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thing is how did you get the ends of the ropes to stay put..? when i tried it they just dropped down, leaving the plants in mid-air.

I think I'm missing something obvious.

The rope ends are simply bound to the ropes. The rope anchors they are looped through are simply worldspawn, just sitting there. The left rope itself (far rope in video) is bound to a func_shaker entity with the other rope and bridge planks bound to it. Also, all of the rope and bridge plank entities are solid 0 and there is a curved piece of nodraw-solid patch just above the bridge so the AI and player have an easy time walking. All of that is wrapped in sections of monster clip.

I'll have to look after work today, but I tweaked the spawnargs for func_shaker. One default setting controls the shake amount for pitch, yaw and roll. I believe it defaulted to '0.5 0.5 0.5' and I set it to something like '0.2 0.2 0.4', maybe even '0.02 0.02 0.04'. That combined with the shaketime spawnarg... changed from 0.05 to about 0.2 or so. The combination of those 2 spawnargs determine how far the shaker moves and how long it takes for the shake movement (time for each shake, not total time of all shaking)


Nice work, PranQster!

Thanks! I can't wait to get off work so I can continue :)


Yeah, very cool, and Im liking the whole fantasy feel to the mission too, very creative indeed.

Awesome :) I am hoping to make a great mission that most players will really enjoy. The hard parts of the second half are done, the rest is just building pagan huts and some AI, etc. The first half, starting in the city, will be a bigger challenge for me. Tying the two halves together will be rather simple (or so I hope).

Edited by PranQster

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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I suppose I could bind the rope end loops to the anchor loops. Then make some rope winding pieces the ends of the ropes can stick into (think of the winding around a noose). Then only have the ropes themselves move and not the loops or winding.


I could also try putting those loops on a very tight spring attached to the shaker, but I'm afraid it might make the loops move even more than the ropes.


Edit: I went with the first idea above.Now the ends stay put and have a few coils of rope behind them. The main ropes stick into them and only those main ropes move. I tried making separate fun_shakers for the rope coils as well as the ends, but getting them to sync together was not possible. The timing ends up being slightly different each time the AI crosses the bridge, making the rope coils, ends, and main ropes all bounce around independent of each other (even though the shake time is the same for all). That looked comical and the rigid ends look better.

Edited by PranQster

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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Finally got this bastard to stay put... AND I had to bind the rope to him, not the other way around. He kept falling when he was bound to the rope, even with the 'cork technique'. Unfortunately I can't make him swing with the method I used (not yet anyway).




And no, this gallows will not be in my Pagan village. It just happened to be there where I experimented with this. If I get it working as I like it, then I'll move it into town (which I have yet to build).

Edited by PranQster

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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Thanks. I had to completely wrap him with noclip_solid brushes. To the point of loading a head model into DR and getting it perfectly placed, then putting brushwork around the head within .25 units of touching him. I needed to prevent him from bending or moving at the waist, the ribs, his head, knees, feet, neck... anywhere he could possibly try to wiggle his way to the ground. Without it, he would simply fall and take anything bound to him crashing down with him, including the gallows. If I tried binding the AI to the rope, he'd just fall away even if I clipped a model into him (such as the cork per Fidcal's solution).

Though I did get an AI ragdoll to stay on horseback with a func_spring entity, they twitched and twisted all over the place. Possibly because the horse was moving. I am going to try the spring method next, but I'm afraid it will attach to the AI at the waist. If I can make it attach at Spine2, I might be able to make the ragdoll stay on the rope and still be able to swing freely with no brushwork cage to bind it in place.

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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Have you tried binding him to the rope, and the rope to worldspawn?


Also, IIRC, for some things like the swingin bucket, we did a "non-animation" MD5 entity - maybe we can create an "empty" (e.g. consisting of two invisible bones) MD5 entity that just consists of two parts which are bound together by a spring or other joint. Then you could bind different things to the two ends and always have swinging lamps, swinging guys on ropes etc.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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<br />


Have you tried binding him to the rope, and the rope to worldspawn?<br />

<br />

Also, IIRC, for some things like the swingin bucket, we did a "non-animation" MD5 entity - maybe we can create an "empty" (e.g. consisting of two invisible bones) MD5 entity that just consists of two parts which are bound together by a spring or other joint. Then you could bind different things to the two ends and always have swinging lamps, swinging guys on ropes etc.<br />


<p>Yes I did bind him to the rope, but the rope cannot bind to worldspawn. I wish that could be done because the worldspawn would anchor the other entities properly and wouldn't be pulled down by the AI's gravity. I tried loading an md5 body model and head, but got errors... probably because I had a bindtojoint on the rope and there was no joint defined since it was just a model, not a true AI. The body and head did not render. I might try that again, keeping in mind not to use the bindtojoint spawnarg.</p>

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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'id1' Clipmodel ID on the first entity to connect to (defaults to 0)

'id2' Clipmodel ID on the first entity to connect to (defaults to 0)


Anyone know how to use these?

They correspond with 'ent1' and 'ent2' which are the noose and the AI, respectively. I'm trying to get the AI connected at the neck - Spine2.

Edited by PranQster

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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That outdoor scene looks great, but I had exactly the same reaction as Spring... We need good looking trees to give it justice.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I've never seen the files.



Floood have the files, there were some problems with them as they were,

so we've converted them to .ase-s. Also some of their textures were bitmap so those were also converted to .dds.

I've also made scales of 0.35 and 0.6 of them. But as to my knowledges those are Pinkdot's trees, so this may not be the same thing. (3 tree,1 young tree,fallen tree)

Edited by _Atti_
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