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  1. Today
  2. Congrats on the release. It's a stunningly beautiful mission. I could almost use a walkthrough, but I'll plug along in the meantime
  3. Yesterday
  4. Not sure if you confused tdm_frobhelper_fadein_duration with tdm_frobhelper_fadein_delay here, but if anything, I would discard the delay. The fadein_duration is supposed to smoothen the appearance of the frobhelper, thereby making it a bit more subtle. Why would you want to delay displaying the frob helper and then have it pop in instantly? If a player wants it to be intrusive, the hover option is the way to go. Subtlety was a key requirement in the design of this feature. Thats probably something we should fix.
  5. Appears not. It is hardcoded in FollowActorTask.cpp as 60 units, specifically: #define DISTANCE_FOLLOWER_REACHED 60 #define DISTANCE_FOLLOWER_CATCHUP_DISTANCE 480 #define DISTANCE_FOLLOWER_CLOSE_ENOUGH_TO_STOP_RUNNING 180
  6. I wonder if just leaving/re-entering the room will fix the issue with the jewelry cabinets. I've left a 'known issues' section in the original post to try that. As this seems to be far too common, I will probably need to release an update.
  7. I am going to go with four options: Always Hover Delayed ("Fade In" and "Fade In Fast" will do the same) No
  8. I really liked this mission, the variety, the architecture, the verticality, the soundscapes, the nice little touches like In some ways I think it expands the TDM universe in a totally new direction, like few other missions do.
  9. Here are some guidelines I sort of use: err on the small side rather than large. A common complaint in maps from new mappers is too much open space, rooms too large, etc. Smaller rooms also provide a more medieval feel. If you make a room you need to fill it with stuff to avoid the above - so the smaller the better keep room for AI to move - minimum of 36 units to pass between objects Place an AI and/or furniture in the room first thing as a reference point Also need to make sure there is room for AI to open/close doors. Test the AI in your room as early as possible work in multiples of 8 - so hall width of 64/96/128 and room height of 128, etc. And then just pick whichever one suits your scene the best.
  10. Regarding "Fade In" and "Fade In Fast" I think I know what these two visions were going for. "Fade In" wants to delay the help as much as possible (not to spoil the fun, I guess) by making use of an initial delay - where nothing happens - and a slow fade in. "Fade In Fast" takes a more direct approach (in disagreement with "Fade In", I guess) and goes for a shorter initial delay - where nothing happens - and a faster fade in. In my opinion the fade in speed (tdm_frobhelper_fadein_duration) must be discarded. Players should not be waiting to see if they can detect the helper but should wait because they know the helper is about to popup in its full glory.
  11. You ok with testing the release candidat maybe next week?
  12. Yep, sorry about that! I know that figuring out using space effectively in a new engine/editor comes with experience, I just wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts that could put me on the right path for my anniversary mission. I'll play through those levels you mentioned again and take some notes. Thank you as usual, Nbohr1more!
  13. Hey! Can I claim to be a newbie here? I am trying to make an improved version of the Ropescroller script that sets a shader parm on the rope texture to make it scroll and fakes movement. I am working with a 3 state elevator rather than the two state elevator that was in "A New Job" ( where my original script was designed ). The elevator position entities only offer call_on_arrive and call_on_leave spawnargs so you cannot distinguish when the middle buttons intend to go up, down, or called to player. I tried adding a frob_action_script spawnarg to the buttons but it just kills the entities. Is there a preferred way to query which button was pressed and pass that to a script variable? As I can tell, the "elevator buttons entities" don't offer any end-point for making such a request?
  14. You're asking a pretty tough question here and it's more about game-play aesthetics than a technical issue. I would humbly offer that my favorite room sizing is in Sir Talbot's Collateral but I also enjoyed the spacing in Seeking Lady Leicester so there may not be a hard \ fast rule here. Mostly just need to have enough patrols to make the place challenging but have fair escape points that can be accessed with careful maneuvering. I especially enjoy escaping into the ceilings ( Sir Talbot's ) pipe climbs and nooks are also cool.
  15. To be honest, while I kept the frob helper available in my latest patches, I use the dark outline instead which is really nice :)!
  16. https://www.eizo.com/products/flexscan/ev2730q/ TDM devs at the time depicted the future of gaming..
  17. Here is a 16:9 version of the briefing_video: I had to increase the contrast a bit though, because the changed aspect ratio means there are black area's left and right of the video, while the inner part is dark-grey, which looks bad. Apart from that the video shows now smaller on-screen (at least in 16:9) because it doesn't get stretched. This means that the video has been slightly changed. briefing_video.mp4 briefing_video.zip
  18. Nobody? While working on the mod I noticed that while "Fade In Fast" parameters apply it does not stick in the menu from session to session and it reverts back to "Fade In". The preset is missing in game/game_local.cpp: int frobHelperPreset = 0; // Off if (cvarSystem->GetCVarBool("tdm_frobhelper_active")) { if (cvarSystem->GetCVarBool("tdm_frobhelper_alwaysVisible")) { frobHelperPreset = 1; // Always } else if (cvarSystem->GetCVarInteger("tdm_frobhelper_fadein_delay") == 0 && cvarSystem->GetCVarInteger("tdm_frobhelper_fadein_duration") == 0) { frobHelperPreset = 2; // Hover } else { frobHelperPreset = 3; // Fade In } }
  19. Yeah I don't know why that format was chosen. The install_splash.tga files are also often in 1:1 and then get stretched in some direction with every monitor resolution. It's even documented that you have to save the file in that format (256x256). Maybe it's used as a middle ground between 4:3 and 5:4 (probably most common used aspect ratio's used then).
  20. The peek will be reviewed by the Devs at some point, and not because of the 32bit, but because it apparently does not work in Linux. This requisite is in your head and while legit, it is not what I was going for. I have yet to find one of these!
  21. Is there such thing as a square monitor? I've never seen one. The closest to square was 4:3 and I haven't seen a screen like that in years.
  22. So why would this feature not work on a 32bit TDM version? I only noticed that it still works on door that don't have a keyhole at all :)! Also what happens if you peek through a keyhole into the void, in case the mission creator didn't add something behind a door.
  23. Query: when was the last time a zombie in a video game was unnerving or scary to you? I'm chipping away at my anniversary submission and I've been trying to gather opinions on the subject. I'm perfectly capable of lighting them well, changing their sfx, and creating effective ambience, but I'm worried that zombies at their core are just too overdone to be an effective payoff to the tension I'm creating.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. datiswous


      Maybe you can create a custom skin for them. You could make them start as (stone) sculpture and when you steal something, their eyes start to glow and they start to patrol/search.

    3. ChronA


      For me Hazard Pay did a good job of making TDM zombies fresh and frightening. The elements that gave it that feeling included:

      1. Their unexpected appearance and abilities, like the glowing spitter variant. That raises the fear that they might suddenly do something you did not anticipate.

      2. Their numbers versus my dwindling armory. That made them feel like a legitimate threat to my chosen approach to the level. If the map had been built to encourage a ghosting playstyle, the size of the hordes and the challenge of tracking their positions level would not have been so intense. (This is why the undead from Written in Stone failed to get the same reaction from me.)

      3. The way the mission gave spaces to observe foes. If you just drop the player in a room with a zombie, it quickly ceases to be frightening. He'll either realize it's not a real threat, or if it is actually a mortal threat it will become frustrating. When you are forced to interact with a monster, the brain adapts to treat it as a mechanical obstacle, as the emotion meant to make you avoid engaging with the threat is no longer productive.

    4. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      To be honest, zombies are never overdone, it's them being so barebones basic that is overdone.

      For example, I don't exactly like The Dark Mod's zombies because they are just skinny bony cartoonish grey corpses that walk, that's it. Their sounds are not the worst, but sometimes it is a bit comedic.

      Thief zombies are GREAT! It uses the same old concept of a rotting fetid corpse that walks and moans in extreme pain, but also adds this extra attitude to it, which is...Holy water. Unless you use Holy Water, the zombie will not truly die, it actually makes him a dangerous opponent in that regard.
      Knowing that, that's another reason I don't like TDM's Zombies; they die so fast and easy that I just go ahead and attack them, there's no way they won't bother me by getting up because they simply don't.

      ChronA is right about Hazard Pay having great zombies, I must admit I did not play it until I got into the minecart area so I've only faced one zombie, but it was great. You might want to ask the author of Hazard Pay if he's willing to give some of those zombie models.

      The best zombie I remember is the one from Elder Scrolls Oblivion, he is a fetid decaying corpse and I loved that idea, the noises he makes are also rather creepy, be it a soft moan with the sounds of rotting flesh stomping in the ground or the "belch" he does when in pain and being attacked.

      And datiswous' idea of "Stone Zombies" sounds great too, because it reminds me more of Gargoyles than zombies, but I love Gargoyles and the idea of a Stone Golem following you actually sounds scary, because it's very likely a thief won't have any instruments against him. Just don't give it glowing eyes, I think it's a bit cliche, it is scarier if the Stone Golem is almost silent and has no glowing eyes.

  24. Any tips for managing space efficiently when mapping? Although I'm proud of my first FM, its interior spaces were admittedly too open for their own good. I'm working on my submission for the 15th anniversary contest and making extensive use of AI models and measuring tools for scale, but I'm still uncertain as to what the ideal, comfortable amount of open floor space is in a room.
  25. You have to go to the Settings > Controls > Inventory and map a key to "Inventory Grid" otherwise, just scroll through your items with the [ and ] (bracket) keys.
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    • Ansome

      Query: when was the last time a zombie in a video game was unnerving or scary to you? I'm chipping away at my anniversary submission and I've been trying to gather opinions on the subject. I'm perfectly capable of lighting them well, changing their sfx, and creating effective ambience, but I'm worried that zombies at their core are just too overdone to be an effective payoff to the tension I'm creating.
      · 4 replies
    • nbohr1more

      The Lieutenant 3 is out! Congrats Frost_Salamander! ( raising awareness )
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    • OrbWeaver

      Has anyone had any luck with textures from Polyhaven? Their OpenEXR normal maps seem too washed out and give incorrect shading in the engine.
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    • datiswous

      I tried to upscale the TDM logo video. First try:

      briefing_video.mp4 You can test it ingame by making a copy of the core tdm_gui.mtr and place it in your-tdm-root/materials/ , then edit line 249 of that file into the location where you placed the new briefing.mp4 file.
      What I did was I extracted all the image files, then used Upscayl to upscale the images using General photo (Real-Esrgan) upscale setting and then turn it back into a video.
      I might have to crop it a bit, the logo looks smaller on screen (or maybe it's actually better this way?). My video editor turned it into a 16:9 video, which I think overal looks better than 1:1 video of original.
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    • nbohr1more

      Trying to be productive on my down-time before Capcom releases Akuma and my son is constantly on my PC playing Street Fighter...
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