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Darkmod Fonts?


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I have to admit that I still don't know why everyone is hating on comic-sans. Not that I actually want to use it, but at keast it is legible...


Another question that recently occured to me regarding fonts (sorry to highjack the thread, but as this topic came up, I want to use the opportunity): Which fonts are supported for readables in TDM? And do we have any scrawly/shaky handwriting font? I would like to create a readable that starts in a neat and tidy handwriting and gets more scrawly later on. Just wondered if anyone knows if something like that is possible...

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Off topic again, but...



I have to admit that I still don't know why everyone is hating on comic-sans.


Internet meme, Destined...

At the clone factories, most students are drilled that it is entirely unacceptable to ever use comic sans unless in ironic context - mostly due to emergent marketing trends leaning towards certain styles, that it has been around since MS bob (Vince Connare) made it in the 90's and is the most innofensive stock typeface that "normal" people might choose (gross over-use) and that drones are supposed to be "better" than word-art and pre-made, highly available and recongisable typefaces (innovation / appropriate substitution of "better" comic typeface or draw it yourself).

Also - it's not actually a free font. Apple pay for public license so it can be used in OS and browser. Idk if that is any cause for contention, however...

Basically, it's a typographic / design in-joke that has proliferated over 'net to the hollow, mushroom-blossomed log of humourous dissonance without context that it is today.

A good proof of mass conformity in subconsious bias, without understanding or reason.

(I don't really hate it, I just know I must pretend to so I look cool in front of the bigger kids).

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What I find hilarious is that these comic sans posts become ornate cursive (it looks like a wedding invitation) when viewed in the mobile view on my phone...

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I never worked with the readable editor in dr.

But if you create a gui and put the textlines in there, you can select per line whitch font you want to use.

And there is somewhere on the net a font converter for Doom 3, to find..

It can also convert your comic-sans font.


@teh_saccade, please stop using posting in another font, than the standard font.

And It doesnt read good on portable devices.

Edited by freyk

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Speaking of which, check this out...




This is the Google font Krona One setup for use as a console font replacement.


The cool thing is I made this with an HTML table, and SVG background to cover missing characters, firefox, imagemagick, and a batch file. Don't like that font? Link to a different one in the HTML file. You can obtain the HTML, SVG, and batch file below...



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@teh_saccade, please stop using posting in another font, than the standard font.

And It doesnt read good on portable devices.


It was my asshole way of trying to get the forum to remove it and the other illegible fonts as a font choice, because I know it messes things up.

(Nb, how I never used it once for "serious" posts").


Got a love-letter instead.


I won't use it any longer, but if the toys are there - i'll play with them til someone takes them away.

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Another question that recently occured to me regarding fonts (sorry to highjack the thread, but as this topic came up, I want to use the opportunity): Which fonts are supported for readables in TDM? And do we have any scrawly/shaky handwriting font?





Since the reply was left behind when this topic was moved, I'll repost the link here: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Fonts_Screenshots

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  • 2 weeks later...

Figured that the fonts are basically .ttf that are zipped up and renamed .dat and placed into a named folder (oldschool).

However, I cannot parse the associated dds for the fonts.pk4 in any software that I use.

Is this because they are not dds that contain standard albedo/gloss/normal/height maps, etc.. and are also .ttf of different sizes that are renamed .dat and placed into the named folders?


Also - had to use the time machine again to find information on this - it's no good chucking out links to modwiki when they're all dead or fail crc.


Without figuring if the dds for a custom font is either a real dds or simply a renamed archive .ttf - will there ever be embossed brass plaques or carved letters on a wall / secret signs made easily from font files, rather than having to spend ages fiddling with a mesh in DR or spend time making a model in zbrush for a street sign..?

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Speaking of fonts: guis/readables/sheets/sheet_paper_hand_shoppinglist.gui this font really needs some work done on the i's, as they are almost illegible, even when

you know what it is. It's a bugger cause it's a great font, and I've used it in my level. It needs tweaking.

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I think the tittle (the dot on the i) is designed to look hurried - it's one of those hand-writing analysis things where you can tell a person's state of being by the stroke of their t's and dots of their i's and that kinda thing.

It appears to be a double-dot which would suggest to me that it was done hastily, after the fact, thinking of the future, with a quill pen that was stabbed a little too hard and split the nib to make two marks - servant class, writing with feathers.


I'm currently trying to figure out the font creation for TDM, and have compiled the little information I've discovered here: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Mission_Filestructure#fonts


// perhaps you can decompile the font, make the adjustments yourself and then include it as a custom font for your mission. It would save evacuating the city because an old man farted in an elevator... wait - I mean, changing the game, because of a single, relatively minor instance.

Edited by teh_saccade
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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be useful to know which converter from which wiki page you are referring, Stumpy - half of the links are dead and the others are stored in the time machine...

This way, I might update the relevant documentation and perhaps arrange contemporary mirrors without use of necromancy .

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