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Mortem Desino

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Mortem Desino last won the day on January 6

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About Mortem Desino

  • Birthday 04/29/1991

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    That mysterious jar in the fridge

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  1. Even though I've been absent a long while, I still find myself dreamily wishing for the free time to do TDM mission development. When working on new research projects I'll find myself involuntarily thinking, "hee hee this could be a fun texture or readable or bit of map architecture." Or I find myself absentmindedly responding out loud to odd noises with a drunkguard-like "must've been rats!"

    1. datiswous


      If you had the time, what would you like to work on?

    2. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      An amazing little mission, we can all hope 😀

    3. Mortem Desino

      Mortem Desino

      "Little mission" is exactly the right advice. :) I have the same issue in writing: I need to learn how to condense, condense, condense.

      Another example: Whenever I research ecclesiastical history, I've got a nagging voice in the back of my head, asking, "Could there possibly be a parallel event in the Builder's Church?"

  2. You look like you could use some more content. Take this pk4 and toss it alongside your current FM resources, and open up "box.map". I did a little bit of work in this area years ago when I thought to myself, "TDM is definitely powerful enough to do some out-of-the-box settings. I wonder if I could make a sci-fi setting?" So I wrote definitions for a bunch of CC BY-NC-ND textures, shamelessly stole a wrench weapon from another D3 mod, and got to work on a map. I didn't get much more done other than a small hallway, and a fancy door with special AI-handling. But open 'er up and give it a whirl, noclip around (there's only three rooms). I'd much rather someone get some use out of it than it sit unused on my hard drive.
  3. I, also, like Moonbo, don't enjoy entering debates like this for the same reasons he noted. I especially hate to pop in just for this after I've taken a long hiatus from TDM. However, I'm quite disappointed in some of the dead horsiness around this subject. Which also means that it condones slavery. Contradicting your claim that it "made it immoral". People used the Bible, including the New Testament, to justify slavery until the 1800s. It's amazing that no one noticed that it made slavery immoral until after society started to have ethical problems with slavery. Springheel, I know for a fact that you're much more thoughtful than that. "The bible condones slavery" was already an unintelligible dead horse argument in the 19th century. And surely you recognize the several logical beggings of the question in your bald assertion (if I may syllogize it thusly:) "people have used the biblical text to justify slavery; slavery is ethically unacceptable; therefore I need not pay thoughtful attention to what the historic biblical text or historic Christianity actually has to say regarding it". Which people, and where, with what arguments? Which texts from the New Testament? What kind of slavery? Christian Thought has an ethical basis upon which to call slavery immoral -- Don't you need one of your own in order to say the same? And even if most Christians had supported slavery (and they never did), we surely don't make consensus gentium a test for truth? Slavery as a metaphor in New Testament theological discourse is common knowledge. Paul, being a good educated 1st century man, used several legal metaphors to talk about Soteriology and the relationship of man to God -- slaves, sons, citizens, property managers, and more. That is the purpose of slavery in the places where it acts as metaphor. You asked about the text from Ephesians 6 including, "masters, treat your slaves in the same way [as you would Christ]." If you are trying to pull that paragraph out of its meaningful literary context, in order to think of it as a bare standalone ethical maxim, you'll be sorely disappointed. If you're looking for veiled calls to social revolution, you'll be equally disappointed. Consider that the exhortations in the second half of Ephesians have an established foundation -- Paul isn't beating the church in Ephasus with a philosophically groundless moral bludgeon. There is a Christological and Soteriological premise for his cohortatives toward Christian living. Hence Anderson's argument that "the general idea of the texts is to recognize the brother in every servant and sort of to subtly suggest society to change its attitude." Even the very short letter of Paul to Philemon the slaveowner follows this pattern (in short: "Before you even consider what to do with this runaway slave, who is your brother in Christ, consider first how God in Christ has dealt with you.") One of the only philosophical stances against slavery in the whole modern era (outside of Christianity) is Kant's Categorical Imperative and Enlightenment natural law theory. Two historically laughable disappointments with regard to abolition. Even the anti-Christian Marquis de Condorcet had to begrudgingly admit that "only a few philosophes have from time to time dared raise a cry in favour of humanity [over against slaveholding.]" Enlightenment natural law theory died when 19th century men discovered that there were hundreds of non-Western nations that didn't conform with the "rationality" of Enlightenment Europeans. And even if someone could demonstrate the correctness of either of these ethical systems, will people even follow it when it goes against their self-interest or value system? Thomas Jefferson is a perfect example -- he gave lip service to slavery being a "hideous evil", but he still remained a lifelong slaveowner, never attempted to stop his financial dependence on slavery, remained racist not only to people of color but also antisemite, and he made slavery a constitutional right in the expanding territories. Meanwhile in Christianity, all classic Christians have always held that "if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come," and the transformed Christian's value system and worldview will have soteriological motivation to treat his neighbor as himself. Finally, let's bring some empirical and historical force to the arguement. Figures like Granville Sharp and William Wilburforce should need no explication, but permit me to quote a few other thinkers on this subject: S. Scott Bartchy, “Slavery,” International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Henri Wallon: Histoire de l’esclavage dans l’Antiquité (Written 1847--and already writing on the beneficial historic Christian impact on slavery in antiquity!) Alvin J. Schmidt, Under the Influence: How Christianity Transformed Civilization (2001): Philadelphian Quaker Benjamin Lay, All Slave-keepers that Keep the Innocent in Bondage: (1737): William Warburton, A Sermon Preached Before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (1766): John Wesley, Thoughts upon Slavery (1774): Charles Elliott, Sinfulness of American Slavery: Proved from Its Evil Sources; Its Injustice; Its Wrongs; Its Contrariety to Many Scriptural Commands, Prohibitions, and Principles, and to the Christian Spirit (1850)
  4. I'm still alive! (Just working 12-hour workdays.)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sotha


      12 hour work days with capability to do drunk vocals?


      Work truly is the scourge of the drinking classes!


      What do you do for a living anyhow?

    3. Bikerdude


      Welcome back fella.

    4. grayman
  5. Well, I can kind of fake a projected shadow by using an omni, and moving the light_center. blendshadowtest.map.txt blendshadowtest.script.OPTIONAL.txt
  6. Good gracious. A very young, relatively incompetent me in that old thread.
  7. "blendLight" is just a global keyword within the material definition. It's a cheap operation because it simplifies the light interactions to not bother with the normalmap et al. Most of the light textures under lights/shadows/ are basically black splotches on a transparent background. The material shader just uses a "blend blend" stage. The ones in the NHAT forest (lights/shadows/shadow_canopy6) are different -- their stage is "blend gl_dst_color, gl_one", which would actually light up polygons. For some reason, I seem to remember that they don't work as a projected light, only omni.
  8. Hmmm. I'm getting a Master's of Divinity; maybe I should flesh out a short scriptural, systematic, historical, and practical theology of the Builder Faith this summer.
  9. My personal favorites come from when I invited a German colleague of mine to watch an old American gangster film. (Spoken with a thick Eddie Robinson/Bogart/New York accent. ""Go give him what for." "Yeah, what for?" "That's right. Clean his clock! He spilled the beans, and he let the cat out of the bag." "You got it, boss, I'll give him the works."
  10. None taken, sir. Hmm...this reminds me of a silly TDM video I made some time ago...
  11. I was going to release this on April Fools' day, but I might release it instead as a video for the Thief Mod Competition. (NSFW Language) http://youtu.be/wPkcN9geVt0
  12. Indeed. I cringe every time I hear my old builder vocal set. I haven't gotten sick of hearing myself as Benny, though.
  13. Second that. I, for one, wouldn't be at all insulted if any of my amateur recordings get bested. I'm not sure how much foley work you do, but what I heard in the ambient track was grand!
  14. Keep the barebones worldspawn "shell" of your map on a decent-sized grid--and then put all the details in the world you want inside of that worldspawn shell. This is just the way BSP map building has worked since Quake 1. If you neglect that and you get internal leaks, then that is the source of all kinds of grief. Internal leaks can mess with map compiling (as you just found out), it harms performance by rendering more than is necessary, it can cause odd rendering bugs (esp. with lights), it can cause sounds to propogate in odd directions, it can confuse AI pathfinding, and more. EDIT: Ah, RJFerret beat me to it. I used to do AutoCAD work for a local Battlebots team. If the CAD drawing of a machine part was "eeehh, it looks good enough", the actual BNC machining the part would reject it with an error message, or it would yield an obviously inferior piece. Think of it just like that. Your worldspawn doesn't need heavy intricate details (in fact, it's usually preferable not to.), but it should be a robustly foolproof leak-proof base.
  15. I don't have DR on this computer, so I can't check the map file, but it seems like one of the walls of your room is a func_static? That'd definitely cause an internal leak, and be the cause of all kinds of goofy artifacts after dmap. EDIT: Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of the telltale signs of internal leaks.
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