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Thief 4 is trash.


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I like just about everything in this article. The idea of "noise patches" strikes me as pretty cool.




Few short excerpts:


if a door is opened near a guard, he’ll react to it. If a strong light source turns off near him, he’ll react to it.


Noise is a really big factor for guard recognition. If you accidentally bump into a vase, for example, guards will react to the sound of it smashing.


It’s still possible to make noise and alert guards if you’re crouched though - for example, if you walk on a "noise patch", like a pile of broken glass on the floor, you’ll still make detectable noise.


Guards will shout to each other to draw attention. They can only shout so far, but word can spread from guard to guard much further in major disturbances

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I've let go of having another Thief: The Dark Project... I'll let TDM fill that gap.


Once the crushing disappointment subsided, I re evaluated T4, and... I'm almost optimistic. I'm sure I'll have fun playing a faux Thief game, won't I? I think I will. Hopefully my thieving "itch" will get scratched in the process.

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I would play good money for it, even if it was a mission pack made in Dromed 1.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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I've managed to watch a playthrough in the first mission of T4 at PAX Prime this last weekend.


I will admit, T4 it looks very slick. Stylized and streamlined, no doubt. The graphics and art design were nothing short of absolutely stunning. Lockpicking and pocket picking is a huge improvement over T1-T2. In my opinion, it bared little resemblance to Dishonored, both in the graphics and gameplay departments. Overall, the game looked like 85% stealth, 5% puzzles, and 10% combat. The gameplay most definitely favored stealth. Comparing this to Dishonored which favored combat but COULD be stealth'd, I consider this a huge positive for T4. There was plenty of sneaking through dark mansions with the occasional blackjack, while eavesdropping conversations through doors. Very moody and thief like. I was pleasantly surprised by the general "flow" of level, which -barring the QT moments and UI handholding- played like a standard T1 mansion heist.


I really hated the 3rd person/lack of jumping/QT moments however. That and the exp/flying numbers and UI handholding. Yuck.


Still... IF this game has a "purist mode", I would definitely play it through.


I remain cautiously optimistic. I'm hoping for an enjoyable, Thiefy experience.

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The do seem to be reacting to feedback...apparently "swoop" has been moved to its own button, leaving only jump/climbing (is that the same as mantle?) on the same button.



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I don't think I can even be cautiously optimistic about this game. I've been in this song and dance several times before, and I am not getting fooled again.

Do not mistake me however, I don't want this game to fail. Maybe it will surprise me, but it's doubtful.



Interesting interview I found. They go very in depth about the story, and beware, for there be spoilers. Other than that, we see some new gameplay.

Strangely enough, the story actually mildly peaks my interest. It seems to pick up after Deadly Shadows what with Garrett having an apprentice.

We'll see Eidos.

Edited by Jonathan1247

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think its safe to say that once Thief 4 is released we will never see anything remotely close to Thief: The Dark Project. Ubisoft butchered Thief and made into something to compete with Dishonored, nothing more. No hammers? Pagans? Keepers? They even replaced the voice actor for Garret for christs sake. Everything that made thief interesting and the world immersive they took out and instead but a bunch of flashy gadgets and features that make the game easy enough for any 8 year old to play. The Dark Mod is the only hope to continue what looking glass studios and edios started.

The only limits your imagination has are the ones you set.

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As they are aiming to appeal to a broad audience, I guess most of the people that will be actually buying the game when it's out may never have played the original thief games, and are therefore not able to judge how close the new one is to the others or to a real stealth game :mellow:

Perhaps they should include a copy of the original thief or better yet thief the metal age with the game as some sort of flashback from the future or something? This would work well for the developers and the end user if incorporated properly as either a bonus with the new game or part of the game as a side quest/game or some such. Ideas they should be thinking about anyway IMHO.

Laptop:Metabox P370SM3- Intel Core i7-4800MQ- 2x GTX780M SLI- 16G 1600Mhz- 500G Samsung mSata-1TB Hitachi HDD- 120Hz LG 1080p.Desktops:i75930k-2x GTX980 SLI-16G 2133Mhz-Evo120GSSD-Swift PG278Q1440p Gsync.Spare:AMD A10-7850K-APU-8G 1866Mhz-seagate 4TB-120G ssd. LoL Old:P75-1:1FSB-8M ram 512MB Maxtor HDD-1MB Cirrus Logic video chip-still got the parts somewhere?First PC-Tandy 512K Color computer.

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I would suggest to the developers that all who contribute in the development should be playing T2X (which I was led to believe was a free total conversion) and is awesome, Or TTMA or better yet some big mods for TTMA to really sink them selves in to what a game of stealth and story means to the player. Game play is second only to story in a single player game. I think these days there are too many developers trying to incorporate multiplayer elements of games into single player games. This is evident in the latest Saints Row 4, Which is a great game and well thought out multi player game. Fundamentally a multi player game the developers have made an engrossing and at times hilarious single player experience that is long enough to keep the player hooked till the end.

Laptop:Metabox P370SM3- Intel Core i7-4800MQ- 2x GTX780M SLI- 16G 1600Mhz- 500G Samsung mSata-1TB Hitachi HDD- 120Hz LG 1080p.Desktops:i75930k-2x GTX980 SLI-16G 2133Mhz-Evo120GSSD-Swift PG278Q1440p Gsync.Spare:AMD A10-7850K-APU-8G 1866Mhz-seagate 4TB-120G ssd. LoL Old:P75-1:1FSB-8M ram 512MB Maxtor HDD-1MB Cirrus Logic video chip-still got the parts somewhere?First PC-Tandy 512K Color computer.

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Ask a question about the "City Hub."


Hopefully, the City Hub is a vast improvement over the one in Thief: Deadly Shadows, with less hilarious glitches.

Though I prefer the more traditional method of progression, level by level, this City Hub could be fun if done well.


One of the mods deleted my questions...


Edited by Jonathan1247

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I wouldn't call T2X: Shadows of the Metal Age a Conversion. It's a full campaign. And one that is at the same level as the original levels were. I did not play much Thief FM's, but I've played T2X, and it was just an incredible experience (although I was not able to finish the two haunted missions).


Regarding the idea of shipping the original games with T4: I don't think this would be a good idea, because besides the graphics and the relatively dumb ai I fairly doubt that the new thief can challenge with the original ones. Simply because the original ones were stealth games.

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