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  • 3 weeks later...

Finishing touches on the door, mostly tweaking the entity def. Can't say I like the pins system much, the default minimum value is takes too much time for my taste. I like the time system from Thief series much more.

Actually scratch that^, I found value that I like for the easy lock, it's just the wiki entry on lockpicking contains misleading information. Lock_pins 0 actually takes longer to pick than lock_pins 1 (around 7 seconds vs. 3-4 seconds). I'll release the new package in a day or two, provided that forums will be up.

Edited by peter_spy
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– Arch door and arch with hinges models have been removed. They were just static models, not actual door entities, and they weren't super useful, e.g. hey couldn't act as visportal closing entity due to gaps and transparent parts.

– Detail texture stage added to selected materials (mostly those you can get very close to). As you approach a surface, you should see a slightly grainy layer that enhances the details.

New content

– Door01 and door01_frame have been added to both models and entities. This is a basic door for this corridor section. By default, it's locked (with easy lock) and AI will notice if it's left ajar. You may want to disable the latter (set ShouldBeClosed to 0) if you have a section with many AIs and doors, as it will probably disrupt AI patrolling too much.
The frame will work with walls that are 16 units thick. Both door and the frame will work with grid of 8 and smaller. You can use the grid of 4 to change the  door position within the frame. Look for grooves in the frame model.

Edited by peter_spy
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FYI, the time between this and next update might be even longer, I'm afraid.

I think this is more or less complete set, in terms of building blocks and setpieces for a corridor that should lead somewhere. Now I need to design at least one somewhere. And that makes me go back to reference hunting, establishing scale and proportions, testing on mock pieces, etc.

First thing's first though: establishing room type and choosing patterns/colors for wall, floor, and ceiling materials.

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That works fine for the player, but the AI's feet walk on the collision surface instead of the steps, which can sometimes be 8 above the actual step beneath. Doesn't look right.

Mappers typically use one of two methods:

1. Put a nodraw or monsterclip ramp just below the surface of the steps, so you can't see it, and let TDM place the feet directly on the step above. This works fine for simple steps. (No bull-noses, for example, which present angled surfaces beneath the AI's feet, and can lead to odd stepping behavior on the stairs.)

2. Put a simple set of stepped nodraw brushes just above (+1) the real step surfaces. TDM plants the feet on those. These smooth out the action on more complex steps (i.e. bull-noses).



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Yeah, I wanted to minimize the effort on the mapper side. The AI can sometimes looks a bit floaty, but it's mostly unnoticeable.

And for proper pathfinding you don't even need a separate monsterclip brush. All you have to do is to provide a contiguous surface underneath, you can use your sealing geometry for that:


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Thanks for this update! I'm ready to start experimenting with this for my mission, so that's great timing! :)

My Fan Missions:

   Series:                                                                           Standalone:

Chronicles of Skulduggery 0: To Catch a Thief                     The Night of Reluctant Benefaction

Chronicles of Skulduggery 1: Pearls and Swine                    Langhorne Lodge

Chronicles of Skulduggery 2: A Precarious Position              

Chronicles of Skulduggery 3: Sacricide




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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Getting a 404 on that download link Peter.

  • Thanks 1

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




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  • peter_spy changed the title to Builder Compound Asset Pack – v0.46 (All work put on hold, working on a small FM)
On 11/23/2020 at 1:20 AM, NeonsStyle said:

Getting a 404 on that download link Peter.

A previous version of this pack was incorporated into Now and Then:


Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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  • 3 years later...

This asset pack is no longer available. If you have access to it, please don't use it or redistribute it further. If it's a part of a released FM, please credit me by including The Builder Compound pack name and my TDM forum username in your readme.

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2 hours ago, peter_spy said:

This asset pack is no longer available. If you have access to it, please don't use it or redistribute it further

Why? What did I miss?

And personally I don't have the asset pack and if I add I would do what you demand. Just curious why you decided to do this. 

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6 minutes ago, HMart said:

Why? What did I miss?

It's been unavailable for quite some time now, and I don't want to have an ambiguous situation where it can no longer be downloaded, but selected people have it but others don't, etc.

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12 hours ago, datiswous said:

But why is it unavailable?

Those assets don't look good against stock TDM assets, they're like from another world. You'd need a complete package or a whole mission made out of these exclusively, to get a coherent style. That's years of work, unfortunately.

Second reason is something I saw mentioned a few times in Discord discussions – TDM assets got stolen and repurposed on more than several occasions. I know that there's no way to stop asset flippers from getting those, even from modern games, if they're desperate enough.

But since pk4 is basically an open door for such people, it made me reluctant to go on with this initiative. I put way too much work over the years to get to this level of craft (which is still not super pro, but quite decent, I think). From time to time, I still do single models, as requested from FM authors; but over the last few years, all my TDM-related modelling work has been sporadic, and mostly for my own amusement.

12 hours ago, datiswous said:

I see these assets are removed as well

I lost access to my dropbox folders. I reuploaded those in one zip package and updated the first post.

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  • peter_spy changed the title to The Builder Compound

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