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Status Updates posted by Bikerdude

  1. TDM is now in the top #30 on Steam Greenlight.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Epifire


      I think we'll be getting in under the door before that closes honestly. #GudTimingSon

    3. Bikerdude


      I sincerely hope so Epi..

    4. jaxa


      "We will ask ***new*** developers to complete a set of digital paperwork..." makes me hopeful that TDM will be grandfathered in.

  2. The Dark Mod is now in the Top 50 folks! Thank you to everyone who has voted, if the stats keep going as they have been The Dark Mod will be heading for the Top 20 post haste!

    1. nbohr1more


      I think this is better than Moddb voting season. LOL!

    2. Obsttorte
    3. Bikerdude
  3. The walking dead: season 2 is going cheap on steam atm.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      I could never get past the cel shading. Imo anything that wants to evoke a response other than humor shouldn't use it.

    3. 7upMan


      Consider this a playable comic, and you will see why this was the only thing that made sense. Also, so far, the story was about the best one of any computer game I ever played.

    4. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      I think it works for The Wolf Among Us because that literally is a playable comic (Fables). I don't know, there was just huge aesthetic dissonance in it for me. It wasn't so much the cel-shading as the goofy models and animations.

    1. Spooks


      Even though I can't run it it's always great to see games with good movement systems get custom levels.

  4. Thief video done in flash - http://youtu.be/0kXgMmWM_Gc

    1. SiyahParsomen


      waste of great skills for me.

    2. pusianka


      too short. Not impressed.

  5. This is quite cool, but you need Firefox 15 - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/demos/detail/bananabread

    1. Diego


      Nice! And I'm so bored and in need of a game that I "played" this thing for 15 minutes.

  6. This is scary, as we are going there again - http://pro.moneyweek.com/myk-eob-tpr123/PMYKP703/ - shame the message is ruined with the shambolic sales pitch.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bikerdude


      Just read about the Co-Op and my own bank The Nationwide have both been given deadlines to shore up their capital shortfalls... (this mirrors the beginning of the slow painful death mentioned in the video)

    3. jay pettitt

      jay pettitt

      Bunk from start to whenever it was I gave up. Start a thread perhaps..?

    4. Springheel


      Yes of course, blame the "welfare state". Maybe the real problem is that corporations want to be able to pay their workers nothing, keep all of the profits to themselves, and expect taxpayers to make up the difference with social programs?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GameDevGoro


      Ooooohhhh... This has a bad ring to it...

    3. Melan


      That smells worse than the Bonehoard OR Cragscleft.

    4. SiyahParsomen


      crap! Is this my curse? When I wait a game, it either cancels or sucks...

  7. TW3: Blood and Wine is out! - www.gog.com

    1. Bikerdude


      You people have got to play this, its like like Elderscrolls felt like for the 1st time - amazing..

    2. Lux


      I played through a chunk of the orig TW3 and Nvidia STILL haven't fixed a bug that halves your framerate when running 3 screens and SLi so yeah... 25fps is a no go till they fix it. It an incredible game though.

  8. Uk goverment trying to force through snoopers charter on the back on paris attacks, a bill which was being blocked by democratic debate.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bikerdude


      @orb, done the police need to get a court order before looking at the meta data?

    3. OrbWeaver


      Last I heard it was no order for the metadata, but a warrant for the fulll URL. But that might have changed (and with HTTPS the full URL wouldn't be available anyway).

    4. stumpy


      they wanted it so that an mp could issure the warrent therefore bypassing the judge which is dangerous grounds.

  9. Voted remain, but see the unwashed masses were swayed by the lyers, usurpers and snakes.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bikerdude


      Farage is one of the worst snakes and a baffoon to boot.

    3. Bikerdude


      @Stumpy, I wonder if that will be the end in the Uk atleast to those stupid laws. Such as hoover cant be over 1500w etc etc.

    4. Dragofer


      You need to commit to common trade rules for a common trade union to function. See TTIP: if the US can sell gene-modified crops in Europe while the EU can't, then EU farmers get disadvantaged by the deal because of the difference in regulations. Also, boosting ex-USSR countries via infrastructure investments is a good thing because it expands the EU market.

  10. Watchdogs: Requries Uplay on PC in addition to Steam - WTF, so another game I wont be buying.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lux


      I have BF4 installed and play it about once a week. Origin is ballz compared to Steam. I could care less if the program occasionally sends system info pertinent to Origin's operation or a games operation. Most of those things you can turn off in the interface anyway which I do.

    3. Lux


      You can't be a gamer and not play half the stuff that comes out because it installs some middleware or interface. I want to sample everything. The most annoying IMO is Games for Windows but the Batman games are too much fun not to create a login. When you're done playing the game, just uninstall whatever and be on your way. Paranoia ruins quality of life. Get on with it.

    4. Airship Ballet
    1. Goldwell


      Bethesda removing paid mods due to outrage, WB halting PC sales due to outrage.. I wonder if companies are actually listening to the consumer now?

    2. Bikerdude


      heh, it would be a first and about bloody time!

    3. stumpy


      here's the company that did the port, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Galaxy_Studios so no wonder it don't work.

  11. We are now #89 out of 2386 games on SGL.. Woohoo..!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. jaxa


      Nah, I just wanted you to introduce me to supermodels.

    3. vvGarrettvv


      For years I`m telling scolars and friends who are interested in games from TDM. Since I can say: "Look!It`s on Steam-GL.", they are more impressed. They say:"Really?I`ve to take a look now." So.Yes.Being on Steam, even in GL obviously puts the game(mod) in the focus of people of which taken this one not so serious before. :D

    4. Sotha


      If we are going to have an influx of new players with all this extra attention, perhaps someone should make a "recommended newbie FMs"-list, so that they start with good & friendly ones.

    1. demagogue
    2. jaxa


      I've found it difficult to find where TDM is listed as #1 on Greenlight. This page ( https://steamcommunity.com/greenlight/ ) has no ranked listing. This one ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=858048394 ) has no visible rank or stats page. Is it my script blocker?

  12. Who manages the TDM twitter account? as it hasent had an update in a very very long time.

    1. Xarg


      Isn't that nbohr1more?

    2. nbohr1more


      Nope. I created my own Twitter to try and promote but it never gained much traction. The "official" Twitter is owned by New Horizon as I recall.

  13. Why privacy matter's -

    1. Anderson


      It's basically Moldova in fantasy land


    2. Arcturus


      I've been playing Witcher 3 for 131 hours. I have level 20.

    3. Bikerdude


      Ive not played nearly that long only 68hrs but at level 42.

  14. With excellent help from Obsttorte, my Speedish build (currently in beta) has extremely good performance levels which are at or below Doom3 max limits! So this mission will be playable on laptops with even Intel HD graphics cards.

  15. With help from Uberman and vanished, the large city mission that myself and Melan adobted is closer to beta testing. Would people like to see a a video version of "what are you working on" in same style of the Black parade..?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. ERH+


      Someone said "reverb"? 2.06 will have a proper "Thief" sound? Now I'm excited.

    3. Bikerdude


      Gonna try and get this vid made over thw weekend.

    4. ERH+


      Where I can learn more about that 2.06 reverb functionality? I really want to use info from "Setting Reverb Data of Rooms (EAX)" wiki article but in other forum topic it was said it don't work...

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