise perhaps shift+ctrl+left click or something?

As such perhaps something light shift+right click (does nothing currently) could be changed to this to this? otherwise perhaps shift+ctrl+left click or something?

I've just had another look at what Im doing and its that I am holding the LMB for a fraction of second too long and DR is seeing this as a drag select. Maybe just ad a tiny delay in so that when I/we click we have to hold the mouse button for longer than say 0.5-0.75 of a second for DR to activate the drag reticule.


On another note I cant believe I am the only one having this issue..?


On another note I cant believe I am the only one having this issue..?


Never got it to happen under normal use :) my heavily modded copperhead on a lovely thin fabric pad, like a surgeon.


See the thing is : As you seem to be in the minority (I'm sure there are others), changing the behavior can then get in the way of people like me who are quick and accurate and havent run into it before. But yeah at the end of the day it's down to greebo to see if its feasible and easy (I have no idea how the input works). Ctrl+click would be pretty good with me personally, kinda seems logical to me... kinda.


Look at me bikeshedding, oh the shaaaaame :/


well just to rap up its not a case of changing what key on the keyboard (shift, ctrl, etc) its just adding the aformentioned delay on the click, its short enough so as not effect people with £40 mice (Serps) but will ad ernough delay that will hopefully help people like with £10-20 mice (me/others). In fact to have out cake and eat it, have it an option that can be turned on/off and while on the delay varied.


I wish to be able to set SPACE as a modifier for keys, but seem unable to do it.


1: Shift and SPACE have to be typed into the input.xml file. Changing the key in DR won't accept Shift as a key.

If I type shift it just cycles through the keys. ie: S-h-i..


2: even using SPACE in the input.xml doesn't seem to work.


(I'm trying to match my key binds to Hammers as I find them more intuitive and think it would help to have that set-up for people who are used to it.)

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


I wish to be able to set SPACE as a modifier for keys, but seem unable to do it.


Works just fine over here, you dont actually type in the key combo, you just press it.


i.e select the action you want to change, click edit, make sure the edit box is selected in the little modal window, hold down shift then press spacebar.

Space itself can never be a modifier or any type of meta-key.


So there's no way to have Shift+Mouse_left drag my view?


<event name="MoveView" button="MOUSE_LEFT" modifiers="" />


(right click is actually a little nicer, but for sake of compatibility...)




I was able to hit shift then space and have shift+space come up in the window, but I want shift+ mouse button, and clicking mouse button in the dialog doesn't work.



In Hammer shift-left allows you to rotate camera in 3d, or move the view in 2d. Also in 3d you can fly around (wasd) while holding shift leftmouse to rotate and fly around.


In DR I got wasd set up. left mouse lets you pan camera, but not at same time as flying. Then 2d view is right mouse.


Both use left mouse to drag new brush.


I want Hammer style for all this.


I change 'enable freelook' from right to left, but then 3d in DR drags the brush around, this doesn't happen in Hammer.


Can the 3d view controls and 2d controls be seperated?

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


So there's no way to have Shift+Mouse_left drag my view?

<event name="MoveView" button="MOUSE_LEFT" modifiers="SHIFT" />

I change 'enable freelook' from right to left, but then 3d in DR drags the brush around, this doesn't happen in Hammer.

	<!--<event name="Manipulate" button="MOUSE_LEFT" modifiers="" minSelectionCount="0" />-->

Make sure its commented out like that, or delete it...

Can the 3d view controls and 2d controls be seperated?

They already are... xyview = 2d, observer = 3D :)


ah cool, getting to late tonight but I'll look into fixing those in a few days.


ctrl-c works fine for copy/paste, so I can live without the shift, left_mouse to clone.


I almost think DR has too many options. Half of them aren't even assigned keys, and the other half are twice as many options as any editor I know even has. And probably 3 times as many as I'll ever use.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


OK, back to this.




<!--<event name="Manipulate" button="MOUSE_LEFT" modifiers="" minSelectionCount="0" />-->




breaks the system. It does make the brushes no manipulatable in 3d, but also in 2d. If I add the manipulate line to the xyv view (without being commented out of courser)

it still doesn't work.


So it seems that 2d and 3d ARE tied to each other. This sucks because I DON'T want to move brushes in 3d (good way to accidentally create leaks).

I have this in xyz

<event name="Select" button="MOUSE_LEFT" />


So it seems I can either have left click select toggle with NO manipulation (movement) of brushes in either view OR I get NO left click select but I can manipulate in BOTH views.


Neither option is what I want.


I want left click to select one brush at a time only (with left click - Ctrl selecting more than one) , brush manipulation with LMB held down ONLY in 2d, and NO manipulation of brushes in 3d at all.




I was actually getting confused when I wrote I wanted Left-Shift to control view movement. I wanted left-Space.

Of course that's not working. At least I understand the xyz vrs observer now.


Can space be made to work through bit index? Can I add a 3? or is it only 0,1,2? I tried 3 and didn't seem to work. I replaced ALT with SPACE and that seem to get buggy.


<modifier name="SHIFT" bitIndex="0" />

<modifier name="CONTROL" bitIndex="1" />

<modifier name="ALT " bitIndex="2" />



In Hammer left click 3d view selects and at the same time deselects the last selection (so only one brush at a time is selected).

Cntrl, left is used to select multiple.


In DR, left click toggles. so click one brush it's selected, click a second both are selected. click either it is unselected... :(

Can I make it behave like Hammer?



I'm using this for selection in 2d.

<event name="Select" button="MOUSE_LEFT" modifiers="CONTROL" />


it toggles the brush, but I have to let go of Cntrl to see the toggle select. So that's buggy. might as well just use left click, but that doesn't work like I want.



I would also like to change how the camera operates. For now I'm OK with Space not being used but...



<event name="EnableFreeLookMode" button="MOUSE_RIGHT" modifiers="" />

<event name="DisableFreeLookMode" button="MOUSE_RIGHT" modifiers="" />

<strafemode toggle="CONTROL" forward="SHIFT" speed="0.65" forwardFactor="-1" />



This makes it so you have to click to rotate, click to toggle rotate off.


Can it just be set so holding the RMB down lets you rotate, not holding it down locks it? The toggle is annoying.


In Hammer you can hold space, RMB to strafe/up/down camera, or Space, LMB to rotate. All the while using WASD to control movement. Very smooth, very easy to position camera.


In DR you have to click, rotate, click, THEN use WASD (or arrows standard) to move/strafe (while up and down is 2 other keys). Then click to rotate, click to move again... BLAH. Very clunky, very hard to position camera.



I'm also finding that editing the input.xml (in DR folder), saving will change some settings, but not if they conflict with the settings under keyboard shortcuts. Likewise changing keyboard shortcuts doesn't change the input.xml doc, but I can't find another input.xml ANYWHERE on my system.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


I can't follow all that but I never use the arrow keys. In camera I use, let's see...


RMB to select free(?) mode) (cursor disappears)

Then ctrl+shift+mouse drag moves me left right forward back in camera.

And release ctrl so just shift+mouse drag moves me up down left right.

Mousewheel for very rapid forward back zoom.

RMB when ready to exit that mode.


So that mode is very intuitive and I use no other in camera. It gives deep long moves yet also very fine control all at the same time. On slow systems sometimes you might move the mouse quickly and it somehow latches onto ortho view without releasing the free move so you need to move the invisible cursor back over the camera. But apart from that it gives an immense feeling of freedom to move about in the camera.


You should try Hammer, camera movement is beautiful.


Hold space to 'lock movement mode' , no toggle.


While in that mode (holding space):


LMB and mouse movement controls forward/backward/strafe.


RMB controls rotation of camera (tilt that direction, push up tilt up)


WASD controls movement like player in game.


Of course only RMB or LMB at once, but you can move forward, while rotating the camera all at the same time.



Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


I want left click to select one brush at a time only (with left click - Ctrl selecting more than one) , brush manipulation with LMB held down ONLY in 2d, and NO manipulation of brushes in 3d at all.


Ah sorry, I seem to have not checked that out. observer overrides xyview/cameraview. Removing Manip from there to xyview doesn't work. greebo might be able to sort that out? I think it'd be a nice feature, since sometimes looking around with the camera I'd like to be able to select and modify textures etc but not actually break the geometry.


I was actually getting confused when I wrote I wanted Left-Shift to control view movement. I wanted left-Space.

Do you mean mouse_left + space? In which case : cripes - see later.


In Hammer left click 3d view selects and at the same time deselects the last selection (so only one brush at a time is selected).

Cntrl, left is used to select multiple.

Yeah we could really do with a SelectOnly action, it could fix up Bikerdude's issue too.


In Hammer you can hold space, RMB to strafe/up/down camera, or Space, LMB to rotate. All the while using WASD to control movement. Very smooth, very easy to position camera.


In DR you have to click, rotate, click, THEN use WASD (or arrows standard) to move/strafe (while up and down is 2 other keys). Then click to rotate, click to move again... BLAH. Very clunky, very hard to position camera.

You should be able to get quite close to that, but not using space as a modifier - I have no idea why valve/sierra ever decided to use it, it's bad design and its completely nonstandard nor compliant with any UI guidelines, I dont think there's any direct method for even doing it with gtk's input besides using a manual sub-binding, which is a bad idea since its non portable for the most part. You might be able to use the windows key, tho I don't know if it'll still get passed to windows once it's lifted... if that sounds like a plan I'll try see if I can get it working.


I'm also finding that editing the input.xml (in DR folder), saving will change some settings, but not if they conflict with the settings under keyboard shortcuts. Likewise changing keyboard shortcuts doesn't change the input.xml doc, but I can't find another input.xml ANYWHERE on my system.



(use locate32, windows search is pretty horrible especially with the background indexing/semantic crap)

  • 3 weeks later...

In some ase models I change the values of these keywords










because I want to make the texture finer. I know I can do this in Blender by scaling my UV's but this is something I do when I look at the model in Doom and compare it to other surfaces, then I change these values and update the model in doom and see if it's right.


Now doom3 can deal with these changed values but I noticed Dark Radiant doesn't, it doesn't seem to use these values. Similar ones are:





Aha. If Doom 3 supports them, DarkRadiant should do that in principle too. Can you file a bug report? Not sure if it's possible at this point or whether I'm able to figure it out.

  • 8 months later...

I would really like some updater as for the Dark mord itself.. Just for new models and textures awiable asap.

He was sneeking silently in the night, moonlight was his enemy.

(Im not a native speaker, sorry for all miscleanous caused by my english..)


This is probably asking too much but...


Ideally, Dark Radiant would have a tool that could simulate a player pathing then entire map using a line drawn by the user.


During this simulation the scene culling would be calculated and Visportals would automatically be generated based on various criteria.


You could have it do a coarse run and then several refinement runs to improve accuracy.


You could specify Draw calls or other performance factors such as scene texture memory or light counts and instead generate Func_Portals for

areas that wont VP.


Short of that pipe-dream or changing the whole Visportal and Culling mechanism in general...


Integrating something like Grayman's Visportal tool would be nice.

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

new decal orientation and its corresponding texture orientation is borderline on insane. with selecting 2 new adjacent decals, adding subdivision levels of the same type (horiz or vert), one adds subdivisions up and down, the other goes left and right, even if you are adjusting BOTH in vertical subdivisions or something. Texture orientations are rediculously flipped or rotated in random ways by default that can't be fixed by just pasting texures, but must be oriented correctly first... and god forbid you did something wrong and hit "natural" to try to unstretch something in the surface inspector it resets the whole orientation back to its default....


I wish there was a way, out of any of the arbitrary vertex position assignments given in a new square patch, you could say "rotate vertex alignment 90 degrees". rotate is not exactly the right word, but if you've ever tried to add vertical subdivisions and it splits horizontally, you know what i'm talking about.


For the texture orientation, i wish that selecting "natural" or "fixed" would do so in a way that applies your current rotation or axis flipping when it readjusts, instead of resetting to its default from when it was created. If you could do that, it would be super ridiculous easy to copy texture coords from one patch to another, even if they are vastly different shapes/sizes, then hit natural on the target patch, and now the target patch texture is correctly flipped/rotated to match the source patch, with a natural scaling. This doesn't guarantee alignment with the source patch, but it would reduce like 90% of the work.

Edited by ungoliant
Posted (edited)

I realize an illustrative image might shed some light on what i'm talking about, so here:


these are all newly created decals. note both the physical vertex layout differences, and the texture orientations. these patches are at strange angles, good luck rotating them for a quick fix, lol. (note: i am only bringing this up for discussion of the problem and possible fixes for that problem, I don't need work-around advice, I'm sure I could whip something up)\

edit: right, so to tie this in to the wishlist thing again: I wish there was a way I could arbitrarily orient these decals BEFORE their actual creation.

Edited by ungoliant

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