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Facebook Buys Oculus Rift For $2 Billion


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I now remember the recent Carmack interview where he was lamenting, all he wanted to do was spend time with his rockets and couldn't do it without more money. So I can hardly blame him for making this decision.


I can very easily imagine social VR and tagging like that though. =L

Something slightly dystopian about it TBH.

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What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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There are actually some TV shows that have started to do this. Actors on the show will text something to someone and the text is displayed on the screen on one side while the reply is shown on the opposite side. Its extremely distracting and should be handled with a phone conversation IMO. I hope its not a trend but I guess like all things, trends pass over time.

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But apparently Valve is making their own VR headset so really the Oculus Rift is just one of many that will be coming out. I know for sure I wont be buying this now but hopefully Lord Gaben will lead the market and save us!


I don't really understand this, unless you were talking in irony. Everyone is complaining about Facebook and it's dominance in the social network area and nobody seems to notice that Steam is trying to do the same with PC gaming: Forcing everyone into the same over-connected DRM network that only Valve controls by announcing gadgets like the Steamboxes and Steamcontrollers...

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I don't really understand this, unless you were talking in irony. Everyone is complaining about Facebook and it's dominance in the social network area and nobody seems to notice that Steam is trying to do the same with PC gaming: Forcing everyone into the same over-connected DRM network that only Valve controls by announcing gadgets like the Steamboxes and Steamcontrollers...


I understand the issues with Steam and I wish it was better, but a publicly traded company like Facebook (whose CEO is almost as sociopathic as wall street itself) is on a whole different level. Valve has explicitly stated that they will not go public due to their own personal beliefs (which I happen to agree with). I really don't think Zuckerberg or Wall Street give a shit about the ideal Oculus is trying to acheive, and while some may be able to imagine how their goals could be at least somewhat aligned, there will come a point when the desire to maximize short term profit will trump all else. At the very least I'll be surprised if the device is open, doesn't require license fees, and isn't heavily patented. The desire to be The Virtual Reality Device is simply too enticing.


I'm really surprised that Oculus was convinced by Zuckerberg when he said their goals will remain intact and that they will operate independently (because this has never been said following a controversial acquisition by a pubicly traded company...). But I guess $2 billion can help one rationalize things.

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I don't really understand this, unless you were talking in irony. Everyone is complaining about Facebook and it's dominance in the social network area and nobody seems to notice that Steam is trying to do the same with PC gaming: Forcing everyone into the same over-connected DRM network that only Valve controls by announcing gadgets like the Steamboxes and Steamcontrollers...


If Steam's competitors weren't so incompetent AND late to the party, I don't think it would be like this. Even then, with the whole scandal over Origin scanning people's computers, people still use it, and with EA's ability to go exclusive on it with new titles, they will eventually claw back more market share away from Valve. Microsoft is no better, last figures I saw were 92% MS, 7% Apple, and 1% Linux, those are some pretty dire figures, but since companies like Valve won't disclose their numbers, we have no idea (or at least, I don't) if the situation is any better between Steam, Origin and any other platform (not sure if I count GoG here, if they were maintaining a full modern library they'd absolutely count).

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Even then, with the whole scandal over Origin scanning people's computers, people still use it, and with EA's ability to go exclusive on it with new titles, they will eventually claw back more market share away from Valve.


I really hope so because the way Valve started Steam by forcing every Counter-Strike player to use it wasn't fair in any means! Also Newell has been known to lie on several occasions, especially regarding the HL2 delay, and I don't trust him any more than Zuckerberg. He is an ex-MS guy who only cares about money and market domination, games are side business for him and ever were. That's the real reason for the delays of HL2 and HL3!

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He is an ex-MS guy who only cares about money and market domination


He's proven otherwise on countless occasions. Unless you can prove ulterior motives and a cartoonish plot for world domination, he's a good guy. Besides, they originally made Steam so that they could patch Counter Strike without days-long disruption to their service, not because they're evil masterminds who live only to mildly inconvenience you.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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I really hope so because the way Valve started Steam by forcing every Counter-Strike player to use it wasn't fair in any means! Also Newell has been known to lie on several occasions, especially regarding the HL2 delay, and I don't trust him any more than Zuckerberg. He is an ex-MS guy who only cares about money and market domination, games are side business for him and ever were. That's the real reason for the delays of HL2 and HL3!


Holy tinfoil hat batman. He lied about the release date of a game........... Steam has done more good than bad.

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I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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I've actually had a couple of personal conversations with Gabe Newell and he is a fantastic guy who is really dedicated towards the gaming community. He is also really down to Earth and considering how rich & famous in the gaming world he is that is a really feat.


And yes I was being serious about Valve leading the way, they are a fantastic company who really care about the gaming community. Because Valve are privately owned/have massive support and a shit load of cash AND are not publicly owned like Facebook they don't have to answer to idiotic investors who are just concerned about screwing the end user so they can make some extra cash. They can focus on the future of the technology with honest to god intentions and I see them doing great things for the gaming community.

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They've already had such a revolutionary impact on the industry that it's startling when I remember it was a crappy niche beta platform I was playing in 2002. Considering everything from their awesome tours of the HQ to all their educational programs and funding as well as charity work and just generally being a huge boost to my faith in humanity, I find it very difficult to think of one bad thing to dig out that would genuinely make someone rationally think they're anything but a good influence.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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The only "bad" thing people seem to be able to dig up on Valve consistently (other than not finishing the HL storyline), is they got in too early and did DD too well, and the competition is playing catchup a decade later. I don't want to say it sounds like tall-poppy syndrome, but it sounds like tall-poppy syndrome. Another name for that is crabs in a bucket. Rather than pulling Valve back down into the bucket, it'd make more sense to get all the other crabs escaping the bucket too, it'd be a more competitive marketplace and better for the consumer.

Edited by Xarg

Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080

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"This isn't a war; it's an extermination" - Origin/Uplay/OnLive


the root of all digital distribution replacing physical media is the root of all evil. Don't really care how many rose scented farts you spray on it.


Why's that?

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