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TDM 2.06 issues...


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But I noticed something else that wasn't there in 2.05: Quickloading has a small delay, like about a second or more showing the game continuing before it triggers! In 2.05 the loading screen appears immediately in comparison.


I noticed that as well.


@MayheM: I take it that you tried the 64-bit executable? If not, definitely try that. It increased the framerate here.

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Let's get a console dump:


condump perf_report.txt


Also, what CPU, OS, and Driver versions?


It got better when i deleted Darkmod.cfg, and reconfigure it with my settings.


Anyway, here is the report you want just in case. i am currently using windows 7 64x, all drivers are updated, CPU intel core2duo E7500 2.93ghz, 4 GB rams.


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It got better when i deleted Darkmod.cfg, and reconfigure it with my settings.


Anyway, here is the report you want just in case. i am currently using windows 7 64x, all drivers are updated, CPU intel core2duo E7500 2.93ghz, 4 GB rams.

Thanks. I'm not seeing anything out-of-whack there. I might've missed something in Darkmod.cfg so deleting it to return to defaults

is a good workaround. Just keep in mind the snags with Soft Shadows and FBO if you decide to play with that (and use FXAA in your video drivers if you do).


Feel free to play with the profiles I outlined in this post to try to squeeze performance further:



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I wanted to start up TDM just now and finally admire the new soft shadows for myself, but when I start TDM, no FMs are listed, when I select "New Mission", although I have a couple of them on my PC. The in-game mission downloader is also empty. I am on Win10 x64. Any ideas?

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I wanted to start up TDM just now and finally admire the new soft shadows for myself, but when I start TDM, no FMs are listed, when I select "New Mission", although I have a couple of them on my PC. The in-game mission downloader is also empty. I am on Win10 x64. Any ideas?

Disable Anti-Virus (or white-list TheDarkMod.exe) and uncheck the read-only flag on your darkmod folder.


Then re-run tdm_updater.

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The update itself worked without any problems. tdm_updater tells me that the game is up to date and in game the version 2.06/64. I can change settings and watch the credits, but not Load (as no Mission is currently installed) and as I said, the mission list, as well as the in-game downloader are empty. Whitelisting the TDM-folder, tdm_update and the Darkmod.exe did not help. I unticked the read-only box, but after that it reappears after closing the Properties window (which is strange as this is not on my system hard drive).

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I don't know if this is a 2.06 issue or not, but in Tears of Saint Lucia, there's at least one guard who gets stuck in the same doorway. Played it twice, same result. Because of this, I won't be re-covering A New Job and Tears of Saint Lucia.

"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

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I wanted to start up TDM just now and finally admire the new soft shadows for myself, but when I start TDM, no FMs are listed, when I select "New Mission", although I have a couple of them on my PC. The in-game mission downloader is also empty. I am on Win10 x64. Any ideas?

I think console dump and fms\missions.tdminfo would be helpful.

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WARNING:idChoiceWindow::InitVars: gui 'guis/mainmenu.gui' window 'InteractionSh

ader' references undefined cvar 'tdm_interaction_vfp_type'


You have an old GUI file.


Delete your tdm_gui01.pk4 and re-run tdm_updater.

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I don't know if this is a 2.06 issue or not, but in Tears of Saint Lucia, there's at least one guard who gets stuck in the same doorway. Played it twice, same result. Because of this, I won't be re-covering A New Job and Tears of Saint Lucia.


@Cambridge, can you uncheck the monsterclip filter so we can see how its been setup around the door frame.

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WARNING:idChoiceWindow::InitVars: gui 'guis/mainmenu.gui' window 'InteractionSh

ader' references undefined cvar 'tdm_interaction_vfp_type'


You have an old GUI file.


Delete your tdm_gui01.pk4 and re-run tdm_updater.

Ah, I just remembered, that I have extracted a couple of files, which, of course, overrule the new versions that are still packed :wacko: I will delete the extracted files and retry. Not sure, when I will get to it, as my girlfriend is visiting from today until Sunday, but I will post again, as soon as I could check if it works (although I don't know, why it shouldn't). Thanks for the help!

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Shit, it's not a 2.06 issue after all - part of the door is covered by MonsterClip.

The map hasn't been modified since 2.05, so if this is indeed a new problem, it would have something to do with a 2.06 change. Anyone else noticing this?

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Shit, it's not a 2.06 issue after all - part of the door is covered by MonsterClip.

The map hasn't been modified since 2.05, so if this is indeed a new problem, it would have something to do with a 2.06 change. Anyone else noticing this?

Its possible that the pathfining code in 2.05 was more forgiving than it is in 2.06, but in any event the MC will need to be fixed.

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Its possible that the pathfining code in 2.05 was more forgiving than it is in 2.06, but in any event the MC will need to be fixed.


The monsterclip may be there on purpose to encourage the AI to use the other door. The updated map was thoroughly tested when it was released in 2.05, without any reported problems in that area. Before rushing off to change anything, we need to:


One. See if anyone else can reproduce the problem (I haven't had a chance to try yet).


Two. See if behaviour is different under 2.06 than 2.05.

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I'm new to TDM, so this might not be the best place to ask... as it's not specific to the new version


How does the game handle updating maps. If I have a FM installed, and the creator updates it, will the new version be automatically downloaded within the game? Or do i have to manually update.


Many Thanks

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I'm new to TDM, so this might not be the best place to ask... as it's not specific to the new version


How does the game handle updating maps. If I have a FM installed, and the creator updates it, will the new version be automatically downloaded within the game? Or do i have to manually update.


Many Thanks

Clears throat...


"If the person who updates the FM in our database 1) uses the same pk4 name and 2) flags the mission page as a new version integer (2, 3, 4, etc)"


...then when you go to the download missions page, you will see missions with an asterisk (*) next to them indicating that you already have the mission but

there is an update available.


We have had misunderstandings about how that works in the past which has lead to users having multiple versions of the same mission installed

because the system didn't recognize the new pk4 name as an update.


I "think" everyone who has access to update the missions database is now clear on this rule but if you encounter the duplication issue please report it

so we can ensure that any remaining concerns are handled.

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