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  1. This new Twitter block looks kinda bad on the Forum's dark theme. Also, why is this info shown here on the forum anyway?


    I would like to see an option at least to disable it.

    Although I guess I could use some css..


    Edit: This seems to do it:

    /* Remove Twitter timeline */
    .twitter-timeline {
        display: none !important;
    1. Dragofer


      It seems it can only be set to either black or white, independent of users' theme.

      It seems quite a few of us didnt know that the Twitter account was still in active use.

    2. datiswous


      I heard @thebigh took over activity

    3. datiswous


      You can't make it transparent?

      But like I said, there's no point in having a twitter block on the forum. If you want to follow, use twitter, but it should not show here.

  2. Didn't Komag have a tutorial to get you going on the right track or was that for Thief 2? I opened DR & the user guide, but I'm at a loss. I have totally forgotten how the whole thing works. I know someone had a tutorial for DR. I built a room and hallway, put some torches & furniture in, made Garrett's starting point. Stuff like that. Brushes & skyboxes. But when it came to flowing water that old system crashed over & over, so I gave up (10 years ago). Water was very important to that mission idea. This time not so much. Just one olympic size pool with a greek backdrop Filling it should be interesting this time around. If that works I'll also put in the horse fountain, if I can ask for help in creating it. It was bronze with 4 horses & stuff. There's a pic of it at the Newburgh library in New York. Well, back in 1987. It got 'lost', the fountain itself. My butt, it either got melted down or put up somewhere else. The thing was like 6 tons alI in all. Doubt it's online. Was gonna try to find the blueprints to the mansion in some historical place. It was built 1774. It's gone now. They tore it all down & built condos. Luckily I got photo-memory, so I remember the whole lay out as if I was there yesterday. Back in 1992 I built a 'smaller' scale bird house of the main house & the 4 wings. The birds liked it
  3. Hey everyone, since The Dark Mod 2.10 has been released, will the version 2.11 release with bugfixes?
  4. I just dreamed that I was on a Dark Tranquility concert and then the vocalist took me out of the massive crowd on the stage just to leave it with me and the band together. We went to the back stage where they showed me a game they were developing with the crowd outside waiting for the next song. Then we went out for dinner and ice skating in an abandoned mall. lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. freyk


      Thanks for sharing this dream.

      In every dream, there is a message to yourself. To get this message use a dreamsymbols dictionary.

    3. SeriousToni


      @freykWell I'm not sure what to search for in the dictionary, since it was a pretty complex situation. My guess would be that I miss the guys from DT and the live concerts.. and the alcohol haha :D

    4. freyk


      In the following dreamsymbols dictionary


      Search for keywords: concert, vocal, stage, etc.

  5. Is there a place where I can get a copy of the original, high-quality render (JPEG, PNG, etc.) of The Dark Mod logo? (the clock without text) The closest I've found is at https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Concept_Art_and_Fan_Art_Archive ("Loader screen concept")
  6. Woo!! 2.10 Beta "Release Candidate" ( 210-07 ) is out:


    It wont be long now :) ...

  7. I don't think there's a link to thedarkmod.com on forums.thedarkmod.com ...

    1. datiswous


      Yeah and the wiki and moddb. It should have those links in the footer I think. Probably easy to add by an admin.

      Edit: And a link to the bugtracker. I'm always searching for a post in the forum that links to that because I can't remember the url.

    2. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      I drew attention to this several times in the last few years. No one payed it any attention, so I just gave up.

    3. duzenko


      Reluctance to improve the forums is matched by reluctance to allow more people to work on it. Talk about trust and power.

  8. There's no forum feedback section, so I post it here. So I think the Dark forum theme is not dark enough (for me) and some of the graphics are not good. So I did some css edits and implemented these on the forum via the Stylus plugin for Firefox (or Chrome). There are other solutions to directly alter forum css, but I will not go into that for now. To make it look properly you have to first activate the default dark theme of this forum (which is weird enough not the default theme), if you've not done that yet (scroll to the bottom middle part of the forum, where there's a pulldown menu called theme). Here is my current code: You can try it out and see how it looks. It also improves the looks of the like buttons on the side. I keep tweaking it and updating this post, so it might not completely look like in the supplied screenshots. Summery of extra custom edits that are more opinionated:
  9. When having a dark theme applied in Linux, text in the Properties and console window is hard to see because it is black text on a dark window background (the same text color when light theme applied). Is there a way to change this text color manually?
  10. UPDATE 29-Mar: Latest script version in this post: http://forums.thedar...post__p__341896 Demo video (original) in this post: http://forums.thedar...post__p__340566 Development discussion is in the thread on cutting patches with spreadsheets. I've done a demo video for this with use cases but I'm having to figure out how to get it onto YouTube (not done it before). With luck, I'll add it to this post this afternoon. To install the script: Save it to your DarkRadiant/scripts/commands folder, in the dark radiant install folder. Remove the .txt extension from the file name. Then click File > Reload scripts in DR, or just reopen DR. You can set up a keyboard shortcut using the normal menu. The tool is called "SplitPatch". To use it: Select one patch, enter vertex editing mode, and select 2-3 adjacent verts on the same line, including at least one pink vert (selecting 2 nearby pinks like I do in the video wherever possible will help the script run fastest). Then click Scripts > Split patch from the menu, or use your shortcut. Save the map beforehand and don't rely on Undo. You *can* undo -- press it twice -- but the verts you originally selected will be on grid but a bit out of place. Another side effect is it leaves your orthoview in top-down view no matter where you started. Please watch out for bugs. Most of this code was written yesterday! I've used it for a few hours without problems. There's sometimes a couple of seconds' delay using the tool. There's a lot going on under the hood. If people find that's a problem on bigger maps, I'll look for ways to optimise it. attachment=patchsplitter.py.txt (updated version linked above) EDIT: Updating the instructions to reflect what I currently think's optimal.
  11. Building current master on arch linux, I get this: ../../include/iscript.h:7:28: error: using typedef-name ‘using module = class pybind11::module_’ after ‘class’ 7 | namespace pybind11 { class module; class dict; } | ^~~~~~ In file included from ScriptingSystem.h:5, from ScriptingSystem.cpp:1: /usr/include/pybind11/pybind11.h:1017:7: note: ‘using module = class pybind11::module_’ has a previous declaration here 1017 | using module = module_; | ^~~~~~
  12. Heyo, I was asked if I would do a familiariisation of Dark Radiant for new mappers, so they can quickly learn what's what in DR and how to use it. It's not a mapping tutorial, but more just a get familiar with DR. It'd be good if this is useful, if it would be stickied so it's always available for new mappers. Springheels,Sothas, and Fidcals tutorials are all in the description of the video.
  13. Is there documentation about creating 3D model for TDM especially for animated characters? thanks
  14. We are proud to announce the release of The Dark Mod 2.10! The Dark Mod 2.10 comes with considerable improvements to loading times as well as a slew of new visual and gameplay features for mappers to experiment with, such as volumetric lighting ("god rays") and more advanced security cameras! Many of these new features are prominently on display in the six new missions released for the 2.10 Connections Contest that are now officially available in the mission downloader! A full changelog can be viewed here, but some highlights include: PLAYERS Loading Times Considerable effort has gone into streamlining how textures are loaded, making more effective use of multiple CPU cores, and removing artificial delays. This even includes new handwritten algorithms for normalmap compression and mipmap generation so that TDM no longer relies on graphics card drivers. Performance Improvements As part of ongoing performance improvements, soft stencil shadows with anti-alising will be faster to render. Object Handling Afraid to grab a candle near a sleeping guard? Handling objects will now produce less noise, or none at all if holding down the "creep" button. You can also now control how far an item is thrown based on how long you hold down the "throw" button. Lastly, dragging unconscious bodies should feel better now (even if rats did their best to spoil the fun a little). Main Menu Interactions Tooltips have been added for many of the items found in the settings menu: a long-awaited feature! We've also reorganized the procedure for switching between missions to make it more intuitive for newcomers. Window / Input Changes The Linux build now relies on the GLFW library to create windows and handle the keyboard & mouse (thread), eliminating many of the issues with OS integration on Linux. On the Windows side, some minor changes were made to fullscreen/borderless modes. MAPPERS Entity limit is no more! What was once the bane of TDM's most ambitious mappers, the entity limit has now been raised eight-fold to 65,536. No longer will mappers need to spend long hours merging entities. Compilation Times To complement the faster loading times, compilation times have been brought down too. Optimizations were made all over the dmap code, adding new algorithms and data structures to improve both speed and precision. Advanced Security Cameras Security cameras have been reworked from the ground up with the aim of bringing them to the same level of polish as TDM's AIs, both in stealth gameplay and customizability. Most importantly, security cameras in new FMs will track the player or AIs and react to bodies. Wiki Volumetric Lights ("God Rays") Unlike adding fake translucent geometry around lights, volumetric lights automatically match their source light, including light volume geometry, projection & falloff textures, and even shadows. Note that shadowcasting currently only works in "shadow maps" mode. Wiki Xray Screens Xrays are a Doom 3 feature that has been reintroduced to TDM and developed further. The screens are able to change the appearance of entities seen through them, even making them appear or disappear if desired. Look out for them in future Inventor's Guild or magical-themed FMs. Wiki Subtitles Subtitles can now be assigned to sound files and have been added to the pre-bundled mission "Tears of St. Lucia". Note that we did not consider localization of subtitles yet. Wiki Tracking Secrets Secrets are now easy to designate, with no custom scripts required. They'll also be shown on the mission statistics screen at the end of the mission if the FM uses the new system. Wiki Main Menu GUI Customisation Mappers can change much of the main menu from a single purpose-built "customisation" .gui file instead of having to replace core files. You can find more details in guis/mainmenu_custom_defs.gui inside tdm_gui01.pk4. Since several missions had to be updated to this new system, their customisations will no longer work in 2.09 or earlier versions. Location Diagnostics During dmap Location overlaps should now be much easier to find and fix thanks to new console output and pointfiles created during compilation. Image Formats As a compact alternative to TGA for uncompressed images, PNG images can now be used in materials. Note that loading PNG images may be slower than TGA. DDS images can now be used in image programs, although doing so is discouraged because of the additional quality loss due to compression. New Script Events The mapper's scripting repertoire has been expanded by new script events for dealing with vectors and bounds, setting solidity, detecting surface type via trace, and reading more properties about entities and the player, such as "notarget" or the calibrated light gem value. ASSETS Fancy Wooden Furniture A whole new suite of fancy wooden furniture pieces including prefabs has been contributed by Wellingtoncrab. They can be viewed in the release thread. Automaton AI The semi-robotic AIs from Sotha's Ulysses mission have been added to the core mod, together with new prefabs for cosmetic recharging stations to include in patrol routes as well as a camera screen showing what the automaton sees. PROGRAMMING Tracy Profiling TDM's rudimentary GL profiling has been replaced with the Tracy profiler, which has its own cool viewer. It has already greatly helped the TDM development team in their optimization efforts. Mission Database The mission database has been moved to an SVN repository which automatically synchronizes all mirrors and makes backup copies of old versions of missions. More Technical Stuff A generic hash table has been added. "Clear" in the idlib method now works as most programmers expect and unit test integration has been improved. To update, simply run the tdm_installer.exe file in your darkmod folder. Note that tdm_update.exe is no longer supported, but you can download the new installer from the Downloads page if you don't have it yet. Please be aware that old saved games will not be compatible with 2.10, so finish any missions you might be in the middle of first!
  15. Dark Radiant rocks.

  16. Hi all! First of all, since the "News and Announcements" section is read only, let me congratulate all Dark Mod team for keeping improving this amazing game. You are all incredible and, if i may, a little bit crazy to ster on Id Tech 4 c++ code. Now for the question. It looks like TDM Updater is still not picking the new version. Looking a little bit closer, i think the mirror list seems not to be working (any of them), because the tdm_version_info.txt content does not have the package data (versions, crc, file size) but instead have 404 not found messages. I tried changing the mirror priority and all of them seem to return the same. So my question is, you are aware of the problem? If so, do you have any estimation of when will we able to update the game. Thank you in advance. EDIT: nevermind... tdm_update.exe is deprecated. We should use the new installer.
  17. Moddb article for 2.10 is up: https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dark-mod/news/the-darkmod-210-is-here

    I will be extending it with more details soon!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wellingtoncrab


      Ah I see, apologies - it read at first like a continuation from the VL section as that was the last header - I thought each image was intended to show off a VL example from each contest mission. Apologies for the nitpicking.

    3. nbohr1more


      No it's all good. Glad to make things a little more accurate :)

    4. Jedi_Wannabe


      Yes, fireplaces and a FEW windows. Sorry I’m late to the game, seems you got it sorted. But yeah, I wanted more windows to have volumetric lights, but decided not to on those long hallways for performance reasons. That’s always a fine line. 
      Anyway thanks for the article!

  18. Hello, I just found out about the Dark Mod although being a fan of the original Thief-games since the day those originally came out. Since the title's question is not really mentioned anywhere, I doubt that has never been the aim of this project, but I had to ask. One would wonder would the old maps be even remotely useable by id Tech 4-engine? And once again, apparently not, so could those maps be converted to TDM-maps? Yes proprietary things and all, but naturally one would have to have the original resources available yes. You might want to consider adding a FAQ-section to website.
  19. Hi. The OpenTouchGaming team, which I represent, would like to know the developers' opinion about the TDM port on android devices. How will they react to the fact that their game will be transferred to portable devices? Would they mind? In what form would they like to see their project; an APK that downloads everything need by itself? Or Just an APK with an engine?(the user himself must upload the necessary data to his device) I'm not a developer, but I know he can port a lot of games to android. Ports of Doom and Quake are already available, as well as ports of games on the Build engine. We also know about rendering, it will not be as easy to do it as with Doom 3, and it will require more resources in hardware. We believe that someday "darkness will cover the staffers with its veil" and on the mobile platform. This is not an announcement of a finished project, but just the beginning of development, if there is something to show in future, I will definitely post it here. Thanks and see in the shadows.
  20. So I got back to my desktop and installed the dark mod 2.09a, but when I start it I get a gray screen for a couple of seconds then a black screen. I can hear the music and the menu sounds when I move my mouse but I can't see anything. I tried some things from what I could see in the forums but nothing worked. I have a pretty old GPU but it should run it no problem I believe (a Radeon hd 4850). Things i tried: -Downloading the latest dev build -Downloading the build test15973-8787 -changing glcore from 2 to 1 and to 0 -changing the resolution to 800x600 -starting it in compatibility mode windows 7 -changing glsl -changing shadow to 0 - downloading an executable posted by stgatilov in a post about the same problem (I can't find it anymore) None of this worked and the log file doesn't show any issues. Any idea how to fix this or if I need an older version, because I believe the GPU should be able to launch the game properly at least?
  21. I'm working on a new project: The Dark Mod Launcher. Its an application launcher for users/beginners who have difficulties to, run TDM (using start-arguments) and solving TDM operatingsystem errors. First it was made for the new tdm-installer mac, as a launcher to run TDM and the updater inside one application-container. But now i want to expand it, to do more things. Tdm launcher will come in two versions: Lite version: run TDM and TDM-updater.run TDM and TDM-updater with commandline arguments.Normal version - More advanced version run TDM and TDM-updater.run TDM and TDM-updater with commandline arguments.Ideas: screen resolution tester, application logger, Mission remover (outside TDM), etc.Download the work-in-progress-version of the lite or standard version from my google drive and extract the executable in your tdm-folder. Sourcecode of these versions will be publisched on my github repo and google drive) This launcher is inspired by darkloader, thief 4 setup and tdminstaller-win. Are other things you want to add to this launcher?
  22. We are proud to announce the release of The Dark Mod 2.09! https://www.thedarkmod.com/posts/the-dark-mod-2-09-has-been-released/ TDM 2.09 marks a new phase of performance improvements aimed lowering CPU overhead in the graphics engine. A whole new graphic backend has been created by Cabalistic which uses modern OpenGL features to eliminate the need for the CPU to constantly issue commands to allow the Graphic Processor to render scenes. This gives TDM some of the performance advantages of rendering using a low level API like Vulkan. Stgatilov has been very busy this release cycle. He has put heroic efforts into improving the way that TDM upgrades and hosting operate in addition to the vast improvements to TDM itself. (He also refactored the entire particle engine and created a link system to connect TDM to Dark Radiant.) A full changelog can be viewed here, but some highlights include: Better performance: A brand new Backend that uses UBO, Persistent Mapping, Bindless textures, and Multi-Draw has been added. “Frontend Acceleration” (Multi-Core job based rendering based on Doom 3 BFG) now works as expected. Normal Map compression now uses RGTC resulting in lower storage, VRAM requirements, and less artifacts ( load times should improve in future TDM versions when pre-compressed RGTC textures are added ) Background texture loading has improved. This should shorten load times and reload. Better visuals: A new Sharpening Filter has been added. It can make 70% Render Scale look almost like native resolution (more performance). ( It also cleans up some blurry textures for all Render Scales. ) Bumpmap lighting is smoother, so that lighting does not instantly flip to off when getting close to edges of occluded objects. Particle physics have been substantially improved for both accuracy and performance. Borderless Fullscreen works properly on Windows. Water and other GUI effects that did not respond to Gamma now brighten properly. AMD and Intel fixes have been added for SSAO rendering Better gameplay: Experimental Gamepad support has been added. Creep works in alway-run mode Better mapping: A new linking system allows The Dark Mod to act as a real-time preview of Dark Radiant The redesigned particles now have improved setup and configuration. Automated fixes have been created for “rotation hacked” models Prefabs have been seen numerous fixes and reorganization to make them easier to use Better Sound: Conversation and other sounds are no longer stopped by saving or going to main menu. EFX reverb has been added to “Mission 1: A New Job” Extinguished gas lamps are no longer noisy when doused New Assets: Dragofer, LDAsh, Kingsal, Bikerdude, Dram have all added substantial asset updates ranging from updated Werebeast animations, animation of the steam engine, fireflies and new furniture. More stable: A huge number of fragile code areas have been overhauled to either fix crashes or prevent likely crashes due to risk of divide by zero, uninitialized values, or dangling pointers (leftover settings) on entities and functions. We recommend that you upgrade using the new “tdm_installer” available here. Please be aware that old saved games will not be compatible with 2.09, so finish any missions you might be in the middle of first!
  23. Hi, Ive been taffing away for years but have taken a forced hiatus, due to some over zealous hammers, but am now back. Anyway Im having some issues installing The Dark Mod and last night tryied twice but both times failed with missing 'chunks' ? or some error similair. Toaday it seems to be going along ok , 27 mins left but i notice on task manager that it keeps hanging ! Not Responding !!! but a few seconds pass and its flicks to Responding again, but this is occuring every 10 secs or so... what gives ?
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