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Beta testing 2.10


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Here is the list of new cvars and commands:


r_volumetricSamples, r_volumetricDither --- quality settings of the new volumetric lights.

tdm_show_menu_tooltips --- can disable tooptips in the main menu.

r_frobOutlinePreset --- a command to switch between different preset styles of frob-highlight outlines. It modifies various outline-related cvars, setting them to predefined values. You can later adjust them individually.

r_newFrob, r_frob* --- a bunch of cvars for tweaking the new frob-highlight outline. Here are the main ones:
*) r_newFrob controls surfaces highlighting
*) r_frobOutlinePreset controls outline around highlighted objects

con_fontSize, con_fontColor --- allows to adjust font of game console, e.g. make it smaller so see more text on one page.


image_levelLoadParallel, image_useTexStorage, image_mipmapMode --- various switches to optimize loading times. We have already seen several issues caused by image_useTexStorage, and there may be more...

tdm_drag_new, tdm_drag2_* --- cvar to enable new dragging behavior, plus a bunch of cvars for tweaking how it works. If dragging, carrying, pulling or throwing does not work well, you can try switching tdm_drag_new back to 0 to see if the problem is caused by the new grabber code.

r_spotlightBehavior --- changes the way how spotlights (projected lights) compute their light volume, and how projection and falloff textures are applied. If projected lights look wrong on a map, you may try a few options to see if this was broken by 2.10 or was wrong from the very beginning. Note: map restart is required for the change to take effect.

dmap_compatibility --- switch some parts of dmap code to older algorithms which were used in previous version of TDM. Note that it does not perfectly reproduce behavior of old dmap, because it is too hard to put every improvement under "if".
This cvar can be used to dmap an old map if you don't intend to rework it in major way (although you should still test it thoroughly if you want to release the newly dmapped version).

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  • stgatilov pinned, unpinned, featured and unfeatured this topic


You forgot to mention one of the key new features...

Installing and starting missions is now much more sane with a "Start this Mission" selection right on the main page. :)

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1 hour ago, nbohr1more said:

You forgot to mention one of the key new features...
Installing and starting missions is now much more sane with a "Start this Mission" selection right on the main page. :)

I did not consider it important enough 🥺

In fact, the announcement is for experienced players, and they will immediately notice this change, but they are probably OK with either approach. It is the new players who will benefit most (much less confusion), but I suppose they won't read the beta announcement anyway.

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Damn I have to say this is all amazing work, I'm thoroughly impressed with that feature list!


I just downloaded the new build and played around with it for a bit and these new features kick ass!

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Ah, in the installer screen please move "beta" before "dev" list!






Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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6 hours ago, stgatilov said:

but they are probably OK with either approach.

It was for me a big motivation for using the 2.10 dev version instead of 2.09 . When I go back to 2.09 to test something I always notice how clunky that interface is compared to the new. Thanks for that.

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On 12/13/2021 at 8:07 AM, stgatilov said:

r_frobOutlinePreset --- a command to switch between different preset styles of frob-highlight outlines. It modifies various outline-related cvars, setting them to predefined values. You can later adjust them individually.

r_newFrob, r_frob* --- a bunch of cvars for tweaking the new frob-highlight outline.

When you set r_newFrob to 0, the frob outline preset is still there, so you can have your custom frob set in material file, but it will always be with an outline :D Perhaps there should be something like r_frobOutlinePreset 0 (no outline) as well?

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On 12/13/2021 at 8:07 AM, stgatilov said:

r_frobOutlinePreset --- a command to switch between different preset styles of frob-highlight outlines. It modifies various outline-related cvars, setting them to predefined values. You can later adjust them individually.

r_newFrob, r_frob* --- a bunch of cvars for tweaking the new frob-highlight outline.

Is there a list of all the cvars, or is this the full list? Because there used to be also r_frobOutline (without the Preset after it), or is that removed?

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2 hours ago, peter_spy said:

When you set r_newFrob to 0, the frob outline preset is still there, so you can have your custom frob set in material file, but it will always be with an outline :D Perhaps there should be something like r_frobOutlinePreset 0 (no outline) as well?

I think you need to set "r_newFrob 0" and "r_frobOutline 0" to restore old behavior.

2 hours ago, datiswous said:

Is there a list of all the cvars, or is this the full list? Because there used to be also r_frobOutline (without the Preset after it), or is that removed?

I put asterisk in "r_frob*" to denote that there are many cvars with this prefix.
Game console supports autocomplete, i.e. you can write "r_frob", then press Tab, and see all cvars/cmds with this prefix. Then you can execute each one individually and read description. I recall autocomplete did not work on Linux build though, but maybe recent GLFW changes fixed that?...

Also, you can type "listCvars" to see all cvars, and maybe "listCvars r_frob*" or "listCVars r_frob" will show you the list of frob-related cvars.

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Hmm, updated to the latest beta build and missions just crash for me.  Perhaps I need to do a fresh install instead.  I tried WS5 and The painters wife.  Once they reached 100% loaded, the game crashed to desktop.  I'll try doing a fresh install but just wanted to mention it here.  I was updating from 2.09.

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8 hours ago, JackFarmer said:

When I start the mod after updating to beta 2.10,  I receive the message that "SymGetLineFromInlineContext" in DLL "dbghelp.dll" has not been found.

Do you have Windows 7?
Does it have any kind of service pack installed?

Can you go to C:\Windows\System32, find dbghelp.dll there, Right-click it in Explorer and look properties.
You can see its version there in "detailed" tab or something like that.

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5 hours ago, stgatilov said:

Do you have Windows 7?
Does it have any kind of service pack installed?

Can you go to C:\Windows\System32, find dbghelp.dll there, Right-click it in Explorer and look properties.
You can see its version there in "detailed" tab or something like that.

Version is: 6.1.7601.17514

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2 hours ago, datiswous said:

In the Camera test map camerawiki2.pk4 mentioned on https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Security_Camera_(2.10%2B) the camera's still don't work, although the issue with the not working (multiple) camera's should be fixed in 2.10 beta, or is the fix not yet implemented in beta 2.10 9702?

Should work in the next beta

In this version I think you can uncomment the materials in tdm_camera.mtr and that should do it

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8 hours ago, datiswous said:

In the Camera test map camerawiki2.pk4 mentioned on https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Security_Camera_(2.10%2B) the camera's still don't work, although the issue with the not working (multiple) camera's should be fixed in 2.10 beta, or is the fix not yet implemented in beta 2.10 9702?

Ah yes, we had problems with the numbered camera materials used by this test FM some time ago, so I commented them out in order to not impede the initial beta release. Problem is, the test FM doesn't have its own copy of the materials, so it's now missing them.

I very much believe duzenko managed to fix the numbered camera materials before the initial beta release, so you should be able to just drop this .mtr file into your install. Also, they'll be included with the next beta version again.


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