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  1. Same here. I've only visited the forums fleetingly of late, but I'm sorry I missed this bit of sad news. Grayman's missions, specifically the early William Steele missions were so amazing to me when I first played them, that it inspired me to try my hand at mapping. Without that experience my own catalogue of missions might never have existed either, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Additionally, I echo the sentiment that he was always a kind and helpful fellow, truly a great asset to the Dark Mod community. R.I.P. Grayman, you absolute legend!
  2. We had a lengthy discussion about it in the internal forums. You cannot expect us to hold back on any decisions until even those members that log in like twice a year commented on it. If we did that, this project would not have progressed as it did over its 15 years of existance.
  3. Thankfully, the ouline ARGB is fully configurable, so you can simply pick something else as the white color. I am also suprised that you even consider it to be full-white, as all screenshots @kingsal posted in the private forums showed off a nice and subtle candle-like glow. I guess those cvar values didn't make it into the dev-build stgatilov uploaded. Anyway, you should really play around with the cvars a little and see if you can come up with something you're happy with. That being said, there are still a couple of issues with the frob highlight shader suite that @cabalistic is still working on. And regarding the TDS tribute: That is something the team specifically did not want to have. While I personally don't mind a subtle brownish normal based highlight (as in New Horizon's TDS tweak package), the general consensus was to stay far away from something like that. Still, I'd very much like to see your proposed frob highlight shader.
  4. Well, it's more that I'm trying to avoid another project to work on. I'm the type of person that likes to dig in and help out. I started asking questions here, and before I knew it I was staring at PBR tutorials to bolt PBR on the lighting shaders. LOL! No one asked me to. But, it was just interesting experiment. It was also something I felt I could work on and be productive with, because the job hunt has been very demoralizing. I'd ask questions at the RBDoom3 forums, but, since I already know the PBR code I did, I'd want to just bolt it on and test it out. So, if it was a waste of time, it would be my waste of time instead of theirs. I'm trying to practice some "proactive quitting" to re-focus my time on my job hunt. I've already got the FUEL shaders in the back of my mind again; wanting to revisit them to see if I can bolt PBR on them. It's like things I want to go do, but I need to stop myself, since I have something I need to do right now that I need to focus on.
  5. You'd have to go and ask him either on idtech4 discord or on the forums, he's Takeshi Covacs https://www.doom3world.com/index.php?forums/rbdoom-3-bfg.19/ Given his huge experience in this, I doubt that he made a mistake in implementing the PBR model, and the artists working with him are using correct PBR data (textures/material setups) for reworked character and environment models. IIRC, they're using the metallic-roughness model (as opposed to specular-glossiness). Haven't popped in the idtech4 discord for a long time, but the screenshots they posted there looked correct / similar to other PBR games.
  6. I just read The Dark ones reviews of my (old/only) missions and man, honest words they are! (No, I don't roam the forums as much as I should ) My stomach hurts everytime I think about my earliest works and I was surprised that even if the majority of the points were negative he could actually find some things that he liked, haha. Believe it or not, I've not quit mapping. My motivations sway between mapping and painting miniatures and skydiving, three things that eat up time from when I don't work at the ICU ... I have no ETA for the upcoming mission but I have made good progress the last days with my girlfriend helping with the readables and other stuff... It's so frustrating to relearn everything; objectives and folder structures and so on, takes so much time when you haven't mapped for some time...
  7. Passing by to pay my respects to Grayman. May his soul rest in peace and strength to his loved ones. It's sad but his memory lives on here in the Forums and in his creations.
  8. So sad to hear these bad news I didn't have much contact with him more than via some random scripting questions through the forums, but he always seemed to be a humble man that had worked with a lot of editors and games through the years. I hope he did have a good time in his last days without pain and may he now roam the Builders House, frobbing what he can!
  9. You're father will be dearly missed and I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my own father back in 2006. It leaves quite a void. Thank you for taking the time to come to the forums.
  10. As someone said 'In the past everything was better, even the future' Now I am retired, picking my nose, listening to Death Metal, playing TDM, trolling in some forums, having a few drinks with friends as far as COVID allows ..... I've also had a pretty busy life and experienced all the highs and lows possible. Now I live in the south of Spain and I enjoy with my wife the good weather in a good neighborhood, and with everything I need within a radius of 2 km.
  11. Okay, I've been playing around with the latest build and so far the new system for moving objects is absolutely amazing! At first I felt as if I was cheating a bit by how easily objects could be manipulated silently, but the more I played around with it and gave it some thought it made a lot of sense. I'm just so used to objects behaving rather unrealistically. It doesn't make any sense for a candle being slid ever so slowly across a table to make a cacophony of noise, but I sure do expect it to. I get hung up with not wanting to see the challenge compromised in any way, but ultimately it isn't exactly a challenge to struggle with physics that are behaving unintentionally unpredictable. With the new system you do still get punished for carelessness and banging into things trying to move too quickly but it is much easier to predict and control. That is a very positive change. I have always struggled moving the metal grating in the Full Moon Fever FM. I really liked the concept of a vent cover behaving more like it would in life and requiring manual removal rather than the usual door-like behavior, but the idea didn't work too well in practice with the old object manipulation system. It would always result in the cover hanging on an obscure bit of geometry as soon as I attempted to move it or repeatedly clanging into the floor no matter how gently I set it down on the stone floor. Now, with some care, I can remove them completely silently every time if I take my time. It's even doable without holding creep to move things completely silently. This change fits my preferred playstyle of ghost really nicely. I cannot comment on the body moving mechanics as I am rather unfamiliar with them in general. I haven't had anything rocket into space occasionally like it would before either. There are a couple small things unrelated to the move/drag mechanic that I noticed but I am not sure where to bring them up in the forums so I'll just mention them here really quickly. I'm not sure they are even issues at all or just things currently WIP so I'll spoiler them as to not take up space...
  12. I think the discussion/talk about the new frob shader is over here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/19915-208-new-frob-shader/
  13. Hi everyone, and thanks a lot for the quick answers, I really appreciate it, even if I don't quote you personally I'm thankful for every answer Oh and while I'm at it, thanks for the forum administrator among you that added a Dark Theme to this forum: I cannot stand bright light due to my handicap, usually my own web browser settings (black background + green fonts color) work but sometime it makes some pages unusable if contains white images used as icons for example, so I had to wear sunglasses for a few hours to browse the forum more or less comfortably before noticing that I could turn a Dark Theme on which makes reading much less painful for the eyes, thank your for adding that option Thanks for the information, HMart, I'll check that LDAsh, Demagogue and Stgatilov, thanks for your replies, about your interrogations regarding how would I manage to sell a game developed under a GPL licence, well I'll have to remain mysterious for now, but that's something I have thoroughly thought about I'll never use Steam to sell the game though, I was absolutely against Steam from the very beginning of its appearance and it's only because I'm forced to install it and to play games that I use it, so for me it has always been out of question to become dependent to Steam's system... not to mention that they've started to behave as political censors according to what I've heard not too long ago, so I'm not going to risk investing 5 years of work and expenses just to end up censored for being "problematic" or other vague and non-defined concepts at the whim of anyone from Steam. Anyway, thank you Nbohr1more and the other TDM developpers Now all I need to do is to contact someone where I live who's specialized in the legal and fiscal aspects of commerce to see if my idea is viable, but the way I thought it out, it should be. Actually the only thing that would make it non-viable is whether it would be Governmentally Approved by the State or not to create something and sell it without having to create a company and be registered as a seller/artist/editor first, that whole usual administrative bullshyte here requiring people to find by themselves which pigeonhole they can belong to and face the fiscal consequences if they make the sightliest mistake... Yeah, that's what I had planned from the beginning actually: to not use your assets since they belong to you all, and also because, as a matter of fact, well, my game's universe being contemporary, I don't need any of TDM's sounds, 3D models, musics, textures, objects etc For example, most of the locations of the game's story and universe are "modern day-ish" for lack of a better word: glass buildings, appartments, houses, warehouses, etc... about the music and sounds, that's something I've planned to create on my own anyway, I just need to "get back at it again" and find a GPL music editor or maybe, if I finally, definitively, decide to go for a 1970's style music, I'll simply contract Shawn Lee, his work on Bully/Canis Canem Edit's music is exceptionnal. So in a nutshell, I won't need to use any of TDM's assets, and for the couple of things "close from TDM's assets" such as old manors & antique objects and the related textures that will be needed since I've planned to have "old areas" in the ficticious city I've created as the main location of the game's story, I'll contract people to make that. Thanks a lot for the clarification OrbWeaver, I tended to confuse Dark Radiant and The Dark Mod source code until then And about your suggestion, you guessed exactly what I had in mind for the development of my game Well, the problem with Unity or Unreal is that they remain proprietary engines somehow, at least that's how I understand it, and I think this may cause problems notably with the After-Sales Service Support... since to modify Unity or Unreal one needs to pay a licence as far as I know, it means I'll be the only one, with the dedicated programmer I will hire or form a partnership with, to solve bugs: however, what if some bugs appearing after the game release are way beyond that programmer's capabilities ? My reasoning is that one of the interests of using a GPL engine such as Id Tech 4, and specifically this one as it's a quite well-known one, is that since anyone can work on it at anytime after the release, even the most complicated bugs to resolve could be solved by people much more competent than my programmer or than me -all I've did until now about coding is trying to write code in Turbo Pascal 7 when I was 12: most of the time it didn't work, and when it did, it actually worked not the way I wanted but I didn't dare to object. It may anger the Machine Spirit, you never know, so let Its Sacred Will decide of what It will do. Godot, that's an engine I've never heard about... thank you for the information, I'll do some searches on that, however since Datiswous said that their 3D engine may be less sophisticated than id Tech 4, I may not use Godot, but I'll see... for the moment I still tend to think that TDM is the best solution, notably since my game will include stealth gameplay mechanics and Thief-based stealth gameplay is the only viable stealth gameplay method ever made. One thing I wonder, though, is if Id Tech 4's damage system would work to translate my PnP RPG gameplay system... I will make tests in the coming weeks with Dark Radiant to see what I can do with projectile-based weapons, and study more how the .PAK files about weapons work: in TDM there's only a bow and it seems to be treated as a projectile-based weapon, I'm going to try to see how the whole thing works regarding accuracy, "magazine capacity", etc, by hoping there are comments left beside the code lines. If anyone has information on this subject, how the bow works technically in its .PAK file, I'm all ears Thanks for the suggestion, I've started reading about dhewm3 since yesterday, but apart a cleaner code, what more does it have than TDM ? No offense taken I'm not surprised that from time to time people pop up here, ask a few enthusiastic questions about a project they're starting and eventually never come back because the task is more difficult than they initially thought, personally I'm fully awayre that creating a FPS-RPG almost "by myself" is the kind of accomplishment that would be called miraculous, but I'm confident I can make it if I find a competent programmer, as I've been creating homebrew RPG systems since a long time and almost made it professionally if the team didn't blew up because of unresolved differences of vision and pent-up animosity between a few people that grew until it was too late, so after modding a few games to test my ideas I think that's doable. That failed project I just mentioned is actually the reason why I'm more inclined to not form a team of developers and instead to contract people anywhere I could find them: by "contracted", I mean paying people here or there to realize a single work, be it an animation, a 3D model, etc, the same way, say, a shop owner would contract a painter to create a painting for the shop's storefront. When you contract people that are outsiders to your project instead of having to juggle with the egos of a dedicated team, you limit the risk of failure I do have another potential project on the side, that said, totally unrelated to video games and that is so daring that I'd be the first surprised if I manage to set it in motion, so if suddently I disappear from The Dark Mod Forums after 6 months of activity, don't be surprised, even if I'll do my best to run both projects at the same time, given that this second one is pretty long-winded and can remain casually "tried on the side" while I work on that main video game project. Anyway, about the recurrent questions that are asked once or twice a year in similar topics such as "Why aren't you on Steam? When is the campaign coming? Can I use your stuff for my commercial project? Why aren't you doing a remake of Thief Gold?", maybe creating a FAQ and making it a sticky topic would work, personally I haven't found something like that in the various sections of the forum, maybe I've missed it that said.
  14. Regardless of who is ultimately responsible, if it doesn't work correctly for a significant number of players, I suggest it isn't the default (but can still be available as an option). If the game doesn't work out of the box people will ultimately blame the mod developers for releasing a buggy game, and may not even look at the forums to learn whether it is actually a case of AMD drivers not implementing an extension correctly (they'll probably just rage quit and delete the mod entirely). Are we absolutely 100% sure that it is actually a case of a broken driver? Could it be that we are not using the extension exactly as the specification demands, or are exercising some edge case that AMD aren't expecting most games to use?
  15. Absolutely fantastic! Especially: Fixed: Ambients don't light sides facing away! This unfortunately still crashes (btw, does this only crash on my computer?): https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20815-dark-radiant-crash-on-update-entities-on-every-change/ Thank you for your hard work!
  16. DarkRadiant 2.12.0 is ready for download. Feature highlights include a new customisable GUI and the first iteration of the Material Editor GUI. Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/2.12.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks go out to all who helped testing this release! Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. Changes since 2.11.0 Feature: Customisable GUI layout Feature: Extended MaterialManager scripting interfaces by manipulation methods Feature: Material Editor GUI Feature: Same origin / duplicate detection script Feature: 3D grid feature Feature: Show light_radius on 'other' entities Feature: Show attached (light) entities Improvement: Better support for stage transform keywords in idTech4 materials Improvement: ESC to close dialogs with Cancel Improvement: Add portal_sky filter to default filters Improvement: Copy model/entity/prefab paths to clipboard (context menu in tree views) Fixed: Material stages with alpha test are incorrectly rendered as translucent Fixed: ASE importer needs to handle shared vertices with different normals Fixed: Ambients don't light sides facing away Fixed: Table lookup evaluation is not producing the same results as in the engine Fixed: Attached light radii are the wrong colour if "Override light volume colour" is active Fixed: Add missing image dimension reads to Quake 3 legacy brush parser Fixed: Opening the Create Entity dialog a second time will present an empty tree view Fixed: "Toggle 16x16 grid" function in the Particle Editor broken Fixed: Use of BITMAP field in ASE differs from TDM Fixed: Newly added or imported items don't use the location of previously selected item Fixed: Newly drawn brushes don't use height of previous selection with "Show Size Info" switched off Fixed: Rotation widget does not re-center on selected object Fixed: Duplicating model and moving with Alt-arrow results in pivot on original model when trying to rotate afterwards Fixed: Brushes with no visible surface towards orthoview "camera" are invisible in orthoview Fixed: Can't select one-sided models in certain 2D views Fixed: Twosided models can only be selected from one side The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  17. Why didn't you place this in the beta testing section? https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/forum/59-tdm-mission-beta-testing/ Btw. I think it's a shame there aren't larger (like giant) available in TDM
  18. Hi @freyk yes this is the goal. Asking people to search the forums and wiki isn't ideal. The wiki is out of date and the forum search is terrible IMO (and I've seen plenty of others say the same). This is primarily targeted at mappers who want to be able to find and re-use things quickly and easily.
  19. Hi all, I've created a new Github organisation to host any sort of assets people maybe want to share: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity A Github 'organisation' is a collection of separate git repositories that can store code snippets, assets (model files, textures, sound files, etc) or documentation. I know there is debate over the suitability of Git for binary files, but for small files and most things you'd use in a FM, it works totally fine. FYI the maximum file size for upload is 100 MB, and the maximum repository size is 10 GB. You don't need to know anything about Git to browse the repositories, or download files. You just need to be able to use a browser. I've created a repository for script snippets: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity/scripts and one for models: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity/models and one for prefabs: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity/prefabs For models, it even has a built-in 3D viewer (just need to provide an .stl file). It won't show textures unfortunately, but you can switch between solid, wireframe and 'surface angle' views. Example: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity/models/blob/main/darkmod/lights/non-extinguishable/streetlamps/streetlamp_with_signs/lamp_sign.stl The models and prefabs are accompanied by a .jpeg preview image that is displayed automatically in the readme file. Example: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity/models/tree/main/darkmod/lights/non-extinguishable/streetlamps/streetlamp_with_signs I did this to help solve the following problems: frustration with trying to locate existing code (searching through other FMs, searching the forums, having to ask) frustration with the frequently out-of-date wiki. There is some really great stuff on there but I would just like to be able to contribute and share in a central location without having to ask permission, or ask someone else to do it. hopefully people won't have to keep asking the same questions over and over again - they can just browse the repositories make updates easier - anyone with a Github account can create a pull request, or just send an admin the files they want added TO BE CLEAR: this is NOT intended to replace SVN, or the Wiki, or the forums, but just to provide a central place for sharing assets, primarily for mappers want to easily share what they've done, or borrow existing stuff without having to reinvent the wheel. So, if anyone wants to donate files, script snippets, whatever, please get in touch by replying, sending me a DM (here or on Discord), or by the 'normal' way and just create a pull request. Also, if anyone else want to volunteer to help maintain this, please get in touch as well. These people would just need to be able to create repositories (if needed), or review/merge pull requests.
  20. I am pleased to announce the release of our new fan mission, The Hare in the Snare: Part 1 Mission type: City Missions + Inn/Tavern Description: People are being abducted off the streets and a Watch Captain requires the services of a thief to help him find out why. Download link (v1.0.2-release): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HYvM_u56wDB16uIlb7qgS_q3P24V69MO/view?usp=sharing Credits: Mapping and original characters: @Frost_Salamander Story, readables, custom models, voices and cinematics: @Kerry000 Menu title track produced and mixed by @JackFarmer with selected gigagooga sound samples Beta testers: @Cambridge Spy @Zerg Rush @Amadeus @Acolytesix @Lzocast @wesp5 @nbohr1more @Kerry000 @ate0ate @Wellingtoncrab @prjames Additional thanks: @Dragofer, @nbohr1moreand @peter_spyfor technical help @Springheel for the modules and tutorials @kingsalfor allowing @Kerry000to abuse his manbeast everyone else on Discord and the TDM forums who offered assistance Requirements and notes: This mission requires TDM 2.09. Earlier versions will probably work but you might see one or two missing models. You may experience some FPS drops in some areas with lower-end hardware. Mid-range and above should be fine. If you have issues, I highly recommend you use shadow maps instead of stencil (settings -> advanced -> shadows implementation). It makes a big difference. For 'Hard' and 'Expert' the light gem sensitivity has been increased by '1' (meaning easier for AI to detect you). Screenshots:
  21. A tiny bit of research would have told you the game was released in 2009, so no, it's not a beta version, nor "very early" to be adding graphic effects to an engine from 2004. Welcome to the forums.
  22. Maybe this forum topic is related (on wxwidget forum)? https://forums.wxwidgets.org/viewtopic.php?t=46522
  23. Very excited for any kind of dark theme. I miss when the forums did not light my entire room at night.
  24. The code blocks look kind of ugly, too bright. Problem is that if I want to darken that, I also have to change all the colors for the syntax highlighting. If I would darken the code block background, it would look ok, but other kind of code (css for example) becomes unreadable. Edit: This can be fixed with code: .ipsCode { filter: invert(1); } Thanks @Oktokolo for the code. As an example how a code block becomes unreadable sometimes, this post (activate forum dark theme to see): https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20363-external-monitor-mirroring-laptop-monitor-in-linux/&do=findComment&comment=446880 Edit: The reason for this (the last part) is that there is color css missing for the code block with non-formatted code. So if you would add: .ipsCode { color: black; } The non-formatted code in a code block becomes readable. Edit2: The reason for this, is that it previously was used as a way to hide text.
  25. maskColor and maskAlpha are reasonably common when working with alpha masks: textures/darkmod/glass/clear for example. I've never seen a use for maskDepth though. Polygon offsets would probably be used more if they didn't break light interaction (one learns the hard way why setting DECAL_MACRO can be a bad idea); I basically associate privatePolygonOffset with D3-esque burnaway effects. Isn't the depth hack a particle thing from before sort particles? I have the impression that vertexColor is fairly rare because it needs a mesh with vertex colour data, and it's mainly used with inverseVertexColor for vertex blended meshes, although you can also use it for baked AO and the like. (The ET:QW wiki suggests using vertex colours to fade out the edges on water meshes, but I think https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/18036-messing-with-sea-water/ has been the focus of TDM experiments on soft water edges...)
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