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Hidden Hands: The Anomaly


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On 5/8/2021 at 8:31 PM, roygato said:

The audio logs were a really fun addition, fit the setting like a glove. That and the other NPC made it a little different of an experience, as these missions tend to be so solitary.

Thank you for the praise, but @AndrosTheOxen, @New Horizonand Malasdair are the real heroes when it comes to this aspect. They are very talented voice actors and without their support, this would have not been possible.

Btw, it was New Horizon's idea to let his character sound boozed after a while! :) 

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You know how it is, the director gets all the praise. And the hate. :awesome: But yeah, kudos to everyone involved. I particularly liked the mad scientist. The voice, the delivery and the writing together reminded me of something I can't quite place. The boozed character was fine, it just became increasingly difficult to make out what he was on about.

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On 5/13/2021 at 10:49 PM, Zerg Rush said:

Yes, the voice and the way of speaking reminds me a lot of the ghost of doctor Killjoy in the game 'The Suffering'

Oh, yes, you are right! There are definitely similarities...but I am pretty sure they were not intended by Andros! :)

"The Suffering" - with "Area 51" and "PsiOps" three great action adventure games published by Midway around 2005.

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3 hours ago, JackFarmer said:

Oh, yes, you are right! There are definitely similarities...but I am pretty sure they were not intended by Andros! :)

"The Suffering" - with "Area 51" and "PsiOps" three great action adventure games published by Midway around 2005.

Yes,  The suffeing is a great game, which I got some years ago as a Giveaway. There currently some sites, where you can still download it for free

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Well, Ihave the game in CD and for quite some time the game was freely offered by Midway, when they released the second part, I therefore think that these are not pirated games, but those that continue to be hosted on some other host since that time.
That Gog charges for a game, does not mean anything, I have seen many times that Gog asks for money for games that are free on Steam or also vice versa (less), or they even charge for games that are offered for free on the official website of these. 

Anyway, you always have to be careful with downloads that are not from the official website, not only because it is a pirate website or not. I don't trust without malware checks nothing downloaded from the web.

Sys Specs Laptop Lenovo V145 15AST, AMD A9- 9425 Radeon R5 - 5 cores 3,1 GHz  RAM 8Gb, GPU 1+2 Gb -Win10 64 v21H2

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5 minutes ago, JBERT said:

I have seen this information, but I haven't find this area...



Look/search for a gigantic inversed tower with a large ventilator on top. There are several spots to explore there.


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8 hours ago, datiswous said:

@nbohr1more updated the wiki with your mission. I noticed there is no mention of spiders. Did this change in the final version?


Only technical changes - see OP for more information.

I have to admit, I never looked into this list before and I  just see that the type descriptions for each of my missions are partly till totally incorrect. :(

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I found out about it via the topic about a separate mission downloader:


The mission downloader gets some of the info from the wiki page.

Personally I think there are too many places with info about missions considering how many people are updating these places.

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34 minutes ago, datiswous said:

I found out about it via the topic about a separate mission downloader:


The mission downloader gets some of the info from the wiki page.

Personally I think there are too many places with info about missions considering how many people are updating these places.

Yes, I recall that darksilence set this excellent db up. Back then, I contacted him and he changed the mission type descriptions for the first three games to something more fitting. However, it's difficult to describe certain missions with the existing keywords (for example: the mission type definitions do not includes appropriate terms for industrial buildings, underground facilities, underwater stations, etc.).


@nbohr1more: Please add spiders to the monster list for hhta


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55 minutes ago, JackFarmer said:

Yes, I recall that darksilence set this excellent db up. Back then, I contacted him and he changed the mission type descriptions for the first three games to something more fitting. However, it's difficult to describe certain missions with the existing keywords (for example: the mission type definitions do not includes appropriate terms for industrial buildings, underground facilities, underwater stations, etc.).


@nbohr1more: Please add spiders to the monster list for hhta



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56 minutes ago, datiswous said:

There is at least also another spider in a non-hidden section, not sure how you could have missed that one. I thought there were 3 in total.

Possibly I haven't seen them being out of my way at the moment. At least I only remember one. In general I do not entertain much with them, an arrow and that's it.

Sys Specs Laptop Lenovo V145 15AST, AMD A9- 9425 Radeon R5 - 5 cores 3,1 GHz  RAM 8Gb, GPU 1+2 Gb -Win10 64 v21H2

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I saw a version 2 on the updater. Haven't played it all the way through yet but it fixed a lot of the framerate issues in the early areas which were slowing down to sub 20 fps sometimes on the not so great computer I was playing it on.

I did play the first version all of the way and it is a very good conceptual mission with a lot of good exploration elements and alternative routes for those who look. Good use of space. The voice acting as mentioned previously was very good and added a lot to it. Your missions have definitely improved in general quality with each new one.

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Just finished playing version 2 and I can happily report that fps problems have been resolved and even on my ancient rig it is perfectly playable throughout. Upgrading to TDM 2.09a has also got rid of the crash in the airlock/decontamination chamber.

A couple of very minor glitches: some of the vane panels, first appearing along the entrance shaft(s), seem to lack bounding boxes meaning you can stick your head in them. Also I was stuck on geometry on a couple of occasions near/in the recreation area. Maybe something to check for v 3.

Again thanks for a very enjoyable and well-produced mission!

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