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  1. Cleaning Up the Neighborhood by some1stoleit, bikerdude Brief Description: A small-medium sized assassination mission, taking place in a bar and casino environment with streets surrounding the bar. Story: Crime is out of control in my neighbourhood, when thugs attacked my wife I decided I can no longer stand by idly. Unable to rely on the corruptible city watch and the aloof Builders, I must take matters into my own hands. My first target is a bar called the Scoundrel’s Rest which is not far from my home. It’s owned by a man named Godfrey and considered neutral ground to the various criminal factions inhabiting the city district. There is no doubt its presence attracts criminals towards my neighbourhood, contributing to the infestation of crime. Infiltrating the bar not only creates the opportunity to kill Godfrey and shut it down for good but also allows me to find information about the rest of criminal groups that inhabit my neighbourhood. I gave my thieving days when I met my wife, but for her sake I must take up the profession once more and prowl in the shadows again. Notes/Tips: Your lock picks are noticeably old, so you can’t rely on them to get you past every door. Examine the environment and keep an eye out for keys on pockets.If you see a pipe outside, chances are you can climb up it.On Rusty and Practiced difficulty settings there's a map available for the bar’s ground level and the street surrounding it.It should be possible to ghost the every area in the mission. A small amount of loot however may be difficult or impossible to acquire without knockouts.There are a few hidden optional objectives you can discover. Screenshots Download Mirrors: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rbiashq1c1k56ns/Cleaning%20Up%20the%20Neighbourhood%20v1.0.zip?dl=0 https://mega.nz/#!bMtgiSra!Y1KXGovfYfdtG1xxRkmPYndLxgq7wMNVr8oENnS2Qxg FAQ: I dislike when I get stuck on an FM and have to leave the game to scroll through forums to find out what to do. I think the mission should be straightforward enough to beat without answers, but I will provide a FAQ if it’s needed. Just be sure to give a good try working it out yourself before reading this. Thanks: I’ve found the TDM community very welcoming and helpful as a new member and would like to thank several people. Bikerdude, for allowing me to collobarate with him and showing me a different way to build maps from scratch in Dark Radiant, as well as many other mapping techniques.Resources:Springheel, for his Modules and his retroactive permission to use New Job street segments.Amadeus, for doing some proofreading of the briefing and readables.Obsttorte, for his objective checking script used for one of the optional objectives.Rsoul, for creating new internal version of architecture models.Beta Testers:Amadeus, Cambridge Spy, Abusimplea, Shadow, Boiler’s_hiss, nbohr1more, Springheel, JudithPeople who helped Answer my Questions:Destined, JackFarmerSpecial thanks to Sotha and Springheel whose video tutorial series give me the guidance and confidence to start using Dark Radiant.I apologise if I missed anyone, if I missed you please do contact me and I’ll credit you appropriately. About the Development: Initially this was a solo developed mission made by myself, upon some beta testing I agreed to make the mission collaboration with Bikerdude, with the intention to learn good mapping practices from the collaboration. The mission was redesigning using the same layout as the original but using Springheel’s modules instead of my very simple brushwork, and expanded in scope to include a more detailed street, a canal, a sewer and a rooftop segments. Bikerdude’s use of springheel modules and custom skins is mostly responsible for the beautiful visuals, with my contribution being the layout of areas and the writing. Known Issues: None at the moment.
  2. Interesting, although I'm not sure what to make of that. One of my favorite games (The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena) was published by Atari, and, they don't even seem to care to keep the activation servers running much. Or remove/change the copy protection, which doesn't work at all on Windows 11. I really hope that Nightdive delivers at the end of May... I'm not one of the shit storm crowd (it's absolutely horrible on the Steam forums...), but, 7 years of development is a long time, and delaying the release obviously has become a bit of a habit, to say the least.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lost_soul


      I've been considering reinstalling TDS for a wile now... I've still got my original CDs. Have these guys fixed the bug where you get stuck floating? Last time I played TDS, that happened and I was unable to get out of it, so I ragequit.

    3. chakkman


      You can surpass that bug by drawing your bow, performing a shot, and draw your blackjack when the bow is tensioned, to abort the bow shot. I'm hoping it's fixed in the Gold patch too though. Alongside the thing where you move sideways, when peeking left or right.

    4. nbohr1more


      @Biker Hmm.


      Build TDM mission in DR.


      Export as portions as ASE


      Edit in Blender and export in TDS compatible format


      Import into T3ED




      Release TDS mission...


      (or just stick with TDM)

  3. When I tried your .exe, I got this: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21477-water-effects-not-rendered-through-warp-glass/&do=findComment&comment=475732 You also suggested trying the 'latest development build'. I asked if that can be obtained using tdm_installer, and you said 'yes'. That's what I reported here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21477-water-effects-not-rendered-through-warp-glass/&do=findComment&comment=475856 So - I am probably doing something wrong but not sure what
    1. Obsttorte


      This looks cool, somehow oldschool in a nice way.

    2. demagogue


      I hope the gameplay is unique to justify him reinventing the wheel instead of, e.g., just forking off of us. The art design looks good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Obsttorte


      Part two is recorded. Now I only need to add the subs and rip it down. Should be on youtube tomorrow.

    3. Lux


      can't wait.

    4. demagogue


      I didn't know that first trick setting up the base, so thanks for that.

  4. Made 2.09b the default version. I hope at least a few people have installed and played it I'll finish the release process tomorrow (tags, source, pdb, etc.)
  5. @Dragofer, I'm wondering what template tags to give to this page, besides the usual "Editing". I'm tempted to add "Physics", but are force fields really considered part of the physics engine?
  6. Above 3 items are released now, on the "Barks" thread: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21740-english-subtitles-for-ai-barks/&do=findComment&comment=483331
  7. Instead of that, you could, in that time period, start learning your own missions and in doing so become more active on the forums, learning from others. It's also great to understand how things work in the engine, when you play. It might spoil some immersion though.. Or learn to build games with other engines, like Godot for example.
  8. Love your signature over at the Eidos forums. Hahaha!

    1. Maijstral


      I don't normally even use signatures, but I've used a few to voice my displeasure at what EM is doing to Thief. I'll probably stick with that one until I lose interest in visiting the EM forums.

  9. There is no SS3, how can they do a remake? And thank god they got rid of unity, that engine is total trash garbage on anything over 60 fps. Just spend 5 minutes on steam forums for Unity project games, and there's just thousands of people complaining about poor performance, stuttering etc.
  10. I'm trying to fix the warnings on my end, but remodelling the models is out of my league, so you're going to have to fix the stairs model on your end: "WARNING:ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces: model 'models/darkmod/architecture/stairs/set01_stairs.lwo' has 17/8108 nontriangular polygons. Make sure you triplet it down" Edit Also there's this model, which is probably a modelling issue as well: "WARNING:ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces: model 'models/darkmod/misc/clipmodels/pickaxe_cm.lwo' has bad or missing uv data" I still have hopes for script-hotfixing the following warnings: "WARNING:Couldn't load image: tdm_tongue [map entity: atdm_ai_townsfolk_female_1] [decl: atdm:ai_head_female02_base_brunette in def/tdm_ai_heads_springheel.def] [decl: female_head02 in def/tdm_ai_heads_springheel.def] [model: models/md5/chars/heads/npcs/female_head02.md5mesh] [decl: tdm_tongue in <implicit file>] [image: tdm_tongue]” (Edit: I hotfixed this issue and attached the hotfix in the tech support forums. The "tdm_tongue" shader should simply be renamed to "tdm_character_tongue".) “WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/darkmod/wood/boards/wood_brown_dull01 [map entity: func_static_53] [decl: old_plaster in skins/tdm_models_architecture_modules.skin] [decl: models/darkmod/wood/boards/wood_brown_dull01 in <implicit file>] [image: models/darkmod/wood/boards/wood_brown_dull01]" (Edit: I hotfixed this issue as well - see the tech support forums - but I think you should still go over this file, because there are a lot of other suspect textures in there as well.)
    1. rebb


      What a pisstake ;)

    2. Diego


      Now players will not onlyget spit on while hiding, they will be pissed on too!

  11. I think that the existence of a dedicated bug tracker for this engine proves that I should somehow make it known when it crashes. I just figured that the tracker was an internal thing between developers, and that it was okay to instead report the bugs here, especially since I desperately needed help with it, and since you have two sub-forums mentioning that they're intended for reporting bugs. ...so why, when I report a bug, am I getting shamed for it? Why was the guy in the thread you linked getting shamed for not backing up his project, instead of the main dev acknowledging that there is a very deceptive button in the engine, that can remove fan mission folders when you press it? Blaming the reporter for not backing up his work, is certainly not how I would personally handle reports of entire projects disappearing, but I guess now I'm warned about how he sees these things, to the point where I'm wondering if it's a good idea to report any bugs I find in the future, at all, if I'm just going to be considered a bad person for it. "Hm, to my experience, crashes in free software is a regular thing. Try "Natron" and you will understand what I mean." I don't understand your point. If crashes happen frequently enough, should we treat them like Covid and just "try to live with it"? I'm pretty sure that the bind bug is easy to fix, but it's like you're saying that bugs have a right to exist too. "Lots of longtime DR mappers ask questions in the Newbie thread (myself included). Nothing to be ashamed of and by DR/DM standards you are a newbie (and you have not to be ashamed of that as well! )" So if I've programmed for 30 years, mapped for Dromed for countless years (since roughly the turn of the millenia), mapped for the Dark Mod for 1 year, but joined these forums just a few weeks ago, I'm a newbie. I think that by that definition, the word "newbie" has lost all meaning. Besides, reporting crashes are not the same as just asking questions. Anyone can reply to a question. It takes a developer to fix a crash issue. ...and it's like you don't expect the developers to even fix crashes, and I really hope that you're wrong about that. For example, since I updated to this year's version, Dark Radiant itself, hasn't even crashed once, and it used to crash all the time, and so I take that as evidence that development involves fixing crashes. "If you want to report a bug, then please use the Bug Tracker." Will do. I was just fooled by the subforum descriptions actually telling me to report bugs in them. "You wouldn't believe how many mappers lost WIPs because of defective hardware" Again: I don't see your point here, where you argue for not fixing defective hardware. When I'm told about a bug in my program, I just go "Thank you. I'll fix that.". I don't go "Well, weren't you a sucker for using my program.". That's not how I was brought up at all. "for somebody who expects Armageddon in the near future (and there are really good reasons for that), you have a pronounced need for communication. I think that does not fit, because: Why go on with communication when all hell will break lose the day after tomorrow?" Well, why not? Yes, I am so interested in mapping, that it's actually cutting into my apocalypse survival routines a bit, but that's just human nature, and a month's vacation from prepping, won't make that much of a difference. "I hope that you - despite of your own assessment - will finish your WIP and we all can enjoy a cool new mission in the future with your name in the credits." Well, for me, mapping is about pleasing myself - not others. Play The Beginner's Guide, and you'll see what I mean.
  12. Probably the .script file that's needed, but unfortunately can't be included with a prefab. Maybe there's a comment somewhere in the prefab (or in the wiki or forums) that says what script it needs and where to find it. (The similar combination setup I used earlier doesn't involve "slot", so clearly uses a different script that I what I have.)
  13. Since it already has been mentioned in the forums, I'd like to announce a small project of mine. A few weeks ago I was playing Legend of Grimrock and it struck me that their level design is extremely simple and modular, and yet, the player can spend quite a lot of time in the game. And it looks pretty, too! So I wondered if it wouldn't be possible to create a modern "Dungeon Crawler" (solve puzzles, fight monsters, collect loot, progress your character, upgrade your equipment) type of game inside the TDM engine. The engine already supports a lot of things one needs for this, and the overal structure and assets work, too. And with prefabs, one might get the level layout done quickly. However, building a few test prefabs in DR is easy, but creating a full mission out of them is quite painful. Not only needs it a lot of planning, but you can also spend a lot of time "upgrading" things later on. For instance if you later want to add a grime decal to the walls, you have to revisit the entire map. Even worse is if you find out later that your block size must be bigger or smaller. So the idea was born to create a sort of framework that can assemble missions from prefabs. Preferable while getting the description of the mission from a text file. So far, this has been a lot easier than I thought. Here is what I got working so far: Overview: You can describe your mission in a (Unicode) text file. This contains overall options, different locations (each location can have its own ambient light, music,name, fog), and the connections between the locations. Each location can have multiple "floor levels", these are stacked on top of each other. The config file also specifies which symbol means "use this prefab". It is also possible to specify links (per location), which means you can say "this lever with the symbol A opens the door with the symbol D". The framework reads the prefabs, and then positiones them in the map. It also glues all the locations together, adds location_info entities, a player start, an exit, and an objective to reach the exit. The resulting map is then enhanced with script objects (all nec. assets are bundled together), and automatically dmapped via TDM. Everything then is packaged together into a working .PK4 file. My demo map takes about 20 seconds, where 15 are dmap. In addition to the "basic" stuff I also managed to get a few things working, like a pressure plate, portcullies, and also made some puzzles. Oh, and per location fog (fading from location to location). Different difficulty levels are also supported, one can specify "this prefab appears only on easy" etc. You can find more info and screenshots and demo here: http://bloodgate.com/swift/ There is also a developer diary where I will be posting interesting entries from time to time. Here is an DR shot of a sample level, consisting of small modular prefabs and one large (the large hall on the lower left): The next steps will be to add more randomness (either static at map generation, or at runtime, so the map is slightly different each time you replay it). Also, while it is already possible to "overlay" prefabs (e.g. "for this location, look first here before falling back to the default"), it is not yet possible to "reskin" prefabs. This would be something which is impossible in DR (you cannot really reskin worldspawn brushes, unless you live with the fact that it is all manual For now I'm quite excited!
  14. Thank you for a great puzzle fm! I'm having real trouble with the TDM v 2.10-64bit on Linux Mint 21.1 Link to the guide supplied by V-Man339 https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/15844-fan-mission-the-gatehouse-by-bikerdude-goldchocobo-updated-02112014/page/7/#comment-429405
  15. What's going on with the Thi4f forums? They've been down for almost a week now.

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    2. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      Well that's not going to work. If they can't post about Thi4f on the Thi4f forums they can come and post about TDM on the TDM forums.

    3. jtr7


      People thought it was the server migration under Square-Enix that we've been told about, but they came back online like nothing happened, and the dedicated thread about the coming migration had no new info.

      Can't see this?:


    4. stumpy


      maybe it was a migration test, and it broke.

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