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Dev builds (2.10)


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The seed entity populating my turnip patch stopped working with dev build 16325-9462 and doesn't work with subsequent builds.  The seed entity works fine with dev build 16269-9407 and earlier.  

(is this the correct place to report these issues?)

eta.  my other seed entities are working, the difference being that the turnip patch has a .tga map (8-bit grayscale 512x1024) in textures/seed whereas the others don't use maps.  I guess I could always have the turnips distributed randomly rather than set out in neat rows.... 

Edited by geegee
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5 hours ago, geegee said:

(is this the correct place to report these issues?)

I guess a new thread in Tech Support subforum is the best place, but posting here works too.


eta.  my other seed entities are working, the difference being that the turnip patch has a .tga map (8-bit grayscale 512x1024) in textures/seed whereas the others don't use maps.  I guess I could always have the turnips distributed randomly rather than set out in neat rows.... 

It would be great if you create an issue on bugtracker and provide some way to reproduce the problem.
A small test map can be attached to the issue. Large map... better send me link to some cloud drive privately.

Recently I searched for usages of images in SEED over released FMs, and did not find any...

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Here's a .pk4 with maps, materials, textures, and bug.txt copy/pasted from my description.

.pk4 zipped with 7-zip then renamed.

map last dmapped with 2.10 dev build 16269-9462 (where seed is working properly)

Sorry, I have no idea how to start a bugtracker issue.


Edited by geegee
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56 minutes ago, geegee said:

Here's a .pk4 with maps, materials, textures, and bug.txt copy/pasted from my description.
.pk4 zipped with 7-zip then renamed.

The old SEED code was very vulgar with directories and extensions. It was basically looking in dozens of places and checking dozens of extensions. I have removed all that garbage, now seed maps are loaded from "textures/seed/{map}.png".

So you need to:

  1. Convert your texture to PNG
  2. Put it to textures/seed instead of textures/darkmod/seed
  3. Reference it as "map" "lines" without any additional directories listed


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On 8/31/2021 at 1:02 PM, stgatilov said:

The old SEED code was very vulgar with directories and extensions. It was basically looking in dozens of places and checking dozens of extensions. I have removed all that garbage, now seed maps are loaded from "textures/seed/{map}.png".

So you need to:

  1. Convert your texture to PNG
  2. Put it to textures/seed instead of textures/darkmod/seed
  3. Reference it as "map" "lines" without any additional directories listed


@stgatilovI went ahead and updated the related wiki page here. There are a couple of us that I know of developing FMs making use of the feature, and I'm also still planning to put a little tutorial for creating seed maps on the wiki as well.  For completeness, can you verify whether the premade maps listed on that wiki page are in the correct format and location?

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1 hour ago, Araneidae said:

One comment about the new version: I know this is talked about elsewhere, but I really do think you should set

seta r_frobIgnoreDepth "0"

by default.

Also, but I know this is insoluble ... it's a pain to have to restart my missions on every new version!

You can add it manually to autoexec.cfg

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1 hour ago, stgatilov said:

You can add it manually to autoexec.cfg

Yeah, you say that often enough. There has been a lot of discussion about the new frob highlight here and no guarantee that it can ever be fixed to please everyone. So why don't you finally set that default and add an option to turn it off?

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22 hours ago, Araneidae said:

Also, but I know this is insoluble ... it's a pain to have to restart my missions on every new version!

Strange thing to get annoyed about, you're alpha testing, there are updates constantly and new binaries all the time.
You can try to set TDM to ignore minor version changes, but sometimes things break.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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2 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

Strange thing to get annoyed about, you're alpha testing, there are updates constantly and new binaries all the time.
You can try to set TDM to ignore minor version changes, but sometimes things break.

Oh, I know, and I wouldn't go so far as to say "annoyed" ... except it arises from an irritating early (and deeply rooted) design decision to store save games in an essentially unstable format.

Now, I'd be vaguely interested in the details of how TDM serialises (and deserialises) the game state, but I imagine that it's utterly not worth looking into.  If TDM was a new design I'd be strongly saying "please pay attention to serialisation issues" ... but it isn't.

What's the (risky) flag for ignoring version changes?

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24 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

Strange thing to get annoyed about, you're alpha testing, there are updates constantly and new binaries all the time.
You can try to set TDM to ignore minor version changes, but sometimes things break.

I think the annoyance he's talking about is savegames breaking between every version update. I'm not too affected as I usually play each FM in one go, rarely update in between. I do wonder if it would be possible to allow older savegames somehow, if something significant didn't change to completely break the state of an ongoing FM, with only a warning on load informing the player things might be broken if they continue that run.

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I vaguely remember this being discussed a while ago, and I have the impression that the save file is a somewhat unstructured binary dump of data structures (clearly can't quite be that ... pointers and all that, you know), and changes to any data structure or the meaning of a field can completely trash the machine state.  So yeah, loading an old save file into a newer build is going to be dodgy; might work, might go hideously wrong.

To be honest, I'm just grieving (apart from grumbling about the nasty software issues alluded to) about having to restart The Painter's Wife, which I've not been able to play before, haven't finished yet, and is gigantic!  Never mind, I'll get to know it very well in the end...

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14 hours ago, wesp5 said:

Now for something completely different: I have the latest release dev16350-9577 installed and there are missing strings in the mainmenu_settings_audio.gui to turn subtitles on. Both for the title itself and the possible options.

I've seen something similar, in my case all sliders in the menu lack the visual movable slide and the value label, also some missions lack the "start mission" string, I assume all this is because of the changes being done to the menu system by stgatilov and will be solved sooner than later. 

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15 hours ago, wesp5 said:

Now for something completely different: I have the latest release dev16350-9577 installed and there are missing strings in the mainmenu_settings_audio.gui to turn subtitles on. Both for the title itself and the possible options.

It works properly for me...

1 hour ago, HMart said:

I've seen something similar, in my case all sliders in the menu lack the visual movable slide and the value label, also some missions lack the "start mission" string, I assume all this is because of the changes being done to the menu system by stgatilov and will be solved sooner than later. 

The changes of main menu can only break missions which have override main menu GUI. For instance, you will never see an issue on Saint Lucia, New Job, and most of the small FMs because of it. Yes, "Start Mission" on e.g. Volta is because of that, and it will be fixed. But sliders in settings --- no way it could be broken by those changes.

By the way: do you have AMD GPU?
There are some problems with image loading in latest dev build which only manifest on AMD GPUs...

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1 hour ago, stgatilov said:

It works properly for me...

Oops, my fault. I had a modified language file from my UP active where this didn't yet exist! Speaking of which, can you please again consider including the following changes into the core language file:

"#str_02190"    "Use Inv. Item/Use Held Item" (gives info on the usage of held items)

"#str_02202"    "Explosive Mine" (the current HUD is capable of displaying this so make it consistent with the UI name)

"#str_02298"    "Screen size, aspect ratio or fullscreen changes require a restart" (the current version leaves the screen)

"#str_02299"    "Fullscreen size is locked to desktop, use render scale to adjust." (this is formatted to fit the above line)

"#str_02405"    "Frob/Interact/Take/Drop" (better explains what Frob can mean in the game)

And while I am nitpicking, maybe "Flashbomb" should be "Flash Bomb" and "Put away weapons" "Holster Weapons" ;)!


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18 hours ago, HMart said:

I've seen something similar, in my case all sliders in the menu lack the visual movable slide and the value label, also some missions lack the "start mission" string, I assume all this is because of the changes being done to the menu system by stgatilov and will be solved sooner than later. 

Image_preload 0?

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3 hours ago, duzenko said:

Image_preload 0?

I add that off, changed* it but still the slider images don't work even after a restart.

*I saw another imo strange behavior on this, when I changed that cvar value to 1, restarted the game, went to the console again and inputted, image_preload, just to see the current value, it showed 0, despite being changed before the restart and on the DarkMod.cfg it is 1. The value gets overridden somehow?

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Just some performance report (i3 6300 + RX 570, lastest drivers)!

Original resolution 2560x1440

Same settings but:

1) Stencil



2) Maps


Edited by lowenz
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