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  1. Hidden Objectives I've completed the mission with all 6 hidden objectives (The Completionist) ticked off, but I've only counted 5 Which one is not on the list ? EDIT I Forgot to check the very first post which contained info related to my question. So it looks like the 6th hidden objective is It also answered my "Rat" question, which I was about to query.
  2. And in terms of the long stretch of wall that surrounds the property in the second picture, I would recommend breaking that up with perhaps a stable, a guard tower, a garden shed, or maybe even something as simple as a wall-mounted fountain. Just consider something to break up that long stretch of wall, which will go far in generating visual interest
  3. The next-gen "search engine AI" could be very similar to the "toy" ChatGPT, just with an added component that forces it to take into account manually curated facts that are related to the topic. That or maybe we need strong AI to make that particular application usable without being a hallucination free-for-all.
  4. My brain is reeling with overload! First, being enthralled with your goblin roleplay, I overlooked your second link to your clockwork story. That is now even more fascinating to me. In particular, the AI's reasoning powers (eg, when it perceives and describes the allegorical element of your story) is staggering. Clearly the AI can reason intelligently. No matter that it isn't conscious and, like all software, it's merely a list of instructions & data (thought HUGE!) it can reason in an intelligent way. In that instance it was better than me! It definitely has (or can represent and function as if) an understanding of language. And I say if something looks like a spade, and be used to dig, then it's a spade, even if constructed differently. thanks, now found the sharing feature and discovered your post is publicly-readable but posting to it requires an openAI account. I added a brief message to test if you can see it. I'm sure it can be seen on the public page. But does that sync with the copy in your private version of it? For further interest, I posted a version of one of my earlier tests that might be of interest at.... https://chat.openai.com/share/36420a5f-f8d8-4eeb-939b-a1c4c017c2b3 It's a failed story fragment but I learned a lot about how to work with gpt.
  5. In order to better discuss performance, please look into this article: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Tracy:_timeline_profiler#Gameplay Perhaps inspect some Tracy records too. The game consists of four main parts, most of them run in parallel: game modelling renderer frontend renderer backend GPU Let's suppose n-th part consumes Tn milliseconds of time on some interval, then the interval takes min(t1 + t2, t3, t4) of time in total. Usually either p.1 + p.2 or p.4 are bottleneck. If you try doing less updates, you cannot make renderer backend and GPU faster: it still has to render all the stuff every frames. Except for something like reusing shadow maps between frames, which is not implemented yet. You can make game modelling faster if some entities skip thinking. The most time-consuming entities are AIs, and this kind of optimization is applied to them since the very beginning of TDM, known as "interleaded thinking optimization" (Doom 3 had similar but stronger "dormancy" concept). If an AI is behind closed doors and far from player, then he thinks rarely, e.g. 3 times per second. You can use cv_ai_opt_forceopt cvar to experiment with it. It took much effort to make this work reliably, but without it TDM should be very slow on anything but small levels. And this optimization caused some headache later, for instance it caused distant AIs to randomly die with uncapped and low FPS. All the other entities think every frame, as far as I know. Some entities are known to be dangerous to think rarely: that's mostly physics-related things like ropes and ragdolls. Another thing is that many entities spend negligible time in their Think methods, and most entities don't think at all (only "active" entities think, see listActiveEntities command). Speaking of renderer frontend, you can update entities less often. Then you can reduce time on understanding which areas entities belong to, and on generating interactions (that's the main part I think). However, there are parts of frontend which are view-dependent, so they need to run every frame. You can experiment with cvar r_skipUpdates. As far as I understand, it disables all updates of render entities/lights from game code. The game modelling still runs, guards still move around, see you, speak, chase you, and kill you. But renderer displays the obsolete state of the world from the moment when you set the cvar.
  6. That is just about the method I've arrived at. I started a new test story where I told it a set of rules (British spelling, use n-dashes with spaces, etc.) then told it my rough idea for a scene (I write in scenes anyway then form chapters from related scenes, so that was fine.) I then told it to create the scene but don't display it, then check it against the rules and correct it, then display it. This worked well for several scenes but I just noticed my latest scene is back in American English with an m-dash in there with no spaces. So I asked it to display rule 15 (the one about dashes) It came back with corrupted nonsense about different number rules I hadn't even invented! And it said there was no rule 15! So clearly it only remembers back a few messages. So I've decided to continue by giving it the rules every scene. That's just a matter of copy/pasting in from my text editor so not too much trouble. I will also need to start a new conversation say every 3 or 4 scenes, post all the (relevant) scenes so far, then continue. Your shared chat looks really good and an amazing length! That's all one conversation? And what is that openAI shared service? How do I access that to post and read other stuff? I didn't know it existed. It's got a button to continue the conversation. Does that mean anyone could join in that thread?
  7. I don't recall a system for noise masking. It sounds like it'd be a good idea, but when you get into the details you realize it'd be complicated to implement. It's not only noise that that goes into it, I think. E.g., a high register can cut through even a loud but low register rumble. And it's not like the .wav file even has data on the register of what it's playing. So either you have to add meta-data (which is insane), or you have to have a system to literally check pitch on the .wav data and paramaterize it in time to know when it's going to cut through what other parameters from other sounds. For that matter, it doesn't even have the data on the loudness either, so you'd have to get that off the file too and time the peaks with the "simultaneous" moment at arbitrary places in every other sound file correctly. And then position is going to matter independently for each AI. So it's not like you can have one computation that works the same for all AI. You'd have to compute the masking level for each one, and then you get into the expense you're mentioning. I know there was a long discussion about it in the internal forums, and probably on the public subforums too, but it's been so long ago now I can't even remember the gist of them. Anyway the main issue is I don't know if you'll find a champion that wants to work on it. But if you're really curious to see how it might work, you could always try your hand at coding & implementing it. Nothing beats a good demo to test an idea in action. And there's no better way to learn how to code than a little project like that. I always encourage people to try to implement an idea they have, whether or not it may be a good idea, just because it shows the power of an open source game. We fans can try anything we want and see if it works!
  8. OK, after discovering a gpt-4 account can be cancelled anytime (and even renovated later) I decided 20-odd dollars was worth investing to explore it. I found it fascinating but my main interest was fiction writing and I found although gpt-4 was creative and its grammar perfect, it's continuity was flawed with anything longer than maybe a couple of thousand words because amazingly it cannot recall precisely all the text even in one conversation. Somehow it condenses earlier messages and the further you get into a story the more I get forgets stuff, like Mr Johnson comes into the room. Erm... didn't Mr Johnson die in Chapter 3? This only applies if you try to help chatgpt-4 to write a story rather than get chatgpt-4 help YOU to write a story. That's different. Anyway, I've not given up trying to find a workaround, and in the meantime, gpt-4 now provides internest access via Bing. This is even better than Phind. You can type all sort of instructions in and get gpt-4 to do the searching like so: User: OK. please search for advice on getting chatgpt-4 to write a long story. List the first 10 website articles. Omit any that only help the user write a story, and only list those where the user helps chatgpt-4 to write the story. Abandon processing any websites that give errors such as failing to access and instead display here the link, then continue searching. If you can't find 10 articles within 10 minutes, then stop Chatgpt-4: I'm sorry, I wasn't able to fully complete your request. However, I've gathered some useful information. I found an article titled "How to Write a Novel With ChatGPT (Ultimate Guide in 2023)" on WritingBeginner.com. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to use ChatGPT to write a novel. This guide includes 13 steps, such as: 1. Asking ChatGPT to suggest a genre and subgenre. 2. Using ChatGPT to come up with a story premise. 3. Expanding the premise into a back cover blurb with the help of ChatGPT. 4. Creating an outline from the blurb with ChatGPT's help【74†source】【75†source】【76†source】【77†source】【78†source】. I spent quite a bit of time exploring the details of this guide, which may be helpful if you're looking to use an AI like ChatGPT to assist with writing a long story. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find 10 separate articles that specifically discuss how to help ChatGPT-4 write a long story, as per your request. The search results included a mix of different kinds of articles, and it took a significant amount of time to explore each one to determine its relevance. I'll list the URLs of the remaining pages that seemed potentially relevant, but I wasn't able to fully explore them within your time limit: 1. https://www.artificial-intelligence.blog/news/how-to-write-a-story-with-gpt-3 2. https://www.wired.com/story/ai-language-models-biggest-challenge-yet-long-form-content/ 3. https://www.writersdigest.com/be-inspired/how-artificial-intelligence-can-help-authors-write-a-better-novel 4. https://www.fastcompany.com/90697938/this-is-how-a-i-will-help-you-write-your-next-novel 5. https://towardsdatascience.com/writing-with-gpt-3-turning-prompts-into-novels-ba1d109b2a6f 6. https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/03/20/104107/artificial-intelligence-is-now-writing-novels-heres-an-example/ Please note that the relevance of these articles to your specific request is uncertain since I wasn't able to fully assess them within your time limit. As for the technical question about Chrome updates, the latest version of Google Chrome as of June 8, 2023, is 112.0.5615.137/138 for Windows and Mac, and 112.0.5615.165 for Linux【47†source】. I hope this information is helpful, and I apologize for not being able to fully meet your initial request. End... This will change searching the net forever! It's like having an assistant to do the legwork.
  9. kano

    2016+ CPU/GPU News

    Not hardware related, but I upgraded to Debian 12 and I swear the system feels faster and more responsive now. Quite a bit, actually. I know for sure that the AMD drivers were improved between Linux 5.10 and 6.1. But it really feels like other optimizations and improvements were made as well. And it's not a fresh install, it's an upgrade, so there's none of that "you started with a clean slate so of course it's faster" that you get when you first install Windows and the registry hasn't gotten filled with crap yet. It's just too bad that Linux 6.2 did not make it into Debian 12 as standard, because I think that's what you need for good Intel Arc support. I was this close to buying an A770 last week, but then the price went up overnight from $329 to $400. I guess Intel saw the announcements just like we did. But I think I'm gonna just sit on current graphics hardware for as long as possible to teach the industry a lesson. EDIT to be clear the desktop is faster and more snappy not just with AMD graphics, but also NVidia as well. Also the web browser too. They must have done something to improve scheduling in the kernel. Now that more consumer devices, e.g. Steamdeck are running Linux, and not just servers, one should probably expect more improvements of this nature.
  10. I'm using the version from kcghost. I just tested and I can't see any difference inside the inventory. On the stats itself it doesn't show the different loot types (still seen in the inventory), but instead gives more info on stealth score. Edit: I see Dragofer made an updated version of his script. I have to check that out. Edit2: That version works: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=21272&key=02755164a3bed10498683771fe9a0453
  11. Old topic: SteveL had most of the basics of func_occluder \ antiportal working but was struggling with shadow handling and a few related concerns. Quake mappers would probably love the feature since they've already been using it for years but it's hard to say whether TDM \ Doom 3 folks will really want to add another optimization workflow? Admittedly func_occluder seems to be easier to visualize than portal closure behavior so it might not be as error prone.
  12. Not sure if this is a bug, or something that could be worked around in DR, but ongoing objectives don't get marked as completed at the end of missions. Here's a small video to illustrate this: https://i.imgur.com/qRkcmJ7.mp4 The "No kills" objective is the pre-made one from the mapstartpack_complete.pfb prefab. I didn't make any changes to it, apart from the displayed text. I attached my test map here, where I've been experimenting with these objectives, and it's easy to reproduce this behavior in it (as seen in the video). On a related note, TDM could display the complete list of objectives after the mission is completed (alongside the mission statistics). I think that would be a nice thing to have. loot_obj_test.map
  13. I looked but didn't see this video posted in these forums. It's pretty cool.
  14. It wasn't a "sacrifice", it was a deliberate decision. People wanted the game to be as close as possible to the original, including pixelated graphics. If you ask me, the former version based on the Unity engine looked and felt better. But, hey... I guess I'm not the right person to judge that, as I never played the original, and always found that the art style of System Shock 2 is much better anyway. This also illustrates the issue with community funded games: Too many cooks spoil the broth. In game design, you need freedom, not thousands of people who want you to do this and this and that. Just take a look at the Steam forums and see how all those wimps complain again about everything. Hopeless.
  15. So giving it none of those tags, but making the AI invisible, silent, non-solid, and on a team neutral to everyone would not work? Oh well, it was a horrible inelegant idea anyway.
  16. What I understood is that the idea of TDM was born from that it was unclear if T3 would get a level editor at the time. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20050218173856/http://evilavatar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=268
  17. You can probably find the postmortem about it. They were using the Unreal engine whichever version, the same used for DX:IW, which was already kind of cramped with memory as you can see in that game, although still worlds better than Dromed! But one guy on the team implemented real time shadows IIRC on his own initiative. So they moved to that new version and got sunk into it before realizing it came with some heavy costs, like the memory use was so tight they had to chop the levels into parts with load zones, performance was a constant problem, and a lot of features had to be cut for related technical reasons like rope arrows, swimmable water, etc. And by then the original guy had left the company and I think know one knew the inner workings well enough to know how to fix it. Something like that. Then all of those problems just got compounded with the editor version for people making FMs. It wasn't even out that long before a group of editors and fans started looking for an alternative engine they could make a total conversion just for making FMs the way the game was meant to be, and the Doom3 engine fell right at that time... And that ultimately led to Darkmod.
  18. This one is really essential: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138607 Should work fine with the GOG version.
  19. Oh, I think Vivaldi is doing very well on his way, even to the point that Google tried to boycott it with discriminatory browsersniffing on Google partner pages and those of Google itself, for example Blogger. This has caused that Vivaldi, in the interest of the user, has dispensed with the UA as Vivaldi, passing it as Chrome, with which suddenly the problems disappeared. Vivaldi is a headache for Google, despite being a browser with little market share yet, but very very good devs.
  20. https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152224 There is a new mapping contest over on TTLG for the Thief: Deadly Shadows 20th Anniversary and the organizers were kind enough to include The Dark Mod along with all of the Thief games as an options for making a mission to submit as an entry. The deadline is a year from yesterday and the rules are pretty open. I recommend going to the original thread for the details but I will summarize here: Rules: - The mission(s) can be for Thief 1, Thief 2, Deadly Shadows or The Dark Mod. - Collaborations are allowed. - Contestants can use any custom resource they want, though TDM cannot use the Deadly Shadows resource pack. - Contestants can submit more than one mission. - Contestants can enter anonymously. - The mission(s) can be of any size. Using prefabs is allowed but the idea is this is a new mission and starting from an abandoned map or importing large areas from other maps is not allowed. Naturally this is on the honor system as we have no way of validating. Mission themes and contents: There is no requirement from a theme or story viewpoint, however contestants might consider that many players may expect or prefer missions to be celebratory of Thief: Deadly Shadows in this respect: castles, manors, museums, ruins inhabited by Pagans and the like, with a balance of magic versus technology. This is entirely up to the authors, though, to follow or not - it is just mentioned here as an FYI and, while individual voters may of course choose to vote higher or lower based on this on their own, it will not be a criteria used explicitly in voting or scoring. Deadline: May 25th, 2024 at 23:59 Pacific Time. See the TTLG thread for details on submissions and the voting process. Provided I can make the deadline I hope to participate. It would be nice to see the entire community do something together, and expressing our complicated relationship with this divisive game seems as good a pretext as any.
  21. You missed my above post where I said I'm getting 4K on PS5. Problem is, Sturgeon's law applies; most of the stuff is crap. Movies-by-numbers, boring start I skimmed forward trying to find something to grab my interest - without success. Useless info. I mean you browse pictures and titles: Stannish (with picture of a car), Draw Fast (with a picture of a falling horse), Fever Zone (picture of a woman screaming), and so on. Why sould anyone with a brain click on those and start watching? Zero info. So you move from picture to picture and get a one-liner above. It might give minimal info like 'Man struggles with life in the new town he moved to'. Oh, wow! Must watch that! But that's if your lucky and get any info at all. Often what you get is zero info but instead: 'Widely proclaimed binge fest rated 90% on Rotten Tomatoes and high on our rewatched list!' Oh, right, I'll watch that one then. So all one can do is start watching almost anything that doesn't look dreadful, skimming forward to try to find interest. The dynamic range of sound and vision is dreadful: speech is near-inaudible and shouting disturbs my neighbours, while street scenes may be glaringly bright and washed out, while a shop interior is almost black with a few pale faces visible. It's as bad as tv. Every Sunday I skim through the tv guide on my recorder and maybe find one or two things to record during the following week - often none. Sturgeon was absolutely right, but if only one could find that small percentage of good stuff amongst the millions there should still be a lot of good stuff, right? Maybe AI is the answer. Once we get our real personal assistant that learns what I really like it can do the legwork and find it for me. It won't be distracted by promos and bullshit.
  22. Ah, interesting. I was seeing something similar the other day. I was replaying Sotha's Thomas Porter series, and on "The Glenham Tower", I noticed that my fire-arrows tended to go through the haunts in the cellar and smack into the wall behind them. I would assume that this is a related issue.
  23. Out of interest, are we likely to see another entry in the Hidden Hands series?
  24. I just submitted a new bug report: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6292. In certain specific cases, projectiles don't collide with the player. I've got a test case where a atdm:func_shooter shoots an arrow right at the player, and it goes 'right through' them without damage. It seems to be related to the angle of the projectile (and whether the player is moving or not). This is new to TDM 2.11. It's the cause of the problem that @JavaGod reported playing my mission:
  25. You can always add it via script, but itll be too late because the spawn frame code events have already happened. i.e. the lantern won't be part of the weapon index. This is a generic def file for player-related entities. If you overwrite a core def file you have to include everything, otherwise those entities will be missing from the game.
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