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Thief 4 is trash.


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Cringe-worthy moment #1


17:00 -- Three guards are standing around a crate. Garrett throws a bottle at a guard's head, slows down time, gets his bow out and shoots the other guard in the head just as the bottle connects and KO's the first one, and then swoops forward, grabbing the last guard and clubbing him on the head before the "370 XP Headshot" has even disappeared.


Other distasteful details:


The presenter refered to "Med packs" for gaining health.


The screen still looks like someone's tablet used after applying sunscreen. Horribly blurry and distracting, although it seems to come and go.


Swooping on tile makes no noise.


Dialogue sounds very modern. "Do you want the Graven plucking out your eyes out with rusty fucking knives? Then get back on your fucking patrol."


Orzi's in game dialogue is horrible.


Presenter throws in another dismissive comment about the original games, "It's not 1999 anymore." Also (he could be joking, it's not clear) he asks whether the term "ghosting" means going through walls.


Interesting moments:


Garret can squeeze through thin areas, and apparently will "contextually" move objects out of the way if they're bocking him.


Garrett has wire cutters for disarming traps (presumably this is contextual, like the claw--you just frob the trap and the wirecutters are a decorative animation).


You get an extremely generous FOV when looking through keyholes.


What does "Hold R1 Observe" mean??


Mantling onto objects is super fast, Dishonored style.


Garrett peers through a small crack--keyhole style--to see how the internal mechanism of a safe works (cool). Orzi's narrative helpfully tells you, "If I could see inside, maybe I could figure out how this works" (lame).


Apparently you can turn those "captain obvious" voice-overs off. Phew.

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Presenter throws in another dismissive comment about the original games, "It's not 1999 anymore." Also (he could be joking, it's not clear) he asks whether the term "ghosting" means going through walls.


Wrong link? I don't see any video.


Typical paid-for gaming press. Don't even know what makes games fun.

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And right near the end, this potential bombshell:


Audience question: "Will this be one of those games where you can sit a foot away from somone in the dark and they'll walk right past you?"

Presenter: "No, definitely not.... if you're in the dark and an enemy walks past you, you'll still be detected based on your proximity."

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am guessing there's no health potions because they think health potions goes with magic and not alchemy and they removed the magic from the game as the glyph magic system was destroyed in thief 3. I suppose eating food doesn't heal you either they've probably removed that as well. Have they also removed the Tesla based power systems from the previous games because they didn't understand how that would work and have added wires instead.


If they played the original games they must have played like it was a first person shooter and died a lot so they fixed that as to them it was obviously broken.


thief 4 is available for pre-purchase on steam.


here's the text that goes with it.




About the Game

Garrett, the Master Thief, steps out of the shadows into the City. In this treacherous place, where the Baron’s Watch spreads a rising tide of fear and oppression, his skills are the only things he can trust. Even the most cautious citizens and their best-guarded possessions are not safe from his reach.

As an uprising emerges, Garrett finds himself entangled in growing layers of conflict. Lead by Orion, the voice of the people, the tyrannized citizens will do everything they can to claim back the City from the Baron’s grasp. The revolution is inevitable. If Garrett doesn’t get involved, the streets will run red with blood and the City will tear itself apart.

Key Features:



Step into the silent shoes of Garrett, a dark and lonely thief with an unrivaled set of skills. The most challenging heists, the most inaccessible loots, the best kept secrets: nothing is out of your reach.



Explore the sick and troubled City, from its shady back alleys to the heights of its rooftops. Sneak into rich houses, Infiltrate the best-guarded mansions and lurk in every dark corner… unnoticed and unsanctioned.



Leverage Garrett’s arsenal to take down guards with your blackjack, shoot one of your many arrow types or use your newly acquired focus abilities to manipulate the environment and outsmart your enemies. What kind of master thief will you be?



Become one with the world thanks to ground-breaking visual elements and a truly tactile and visceral first-person experience. Through jaw-dropping Next-Gen technical possibilities, THIEF delivers unprecedented immersion through sights, sounds and artificial intelligence.


System Requirements


OS: Windows Vista

Memory: 4 GB RAM

DirectX: Version 10



OS: Windows 7, Windows 8

Memory: 4 GB RAM

DirectX: Version 11




the steam version will be available to play a few days before the store version, depends on region though.

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Dialogue sounds very modern. "Do you want the Graven plucking out your eyes out with rusty fucking knives? Then get back on your fucking patrol."


It should sound like this:"Dost thou wanneth to get er eyes be pluketh by this villianous Graven-knave?! By Builder, get thee gone on er route you taffing good of nothings or I will cuteth er eyeballs to thy waggy feets by this very steel! And will troweth it to burricks. Taffer..."

What excuse do we have not to sculpt, and sculpt, and sculpt, until the job is done?

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Actually the word "fuck" is from medieval. It had a different meaning back there, though.


If the portal of a castle was crushed with a battering ram, they said "the battering ram fucked the portal". At least it was like that in germany, but as those words are pretty similar, I guess it was the same in the english language. So basically fuck means penetrating. I don't know when it was first used as a curse word, though.

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fuck was used as a swear word was first recorded in the middle of the 1800's which isn't that long ago relatively.


the worst swear word you could use in medieval times is the word bastard, it ment then actually what it means today but was used by the nobility to describe someone who lied about his nobility rights.


the words they could have used are bollocks, bugger, buggered, pillock, bloody, shit, bitch, and any words that include god. so they should have stuck to taffer and all its variants, taff, taff off, you taffer, go taff yourself, taff this.


bollocks means rubbish, scrotum.

bullock means a bull that's had its bollocks tied off till they've fallen off, they used to use string, but now they use rubber bands.

pillock means idiot, someone with no prick, prickless.

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I think the issue with using the word "fuck" wasn't necessarily that it shouldn't be used in a medieval setting, but more that it shouldn't be used in a Thief setting. The strongest word the guards used in the originals is Taffer.


Aside from the "its' not 1999" comment, there was another point during the Q&A where the presenter ripped on T1, I can't remember exactly what he said though. I don't know where they found that douchebag, but being a presenter is not exactly his forte. He was completely fake, giving lame compliments to the audience, but also cutting them off and belittling them. Hard to believe EM couldn't do better than that for a PR guy.

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I think the issue with using the word "fuck" wasn't necessarily that it shouldn't be used in a medieval setting, but more that it shouldn't be used in a Thief setting. The strongest word the guards used in the originals is Taffer.


Aside from the "its' not 1999" comment, there was another point during the Q&A where the presenter ripped on T1, I can't remember exactly what he said though. I don't know where they found that douchebag, but being a presenter is not exactly his forte. He was completely fake, giving lame compliments to the audience, but also cutting them off and belittling them. Hard to believe EM couldn't do better than that for a PR guy.


Sounds like he represented the current approach to consumer / fan treatment perfectly.

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Can anyone confirm this?


Like I mentioned before, an unalert hammerite on maybe hard or expert difficulty can see me if I'm against a wall he goes past, even if I don't seem to physically collide with his model. He jumps back and attacks.


I always thought that you were effectively invisible in T1/2 if you were in total darkness.

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Unalerted AI can only see you if your weapons are out and crouching in full shadow, exceptions being the blackjack, and Constantines' sword. that's on all settings normal, hard, expert. If your weapons are not selected except exceptions then AI can not see you.

Constantine's sword only available in t1 after mission to get it.

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Yep, that's correct. You were invisible in full shadow, even if the guards were searching for you. They only detect you if they bump into you. Difficulty didn't make a difference there.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

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I know there have been times when a patrolling AI has come just a little to close to me in my hiding spot, and then suddenly stepped back an reacted and then gone on the offensive. But as jtr mentioned, there have also been times when they walk right into me while in search mode and they don't react at all.


This discussion has got me curious though, I may have to set up a little test mission in dromed.

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in the t2 source code ai use vision and sound to detect things this is the aware function (there's no body touching aware code), and in the vision part ai go to alert if light falling on object is higher than minimum light level and checking if ai is enemy, else they just ignore it. if seen they then check the id of the object and the team the object is in. so they can see normal objects and other ai including player, the code mentions level but its the alert level of current ai. even at full alert if the light falling on another ai is the same as minimum light level then the ai can't see it.

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Well... let's start with the positives... It uh... looks nice, I guess?

Scratch that. Graphically, the game is impressive, but it doesn't look nice per say. The art style is rather dull and desaturated, which a Thief game would never be aesthetically. Thief utilized the varying light as a design choice, so dark areas like dimly lit rooms, caves and caverns, etc... appeared to be pitch black. But when you entered a well lit area, you noticed how vibrant with color and detail everything is. In this new Thief, it's harder to distinguish what is dark and what is bright. I find myself confused at moments when the light gem alerts the player that he is concealed in darkness, yet there is hardly any so called "darkness" to be seen. Then again, the moments where areas are illuminated seem too dark and dreary. One good counter example to this style is Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Most of the time, you wear your night vision, because it's difficult to see in the darker areas while infiltrating certain enemy lines. So, say you are in a dark area and your light meter says you are practically invisible in the shadows you've found refuge in. When the night vision goes off, it's clear that you are in the shadows and no one can see you, the only indication of where you are being the artificial lights on your character's suit. In the new Thief however, as I said before, everything just seems grey, with no real contrast or dichotomy between light and shadow.


I still haven't watched the full video, so more is yet to come out of me. I'll give my next couple of thoughts once I see the game play.

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