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  2. can be a fun project (or drive you to madness) it can be fiddly to get the cards to work together i can attest to that having used an old nvidia card as an accelerator for my no longer used amd R9 290X. when it works it works beautifully but it does not really make sense for games that dont use physx.
  3. I need to try this my self someday.
  4. yeah at some point several years ago they gimped the physx driver so it could only run with GPU acceleration if no amd card was detected, as expected they got quite a boatload of flak for that move but it persisted for some generations of the physx driver before they removed it again.
  5. oh it is indeed possible could even use an old nvidia card like the 6600 gtx as a physx accelerator but the drivers can be hard to get to live together
  6. Well even at full PhysX rendering the Nvidia GPU is using about 40 watts. Compared to the output of the 14700k and 7900XTX at 360 FPS output, it's not even noticeable.
  7. Oh I never realized that was possible now, I recall Nvidia not letting AMD users use a Nvidia GPU has a PhysX accelerator!? And btw I don't think the extra PhysX effects are worth it for the extra heat and energy consumption of having two GPU's on a system. And I say this has someone that (unfortunately) bought a Ageia PPU and played the hell out of CellFactor and Warmonger, specially this last one.
  8. or rather was shut down by nvidia there was at some point one but it was sanctioned hard by 'ykw'.
  9. yeah physx heavy games have allways been the bane of AMD gfx though it should work if you use the legacy drivers from nvidia performance is mostly crap if physx effects are cranked up. to bad actually as the physx software was opensourced by nvidia but noone cared enough to actually write a wrapper for physx/opencl.
  10. So I did something a bit nuts last night. I've been wanting to replay some old games that heavily used PhysX, but they run like crap on my AMD Radeon system. Games like Mirror's Edge 1, Batman series, Metro Exodus, Boderlands 2 etc. I had a spare EVGA 980ti sitting on the shelf, so took the computer apart and added it to my system. After playing around with PCIe lane splitting, I was able to get 8x Gen4 to the 7900XTX, 4x Gen 3 to the 980ti. Also, using the DirectX to Vulkan wrapper for Mirror's Edge, I was playing the game at 1440p, 360 fps, with PhysX on and it just worked. I did have to do some fiddling with software though, installed JUST the graphics driver from 2021, no control panel, and latest PhysX software. Of course you have to fiddle with each game to get it to use the latest physx binaries instead of the included ancient ones, but once I got it working, Batman Arkham City benchmark was running at an average 240 fps with Max of 360 fps with PhysX on.
  11. Try to disable bloom that will probably make that error go away. If so, It seems Nvidia is now returning nan's (not a number) in their drivers for the bloom shader like AMD did some time ago.
  12. I too have an RTX 3060 Ti, but don't have these issues. Maybe share the rest of your configuration and it might make it easier to narrow the issue down? What OS is it, what's the rest of the hardware config, etc...
  13. Somehow I admire the fact that the material from Dune has now been filmed for the third time. Personally, I could never do much with the material, but as a child of the 80s, I of course know the David Lynch movie...and that movie was at least funny! :)

  14. I was having trouble deciding how I wanted to balance and portray the zombies in my upcoming FM and many pointed me towards towards Hazard Pay as the gold example. I must say, it did not disappoint! I especially loved the atmosphere, the resource management and item scarcity, the safe rooms, it all made for a rather refreshing mission and a great source of inspiration for my own project. Keep up the great work, Kingsal!
  15. https://www.ibiblio.org/harris/500milemail.html
  16. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2310.09242 I found this paper on the day elon officialy launched Starlink in Bali 2 weeks ago and the saga continues : https://www.potaroo.net/ispcol/2024-05/starlink-tcp.html
  17. For T2 FMs, this list from a post is pretty good, starting with the ones in bold, but it leaves out a lot of the top rated ones on CheapThiefMissions, which covers classic FMs. At least the top 10 on that site are also must plays. (I think the link already takes you to the ordered list, but click the "Rating" button to make sure it's ordered by rating if it's not already.) And for recent FMs, there's the Thief Guild's top rated list.
  18. I have an RTX 3060 Ti and I am seeing these purple blocks pop up when 64 bit color is enabled. It seems to happen on/around some sources of water. Switching to 32 Bit color fixes it. Also, arrows are passing through bodies. I noticed water arrows pass through undead. And gas arrows pass through human guards. I am running the latest version - 2.12 Images of the glitch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uutkLhEysNkD2KXE0BB7zC-MspANgewq/view?usp=drive_link https://drive.google.com/file/d/17M3bdhSUW_aZiiKREPqKF-hNY3T9mhAa/view?usp=drive_link
  19. Yesterday
  20. Ascend The Dim Valley Trail of Blood 2 The Last Lighthouse Keeper Snobs series Pirate's Ahoy Lady Lisa's Harbor Firefly Compulsory Egress
  21. I did and it's more clear now. Yet, the problem of the full moon not producing enough light still persist.
  22. Core Essentials, to a greater or lesser success, is supposed to have mods that players like and want and mods that players don't mind having. Yes!
  23. Thanks for the permission, I changed the internal names again to make sure it stacks but I don't really know if it works. As for the patch vs modpack situation, this reminds me of my Bloodlines Unofficial Patch. When I began working on it I restored all the lost content that I could find until players complained that they only want to play the original game with no bugs. So I split the patch into a basic version, almost bug fixes only, and a plus version, restoring and recreating a lot of content. I have the feeling you and I are maintaining the plus and basic mods for TDM at the moment. You go all in and I like that, but I keep it to the basics for everybody who only wants slightly improved original gameplay. And of course things like the bottles belong into the core game anyway and then we can remove them from both our works !
  24. LOL, blame it on my English, I didn't think it could sound that way Everything I do is unofficial. Thanks to the great scripting system this engine has and thanks to past and present Developers that kept opening the engine with each new release to more and more scripting events we can create complex plug and play mods (or add-ons) that sit on top of everything without the need of touching the source code. Going to some places is tough for the developers - even when they truly want to go there - and mods can fill some gaps. The Modpack can be easily installed (download and move) and can be easily removed, leaving no traces behind. Give it a try, if you like, and experience it first hand. (Regarding "Extra dynamic brightness based on lightgem values") Yes, I agree. It should not be constant otherwise we end up with pointer that is most of the time too bright simply because its static brightness must account for all potential situations. I ran tests in many different scenarios going from the darkest missions (ie: High Expectations) to the brightest (Reap As You Sow) and while using the lightgem as reference isn't perfect it helps immensely in keeping the brightness down when sneaking in the shadows. Pointers designed to blend in with the user interface A HUD element that can be perceived as part of the game, because of the style and/or functionality. Little trick to make things flow when operating doors The ring fades out when frobbing a door inviting you to carry on with your business. Technically, the ring fades out when a door rotates.
  25. Here is what I think: This kind of made sense up until 2.12 since only one big mod could claim the throne but now mods stack and there is no need for multiple copies of the same mod in different initiatives. I wonder what the benefit of following this trend is, and who benefits from it. Another story is when we take existing mods for a spin and we improve them or make them different, in which case we are competing and innovating and it is not only justified but advisable (customers win). Otherwise we are simply copying each other and we are putting players in an A or B situation when players can perfectly have A and B (and C) with no duplications or conflicts. Besides, mods often are maintained and having different copies of a mod in different packages makes it difficult to understand which version is current. What would be truly great is to see new, unique, compelling, awesome mods coming from different fronts. Having said that, I understand this also is a hobby for you and you are well intended and I am glad you like this mod and you are free to do with it whatever you please!
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    • JackFarmer

      Somehow I admire the fact that the material from Dune has now been filmed for the third time. Personally, I could never do much with the material, but as a child of the 80s, I of course know the David Lynch movie...and that movie was at least funny!
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    • Baal

      Episode 3 of the second best Doom 3 mod, Phobos,  was just released.
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    • snatcher

      TDM Modpack v4.2 released!
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    • The Black Arrow

      Hey @nbohr1morehow come the zombies in The Dark Mod don't have a "resurrection" mechanic to it, similar to how Thief has it?
      They're quite a weak creature as of right now, it's merely a walking corpse that slashes you, making attacking them to kill them an actual strategy.
      Would be better if they had some cool mechanism to it that truly makes them a danger, such as the resurrection idea itself.
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    • Ansome

      Query: when was the last time a zombie in a video game was unnerving or scary to you? I'm chipping away at my anniversary submission and I've been trying to gather opinions on the subject. I'm perfectly capable of lighting them well, changing their sfx, and creating effective ambience, but I'm worried that zombies at their core are just too overdone to be an effective payoff to the tension I'm creating.
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