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  1. Hey, Every time I've try to use the Full Editor when PM'ing someone, and every single time I get an error. Whoever is in charge of the forum, is it possible that this could be fixed? Thanks Neon
  2. Evening I'm helping XeX with his furnicher set and I can't seem to get the models toa ppears correctly in DR. WILL.LWO models only use thier original texture path, eg - - models/Xex_models/comode_wood rather than the new path - models/darkmod/props/textures/comode_wood Can someone have a look at the archive where I have tried to create newtextures and a skin for models "comode_002" - skydrive
  3. Some good news: I spent today checking if I could export the md5mesh / md5anim set. The exporter gave me errors on both, the armature and mesh alike needed to have their bones and vertices fixed (I updated the blend file in the first post). After fixing everything the export worked! At least as far as I can tell from the export process, I didn't test them in-game as there's no AI or def: I'll have to re-export in case there are issue with the model scale, model orientation, the speed of an animation, or anything else wasn't exported properly. As long as the exported data isn't corrupt or broken for any reason though, I should be able to manage this step too... note that the Blend is for Blender 2.79 as the md5 exporter hasn't been yet updated to 2.8. On top of that I have now finished the textures. My target of 4 colors was successfully reached: Black, white, red, green... each one with different eye colors too. Further more I included the material and skin file, those should be ready to use. Download it here (0.3) Other than the sounds which I'm only touching if things move forward, this should be everything in terms of assets... they are fully untested of course, notify me of any issues you find and I'll try fixing them and producing new md5mesh / md5anim sets. What's needed now is the part I have no idea how to do: The AI, the skeleton settings, and the def to make use of them. Considering what was discussed earlier my suggestion would be: First copy the AI / defs of a fitting monster and put this model on it, in order to make sure it's properly scaled and the animations play well. Once the mesh and textures and animations are confirmed to work, find a bounding box side that fits... I'd suggest enough so it covers the wings in the idle pose, for some animations they might clip through walls but we'll see if that's an issue and adjust it later. Only at the end once this is all done setup the ragdoll physics, the IK for aligning the feet to the ground, and the rotation for the mouth bone for lip-syncing when playing vocals. Does that sound like a good approach?
  4. As far as I remember, the engine drops smoothing information from LWO file and applies automatic determination of smooth groups depending on some hardcoded angle. So I'm not sure these smoothing settings will help in TDM or Doom 3.
  5. There is no such model format as "CM". A CM is either an OBJ, ASE, or LWO with a collision texture. The cm data in the map compile cannot be natively manipulated, it is the result of a dmap operation.
  6. DarkRadiant 3.7.0 is ready for download. What's new: Feature: Skin Editor Improvement: Script Window usability improvements Fixed: Hitting escape while autosaving crashes to desktop Fixed: Def parsing problem in tdm_playertools_lockpicks.def Fixed: DR hangs if selecting a lot of entities with entity list open Fixed: Float Property Editor's entry box is sticking around after selecting a float key Fixed: Spline entities without model spawnarg are unselectable Fixed: Entity window resets interior sizing forcing resize each time it is opened Fixed: Spline curves should not be created with a model spawnarg Fixed: Newly appended curve control vertices aren't shown at first Fixed: Light entities are zoomed out in preview window Fixed: Entity inspector spawnarg fields not always updated by UI windows such as Model Chooser Feature: Skin Editor (see video) Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/3.7.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks to all the awesome people who keep using DarkRadiant to create Fan Missions - they are the main reason for me to keep going. Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Keep on mapping!
  7. Yes, it does. Which makes it interesting that you yourself explicitly said that it's interesting nobody had complained here on the official forums: I did, which is why it stood out to me so much that even though you yourself had personally been involved you would reply claiming nobody had complained here on the official forums. I'm not colorblind at all. Does that make people pointing out that almost no modern games have proper colorblindness support hyperbole? Just because it doesn't affect you, or you choose not to pay attention to the discussion of something, doesn't make it hyperbole. Pick pretty much any modern FPS and you will find plenty of discussion about the near universal disregard for FOV and camera movement as accessibility issues. Denigrating those as hyperbole because you personally don't feel the affects is as bad of a look as demeaning people who bring up the importance of valid allergen warnings like gluten or colorblindness and deafness support.
  8. I agree that the first page of the A to Z tutorial, containing the section on File Structure, could use some clarification and freshening. (I'll see what I can do.) Someone else who is better with blender should address your export issues. Probably involves a materials (.mtr) file.
  9. Oh, some interest? I should make a video, but will get around to that later. For now I'll try my best to talk through the steps. I'm exporting from 2.69 but whichever version supports the 'Quake MAP' exporter, should be all the same. _________________________________ --> On the right-hand tool panel of the 3D view, under 'Display', set the grid scale to 0.64 with subdivision of 8. --> Create a plane, go to 'Edit Mode' and 'Subdivide', then CTRL+T to triangulate. (instead of scaling your plane (before subdivide) use 'Dimensions' (under Transform) and set X and Y to "81.920"). --> Displace & Sculpt (etc) as desired... (keep in mind you can do these first steps in any software, so long as the grid is the same, which is very important). (above I used a heightmap and 'Displace' modifier, but only a little sculpting, but there are plenty of other ways to deform your mesh). (be sure to click 'Apply' on the modifier when you're happy with it so it actually takes). (stay within 4096 units from origin (=40.96) because 'Q3toD3' doesn't seem to like anything bigger than this (*needs more testing!)). (workaround is to just split your terrain into pieces and export them separately)... --> Edit Mode > select all > Edges > Edge Split. --> Select all faces in Edit Mode and 'Flip Direction'. --> Go to side/front view and 'Extrude Region' down. (you've essentially just turned your deformed plane into individual solid (8-poly) objects = brushes). --> Select all bottom vertices and scale 0 on Z axis. (S > Z > 0). (*make sure you're using grid snapping and all vertices below align with the above). --> Set grid scale to 'a decimal left' (=0.064). --> Snap all vertices to grid. (select all vertices > SHIFT+S > Selection to Grid). --> Tris to quads. (select all faces and ALT+J). --> Select all in Object Mode and CTRL+A to actualise. (Location\Rotation & Scale\Visual Transform). --> Select all in Object Mode and go to File > Export > Quake MAP (.map). (check 'Grid Snap' and click 'Export MAP'). (if all goes well, you now have a .MAP file with your brushes from Blender!) --> Use 'Q3toD3' to convert your MAP file into the Doom3 format. (http://www.violationentertainment.com/files/software/q3tod3+gui.zip). --> Open the MAP file in a text editor and change 'version 2' to 'version 3', remove worldspawn name and other comments. --> CTRL+H to replace " 0 0 0 with ", so the trailing 'tokens' on each brush are removed. --> Remove the last entity entries, so the file ends at the final brush and the bottom of the file ends with 3 }s. (3 closing curlies). _________________________________ Open the map in DarkRadiant and in the 3D view, CTRL+SHIFT to select a face below the surface, then while holding CTRL+SHIFT you can drag-click to texture all of these multiple faces with caulk. This could probably be done in Blender but I didn't try that because this works well enough, for the most part. This is not even really important, except to avoid confusion during editing. You can now select multiple brushes, press V and select multiple vertices, and (with care) adjust them around to deform your terrain. Note that texturing hasn't come into it yet because ideally once you're happy with the formation, you would export as ASE and bring it back into Blender to unwrap and vertex-paint etc. to polish it up for the final product. Here's an example of how I began to create "lips" that overlap each other and fold into themselves, to create features like cliff-faces and caves:- . . .
  10. Hello again.
    Thanks for the commit. I changed the lines as you noted. But now I see this error:

    <Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/jimm/.config/blender/2.82/scripts/addons/io_export_ase-2.py", line 1001, in execute
        bpy.ops.object.select_all( action = 'DESELECT' )
      File "/usr/share/blender/scripts/modules/bpy/ops.py", line 201, in __call__
        ret = op_call(self.idname_py(), None, kw)
    RuntimeError: Operator bpy.ops.object.select_all.poll() failed, context is incorrect>

    I can see by you board activity that you're busy, and I'm just trying to learn how to export from Blender into DarkRadiant right now, so this isn't really of the greatest importance. I don't want to impact your schedule too much.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. OrbWeaver


      You shouldn't need any external packages installed, no. The only dependencies for the script are Blender and its in-built Python.

      Looking more closely at the error message, I wonder if we might be barking up the wrong tree with Blender and Python versions, and this might perhaps be related to the current configuration of the Blender project/GUI. When you do the export, are you in Object or Edit mode? Does it help if you switch modes before running the exporter?

      If this doesn't make a difference, would you perhaps be able to record a desktop video of the problem, starting with creating a simple object in Blender and then trying to export it? Perhaps this will reveal if something is wrong in your project which might break the script.

    3. OrbWeaver


      I just tested and I can reproduce the error if I try to export from Edit mode rather than Object mode, so I have high hopes that this will solve the problem.

      This is arguably still a bug in the script though, since it should handle the situation gracefully either by changing modes or by showing a user-friendly error message indicating the problem, rather than a meaningless Python stacktrace.

    4. mmij


      Thanks for doing the testing. I tried changing modes and it worked great. Thank you. I would have never thought of that.
      When I was attempting the export, I was following the instructions from the Wiki--cause I really have no real idea of what I'm doing in Blender yet.
      Now that you've cleared things up, I can get back on trying to build some models for a mission.
      Great work and thanks again.

  11. Full changelog of 2.09 development. dev15976-8815 Includes all the changes from trunk which did not get into 2.08: * RGTC compression is now used by default. * More work on X-ray view. * Cull objects behind mirrors (4946). * AAS limit hit by Painter's Wife removed. * Warnings when approaching event limit (5270). * Dragofer's massive manbeast fixes. * Cabalistic's FBO refactoring, parallel jobs fixes, and new rendering backend. Known problems: * HeatHaze shaders don't work (i.e. no heat/glass/water distortion). * Changing texture anisotropy leaves screen black. * Lights with stencil shadows don't illuminate properly until you reloadModels or switch shadows (after loading save). dev15981-8875 * Fixed known problems of previous build. * Revised OpenGL loading, version and extensions. * Fixed warning about "bad internalFormat". * Optimizations in new backend: individual shadow scissors. * OpenAL: show active device name properly in console. * Various guards against NaN (5296). * Refactored lightgem rendering with triple buffering. * Disable "Omit Frame Pointers" on Linux build. * Fixed occasional crashes due to inventory cursors (5302). * Fixed "Render Scale" slider in settings menu. * Fixed rendering of several parchment fonts (link). dev15987-8910 * Rotation hack fixed: bad rotation is now embedded into model for all entities (4970). * Hot reload: added command reloadMap (5316). * Fixed bad highlight on lockpicking. Also hardened GUI scripts against such errors (5311). * Fixed black preview screenshots in in-game downloader (4488). * Enabled r_useBumpmapLightTogglingFix by default: bumpy surfaces will be darkened when light falls under low angle. * New rendering backend linkage fix on AMD. * Better window resize on Windows. * Cleaning hacks: r_testSpecularFix is always on (as in 2.08), r_testStencilSelfShadowFix is always off (as in 2.08). * EditAFs: spawned entities are now frobable/draggable by default (5297). * Fixed crash when unlocking door in "Hidden Hands: The Lost Citadel" (5318). * savegame_admin and target_savegame: fixed missing spawnclass. * Removed player_sounds_doublevision and similar spawnargs, removing warnings (5170). Known problems: * Several FMs do not boot due to rotation-hacked entity cm or md5 model: "A Night to Remember", "The Elixir", "Rightful Property", "Siege Shop", "William Steele 4: The Warrens". (All of these FMs repacked, make sure you have latest version). dev16010-8948 * decl_stack: Every warning about missing image/sound is followed by detailed explanation how it was referenced (5170). * Fixed occasional bug in concatenation of GUI commands (5323). * Skin files: process hyphens in unquoted model paths correctly (5322). * Automation system: implemented on Linux, fixed file leak. * Supported reloadmap-diff automation command for fast hot-reload integrated into DarkRadiant in future (5316). * Fixed doors occasionally getting stuck after hours of gameplay (5331). * Creeping now works in "always run" mode (5320). * Fixes for new rendering backend: ambientGamma and lightgem, bloom scissoring. * Updated comments in mainmenu_briefing_video.gui for FFmpeg cinematics (5323). * Fixed printing deleted pointer on startup (5170). * Disabled "Door %s is not within a valid AAS area" warning (5170). * Fixed warning spam when TDM is minimized (introduced after 2.08). * Fixed parsing error when precaching "play XXX" GUI command, fixing a warning (5170). * If ASE material is not referenced by its meshes, don't try resolving this material in TDM, don't post warning (5170). * Fixed a bunch of assets referencing nonexistent files (5170). * Added respawn console command for debugging (5316). * Added setGameTime/getGameTime console commands for debugging (5331). * mainmenu_briefing_video.gui no longer resets cinematics on startup (5324). * Changed when mapStart GUI command is set up, removed MainMenuWatchDog (5323). dev16017-8976 * Added experimental gamepad support (instructions here: 5400). * Conversation and other sounds are no longer stopped by saving or going to main menu (4341). * r_useNewBackend is now enabled by default (note: this cvar is archived, so default takes effect only when you delete config file). * Much more debug output for GUI scripts in darkmod.log under LC_MAINMENU/LT_DEBUG. * Shorter paths in darkmod.log. * Fixed cutoffTimeMap on particles with SMP on (5141). * Minor main menu GUI cleaning (add notime everywhere). * Added cathedral_torn skin. dev16027-9022 * Disabled additional color correction by default. Now the game should look exactly like 2.07 in terms of overall brightness/color. * Now gamma/brightness is applied to everything, including underwater view, GUIs, and main menu --- like in 2.07. * Added sharpening filter in postprocessing (enabled by default). * Major refactoring of particle systems (5138). * Fixed bounding box computation for particle systems (5136). * Fixed soft shadows (in new backend, which is default now). * Fixed unbinding/rebinding entities during game, including the crash in WS7 forge (5409). * Fixed crash with Kingsal's custom fire arrows. * Fixed "borderless" fullscreen mode (ironically, it was broken since its first release). * Improvements in new backend for old GPUs (r_gpuBufferNonpersistentUpdateMode?). * Faster shadow map generation under shadowMapSinglePass 1 (new backend only). * Experimental many-light rendering under shadowMapSinglePass 2 (new backend only). * Added mapLayout linear to particle static collisions, allowing stuff like snow and fire (5437). Only for particle deform yet. * Probably fixed some problems when changing anisotropy in menu. * Added debug cvar r_glBlacklistExtensions to disable GL extensions. * Improved randomness of idRandom. * Added sys.saveConDump script function (5369). Please don't abuse it. * Supported weights and checksums in in-game missions downloader (5349). Known problems: * Joint binds broken: attached keys are at guards' legs. dev16034-9041 * Fixed known problem of previous build: joint binds. * com_smp is now ON by default, and cannot be disabled in menu settings. * Exposed r_useParallelAddModels as experimental "Frontend Acceleration" in main menu. * Fixed crashes in r_useParallelAddModels 1 mode (5441). * Fixed mipmapping of DDS textures (for r_useBindlessTextures 1). * Added limited support for collisionStatic in particle models (5437). * Fixed sounds from unlit/extinguished gas lamp (5216). * Renderer cleanup (removed ARB shaders completely, deprecated ftransform). * Reduced spam from non-triangular faces in LWO. beta209-01 (rev 16037-9042) * No changes since dev16034-9041: exactly the same version. beta209-02 (rev 16055-9057) * Removed tdm_ambient_method cvar and "ambient stages" from all stock materials (5449). * Fixed antialiasing on Linux (link). * Fixed reflections with custom renderscale (link). * Fixed bug with objects disappearing in mirrors (5327). * Fixed tdm_show_keys not showing keys inside closets sometimes. * Hopefully fixed cases of volume loss on frobbing closed handleless door (5462). * Dmap now warns if brush has several sides with mirror texture (4707). * Fixed rare issue with "Frontend Acceleration" (r_useParallelAddModels). * Some rendertools fixes (5257). * Added Dragofer's models and prefabs: desk, shelf, bed. * Added horizontal display cabinet by Bikerdude. * Fixed blue elemental skin. * Fixed chest prefabs (4287, 5245). * Added grime to textures/washroom/mirror. beta209-03 (rev 16100-9077) * Changed directory where hack-rotation proxies are saved (5186). * Disabled warning about hack-rotated func_statics during dmap (5186). * Hot reload should now work on s_XXX spawnargs. * s_drawSounds works properly due to temporarily disabling com_smp. * LoadStack (decl_stack) hardened against dangling pointers, works with image_preload 0 (5433). * Fixed more issues with image_preload 0. * Added Rodin's Eve statue models, entityDef atdm:statue_eve, and skins (link, 5489). * Added EFX to "New Job" FM. * Added naval clock model and prefab decorative/misc/naval_clock.pfbx (4687). * Fixed models/darkmod/lights/non-extinguishable/chandelier_ornateNN.lwo (5481). * Fixed /prefabs/ai/standing_townsfolk_playing_dice.pfb (5332). * Fixed speed potion loading error by deleting its definition (link). * Fixed rotation-hacked lock handles in /prefabs/containers/openable/MerryChestN.pfb (5186). * Added missing editor image on utility_grate_001 (5438). * Fixed models/darkmod/furniture/display_case01.lwo, added openable versions (4692). * Some mechanical models (gears and wheels) replaced with high-poly equivalents. * textures/particles/ripple_1 duplication resolved. * Fixed blue elemental skin. * Renamed many prefab files to avoid spaces, ampersands, pluses, etc. beta209-04 (rev 16125-9086) * Fixed bad patterns with SSAO on some drivers. * Fixed some types of debug rendering. * Gamepad settings are stored in file, also added default bindings. * Major reorganization of prefabs directory, improved positioning of some prefabs. * Added steam engine models and prefabs /prefabs/mechanical/steam_engine_003_*.pfbx. * Added firefly particles, animations and prefabs (see /prefabs/nature/fireflies/*). * Recently added /models/darkmod/furniture/desk3_drawer_tall_subdivided_papers.lwo factored into skin. beta209-05 (rev 16131-9102) * Fixed flash while quicksaving. * Fixed triangular particles bug (5138). * Fixed rare crash due to dangling blood marker on Now And Then (5515). * Fixed excessive click while lockpicking (5312). * Fixed removal of entity currently grabbed by player (1084). * Fixed portal sky with stopTime and jittered screenshots (5494). * Restored tdm_ai_citywatch_lesser_lean entityDef. beta209-06 (rev 16137-9108) * Fixed failed click when picking lock successfully. * Spacing tweak to quit dialog.
  12. Yep, idTech4 isn't really artist friendly, but it's not that hard to get into it if you're not a coder. There is plenty of reference in the web, such as: idDevNet, ModWiki and The Dark Mod Wiki. Most of the tools You will need to use are built in the engine. DarkRadiant is definitely the best level editor that is available for this engine. There are also many different forks of the engine to consider, I'll describe some of them here. The Dark Mod engine fork is a great choice if you want: highly reactive AIgreat stealth systemadvanced scripting (stim - response)advanced item manipulationclimbingexcellent melee combat systembasic yet functional inventorystable and still improved codebasesupportive community around the fork's project and game's forumsmission and campaign based fhDoom engine fork is a modernised version of the GPL engine fork: many graphical enhancementsaudio improvementssomewhat improved multiplayer code Storm Engine 2 is an improved version of RBDoom3BFG fork: contains most of the changes made by RBDoom3BFG, but is focused more on development of standalone gamesfully reconstructed flash menusseveral graphic & audio improvementsyou may want to use my (incomplete) development starter pack if you decide to use this fork: SE2DevBaseit is a discontinued project though OpenTech Engine: based on RBDoom3BFG, slightly less developed than Storm Engine 2 in several aspectsFlash menus replaced with CEGUIYou may also consider RBDoom3BFG itself, though it's more oriented towards replaying the original game with improvements. The original GPL engine and Doom3BFG are highly inferior to other forks listed here, it is advisable to not use them unless it's for educational purposes. You may also ask for help here: idTechForums. However, that forum is more or less visited only by several people (including me), so it is much better to ask here if you decide to use idTech 4. I haven't used Source Hammer (GoldSrc on the other hand...), so I can't tell you what's different between these two editors. DarkRadiant is the best level editor I have used to this day, and I highly recommend it. You can use anything that exports to .lwo for static meshes and moveable objects. For characters and animated objects, you will need something that is able to perfrom .md5 export. Blender, LightWave or 3dsMax will be useful (though Blender is the best bet if you want animated/character models for this engine). Personally, I'm using Wings 3D for static meshes and moveables (non-animated objects with ragdolls/collision models). It matches the engine's scale 1:1, so an object that is 32x32x32 in Wings3D remains 32x32x32 in the engine. It also exports natively to .lwo, and is a nice subdivision modelling software. I'm building and UV Mapping most of my geometry in Wings3D and then export to Blender if I want to make animations. There are .md5 exporters available for Blender, so you can export models with animations into the engine with it.
  13. DarkRadiant 2.9.1 is ready for download. Maintenance release available: DarkRadiant 2.9.1 fixes a freeze issue that has slipped into the recent 2.9.0 release. The previous release of DR 2.9.0 includes a large change to DarkRadiant's module architecture, separating UI code from the actual algorithms almost everywhere. Aside from that, most efforts went into bug fixing and stabilisation - with the occasional convenience feature here and there. TDM mappers will like the first incarnation of the TDM Game Connection plugin (usable in TDM 2.09+). It's recommended to prefer this version over any previous release. Windows and Mac Downloads are available on github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/2.9.1 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks go out to all who helped testing this release! Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. Changes since 2.9.0 Fixed: DR freezes when saving from the "Exit DarkRadiant" dialogue Fixed: Crash when "Load last map at startup" is activated Changes since 2.8.0 Feature: TDM Game Connection Plugin Feature: Add search function in Skin Chooser Feature: Highlight a model in orthoview and its selected in 'map info' inspector Feature: Display Estimated Duration of Sound Clip Feature: Display which file an entity or soundshader is defined in Feature: Add a 'Reload Sounds' options to the menu Feature: Add a way to teleport to coordinates (via Console Command or Python) Feature: Exit search field in child window by pressing escape Feature: Improve usability of class selection in Difficulty editor Feature: Add `monster_player_clip_wood` to list of filtered clip textures Fixed: Skin listing issues in Skin Chooser Fixed: Moving a clipper point always sets position on one axis back to 0 Fixed: "Model Scaler" doesn't handle model duplication correctly (or perhaps consistently) Fixed: Clipper cursor persists when switching out of clipper mode Fixed: Crash if pressing backspace while drawing a brush Fixed: Console warning in Linux when loading libradiantcore.so: undefined symbol: RegisterModule Fixed: Change CSG Merge such that only brushes sharing the same parent entity get merged Fixed: Crash when using CSG Merge on brushes that are entities Fixed: 'Delete property' is greyed out when multiple properties are selected Fixed: Difficulty editor doesn't show classnames when typing instead of selecting them from the dropdown list Fixed: Particle editor creates .prt files incorrectly Fixed: Crash in PrefabChooser dialog when using type-search while a prefab is loaded Fixed: Escaped EOLN in entity spawnarg is turned into real EOLN Fixed: DarkRadiant will not show DDS textures that are stored uncompressed (non-DXT) Fixed: Linux config files should go under ".config" Fixed: Render mode icons are difficult to distinguish in certain environments Fixed: Texture Tool / UV Tool grid size Fixed: DR lockup/freeze while cleaning up brushes using subtract/cutting tools. Fixed: Fit Texture does not work if either Horiz. or Vert. scale are set to 0 Fixed: DR not always remembering window size and position between sessions Fixed: Model browser renders 3D previews for past models, overlaps current selection Fixed: Conversation Editor won't add new actors, entity names are seen as null (Linux) Fixed: On/off Selection issue with layers window Fixed: Export patches: .lwo loses smooth shading Fixed: Reported Polycount for LWO models is one too high Coding: Unit testing infrastructure The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  14. But have you actually thought it through? Scatter _where_? What's the difference between exporting all the mapobjects after they've been placed in Radiant, and exporting large chunks of map (that won't be textured) into Blender, so you can see exactly where each object will be positioned in the map? Either way it would take the same amount of time, unless you're blindly littering objects on a flat surface. This is also something that should be done right at the final moment of the creation of a map, so you can always tweak these things right there in Radiant instead of having to go back to Blender and export everything over again. This is why I ask if you've actually thought this through or not. In my experience, this is easier to do in Radiant than in Blender, so a better approach is to merge and atlas everything after you have positioned them. This is mainly because texture features of a map can matter in terms of where small objects would be positioned, along with positions of other entities, and in Blender you'll just be seeing flat grey geometry everywhere and be at a disadvantage. Some folks are just more comfortable with Radiant than Blender anyway and don't wish to constantly jump back and forth between them. The other thing is, it would take longer to prep (import and fix material headers, etc) all your mapobjects in Blender, that you wish to scatter around - meanwhile they are already set and ready in Radiant. I also said in the first post this works with brushes and patches too, and other entities, it's not only concerning mapobjects. So the argument that it's somehow worse than any other approach has flopped. All this is doing is making an existing creation process quicker, it's not some bad voodoo that suddenly makes your triangles choke your GPU more. Once again - this is absolutely no different than any other occasion a mapper copy+pastes large amounts of mapobjects around manually. This is just quicker and simply just another technique I decided to try and share...
  15. Well, I am not sure where you get your information from, but I couldn't export selected ASE mesh in the map as CM model. It's either a bug in DR or the limitation is that only brushes can be exported as CM (which is in fact how dmap generate .cm files - only from brushes)
  16. Hello Aosys! I just happened to run past your thread here as I've returned recently to the forums myself. I might be able to help you here with your Substance Painter setup, as I use it exclusively now. You wont get a one to one render preview in Painter, akin to that of the properties you'll see in-game. However you can get pretty close. I do use the non-pbr mode but once you've got the settings and layers optioned correctly, it'll work. Firstly, are you using current versions? This is important as shaders and various versions of Painter have broke in the past (especially since Adobe bought them). I normally bake my Ambient Occlusion into my diffuse texture. Until (or really if ever) we get PBR in game, this shouldn't be changing; however baking the AO really helps if you're wanting dramatic lighting for cheap. If you can, try to multiply the AO over the diffuse texture in Photoshop and then save that to DDS. Personally I don't much like how powerful (and plastic like) specular effects are in TDM, so I usually will just end up with a final diffuse and normal texture. The only time I'd recommend blending the AO via mtr file is if you needed to preserve the UV's for the diffuse but had to multiply that over a tiling texture independently. Otherwise we can just cut down on the file consumption and go without the mask. Also, Greebo just made a file converter to take FBX to LWO. I use MayaLT now, so if you have to pull anything in from FBX; that can now be handled directly. It also handles vertex paints and smoothing options! This was a big requested feature from me and I'm really excited to start using it here myself. Greebo made it to work with his Dark Radiant upgrade project but it's also directly accessible via a batch file! So what this means is we'll be able to just save FBX to a mirrored directory and then run the batch file and it'll convert/copy the new LWO files to your chosen models destination. If you want, I can show you how I've got my Substance Painter setup for TDM too. I could probably best do that via screenshare over Discord, so lemme know if you'd like to do that at some point.
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