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Status Updates posted by STiFU

  1. Didn't we have a download statistic or similar somewhere? A friend of mine asked how many people actually play tdm, so I wanted to show him some statistics. :-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. freyk


      and tell him that we dont have multiplayer and show him the stats of the tdm missions.



    3. Bienie


      Dem. How does the in game downloader work? Does it have its own server or does it choose a mirror at random? I think it would be cool if the admins would share their stats at some intervals. Maybe in the Internal Development forum, for both missions and downloading the game itself. :)

    4. demagogue


      I don't know. The source code is publicly available, so you could look it up if you're ok at deciphering code (usually not as hard as it sounds). As for the admins, I was thinking someone just PM them periodically to ask and then post the answer. It's just a matter of a big fan taking the initiative really.

  2. Final Fantasy 7 remake announced. Oh Joy! :-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AluminumHaste


      FF7 was an average game.

    3. AluminumHaste


      Well I should qualify that; by the time I played it, it had been out for years, and I didn't find anything about it that was great. Just meh.

    4. Melan


      Is this going to be the version where Aerith doesn't die? (SPOILERS!)

  3. Finally got some more time again after a mammoth project at work. Time to get working on TDM again! :-)

    1. RPGista


      We are both in the same situation. Changed laptops as well. Been taking a few days to get a hold of all my WIPs I left lying around.

  4. Finally started Deus Ex: Mankind Divided the other day (after the Behemoth that was Witcher 3). So far, it is excellent as far as free exploration and oldschoolness is concerned. It feels like a return to the roots. Loving the shit out of it.

    1. freyk


      We are working on a cyberpunk fm. Its gonna be like that.

      check this out:


  5. Got a spare key for Magicka 2, a nice 4 player local-coop game, which is currently at 15 € on steam. Anyone want it for 5 €?

    1. STiFU


      I got the spare key from a bundle, just for you interest.

    2. rich_is_bored


      Someone should take you up on that. It's worth every penny.

  6. Got myself a Kindle Paper White new for 10 € last friday. :D It was a loophole of sorts in the Shell payback-point system... ^^

    1. Diego


      Awesome! lucky bastard.

      Although you sound like a spam bot "I just got a job at google, making two bazillion dollars a month with this strange trick"

    2. Tarhiel


      Good for you! I am having myself Kindle DX and I am absolutely content with it. Always wanted an E-Ink one, I was afraid of those LCD screens, because they are, after all, LCD (didn´t want to stare at monitor all day).

  7. Haha, awesome!! I just have saved approximately 2000 € by finding an error in the back-payment calculations my government had sent me for my federal student support loan. :D Two hours of reading statute-books and calculating back and forth payed off wonderfully! =)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Xarg


      How much did you save on your car insurance with Geiko?

    3. STiFU


      I guess Geiko is some sort of spam? :D

    4. Xarg


      I'm not sure where it came from, probably a viral marketing campaign, but there was a point on the internet where that saying seemed to come up quite often.

  8. Hahaha, best game trailer ever:

    :D I am seriously considering to buy this... ^^
  9. How to do a multi-screen setup in TDM? I know there's been a thread somewhere around here, but I can't remember its name. Anyone? I am asking for a friend.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xarg


      What part is confusing? I used to run triple monitor and can probably help

    3. nbohr1more


      There are links to the forum post in that article too ;)

    4. STiFU


      Ah, right. Thanks! :) Well, I just don't have a multi monitor setup here, so I don't know what settings there actually are in the driverpanel. But I guess he'll figure it out himself.

  10. I guess Dortmund will win the Bundesliga once again... :->

    1. Diego


      Bundesliga is like "butt off" in portuguese. I thought you'd like to know this precious knowledge :P


    2. STiFU


      haha nice! :D I wonder why my cousin didn't tell me about that. She speaks portugese because she married a guy from brasil and is living in Rio now. :)

  11. I haven't been around too much recently, but when I do look into the forums every so often, I am always amazed how much progress is being made on the mod. Great work people!

  12. I just orded a 55'' TV from LG for 2000 €, because a german consumer electronics store chain gives away every 33rd order for free. Whish me luck! :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. STiFU


      Of course I can cancel it, Biker. That's the plan. And I am going to have to do that now as I didn't won apparently... :(

    3. i30817


      Statistics man. Try again.

    4. nbohr1more


      Wait till this arrangement appears on Black Friday in the US. We'll see stampedes where folks are killed for the 1 in 33 chance for a free item rather than simply being killed for a reasonably good discount....

  13. I prepared a demonstration for a lecture at work today. And well, I had a little fun with it... :D :D https://www.dropbox.com/s/qqe67lrrflv6wkf/2013-05-15 17.01.48.mp4

    1. Bikerdude


      HEHE your such a weirdo.

    2. STiFU


      Well, you gotta enjoy life as much as you can... ^^

    3. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      It's probably not a good idea to look at that when your drunk.

  14. I presented my research project at a conference here in Dortmund the other day. It was very well received, which I am really happy about! :)https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/860576_314083732027389_967341234_o.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ladro


      Congratulation :-D

    3. Melan


      Congrats! It's rewarding to achieve something presentable... a milestone is a milestone!


      (Also, basic research underappreciated? Ha! Try the social sciences nowadays, that's where the real underappreciation is.)

    4. MoroseTroll


      My congrats, STiFU :)!

  15. I was at the IFA the last few days. Quantum Dot LCD is NOT the satisfaction we were promised by the display industry. OLED however still is and LG is increasing its portfolie. I think I'll wait until the next batch of OLED TV releases and then get me a nice new TV. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vae


      Looking at getting either LG EF9500 HDR UHD OLED, or Panasonic CZ950 HDR UHD OLED, for my main monitor...Can't wait :)

    3. jaxa


      The darker blacks of High Dynamic Range (or OLED) make it relevant to The Dark Mod. 4K could be good for big laptops and desktop displays, and some companies claim the optimal resolution for VR is beyond 8K. As for TVs, OLED is thinner than other technologies, which could result in large and cheap displays eventually. The larger it is, the less pixel density, which means... 4K and 8K?

    4. STiFU


      Yeah, for computer monitors 4K makes sense, because you're a lot closer to the screen there relative to the display size.

  16. I was at the Mosel river in Cochem over the weekend. We visited the castle "Reichsburg Cochem" over there. It's an amazing place. Maybe I'll upload some picture of it in a few days. But here is an impression: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ZfG-vjiisVY/U0eNWZ5FoAI/AAAAAAAAasQ/ypVi2QVutiY/s1600/reichsburg-cochem-germany-26115-1680x1050.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bikerdude
    3. Tels


      Next time you visit the mosel, come over for a beer :)

    4. STiFU


      Dang, where you at? :)

  17. Just came back from a holiday in Rio. It was awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. demagogue


      I had a great time in Rio too; years ago. The music, the beach, the sites, the sun. I remember playing No Woman No Cry (on request) on Copacabana beach at sunset with some random young guy singing along very emotionally. Interesting moment that goes beyond language.

    3. Lux
    4. STiFU


      That sounds like a memory for a livetime, demagogue. :)

  18. Just came back from Gent and Brügge in Belgium. I recognized a lot of "textures" from cgtextures.com ^^ (I am serios!!). Some inspirational pics are going to follow in the apropriate thread soon.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Melan


      Ha! I knew they were getting most of their images somewhere from that area, but it's cool you found the exact originals. :D

    3. RPGista


      Thats a sweet picture man...

      I've been meaning to visit that city ever since I first saw it as the stage for a great black comedy film called "In Bruges" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Bruges), - you might want to take a look. ;)

    4. STiFU


      Yeah, I know that movie. It's awesome! :) But Gent is really cooler than Brügge.

  19. Just wanted to recommend The Swapper to you guys. It's a semi casual teleportation puzzle game with great soundtrack and atmosphere.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pusianka


      You guys watching "James recommends"? :D

    3. kyyrma


      And made by my countrymen, no less!

    4. vvGarrettvv


      love this game. bought it months ago.recommendation.


  20. Kinda feel naked without my Doom-Guy-Avatar. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. STiFU


      Well, as I recently said, it's kinda weird that you have known all these people for so long, but you know none of their faces. So here we are now! :-)

    3. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      "Habit is an iron shirt" (mail shirt ?), goes an old saying in my country. ;-)

    4. Epifire


      Yeah that always spins me out when people change avatars. Pretty sure as long as my name is Epi, then the Thief font logo shall remain :P

  21. Lesson of the day: Spawnargs are stored in the savegame, so adding a new spawnarg, don't expect it to show up when you load up a saved game. :-)

    1. STiFU


      It took me half an hour until I realized what was going wrong!! ^^

    2. demagogue


      You mean your re-load was reverting back before the new spawnarg was added? Yeah.


      (I first thought you re-loaded a game saved after the new spawnarg was added, but the saved spanwarg wasn't there like it should have been, which made your sentence very confusing.)

    3. stgatilov


      Many years ago, savegame also had all "editor" spawnargs stored in them. They took most of the size of save files =)

  22. Logitech is going to drop mouse production... :-O End of an era!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stumpy




      To clarify, Logitech will continue its commitment to designing the world’s best mice. However, we will no longer be manufacturing mice for third-party PC vendors.”

    3. STiFU


      Ah ok, thanks. The magazine Gamestar offered some wrong information then.

    4. jaxa


      Now I have to cancel my order of a hundred M705s

  23. My new display-setup at work: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/841264_306470952788667_1002751280_o.jpg ! ^^ (Please not that those poser moves are just ment to be ironic...^^)

    1. grayman


      Nice space! Nice glasses!

    2. Bikerdude
    3. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      Cool work area and funky poser moves dude!

  24. NBohr, you must have Bugtracker Wallhack! ;) Thank you for cleaning up!

    1. nbohr1more


      Mostly just finding old bugs that grayman fixed inadvertently by improving AI in general. ;)

    2. grayman


      Heh! I'm accidentally prolific. Who knew?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Xarg


      I imagine he placated her with murmurings of all the fame he was going to get that he'd share with her

    3. OrbWeaver


      If he was really all that smart he would have avoided marriage in the first place.

    4. STiFU
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