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triggerhurt question

Hello TDM crew.

I am having a bugger of a time trying to get a damage_triggerhurt_5 to do anything.

I create a brush, give it trig hurt texture, right-click, convert to entity damage_triggerhurt_5.  In sample tests, I make the brush bigger than the player to make sure the player is within the bounds.  Nothing.

So, I am missing something.




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3 hours ago, Frost_Salamander said:

How do you create an inverted bevel end cap from a bevel that's been flattened slightly?  In the pictures below, I want the end cap to cover the space entirely, and avoid that gap being created after I drag the verts.  Is there a way to make the patch stretch to the upper corner so that gap doesn't appear?



You need to select both patches, end cap and bevel, and select the vertices for both patches to avoid what you see in the second image.



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34 minutes ago, cvlw said:

triggerhurt question

Hello TDM crew.

I am having a bugger of a time trying to get a damage_triggerhurt_5 to do anything.

I create a brush, give it trig hurt texture, right-click, convert to entity damage_triggerhurt_5.  In sample tests, I make the brush bigger than the player to make sure the player is within the bounds.  Nothing.

So, I am missing something.




Is this the proper way to create a trigger hurt with specific damage, in my case a 5 damage:
1)  make intended brush

2)  texture as trighurt

3)  convert to entity trigger_hurt (not damage_triggerhurt_5)

4)  set def_damage arg to damage_triggerhurt_5

From what I can tell, this works now.


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4 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

Okay, I think I see what you are trying to do.

You can use brushes to fill in the gaps like this.



okay - I guess brushes it is then 🙂  Thanks for taking the time to put that together!

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2 hours ago, Frost_Salamander said:

Maybe it's not doable?

It is, if done right. It is however advisable that you create all the patches needed for the final setup beforehand and move their vertices together to avoid gaps (and if they occour, then only due to different subdivisions which can, as said, be adjusted manually).

And don't use brushes for that!


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Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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13 minutes ago, Obsttorte said:

It is, if done right. It is however advisable that you create all the patches needed for the final setup beforehand and move their vertices together to avoid gaps (and if they occour, then only due to different subdivisions which can, as said, be adjusted manually).

And don't use brushes for that!


Does dmap generate a better triangulation with this approach? I need to try that.

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23 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

Okay, I think I see what you are trying to do.

You can use brushes to fill in the gaps like this.

EDIT: Just make sure that the your patches line up with grid points to avoid sparklies/seams in game.


This is exactly how I did it, too. The whole thing is a func_static so I don't think small grid sizes are a problem.

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40 minutes ago, Obsttorte said:

It is, if done right. It is however advisable that you create all the patches needed for the final setup beforehand and move their vertices together to avoid gaps (and if they occour, then only due to different subdivisions which can, as said, be adjusted manually).

And don't use brushes for that!


that's done it - thank you!

TDM Community Github: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity

My fan missions: The Hare in the Snare, Part 1

The Lieutenant Series: In Plain Sight  High Expectations Foreign Affairs

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DarkRadiant question. How do I select just one item of a group? I have a bunch of entities that are grouped. If I select any of them, it selects them all. But what if I want to select just one (in this case, to change its spawnargs)? Sure, I can ungroup, select the object, then regroup, but I'm hoping there's something more efficient.

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17 minutes ago, cvlw said:

Is it possible to combine console commands into a single call?

I am hoping to do a clear + dmap [map] in one console call. Maybe some other combos if it is possible.





Open console, type

bind F10 "clear; dmap <mapname>; wait; map <mapname>"

If you want to run your map right after dmap finishes

Press F10

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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4 hours ago, AluminumHaste said:

Select the group, press TAB to cycle through the items. That's how I always do it.

You can do the same thing when you convert a bunch of patches/brushes to a func_static.

Huh. TAB works for me on func_statics that were created from brushes. But it doesn't work for groups. I'm running DR 3.3.0, if that makes a difference. Maybe I'll try an older version.

Edit: I tried DR 2.11 and that version doesn't work for me either. I verified that my keyboard shortcuts are setup correctly, GroupCycleForward = TAB. @AluminumHaste, is that your setting as well?

Edited by joebarnin
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You can right-click on the selected group and ungroup it in the context menu.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

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Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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11 hours ago, joebarnin said:

Huh. TAB works for me on func_statics that were created from brushes. But it doesn't work for groups. I'm running DR 3.3.0, if that makes a difference. Maybe I'll try an older version.

Edit: I tried DR 2.11 and that version doesn't work for me either. I verified that my keyboard shortcuts are setup correctly, GroupCycleForward = TAB. @AluminumHaste, is that your setting as well?

Yeah doesn't work for me either with groups, though I don't use them very often.

Sounds like a bug or missing feature @OrbWeaver?

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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To be honest I can't remember ever using TAB to choose between items in a group. I certainly wasn't aware of it when writing the user guide, which is why the section on converting to func_static mentions using TAB, but the section on grouping doesn't. But it would certainly be useful and consistent behaviour.

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Has someone ever had the problem that a guard on a static patrol route occasionally can't find it's next way point? He walks on his route multiple times until at a random time in game, but then at the same way point he stops and the console says too far from sitting location. Although it worked multiple times before in the game. It happens randomly as I watched it with timescale 8.

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Does it happen more frequently or earlier if the timescale value is set to a higher value?

Any moveable that could potentially block the path?

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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