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Silly TDM Screenshot Thread


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Title: Mick Jagger on the beach? Surely not! ;)


I took this screenshot in Silencium18's Special Delivery:



Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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He seriously needs to consider sunblock.


That's the green bottle he's carrying around. I do not endorse drinking too much alcoholic beverages on the on the beach as it may result in horrible burns or dehydration. ^_^


(Like this fellow really cared about those anyways.. :D)


-The mapper's best friend.

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Recently, I've experimented with adding props to AI's




Out of curiosity, did you use 'def_attach' or 'bind' for those?

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Here are a few made during development...





If I keep trying I must be able to rope out of this well..




Ryker in drag placeholder until we get women...




The crazy lengthy discussions we had to perfect Dark Mod. This is an early idea I had to combine the two main lockpicking ideas at that time into one. I bet you guys thought we just churned out the first ideas that come into our heads!




Mad King...



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Finance Crisis Strikes The City Watch!

Costs were cut by issuing new headgear.


Officials claim that new cheaper headgear confers total blackjacking immunity, but some argue that there are unacceptable side-effects...




-The mapper's best friend.

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I was once fooling around on the training mission in the sparring area with god mode on. One of the guards became stretched out along the X-axis. It made me ROFL. I took a screenshot to preserve the memories, but can't find it now.

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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  • 1 month later...

Idiotic exploit of the week, embedded in a short story:


The thief picked the lock as many times before. But suddenly he heard approaching footsteps behind the nearby door. He knew he was trapped in a room that was well lit without any places to hide. Quick thinking was needed. Quickly he grabbed the nearby bowl and...



placed it between him and the only light source in the room!




The guard came in, walked through the room, ate an apple and after a while of grumbling about being bored left through the way he came. The thief felt lucky and thought that big bowls should be standard thieving equipment...


-The mapper's best friend.

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I thought we'd already fixed that exploit of being able to hide in the shadow of a carried object??

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I've done stuff like that before; it's usually pretty difficult with most objects... as it should be. Usually not worth the rattle & hum and the time & effort. But I imagine it's every bit as legit as stacking a pile of crates to block a light, which I also think is meant to be legit.


Don't see how this can be "fixed" and don't want it "fixed" unless the AI can be improved enough to notice these things when they are particularly suspicious. Only thing is where's the margin between inconspicuous, conspicuous, suspicious, particularly suspicious... pron not pron I know what I like I know it when I see it art not art...

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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I've done stuff like that before; it's usually pretty difficult with most objects... as it should be. Usually not worth the rattle & hum and the time & effort. But I imagine it's every bit as legit as stacking a pile of crates to block a light, which I also think is meant to be legit.


Yeah, the above situation is rather difficult to get done. The bowl placement is quite delicate. Remember also that the player cannot look around while holding the object there. The AI path could easily bump into the player and the player cannot see the approaching danger.


-The mapper's best friend.

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So you were standing there holding the object? Well then that's different. I thought when you said you "placed" the object you had managed to set the object there. That's what I had meant by what I'd done once or twice.


So... hmmmm... yeah, I'd like that situation to be recognized, for it is both ludicrous AND more easily identifiable at the meta-level where the engine should be able to discern such.

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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Yes, if he actually *placed* the bowl there then that thread applies and there's not much to be done. I thought from the description that he was "holding" it.

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