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11 minutes ago, wesp5 said:

Okay, so the frob outline has been completely disabled in the latest version. I thought the idea was to add an option for it instead of the frob helper? Is this coming in another version or has it been discarded altogether?

As long as the feature is broken, it will not become an option or officially supported in any way, hence why it is disabled now. The only reason it's even still in the code is the vague hope it might be fixed at some point in the future.

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1 hour ago, cabalistic said:

As long as the feature is broken, it will not become an option or officially supported in any way, hence why it is disabled now. The only reason it's even still in the code is the vague hope it might be fixed at some point in the future.

Ah, I understand. Any chances to get my strings suggestions into the core game or will this never happen because it would need to be translated into all the languages which nobody has any time or nerve to do at the moment ;)?

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6 minutes ago, wesp5 said:

Ah, I understand. Any chances to get my strings suggestions into the core game or will this never happen because it would need to be translated into all the languages which nobody has any time or nerve to do at the moment ;)?

I think that's only problem is to find someone who will test them and commit.
Languages always lag behind.

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3 hours ago, lowenz said:

Just some performance report (i3 6300 + RX 570, lastest drivers)!

Same settings but:

1) Stencil



2) Maps


I have a RX570 8GB VRAM, also using latest drivers and I didn't saw such a stark diference in performance between the two! At lest not on the "The gatehouse" mission.

Can you remind me what mission is that pic from? Also do you have the RX 570 4GB? If yes could be perhaps a VRAM limitation? But would be very surprising to me, if TDM maps would stress a 4GB GPU!

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12 minutes ago, cabalistic said:

If you want shadow maps to have comparable performance, you need to set "r_shadowMapSinglePass 1". In its default mode, it's well known to be slower than stencil.

Strange that I have that off?!

Here is the rest of my settings






also has you can see sliders have no image still.

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48 minutes ago, stgatilov said:

Could it be changes by @nbohr1more ?

I'll take a look. It could be that some of the particles in that torch are not set to sort last and other are.

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I don't see that on the latest SVN with new binaries. Torches look mostly normal. There's some weirdness when I approach them where the heat haze renders over top of the smoke, but as I get closer it goes away and looks normal.

But, I never know if it's these damn AMD drivers or not.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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20 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

But, I never know if it's these damn AMD drivers or not.

Forgot to state that I am on NVIDIA, and indeed most of the time the torches look normal, but sometimes this effect is visible. I would guess like nbohr1more suspects some LOD sprite has the order not set correctly so you only see if when that is active.

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10 hours ago, stgatilov said:

Could it be changes by @nbohr1more ?

Fixed in rev 16360

The strange particle sprite used in the training mission collides with the flame material. Fortunately the material used here is not used in other scenarios that are fixed by sort last. That said, someday we need to make the heat haze in torch flames work better with water or glass materials ( known limitation ).

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On 11/19/2021 at 5:11 AM, datiswous said:

Hi, I got an error when trying to look up the SVN logs prior to revision 9594. Are older logs deleted?

If you are using TortoiseSVN Show Log on the repo, then you should use the checkboxes "Show All" at the bottom. You can see all revisions back to 5052 (I guess you can see earlier stuff too somehow).

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On 11/21/2021 at 2:22 PM, datiswous said:

TortoiseSVN is only for Windows. Well I guess I could try using it via wine. I used another gui svn client from kde, but it constantly crashes. So I have to find something else..

When not using CLI, I use RabbitVCS SVN ( integrated with nautilus file explorer ) or RapidSVN

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