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Please update the tdm_update.linux binary with a 64 bit elf, or a statically linked executable. It seems that it still is an elf32 and depends on 32 bit libraries. Can't run it on 64 bit Debian Stretch GNU/Linux, it gives an error: "no such file or directory" which might be that loader is missing, or the shared libraries are missing.

For Full information, see this thread: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19461-64-bit-support-on-linux-tdm-updater-for-linux-is-still-a-32-bit-binary/

  • Like 1

For fun I ran the TDM 2.06 64 bit Linux release with the INTEL_DEBUG=perf environment variable set. For every rendered frame I saw this output:


intelReadPixels: fallback to CPU mapping in PBO case

CPU mapping a busy miptree BO stalled and took 3.813 ms.

Failed to fast clear 1920x1080 depth because of scissors. Possible 5% performance win if avoided.

I got this on all 3 maps I tested (Training Mission, A New Job, Volta 1). Maybe it's worth investigating (see notes below though).


OS: Debian 9

GPU: Intel HD Graphics 520

Driver version: Mesa 13.0.6

Binary: 64 bit Linux binary

Settings: r_useFBO 1, pretty high settings, soft shadows off


Mesa 13.0.6 is a bit dated by now so I would suggest to verify this with a newer Mesa version if possible.

Note: TDM said that the OpenGL extension EXT_depths_bound_test wasn't found, I'm not sure if this is related to the fast clear problem or not.

  • Like 1

For fun I ran the TDM 2.06 64 bit Linux release with the INTEL_DEBUG=perf environment variable set. For every rendered frame I saw this output:


I got this on all 3 maps I tested (Training Mission, A New Job, Volta 1). Maybe it's worth investigating (see notes below though).


OS: Debian 9

GPU: Intel HD Graphics 520

Driver version: Mesa 13.0.6

Binary: 64 bit Linux binary

Settings: r_useFBO 1, pretty high settings, soft shadows off


Mesa 13.0.6 is a bit dated by now so I would suggest to verify this with a newer Mesa version if possible.

Note: TDM said that the OpenGL extension EXT_depths_bound_test wasn't found, I'm not sure if this is related to the fast clear problem or not.


We use scissor tests to prevent off-screen rendering and reduce fillrate consumed by stencil shadows.


If you wish to compare, disable them via cvar:


r_useEntityScissors 0

r_useInteractionScissors 0

r_useLightScissors 0

r_useScissor 0

r_useShadowSurfaceScissor 0

r_useClippedLightScissors 0

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)


We use scissor tests to prevent off-screen rendering and reduce fillrate consumed by stencil shadows.

Yep, the situation about scissors test is: shadow volumes without them would be awfully inefficient.

The question remains whether any scissors usage causes this issue, or we can change something a bit so that the problem disappears.


The warning about PBO is interesting, and the second warning is probably related.

But it should be considered by looking into mesa source code (it is easily googlable by error messages).

Probably Duzenko could do it if he wants.


Anyway, this info is a bit too hardcore for generic discussion about "TDM 2.06 issues" :D

Probably we should restrain ourself from talking about it here and move the question to e.g. PM.


Interesting. There doesn't appear to be a "stateless" glscissor operation in modern GL?


The closest we have is grouping them into an array or index (glScissorIndexed).


It seems that someone recently made a home remedy by using GLSL to perform the scissor

rather than the driver and API call:



Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

Posted (edited)

r_useEntityScissors 0

r_useInteractionScissors 0

r_useLightScissors 0

r_useScissor 0

r_useShadowSurfaceScissor 0

r_useClippedLightScissors 0

I put these settings into autoexec.cfg and verified ingame that they are indeed all set to zero. The output of INTEL_DEBUG=perf didn't change however, it's still showing the same. Performance was notably worse with scissors turned off, ca. 25%.


Anyway, this info is a bit too hardcore for generic discussion about "TDM 2.06 issues" :D


Probably we should restrain ourself from talking about it here and move the question to e.g. PM.

Yes, sorry about that. I didn't want to create a new thread but this thread isn't the best place for this either. Edited by Hiradur



Must be hard-coded somewhere that the cvars don't touch. I think I saw one qglscissor in win_glimp so it may also be somewhere in the

equivalent frame invoke on Linux.


Still, I think the profiler is kinda alluding to what I said above "redesign your engine to batch scissor tests into arrays or indexes".

A nice hint but not exactly easy to implement as I can tell.

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)


Well, my previous problem was apparently solved with stgatilov's kind help, but now I have a different one.


Roughly every... maybe third or fourth attempt at loading a savegame results in a crash to desktop. So far it always seems to manifest when quickloading, and so far it has never manifested while loading manually (even if it's a quicksave file), but to be fair, I haven't tried manually loading that often yet.


This is occuring on a brand new installation of the game from scratch, on the FM "A new Job" that comes with the installation. Before I've reinstalled the game, it also happened in other FM's as well, also on 2.06. Haven't tried other missions on this new installation yet, but I expect it would be the same.


All this is on WinXP, and nothing like this has ever happened with previous versions. Don't know what log file would be relevant, but Darkmod.log says:



[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 374):INI (INIT) FR: 0] LogFile created at 2018.05.31 22:05:06

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 377):INI (INIT) FR: 0] Executable last cleaned and rebuilt on May 16 2018 15:57:22

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 380):INI (INIT) FR: 0] The Dark Mod 2.06/32, code revision 7400 (7400M)

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 426):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogBegin: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 426):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogEnd: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 426):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogInfo: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 426):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogDebug: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 426):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogWarning: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 426):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogError: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_FRAME: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_SYSTEM: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_MISC: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_FROBBING: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_AI: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_SOUND: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_FUNCTION: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_ENTITY: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_INVENTORY: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_LIGHT: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_WEAPON: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_MATH: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_MOVEMENT: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_STIM_RESPONSE: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_OBJECTIVES: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_DIFFICULTY: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_CONVERSATION: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_MAINMENU: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_LOCKPICK: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_AAS: 0

[game\DarkModGlobals.cpp ( 436):FRC (FORCE) FR: 0] LogClass_STATE: 0




All this is on WinXP, and nothing like this has ever happened with previous versions. Don't know what log file would be relevant, but Darkmod.log says:

This file is more like debug info for developers, it does not contain anything interesting now.

Better post console contents.


Open darkmod.cfg and add a line at the end (don't forget to remove it when investigation is over):

seta logFile "2"

Now run the game. After it crashes, look at file fms/<name_of_mission>/qconsole.log.

Attach it here as txt.


P.S. There is also a way to record crashdump, but that's quite tedious (if the described approach even works on WinXP).

So let's start with console log described above.


I am getting a new error while replaying Full moon fever ..


it says: The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver due to exceeding the windows Time-out limit and is unable to continue.


I tried to add a registry key that was mentioned here in this link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/display/tdr-registry-keys


but no luck. I never had this error when i had played Full moon fever for the first time.


I am getting a new error while replaying Full moon fever ..


it says: The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver due to exceeding the windows Time-out limit and is unable to continue.


I tried to add a registry key that was mentioned here in this link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/display/tdr-registry-keys


but no luck. I never had this error when i had played Full moon fever for the first time.

Nvidia's own docs exclaim that you are overworking your GPU somehow.


Let's get your latest Darkmod.cfg to check where your current settings are.

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)


Nvidia's own docs exclaim that you are overworking your GPU somehow.


Let's get your latest Darkmod.cfg to check where your current settings are.


I've never overclocked anything at all, and try to avoid it at all cost. it's not worth it for me as i am not a heavy gamer

it could be my GPU is in its final days.


here is the cfg. same as before. the only difference between now and the last time i played that mission is uncap FPS and multi core. tried to disable them but still the error pops out.


Keep in mind that this error also happens in No honor among thieves( exactly when opening the door behind the guard.) and i played that mission like 4 times.




bind "TAB" "inventory_hotkey ''"

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bind "=" "_impulse49"

bind "\" "_mlook"

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seta r_cinematic_log "0"

seta net_serverDlTable ""

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seta net_serverDownload "0"

seta mod_validSkins "skins/characters/player/marine_mp;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_green;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_blue;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_red;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_yellow"

seta g_mapCycle "mapcycle"

seta g_voteFlags "0"

seta g_gameReviewPause "10"

seta g_countDown "10"

seta g_password ""

seta g_testModelHeadJoint "Spine2"

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seta g_fov "90"

seta g_showBrass "1"

seta g_showProjectilePct "0"

seta g_showHud "1"

seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"

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seta si_maxPlayers "4"

seta si_map "game/mp/d3dm1"

seta si_gameType "singleplayer"

seta si_name "DOOM Server"

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seta tdm_lg_interleave_min "40"

seta tdm_lg_interleave "1"

seta pm_rope_snd_rep_dist "32"

seta pm_min_stepsound_interval "200"

seta pm_stepvol_crouch_creep "-7"

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seta pm_stepvol_crouch_walk "-2"

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seta pm_stepvol_run "8"

seta pm_stepvol_walk "0"

seta tdm_underwater_blur "3"

seta tdm_rope_pull_force_factor "140"

seta gui_objectiveTextSize "0.853175"

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seta gui_lightgemSize "0.850794"

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seta tdm_frob_fadetime "100"

seta tdm_frob_width "10.0"

seta tdm_frob_distance_default "63"

seta pm_lean_toggle "0"

seta pm_lean_door_bounds_exp "8.0"

seta pm_lean_door_max "40"

seta pm_lean_door_increments "10"

seta pm_lean_to_valid_increments "25"

seta pm_lean_forward_stretch "15"

seta pm_lean_forward_height "0.4"

seta pm_lean_forward_time "400.0"

seta pm_lean_forward_angle "2"

seta pm_lean_stretch "2"

seta pm_lean_height "0.4"

seta pm_lean_time "400.0"

seta pm_lean_angle "15.0"

seta tdm_reattach_delay "100"

seta tdm_crouch_toggle_hold_time "400"

seta tdm_toggle_crouch "1"

seta tdm_footfall_sounds_movetype_specific "1"

seta pm_mantle_minflatness "0.707"

seta pm_mantle_height "0.2"

seta pm_mantle_reach "0.5"

seta pm_weightmod "1"

seta pm_push_max_mass "200"

seta pm_push_heavy_threshold "0.15"

seta pm_push_accel_time "1000"

seta pm_push_start_delay "1000"

seta pm_push_maximpulse "300"

seta pm_pushmod "0.15"

seta pm_max_swimspeed_mod "1.4"

seta pm_crouchmod "0.54"

seta pm_creepmod "0.44"

seta pm_runmod "2.12"

seta tdm_savegame_compress "1"

seta tdm_force_savegame_load "0"

seta tdm_mainmenu_confirmquit "1"

seta tdm_debug_aastype "aas32"

seta tdm_allow_http_access "1"

seta tdm_proxy_pass ""

seta tdm_proxy_user ""

seta tdm_proxy ""

seta tdm_fm_restart_delay "0"

seta tdm_default_relations_def "atdm:team_relations_default"

seta tdm_show_trainer_messages "1"

seta tdm_menu_music "1"

seta tdm_wideScreenMode "6"

seta tdm_ai_show_aasfuncobstacle_state "0"

seta tdm_show_health "0"

seta tdm_ai_debug_greetings "0"

seta tdm_ai_debug_transition_barks "0"

seta tdm_ai_opt_nolipsync "0"

seta tdm_ai_opt_update_enemypos_interleave "48"

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seta tdm_ai_opt_interleavethinkskipPVS "0"

seta tdm_ai_opt_interleavethinkmaxdist "0"

seta tdm_ai_opt_interleavethinkmindist "0"

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seta tdm_ai_search_show "0.0"

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seta tdm_showsprop_radius "0"

seta tdm_showsprop "0"

seta tdm_spr_debug "0"

seta tdm_sndprop_disable "0"

seta tdm_ai_acuity_susp "1.2"

seta tdm_ai_acuity_L5 "1.5"

seta tdm_ai_acuity_L4 "1.3"

seta tdm_ai_acuity_L3 "1.1"

seta tdm_ai_show_conversationstate "0"

seta tdm_ai_show_enemy_visibility "0"

seta tdm_ai_sight_scale "1000.0"

seta tdm_ai_sight_thresh "1.0"

seta tdm_ai_showelevator "0"

seta tdm_ai_showdoor "0"

seta tdm_ai_debug_blocked "0"

seta tdm_ai_showAASarea "0"

seta tdm_ai_showgoalpos "0"

seta tdm_ai_showdest "0"

seta tdm_ai_showalert "0"

seta tdm_ai_showtasks "0"

seta tdm_ai_showanimstate "0"

seta tdm_ai_showko "0"

seta tdm_ai_showfov "0"

seta tdm_ai_debug "0"

seta tdm_ai_bumpobject_impulse "250"

seta tdm_ai_tact "20.0"

seta tdm_ai_sight_combat_cutoff "20.0"

seta tdm_ai_sightmin "15.0"

seta tdm_ai_sightmax "40.0"

seta tdm_ai_sight_mag "1.0"

seta tdm_ai_sight_prob "0.7"

seta tdm_ai_showname "0"

seta tdm_ai_showbark "0"

seta tdm_ai_sndvol "0.0"

seta tdm_player_wait_until_ready "1"

seta m_strafeSmooth "4"

seta m_smooth "1"

seta m_strafeScale "6.25"

seta m_yaw "0.022"

seta m_pitch "0.022"

seta sensitivity "5.603175"

seta in_toggleZoom "0"

seta in_toggleCrouch "0"

seta in_toggleRun "0"

seta in_alwaysRun "0"

seta in_freeLook "1"

seta in_anglespeedkey "1.5"

seta in_pitchspeed "140"

seta in_yawspeed "140"

seta gui_configServerRate "0"

seta com_savegame_preview_format "jpg"

seta com_numQuickSaves "2"

seta com_guid ""

seta com_fixedTic "1"

seta com_preloadDemos "0"

seta com_compressDemos "1"

seta com_product_lang_ext "1"

seta logFile "0"

seta com_showFPS "0"

seta com_purgeAll "0"




I am getting a new error while replaying Full moon fever ..

it says: The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver due to exceeding the windows Time-out limit and is unable to continue.

If I'm not mistaken, this timeout limit is set on single frame, i.e. if your GPU computes for 2 seconds (default) without response, then it is killed.

It is unlikely that a normally playable game can suddenly start rendering so slowly that one frame takes 2 seconds.

It sounds more like a bug of some sort which causes GPU to hang...


I've never overclocked anything at all, and try to avoid it at all cost. it's not worth it for me as i am not a heavy gamer

it could be my GPU is in its final days.


here is the cfg. same as before. the only difference between now and the last time i played that mission is uncap FPS and multi core. tried to disable them but still the error pops out.


Keep in mind that this error also happens in No honor among thieves( exactly when opening the door behind the guard.) and i played that mission like 4 times.

You've fallen into the resolution scaling trap again.


seta r_nvidiaOverride "1"
seta r_fboResolution "1.36"
seta r_multiSamples "2"
1) Delete your Darkmod.cfg

2) Leave MSAA set to OFF r_multisamples 0 and r_fboResolution 1

3) Disable nvidiaOverride (set to 0)

4) Configure FXAA in your drivers (create a darkmod profile)

5) Enable FBO. r_useFBO = 1

6) Enable Soft Shadows if desired

  • Like 1

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)


I am getting a new error while replaying Full moon fever ..


it says: The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver due to exceeding the windows Time-out limit and is unable to continue.


I tried to add a registry key that was mentioned here in this link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/display/tdr-registry-keys


but no luck. I never had this error when i had played Full moon fever for the first time.


Do you have the multi core option turned on in the menu? I had that same crash occur randomly with it enabled.

Posted (edited)

t says: The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver due to exceeding the windows Time-out limit and is unable to continue.

Also whats the model of the nVidia card and what version windows are you on?

Edited by Bikerdude

Anyone else see an HOM effect in the sky of Return to the City?

That is caused by enabling in-game AA when you have Soft Shadows on Nvidia hardware.



Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)


This file is more like debug info for developers, it does not contain anything interesting now.

Better post console contents.


Open darkmod.cfg and add a line at the end (don't forget to remove it when investigation is over):

seta logFile "2"
Now run the game. After it crashes, look at file fms/<name_of_mission>/qconsole.log.

Attach it here as txt.


P.S. There is also a way to record crashdump, but that's quite tedious (if the described approach even works on WinXP).

So let's start with console log described above.


I followed your instructions, and here's what I got in the log file:



log file 'qconsole.log' opened on Fri Jun 01 19:07:13 2018


Couldn't exec autoexec.cfg - file does not exist.

I18N: SetLanguage: 'english'.

I18N: Found no character remapping for english.

I18N: 1251 strings read from strings/english.lang

I18N: 'strings/fm/english.lang' not found.

----- Initializing OpenAL -----

Setup OpenAL device and context

OpenAL: found device 'OpenAL Soft on HD Audio rear output'

OpenAL: found device 'OpenAL Soft on Logitech USB Headset H340'

OpenAL: using 'OpenAL Soft'

OpenAL vendor: OpenAL Community

OpenAL renderer: OpenAL Soft

OpenAL version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.18.2

OpenAL: found EFX extension

OpenAL: found 256 hardware voices

----- Initializing OpenGL -----

Initializing OpenGL subsystem

...getting default gamma ramp: success

...registered window class

...registered fake window class

...initializing QGL

...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded

...calling CDS: ok

...created window @ 0,0 (1280x1024)

Initializing OpenGL driver

...getting DC: succeeded

...PIXELFORMAT 10 selected

...creating GL context: succeeded

...creating secondary shared GL context: succeeded

...sharing contexts: succeeded

...making context current: succeeded


------- Input Initialization -------

Initializing DirectInput...

mouse: DirectInput initialized.

keyboard: DirectInput initialized.


OpenGL vendor: NVIDIA Corporation

OpenGL renderer: GeForce 9600 GT/PCIe/SSE2

OpenGL version: 3.3.0

Checking portable OpenGL extensions...

v - using GL_ARB_multitexture

Max texture coords: 8

Max active textures: 96

v - using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map

v - using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two

v - using GL_ARB_texture_compression

v - using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc

v - using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic

maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000

v - using GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias

v - using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap

v - using glStencilOpSeparate

v - using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object

v - using GL_ARB_map_buffer_range

v - using EXT_depth_bounds_test

v - using GL_ARB_framebuffer_object

v - using ARB_pixel_buffer_object

v - using GL_ARB_draw_buffers

v - using GL_ARB_sync

GL fence sync available

Max vertex attribs: 16

Max env parameters: 256

----- R_ReloadARBPrograms -----

glprogs/test.vfp 8

glprogs/test.vfp 9

glprogs/interaction.vfp 1

glprogs/interaction.vfp 2

glprogs/bumpyEnvironment.vfp 5

glprogs/bumpyEnvironment.vfp 6

glprogs/ambientLight.vfp 10

glprogs/ambientLight.vfp 11

glprogs/shadow.vp 7

glprogs/environment.vfp 3

glprogs/environment.vfp 4

glprogs/test_direct.vfp 12

glprogs/test_direct.vfp 13

glprogs/interaction_direct.vfp 14

glprogs/interaction_direct.vfp 15

glprogs/soft_particle.vfp 16

glprogs/soft_particle.vfp 17

glprogs/cubic_light_point.vfp 18

glprogs/cubic_light_point.vfp 19

glprogs/cubic_light_proj.vfp 20

glprogs/cubic_light_proj.vfp 21

glprogs/test_cubic_light_point.vfp 22

glprogs/test_cubic_light_point.vfp 23

glprogs/test_cubic_light_proj.vfp 24

glprogs/test_cubic_light_proj.vfp 25

glprogs/ambient_cubic_light.vfp 26

glprogs/ambient_cubic_light.vfp 27

glprogs/cookMath_pass1.vfp 28

glprogs/cookMath_pass1.vfp 29

glprogs/cookMath_pass2.vfp 30

glprogs/cookMath_pass2.vfp 31

glprogs/brightPass_opt.vfp 32

glprogs/brightPass_opt.vfp 33

glprogs/blurx.vfp 34

glprogs/blurx.vfp 35

glprogs/blury.vfp 36

glprogs/blury.vfp 37

glprogs/finalScenePass_opt.vfp 38

glprogs/finalScenePass_opt.vfp 39


---------- R_ReloadGLSLPrograms_f -----------

interaction VF

ambientInteraction VF

stencilShadow VF

shadowMap VGF

oldStage VF

depthAlpha VF

fog VF

blend VF

cubeMap VF


using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory

Font fonts/english/stone in size 12 not found, using size 24 instead.

--------- Initializing Game ----------

The Dark Mod 2.06/32, win-x86, code revision 7400

Build date: May 16 2018

WARNING:file materials/tdm_epi_shader_2.mtr, line 462: material 'wizard_cloth_001' previously defined at materials/tdm_epi_shader_2.mtr:366

WARNING:file materials/tdm_water.mtr, line 1208: material 'textures/particles/ripple_1' previously defined at materials/tdm_particles_ripple.mtr:1

Initializing event system

...835 event definitions

Initializing class hierarchy

...170 classes, 410820 bytes for event callbacks

Initializing scripts

Compiled 'tdm_ai_lanternbot::startAlarmWhistle': 207.9 ms

---------- Compile stats ----------


Memory usage:

Strings: 48, 5904 bytes

Statements: 20532, 410640 bytes

Functions: 1268, 129520 bytes

Variables: 93520 bytes

Mem used: 1137272 bytes

Static data: 2277600 bytes

Allocated: 2835704 bytes

Thread size: 7068 bytes


...6 aas types

game initialized.


Parsing material files

Found 0 new mission packages.

Found 3 mods in the FM folder.

Parsed 3 mission declarations.

No 'tdm_mapsequence.txt' file found for the current mod: newjob

-------- Initializing Session --------

Font fonts/english/mason_glow in size 12 not found, using size 48 instead.

Font fonts/english/mason_glow in size 24 not found, using size 48 instead.

Font fonts/english/mason in size 12 not found, using size 48 instead.

Font fonts/english/mason in size 24 not found, using size 48 instead.

WARNING:Image name "0" is too short

WARNING:Couldn't load image: 0

session initialized


--- Common Initialization Complete ---

------------- Warnings ---------------

during The Dark Mod initialization...

WARNING:Couldn't load image: 0

WARNING:file materials/tdm_epi_shader_2.mtr, line 462: material 'wizard_cloth_001' previously defined at materials/tdm_epi_shader_2.mtr:366

WARNING:file materials/tdm_water.mtr, line 1208: material 'textures/particles/ripple_1' previously defined at materials/tdm_particles_ripple.mtr:1

WARNING:file sound/trilogy.sndshd, line 381: sound 'sink_handle' previously defined at sound/tdm_sfx_machinery.sndshd:441

WARNING:Image name "0" is too short

5 warnings

Couldn't exec autocommands.cfg - file does not exist.

reloading guis/mainmenu.gui.

reloading guis/restart.gui.

reloading guis/msg.gui.

--------- Map Initialization ---------

Map: prologue9

glprogs/ambientEnvironment.vfp 79

glprogs/ambientEnvironment.vfp 80

glprogs/HeatHazeWithMaskAndDepth.vfp 81

glprogs/HeatHazeWithMaskAndDepth.vfp 82

------- Game Map Init SaveGame -------

Compiled 'c:\Games\Darkmod\maps\prologue9.script': 5.9 ms

---------- Compile stats ----------


Memory usage:

Strings: 49, 6000 bytes

Statements: 20928, 418560 bytes

Functions: 1293, 131572 bytes

Variables: 94104 bytes

Mem used: 1152300 bytes

Static data: 2277600 bytes

Allocated: 2842864 bytes

Thread size: 7068 bytes


collision data:

293 models

14818 vertices (347 KB)

23079 edges (811 KB)

9218 polygons (642 KB)

1711 brushes (232 KB)

15907 nodes (434 KB)

28093 polygon refs (219 KB)

11710 brush refs (91 KB)

5812 internal edges

163 sharp edges

0 contained polygons removed

0 polygons merged

2779 KB total memory used

171 msec to load collision data.

map bounds are (9253.0, 3692.0, 3602.0)

max clip sector is (289.2, 230.8, 450.3)

4 KB passage memory used to build PVS

2 msec to calculate PVS

67 areas

152 portals

17 areas visible on average

804 bytes PVS data

[Load AAS]

loading maps/prologue9.aas48

[Load AAS]

loading maps/prologue9.aas96

[Load AAS]

loading maps/prologue9.aas32


[Load AAS]

loading maps/prologue9.aas100

[Load AAS]

loading maps/prologue9.aas_rat

[Load AAS]

loading maps/prologue9.aas_elemental

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_doublevision.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_skipcinematic.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guienter.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guiexit.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitarmor.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitflesh.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportexit.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportstart.wav' using default

glprogs/heatHaze.vfp 83

glprogs/heatHaze.vfp 84

WARNING:Image name "-" is too short

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'vo_sleeper.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/map_specific/vo_room.ogg' using default

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

glprogs/heatHazeWithDepth.vfp 85

glprogs/heatHazeWithDepth.vfp 86

No running thread for RestoreScriptObject(), creating new one.

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor


----- idRenderModelManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad -----

0 models purged from previous level, 1022 models kept.


----- idImageManager::EndLevelLoad -----

WARNING:Couldn't load image: layer3s

WARNING:Couldn't load image: tdm_tongue

WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/darkmod/props/textures/plaster_normal

WARNING:Couldn't load image: rope_belt

WARNING:Couldn't load image: arms_legs

WARNING:Couldn't load image: belt

WARNING:Couldn't load image: -

WARNING:Couldn't load image: extinguishable/streetlamp/tall_streetlamp01

WARNING:Couldn't load image: extinguishable/streetlamp/tall_streetlamp01_andbase

WARNING:Couldn't load image: nodraw

WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/darkmod/other/ext_timber01_module/timber01_window01_mixedblocks_lit

WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/darkmod/metal/detailed/rivet_strip01_s

WARNING:Couldn't load image: window_side_2

WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/darkmod/wood/boards/wood_brown_dull01

WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/md5/chars/guards/citywatch/citywatch_armour_poor_ed

WARNING:Couldn't load image: black

WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/darkmod/wood/boards/wood_brown_dull01_ns

WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/darkmod/wood/panels/molding_white_painted_s

WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/darkmod/wood/panels/panel_vase_painted_white_ns

WARNING:Couldn't load image: addnormals( models/md5/chars/npc_hand_full_local, heightmap( models/md5/chars/npc_hand_full_h, 3))

WARNING:Couldn't load image: alembic_grey

WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/darkmod/other/ext_stone02_plain/ext_stone01_window02

0 purged from previous

208 kept from previous

1201 new loaded

all images loaded in 115.4 seconds



----- idSoundCache::EndLevelLoad -----

173434k referenced

4838k purged



166683 msec to load prologue9

interactionTable generated of size: 134217728 bytes

------------- Warnings ---------------

during prologue9...

WARNING:Couldn't load image: -

WARNING:Couldn't load image: addnormals( models/md5/chars/npc_hand_full_local, heightmap( models/md5/chars/npc_hand_full_h, 3))

WARNING:Couldn't load image: alembic_grey

WARNING:Couldn't load image: arms_legs

WARNING:Couldn't load image: belt

WARNING:Couldn't load image: black

WARNING:Couldn't load image: extinguishable/streetlamp/tall_streetlamp01

WARNING:Couldn't load image: extinguishable/streetlamp/tall_streetlamp01_andbase

WARNING:Couldn't load image: layer3s

WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/darkmod/props/textures/plaster_normal

WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/darkmod/wood/boards/wood_brown_dull01

WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/darkmod/wood/panels/panel_vase_painted_white_ns

WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/md5/chars/guards/citywatch/citywatch_armour_poor_ed

WARNING:Couldn't load image: nodraw

WARNING:Couldn't load image: rope_belt

WARNING:Couldn't load image: tdm_tongue

WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/darkmod/metal/detailed/rivet_strip01_s

WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/darkmod/other/ext_stone02_plain/ext_stone01_window02

WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/darkmod/other/ext_timber01_module/timber01_window01_mixedblocks_lit

WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/darkmod/wood/boards/wood_brown_dull01_ns

WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/darkmod/wood/panels/molding_white_painted_s

WARNING:Couldn't load image: window_side_2

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_doublevision.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guienter.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guiexit.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitarmor.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitflesh.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_skipcinematic.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportexit.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportstart.wav' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/map_specific/vo_room.ogg' using default

WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'vo_sleeper.wav' using default

WARNING:Image name "-" is too short

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

57 warnings

Restarting ambient sound snd_generic_streets'(city_bustle_distant01__quiet_loop) with volume 0



--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------

WARNING:Door func_static_2010 is not within a valid AAS area

WARNING:Door atdm_6panel_104x56_1 is not within a valid AAS area

WARNING:Door func_static_2299 is not within a valid AAS area

WARNING:Door func_static_2312 is not within a valid AAS area

WARNING:Door func_static_2313 is not within a valid AAS area

ModelGenerator memory: 432 LOD entries with 921 users using 310600 bytes, memory saved: 396721 bytes.

WARNING:idClipModel::FreeTraceModel: tried to free uncached trace model (index=0)

--------- Game Map Shutdown done -----

reloading guis/mainmenu.gui.

reloading guis/restart.gui.

reloading guis/msg.gui.

reloading guis/map/prologue9.gui.

reloading guis/tdm_inv.gui.

reloading guis/tdm_loot.gui.

reloading guis/playertools/compass.gui.

reloading guis/tdm_lockpick.gui.

reloading guis/tdm_hud.gui.

reloading guis/readables/books/book_calig_carolingia_world.gui.

reloading guis/readables/books/book_hand_ellianerelle_smaller_world.gui.

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

reloading guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport03_world.gui.

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

reloading guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui.

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

reloading guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport02_world.gui.

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeIn in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var leftPageCurl::matcolor

WARNING:Window BackgroundFadeOut in gui guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui: a transition does not have a valid destination var rightPageCurl::matcolor

reloading guis/readables/sheets/newspaper_bridgeport01_world.gui.

reloading guis/prologue.gui.

reloading guis/playertools/spyglass.gui.

ModelGenerator memory: No LOD entries.





The monsterclip may be there on purpose to encourage the AI to use the other door. The updated map was thoroughly tested when it was released in 2.05, without any reported problems in that area. Before rushing off to change anything, we need to:


One. See if anyone else can reproduce the problem (I haven't had a chance to try yet).


Two. See if behaviour is different under 2.06 than 2.05.


Ok, so step one. I tested this. The first time I nocipped to the area, I found three different AI trying to get through the left-hand door. All of them walked into the empty left-hand door as if there were monsterclip covering the entire thing. I ran a second test, and sat for twenty minutes watching AI come and go. All of them used the right-hand door without incident, until after twenty minutes the priest tried to exit through the left-hand door. He couldn't get through, and none of the AI that came after him attempted to open the right-hand door.



So clearly there is a problem. It could be that the AI always uses the right-hand door unless someone else is coming the other way, and that is rare enough that the problem just wasn't noticed in 2.05. But I'll test there to be sure.

Posted (edited)

sorry for late reply. Unfortunately, i am still getting that crash after following your suggestion @nbohr1more.


@bikerdude I have gt 240 using latest driver 342.01


Also like i said before, i've been playing with these settings since darkmod became standalone,playing lots of mission; so there must be something wrong.


Maybe i will try it on Ubuntu later.

Edited by MayheM

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