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  1. The Black Parade is coming! http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146501 Woo-hoo!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. demagogue


      I suppose making a campaign as an individual and building for Thief Gold go hand & hand. You need to be pretty obsessed to do either. XD

    3. Epifire


      I'm just very happy to see how much work still goes on with the original Thief games. Good mods = long life after release!

    4. lowenz
  2. https://www.anandtech.com/show/13756/vesa-rolls-out-displayhdr-true-black-standard-for-oled If you aren't playing The Dark Mod on a DisplayHDR True Black 500 screen, you might as well gouge out your own eyes.
  3. Still spreading the word about TDM on forums to new peops... Funny to see people say "Awesome, I loved playing Thief back in the day!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kano


      Yes it was in a discussion where someone was saying how unhappy they are with the way game companies grant themselves permission to do whatever they like to your PC and personal info today. I pointed out that giving up games completely is an unnecessarily overkill solution when there are free games like TDM to play.

    3. Epifire


      Honestly the mod/Indie genre is still really booming right now. And they aint got no reason to do shady invasive privacy bs.

    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      What Epifire said. :-)

  4. Returning the favour http://forums.blackmesasource.com/index.php/Thread/16841-The-Dark-Mod-2-0-Standalone-is-OUT/ 10$/E in these holidays http://store.steampowered.com/app/362890/
  5. There have been a few threads about using custom "makeIntensity" materials to do black and white textures in missions in the past. I have stumbled on an easier way to play ANY TDM mission in Black and White: r_postprocess_desauration 1.0 return to 0.05 when you want to resume in color again.
  6. Hello! I just upgraded my 2.06 Darkmod to 2.07 and have experianced following issues. Bottom half of the main menu flickers when moving mouse. When playing Tears of st. Lucia most of the lights are not lighting up anything. You can see the model for the light is lit but no light is emmited. I just returned to Darkmod and am unable to play at this point. Couldn't find any similar post, checked FAQ. I uninstalled the game and installed it again fro scratch, as well as removing anything from %appdata% and the problem remains. Please help! Thanks, Neux
  7. I wasn't quite sure where to put this - there doesn't seem to be a 'lore' section that I can find, but the general section will do. So, mages. They're not (legally) permitted to make a profit from their magic. But of course that means there's a healthy black market full of dabbling bookworms who learned a couple of charms and now peddle their meager magical talents in back alleys and after-dark pubs. My question is this: What do we call them? Essentially, I plan on making a mission centered around such a character, and I need a snazzy slang term for a mage who operates outside the law for profit. The term 'Hedge-wizard' doesn't really cut it, that's more of a derogatory phrase used by more upstanding mages to look down their noses at the common apprentices. I'm looking for something from the point of view of fellow thieves and cutthroats. How do they refer to their more magically-inclined peers who sell them arcane arrows and breath potions?
  8. Downloaded the new 2.06 update on laptop. 2.05 worked decently. When starting any FM, the load screen goes for about 5 seconds into progress. When the bar goes a little after the start, the game reverts back to the briefing screen and all sound disappears. If pressing start mission again, it does the same thing, sound still gone. Doesn't matter which FM to try, even training mission. No error message or crashing. No freezing. Tried different settings including performance tweaks in the wiki. What could be wrong? DxDiag_laptop.txt
    1. Tarhiel


      Awesome, congratulations!!! :o

    2. Bikerdude


      Yup, all the remianing bugs were ironed out, so it nigh on perfect now.

    3. AluminumHaste


      version 2.1 is now uploaded to mirrors ready to download.

  9. Hi guys, through the "cheats" topic I got the idea, that it would be quite useful, if there were tags for missions (the post was about removing the killing restriction in some missions to suit the prefered play style). I don't know how easy or difficult this is, but with them, it would be quite convenient to pick missions with playstyles, environment, etc one does want to use. This could also be expanded to other mission properties. I remember a discussion about climbable drains, handles on doors, that cannot be picked and other things the map author chooses for himself. That way these things would be clearer and as I said before, it is easier to choose missions with playstyles that suit oneself. What do think?
  10. Using my normal config settings, which worked fine a couple months ago, I'm now getting a nearly dark screen when starting a mission with SVN assets/code. I built the Windows binaries from the current SVN source, so it's up-to-date. The presentation is as if there is no lighting from in-game lights, and ambient is very very low. Anyone else seeing this? SVN is supposed to be kept bug-free, so that folks can work with the latest assets and code. If this isn't already being worked on, could the devs pls take a look at it and bring SVN back to expectations? Thanks.
  11. Hello, I have a quick question and would appreciate anyone’s assistance! I downloaded The Dark Mod and am pretty sure that everything was installed correctly but when I launch the game the menu is horribly blocky and I can’t even read the text. You can see that below. I am wondering what could possibly be my issue? I have searched through the faqs and the forum a little bit but I didn’t see anyone having a similar problem. I am running this on Windows 7. Thanks again for everyone’s help!
  12. Yesterday I installed 'The Dark Mod' version 2.05 on my computer. ('tdm_update.linux' worked great, but took FOREVER. The resultant 'thedarkmod.x86' file is 6.5 MB in size.) My issues: When starting the program (./thedarkmod.x86), I get great audio, but only a black screen (window).When running on full desktop mode (not in a window), both monitors go black.I can hear clicking when I move the (invisible) mouse pointer within the black screen. Unfortunately, the only way I found to get things back to 'normal' is to do a 'CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE', since I cannot get the mouse pointer to my desktop (when running in window mode).I cannot see what errors I may have gotten when launching from the command line, because of having to re-start my session (see line above). My computer system: OS: Linux Mint 17.3 (64 bit) CPU: Intel Core i7-3610QM @ 2.30 GHz x 4 System RAM: 8 GB Video Controller: Intel 3rd Gen Core processor Video Card: AMD / ATI Heathrow PRO [Radeon HD 7850M/8850M] Video RAM Available: 2048 MB Displays: Laptop [1920 x 1080 (16:9)], Standalone monitor [1920 x 1080 (16:9)] Anyway, from searching the forum for possible things to do to get video, I changed the following lines in my Darkmod.cfg file: seta com_videoRam "2048" seta r_aspectRatio "1" seta r_fullscreen "0" seta r_customHeight "900" seta r_customWidth "1600" seta r_mode "-1" seta sys_videoRam "0" Still, I get the black screen (window). My Darkmod.log shows: Any thoughts on how to actually 'see' what is hiding inside the black screen (or window)?
  13. can somebody fix the mainpage of our site? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19469-new-layout-error/

    1. nbohr1more
    2. Springheel


      It's under construction at the moment.


  14. Experimenting with TDM on Steam Link on Android. see topic http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19432-tdm-on-steam-link-for-android/

    1. freyk


      Did the TDM team removed D3's internal Joypad feature? (tdm works only with systemkey binders for joysicks)

    2. freyk


      Thanks to shadrach, i got my joypad working in TDM on steam link!

  15. Recently I've got an idea to start working on my own fan mission. Mixing elements of dark and grim dock area of T:DS, a good old warehouse mission and T:G Old Quarter. Black Death: Dead need no gold Story: You have been contacted by a client who wants you to steal some valuables that just shipped into Bridgeport's docks. A big load of golden items and a unique gem within them. They were about to be loaded next day, but ship of inquisition arrived, bringing a mysterious disease to city. Dock area was quickly overwhelmed by undead. This means that you won't deal with regular guards, and risks of contracting the disease are high. You may expect a squad of inquisition trying to reclaim a valuable item from their ship, as it costed them an expedition that lasted a few months. Objectives: Sneak into docks. Find a way to warehouses. Steal at least 500/1000/1500 out of 2000 gold. Steal the unique gem. Check the ship of inquisition for the mysterious item (optional). Escape docks. This'll be my first FM. I'm familiar with Doom3 mapping (a bit lacking on scripting side though), but any help will be appreciated.
  16. Hey guys I just installed TDM for the first time, after seeing it released as a standalone game. I am running Win 8.1 on an older pavilion g7 hp laptop with intel hd graphics and an i3 core. At first the game seemed to work, I was able to get to the main menu and even change the resolution settings. However as soon as I tried restarting the game to make the changes happen, it returned to leave me with a black screen. Just to reiterate: when I start the game now, the screen turns black, the resolution of the screen changes to 640x480 and a few seconds in I can hear the menu music and the scroll-over sounds of the buttons. I can only quit by using the Taskmanager. I tried all sorts of compatibility settings and I am running the game as administrator. in addition, I have already deleted the .ini and cfg files to let the updater download newer versions, to no avail. I appreciate any help I can get, because I really want to play TDM!
  17. I am unable to get TDM to run. I installed TDM using The Dark Mod Updater v0.66 into the C:\darkmod directory. When executing the TheDarkMod.exe application, the screen goes black, my monitor indicates that there is a 'HDMI' cable connection and then briefly brings up the monitor menu buttons overlay for a few seconds. After which, the screen is completely black. At this point, neither Control-Alt-Delete nor Alt-Control-Tilde work, the computer is frozen, and the computer requires a hard power down and reboot. A second reinstall of TDM shows the same results and behavior. I have attached a .txt file of the TDM Update Log Window. My system configuration is: ASUS Desktop PC CM6850 Series Intel Core i7-2600 CPU, 3.4 GHz 8 GB RAM Windows 10 Home, 64 Bit NVIDIA GeForce GT 530 (Driver Date:5/17/2017) 6134 MB Total Available Graphics Memory Any help on getting TDM running would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! TDM Update Log Window.txt
  18. Rather than necro couple year old thread I figured I should just make a new post in case others had the same issue I was and couldn't find an answer. I had the issue a couple months ago when I got Doom3 to try it and decided to give up figuring it was something with Steam version etc. Trying the Stand Alone 2.0 I had the same issue. I was able to launch the game and change game settings (which were muddied) but after I chose to restart the game the screen would be black and could hear the flicking over menu options with the mouse. In order to see the game again I had to delete darkmod.cfg (and run tdm_update.exe to replace it). After looking through old posts (and trying one? FAQ) I couldn't find the answer but did figure out through trial and error that Anti-aliasing was the issue. I have an AMD 5850 and in the Control Center>Gaming>3D Applicating Settings I found that under Anti-aliasing the Filter "EDGE DETECT" was the issue. I could set it to Wide Tent or Box and leave all the other settings alone and The Dark Mod would work. Hopefully if you have the issue you can find something similar in your cards settings. Also for me at least aliasing is limited to x8 in game so just set it to that instead of x16 just in case. The other little issue I had was the training mission not downloading and Tears of St. Lucia not loading after a save. However trying to download training mission and restarting did clear up the muddied menu settings. Anyway found out I had to rename and move the folder which I had so far left where it downloaded. So moving it to C:\games and renaming it simply "darkmod" (and probably running tdm_update.exe which was down the previous day) solved those issues. I don't appear to have any other issues so thanks to the folks who made this! hoping to dive in asap!
  19. Did a great find today: Quake 4 mods for dummies. Now online readable. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/5576-book-quake-4-mods-for-dummies/?p=412644

  20. Hi, I've tried to run TDM-2.0 downloaded via torrent (not from TDM website, it wasn't available there at that time) on my gentoo-x64 box. I've fixed a relative path problem by renaming the game's folder to "darkmod", but now it prints lots of errors like "WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/mainmenu/buttons_loadsave/loadmission" on startup. It finds all files in the search path, but can't load the images. The menu screen is completely black. Sound works fine, I can hear the feedback when I hover the mouse over a button. I guess not being able to see anything has to do with those image loading failures, right? Any idea how I can solve them? I've deleted the Darkmod.cfg and re-ran the updater, but that didn't solve the problem.
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