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  1. I don't recall a system for noise masking. It sounds like it'd be a good idea, but when you get into the details you realize it'd be complicated to implement. It's not only noise that that goes into it, I think. E.g., a high register can cut through even a loud but low register rumble. And it's not like the .wav file even has data on the register of what it's playing. So either you have to add meta-data (which is insane), or you have to have a system to literally check pitch on the .wav data and paramaterize it in time to know when it's going to cut through what other parameters from other sounds. For that matter, it doesn't even have the data on the loudness either, so you'd have to get that off the file too and time the peaks with the "simultaneous" moment at arbitrary places in every other sound file correctly. And then position is going to matter independently for each AI. So it's not like you can have one computation that works the same for all AI. You'd have to compute the masking level for each one, and then you get into the expense you're mentioning. I know there was a long discussion about it in the internal forums, and probably on the public subforums too, but it's been so long ago now I can't even remember the gist of them. Anyway the main issue is I don't know if you'll find a champion that wants to work on it. But if you're really curious to see how it might work, you could always try your hand at coding & implementing it. Nothing beats a good demo to test an idea in action. And there's no better way to learn how to code than a little project like that. I always encourage people to try to implement an idea they have, whether or not it may be a good idea, just because it shows the power of an open source game. We fans can try anything we want and see if it works!
  2. Personally I can't quite pin-point what makes missions fun for me, but I can pin-point things that have ruined the fun for me. The biggest is unpredictable AI. If the AI isn't predictable, then a player can't strategize and the gameplay is merely a gamble where you just quicksave and blindly press forward hoping randomness is on your side. For example: Random AI paths/waits. When I see a guard go left, and then I strategize based on that, and when I'm ready to apply my strategy... the guard goes right. Or when I got caught by an AI that started patrolling, and I quickloaded thinking of waiting for the AI to pass by, but... the AI decides to wait in its post for an extra 10 seconds this time... Random head turns. I really get thrown off when I'm sneaking behind a guard and he randomly looks behind and catches me. This also ruins strategic planning. Another thing that throws me off is when you have to step into complete light to open a door, and there's a guard on the other side looking at it every 5 seconds. I just lose trust in that mission's sense of fairness.
  3. I had a look at the C++ code, here's what I found (I'm no expert). There is code that attempts to deal with AI being blocked when on a path. Specifically, MovementSubsystem::CheckBlocked has this line: if (traveledPrev < 0.1) // movement is very close to zero traveledPrev is the distance travelled during the previous cycle. If this check is true, the system thinks that the AI might be blocked, and it starts processing movement a bit differently. With most AI, their walking speed is such that this check only happens when they bump into something. But the spider_child walks so slowly that sometimes this check happens even when isn't blocked. I think that's what is happening here - normal walking by the spider results in the movement subsystem thinking that the spider is blocked, so it has the spider back up and try a different path. So the spider looks like it is doing an animal patrol. The walking speed of an AI is determined by its walking animation. To test my theory, I made a custom spider_child that uses the ai_spider's animation, and sure enough, it followed the corner paths correctly (because it is walking faster). The downside is, the spider_child looked weird as heck, because the animation is made for a larger spider. So this really isn't a solution. Maybe the spider_child animation needs to be modified (sped up)? Or the code needs to handle slower creatures? I don't know. This explains why your timescale change allowed the spider to follow the paths - by speeding it up, it was moving fast enough to avoid that check in the C++ code. Edit: If you set "anim_rate_walk" to 1.6 or greater on the spider_child, it seems to work fine. Give it a try.
  4. I'm using the version from kcghost. I just tested and I can't see any difference inside the inventory. On the stats itself it doesn't show the different loot types (still seen in the inventory), but instead gives more info on stealth score. Edit: I see Dragofer made an updated version of his script. I have to check that out. Edit2: That version works: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=21272&key=02755164a3bed10498683771fe9a0453
  5. Not sure if you got it working, but I got it working by simply putting the audiograph.map file inside the maps folder and then in tdm open the console and type dmap audiograph and after type map audiograph . This probably automatically works because the resources are now in core already.
  6. I looked but didn't see this video posted in these forums. It's pretty cool.
  7. It wasn't a "sacrifice", it was a deliberate decision. People wanted the game to be as close as possible to the original, including pixelated graphics. If you ask me, the former version based on the Unity engine looked and felt better. But, hey... I guess I'm not the right person to judge that, as I never played the original, and always found that the art style of System Shock 2 is much better anyway. This also illustrates the issue with community funded games: Too many cooks spoil the broth. In game design, you need freedom, not thousands of people who want you to do this and this and that. Just take a look at the Steam forums and see how all those wimps complain again about everything. Hopeless.
  8. So giving it none of those tags, but making the AI invisible, silent, non-solid, and on a team neutral to everyone would not work? Oh well, it was a horrible inelegant idea anyway.
  9. I don't think I've ever seen TDM drop a portal without a .lin file. You sure? Support for OBJ model format was just added in TDM 2.11. You can import the model into DR (File -> Import/Convert Model...) or I think you should just be able to place the model in your FM folder (under models/) and DR should see it I think? If you have DR open you will need to use File -> Reload Models...
  10. What I understood is that the idea of TDM was born from that it was unclear if T3 would get a level editor at the time. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20050218173856/http://evilavatar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=268
  11. Functionality was broken between 2.10 and 2.12 dev. Currently you need 2.12 beta to make this work. Here is a test-mission with 4 possible briefing configurations with added Starter Location selection: text_mainmenu_briefing.gui - Standard text-based briefing nav_mainmenu_briefing.gui - Sotha's Advanced text + image based manual navigated briefing anim_mainmenu_briefing.gui - Sotha's Advanced text + image based auto-animated briefing vidintro_mainmenu_briefing.gui - Only Starter location selection briefing, for when video-briefing is used. The test-mission is set-up as a 2 mission campaign, where only the briefing for the first mission uses the location selection. This can also be used as a starter base for the functionally used inside your own mission. To test it, you have to rename one of the above gui files, so that the filename is: mainmenu_briefing.gui To make it work, you have to unzip the 7-zip archive inside tdm's fms folder. After that, you have to navigate to subfolder gui and unzip the file assetz.7z in it (I had to do this because of filesize restriction). Would be nice if someone could test it. Edit: I linked to it on the wiki: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Briefing#Controlling_Where_the_Player_Starts starterlocation_test.7z
  12. This one is really essential: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138607 Should work fine with the GOG version.
  13. https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152224 There is a new mapping contest over on TTLG for the Thief: Deadly Shadows 20th Anniversary and the organizers were kind enough to include The Dark Mod along with all of the Thief games as an options for making a mission to submit as an entry. The deadline is a year from yesterday and the rules are pretty open. I recommend going to the original thread for the details but I will summarize here: Rules: - The mission(s) can be for Thief 1, Thief 2, Deadly Shadows or The Dark Mod. - Collaborations are allowed. - Contestants can use any custom resource they want, though TDM cannot use the Deadly Shadows resource pack. - Contestants can submit more than one mission. - Contestants can enter anonymously. - The mission(s) can be of any size. Using prefabs is allowed but the idea is this is a new mission and starting from an abandoned map or importing large areas from other maps is not allowed. Naturally this is on the honor system as we have no way of validating. Mission themes and contents: There is no requirement from a theme or story viewpoint, however contestants might consider that many players may expect or prefer missions to be celebratory of Thief: Deadly Shadows in this respect: castles, manors, museums, ruins inhabited by Pagans and the like, with a balance of magic versus technology. This is entirely up to the authors, though, to follow or not - it is just mentioned here as an FYI and, while individual voters may of course choose to vote higher or lower based on this on their own, it will not be a criteria used explicitly in voting or scoring. Deadline: May 25th, 2024 at 23:59 Pacific Time. See the TTLG thread for details on submissions and the voting process. Provided I can make the deadline I hope to participate. It would be nice to see the entire community do something together, and expressing our complicated relationship with this divisive game seems as good a pretext as any.
  14. If dmap doesn't show a leak and there's a leak into the void (a gap in the world into the void or a model origin in the void) that is really strange, too see if is a leak and dmap somehow fails to show it, try to start your map with "devmap mapname.map" instead of using "map mapname.map" devmap afaik ignores leaks, if the map/mission opens then is a leak. But the fact that you are having AAS out of date warnings after dmap, sounds like you are opening a old version of the map not the one you dmap a new, perhaps you have DR badly setup and it is saving the fresh maps and files into a different folder than you think?
  15. Sorry I wasn't being clear. I'm looking at having a version of this that could be packaged with a fan mission. So the .pk4 would be placed in the FM folder, not TDM root. In that case would the game pick up those other entities from the core TDM files?
  16. I have been out of this for four years (cancer, diabetes,COVID) but am trying to RE-learn Dark Radiant, and going back to the mission I started to create back then. But no matter what I add, delete, change in DR it does not show when running the FM! I can see the map file in the map folder under the FM is updating. I have also tried loading it via console, but same problem. Another issue is the dang AAS files. No mater how many time I DMAP it still says out of date. No AAS files show up in the map folder either, which might be why. Can someone help this old guy out? GRRRR
  17. EDIT - Please note this is Work In Progress and there are more versions available further down this thread ------------------------------------------------------- Hey, A post about a handheld lantern met my eye and sometime later @RedNoodles shared the source files. I don't know who created the lantern in the first place but as per the below post @Dragofer, @Amadeus and @Goldwell were involved. EDIT: @Obsttorte is to be credited BIG TIME, according to Amadeus: I have since been toying with the files and made further improvements: Term "Lantern" replaced with "Lamp" to distinguish it from the former. Comprehensive code clean-up. Removal of unnecessary files. Adjustments here and there. There still is room for more improvement: Better looking inventory icon Better sounds (it currently uses Blackjack sounds) Sounds improved thanks to @Goldwell The lamp clips through walls when up close (no idea how to fix this) The lamp still makes use of def/tdm_player_thief.def and script/tdm_user_addons.script and therefore it isn't compatible with all mission or other mods. I would like this lamp to be truly standalone and compatible with everything but I am not sure how to proceed from this point on. If you ask me, this neat lamp should be properly integrated in the game for mappers to make good use of it. You can find my version attached to this post. Place the *.pk4 in your TDM folder and access the lamp by scrolling through your weapons. Remember: the lamp isn't compatible with other mods. Cheers! z_handheld_lamp_v0.1.pk4
  18. Thanks for playing and the kind feedback re: the bugs: the brew tank is a new one - thanks for that. Will add it to the list for any future update. the bow: I think that's a TDM bug. I experienced it as well, but only the early days of developing the mission so I thought it had gone away, but I guess not: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21345-210-crashes-may-be-bow-frontend-acceleration-related/ the keys on the guard: never did get to the bottom of that one as I could never reproduce it.
  19. Thanks! Hint for the safe code here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21837-fan-mission-the-lieutenant-2-high-expectations-by-frost_salamander-20230424/&do=findComment&comment=485264 Actually, it's probably time I added these hints to the original post....
  20. Thanks, @Frost_Salamander. I report zero crashes after several 'fresh' mission starts (each time removing the mission folder and copying the pk4 anew), also in reloading saved missions. So your update seems to have fixed whatever was causing the 1.5 s segfault.
  21. TDM probably needs to be run under gdb and BT ( backtrace ) to gain the most detail, but we might be able to start with increasing the darkmod log verbosity: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Reporting_Problem Just to be sure, please try deleting the mission and re-downloading it using the in-game downloader. If anyone Linux users are donwloading from Github they may be encountering the same problem I saw where the paths became the filenames. Likewise the original in-game version had two erroneous files so we need to make sure the latest version is installed and that version is via the in-game downloader.
  22. I never realised Bill Gates was a member of these forums. Welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy The Dark Mod. Perhaps your Foundation could help pay for the server hosting or fund the development of some new features?
  23. well if i understood it correctly the library sources were the last official ones until newdark. not sure if you just yank them into the thief 2 source overwriting the ones there but this seems to be the case as the makefiles despite a few changes seem to be comparable to the ones in the thief 2 source and they lack a main project. For a first try it would probably be best to install msvc 6 in a virtual machine under xp or win2k and have a go at building it there. you would probably need to adjust some of the paths in the makefiles as they seem to point to specific drive letters and directories for building.
  24. Thanks! The file paths thing is strange - might it be something on your end though? It's never been a problem for myself or any of the testers in any of the FMs I've done and they've all been distributed via Github. If I have to do an update I'll get you the file some other way, as the repack step just adds room for error.
  25. I have fixed the package on the mirrors. For some reasons Github was renaming files to their file paths when I downloaded the package from there so had to repack the mission but I must have overlooked these. ( sorry ) I'll have to see whether different browsers behave differently but even now if I try to gather the package from github it is a mess of filenames that are supposed to be file paths.
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