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Status Updates posted by Goldwell

  1. So today I learned that if you hold the crouch button on a ladder/rope it causes the player to drop down from the current position saving yourself from hitting the jump key and hoping you land correctly. It might not sound like much but damn this is so great

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ERH+


      Maybe we need loading screen tips with such things?

    3. Springheel


      Some missions have those.

    4. Oldjim


      When I asked about that - other than getting the answer I was referred to The Dark Mod Gameplay wiki

  2. So what new FM's lay on the horizon for TDM?

    1. Sotha


      My WIP. Will be done prolly before next xmas. A new protagonist and AI character will be introduced. And it will have some gas mines. Aand it's gonna be around the size of Beleaguered Fence. Aaand I try to focus on the mapping now and avoid silly side projects.

    2. Goldwell


      Can't wait Sotha!

    3. Sotha


      I would recommend against waiting for it. Progress is really... s l o w.

  3. So who here that signed up for the Halloween contest is still going to do it? i'm going to attempt a 2 week speed build myself.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DeTeEff


      I have begun...!

    3. Sotha


      Ah, it is nice to see you getting back to mapping, Fieldmedic! Looking forward to see your work. They always do something differently.

    4. DeTeEff


      Hehe, "different" is a good word to describe me ;)

  4. Still getting the hang of this new microphone+setup (this is raw without any background removal done, the sound quality is insane!) https://soundcloud.com/tylervocals/demo-of-the-new-mic

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AluminumHaste


      that's really well done man! Keep it up!

    3. Lydecker


      Very nice quality and acting :)

    4. Lux


      Excellent sound and body to the vocals. Much more than before. Really looking forward to the ingame audio clips and we still need a "puff" screen to keep the mic from booming.

  5. Stop motion video from 1930... this is the most disturbing video I have seen in a long time O_O

    1. Bikerdude


      I thought it was quite good.

    2. zergrush


      This is plain amazing. It puts a lot of Harrihausen stuff in a corner.

    3. pusianka
  6. The full Thief Gold HD texture mod is going to be released soon! Here's the trailer

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nbohr1more


      This is cool and all but I wish Gecko would've worked with the Canon Texture folks at TTLG rather than doing his own project. He's completely changed the look of some of the textures. I guess it's author's prerogative but when you market yourself as the "official" HD mod it's kinda shady, especially since there was already HD-ification happening elsewhere...

    3. SeriousToni


      Thank you Goldwell! @nbohr1more: Which do you mean? Those? They really look nice and I hope he can help these guys out now after 1.0 release! http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140187&page=58

    4. fllood


      Agree with nbohr1more. These textures imo are too far from the look & feel of the original game. I switched back from "HD" beta to original textures.

  7. There is a rough cut for the steam greenlight trailer i've made here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK4xJ_Lx9-U After watching please let your opinion be known on it here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18624-steam-greenlight-top-50-in-we-are/?p=401221

  8. Thief has its flaws yes but holy fuck is it fun to play! I'm very impressed so far!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. kyyrma


      The actual loading times are really fast even on my ye olde HDD (5 - 15 seconds). I could imagine them being a breeze on an SSD.

    3. Lux


      unless loading is tied to framerate ala... consoles


    4. Viktoria


      I'm having a blast playing Thief... I'm suffering from sleep-deprivation, haha!

  9. This might be a long shot but I cant seem to find it in the forum. Does the person who created the prefab of the two long rug runners with the textures matched up correctly still have that prefab?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VanishedOne
    3. Goldwell


      @VanishedOne THANK YOU! oh god I was looking for so long for that haha.

    4. Bikerdude


      It might have been me, I can make them up again but will need to see the location where you want them placed.

  10. Time to play some Elder Scrolls Online! If anyone wants a key here is the place to go http://www.curse.com/betas/teso-beta-key-giveaway

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldwell


      Nope, it's really fun actually. And the graphics look great!

    3. ungoliant


      i'm not a believer. rumor has it they are pandering to all demographics, both hardcore and casual. recipe for disaster.

    4. stumpy


      its 50 quid, dont know what that is in euro's or dollars, and uses 60GB on disk.

  11. When detailing a map there is a fine line between "that looks like it was there naturally" and "that looks like it was made to look like it was there naturally"

    1. Bikerdude


      heh, ah yes to detail or not to detail that is the ultimate mappers dilemma.

  12. Whoever implemented the additional autosave map file into DR is my new favorite person! Nearly lost a large amount of work *phew* that was a scare for a moment.

    1. Bikerdude


      ive have my auto-save set to every 15 as DR does crash on occasion and this prevents too much work being lost.

  13. Windows 10 actually looks pretty good! I wonder how TDM will run on it..

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Goldwell


      @lost_soul but they tried that already with Windows 8 and I don't think it turned out the best. I think its good to keep the desktop and tablet world separate. Just detect when a keyboard and mouse are plugged in and use normal desktop mode and if a touch screen is detected boot into the touch interface. That way everyone's happy

    3. Goldwell


      And of course having the option to switch between the two regardless of which peripherals are available shouldn't be too hard either. Regardless it shall be interesting to see what Microsoft turn out with the final build

    4. jaxa



      could be true

  14. Winter time certainly has its advantages... Prost! http://i.imgur.com/EZOpPjZ.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SeriousToni
    3. Bikerdude


      Lol only you would comeup with something like that :-)

    4. vvGarrettvv


      ahh. fine austrian beer . yummy. Slàinte! :)

  15. Wolfenstein surprisingly has a few similarities to Thief. Most buildings having multiple entrance points, there are places to crawl and climb to sneak around, readables, guard patrols you can sneak around and pick off and secrets to discover everywhere. Very good ambient music and graphics as well. It feels a bit like a FPS MGS at times

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Obsttorte


      There is not that much censoring. The swastika is gone and the enemies are not called nazis. This won't change the experience much. Although I agree that I hate the way we are getting infantilized in germany. It's for adults only anyway, so what.

    3. Baal


      It doesn't change the gameplay at all but I still hate these kinds of changes on principle. But the bigger problem is that we also only get the german voice overs and these are nearly always terrible.

    4. Lux


      Playing this now. Had to turn off SBX surround and use stereo so the game audio wasn't screwed up. Apparently doesn't detect 5.1? Also, no warning to finish obj prior to leaving when you know you'll be back to the area. Bummer. Has issues if you knew about in advance would be better. Game is ok. Good shooter wise.

  16. Working on my rainy mission while it rains outside. The atmosphere is very inspiring, I just love rainy weather :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Springheel


      I'd love to hear rain right now...it's -12 Celsius.


    3. Vae


      Sounds great, Goldwell!

    4. SeriousToni


      Rain / Thunderstorm Maps are always so cool! Good luck with it! :)

  17. Wow the new Wolfenstein weighs in at 40gb! Taking a while to download even on my fiber connection.

    1. Melan


      Whoa, that's almost three months' worth of my DL quota.

    2. Vae


      That's pretty sad, considering I have unlimited use of 300 Mbps DL, 100 Mbps UL.

    3. New Horizon

      New Horizon

      Hehe, must be all the ingame cinematics.


  18. Wow this is amazing! Create 3D textured models just by having a picture and dragging your mouse

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Springheel


      "the illusion only really works when you keep looking the same way, lighting is baked in, so is specular and everything else. the texture also is not "calculated" on the opposite side, it is just projected through the mesh."


    3. Obsttorte


      It's illusional that one day we'll be able to create 3D models out of 2D photographies with a certain quality. The terms already says it, 3D -Y 2D == information lost. The only way such things could work would be to have a camera that stores depth informations in the picture combined with a tools that allows you to get the specific location of the camera. Several shots from different sides, and voila.


      Everything else are just dirty hacks which will always have their nitpicks.

    4. Obsttorte
  19. Yay the accountant seems to be working perfectly in TDM 2.0.. Also fantastic job on that guys! The game feels so much better to play now :D

    1. Moonbo


      Nice! Looking forward to playing it when it comes out:-).

  20. You know whats even better than TDM? Buttered oven fresh baguettes dipped into a nice warm bowl of chili con carne.. mmm good!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vae
    3. Bikerdude


      LOL, or changed the CCC for Heinz Backed beans.

    4. Melan


      Yeah, that's real good stuff. Of course, the real question is: do beans belong in chili? .)

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