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  1. Kinda feel naked without my Doom-Guy-Avatar. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. STiFU


      Well, as I recently said, it's kinda weird that you have known all these people for so long, but you know none of their faces. So here we are now! :-)

    3. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      "Habit is an iron shirt" (mail shirt ?), goes an old saying in my country. ;-)

    4. Epifire


      Yeah that always spins me out when people change avatars. Pretty sure as long as my name is Epi, then the Thief font logo shall remain :P

  2. So, what's the best way to play vanilla Doom 3 with soft shadows? I mean, like, the TDM soft shadows would be nice to have...

    1. nbohr1more


      Currently the best option is to get BFG and use Robert Beckeban's RBDoom3 fork. Someone could backport TDM shadows to vanilla though.

  3. How to design a not-very-good Doom level. Pack fifty high-tier monsters into a small hallway where the only way to fight them is to lower a lift that brings one or two down at a time. The player is stuck slaying them until boredom sets in. Of course he can take the lift up, but then he gets ripped a new one, emerging in the middle of the pack with no room to dodge.

    1. kano


      But, the level that preceded this one was quite fun.

    2. Zen3001
    3. Sotha


      Could the player get them to fight each other? At least in the original Doom (1993) it was possible to lure baddies to fight each other, which was hilarious.

  4. https://discord.gg/9wtCGHa There is a discord channel for Doom 3/idTech 4 users, players and alike!
  5. Been scouring the net for an active community for doom3 and this was the most active outside of github source codes... so I figured it might be worth a shot. Looking to see if there is anyone who can give me a hand fixing up the thirdperson cross hair for Doom 3 Ruiner. There are 2 bugs in it. I'm hoping to get a fix included for the upcoming, and long overdue, patch for the mod. This is probably the biggest bug in the mod. The first bug is from the trace line made to determine the cross hair's position. When playing the mod, type g_debugweapon 1 in the console to show the line used to determine the position and also for the melee combat related additions. When something gets in the way of the line, the cross hair won't update. This is easily duplicated by standing next to a wall or door way and just shooting. I have a hunch the issue is mainly caused by the shoulder camera offsetting the camera. Maybe being able to offset the origin of the line to the right would help? The other bug deals with launching projectiles from the barrel. When set to 1, the cross hair is always off. to counter act it an offset can be set in the cursor.gui It works alright, but will still be off when looking too high or low because of the weapons barrel position. The only thing I can think of is maybe a flag in the projectiles fired to aim towards it... which could look wierd unless the crosshair position is offset right in the cursor.gui. Any help would be really appreciated! We uploaded the source code for the mods years ago on the mod db. https://www.moddb.com/mods/ruiner/downloads/ruiner-hardqore-2-source-codes The crosshair is handled in the player cursor.cpp
    1. Tarhiel


      Awesome, congratulations!!! :o

    2. Bikerdude


      Yup, all the remianing bugs were ironed out, so it nigh on perfect now.

    3. AluminumHaste


      version 2.1 is now uploaded to mirrors ready to download.

  6. can somebody fix the mainpage of our site? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19469-new-layout-error/

    1. nbohr1more
    2. Springheel


      It's under construction at the moment.


  7. Experimenting with TDM on Steam Link on Android. see topic http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19432-tdm-on-steam-link-for-android/

    1. freyk


      Did the TDM team removed D3's internal Joypad feature? (tdm works only with systemkey binders for joysicks)

    2. freyk


      Thanks to shadrach, i got my joypad working in TDM on steam link!

  8. Great mod, loads of fun. It modernizes Doom, but in a good way. Two things I would like to request. 1. sounds for waterfalls/liquid falls. It is nice that there are sounds for torches now, but it seems a bit strange when near a waterfall and there is no sound. Surely surfaces with flowing textures could be tagged to play a rushing sound. 2. Cyberdemon should be a bit tougher, at least against the BFG. He's supposed to be a bad-ass and instill fear in the player, so it feels kind of too easy to paste him with 2-3 BFG blasts. Thanks
  9. Did a great find today: Quake 4 mods for dummies. Now online readable. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/5576-book-quake-4-mods-for-dummies/?p=412644

    1. Obsttorte
    2. Bikerdude


      He changed ita long while back, it was so he was using the same name as he uses on other forums.

  10. So, I'm not sure how much changes you have made to the renderer and it's integration with the rest of the engine, so I do not know if this is at all feasible even, but a Vulkan renderer for the Doom 3 Engine has been released Open Source and perhaps it would be a good idea to integrate this in the future. Here's the article, it includes links to the Github Repo etc. http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Vulkan-Doom3-Available I understand that this might be quite an undertaking, and I do not at all expect this to be a feature in the near future, I just thought I'd share this information, and perhaps you could make use of it ^-^
  11. That moment you log into TDM forums and suddenly feel nostalgic...

    1. Sotha


      Protip: if you never log off and stay for ever, there is no nostalgia when you visit.

    2. Melan


      Welcome back!

    3. RPGista


      Haha yeah, I feel like that from time to time. Good to see you around.

  12. A moment of appreciation for Brutal Doom... Someone has finally managed to mix the good aspects of old and new games correctly in a way that creates something that feels new, but is not watered down. There is no two weapon limit, auto-healing, or snail-like movement. What there is, is a whole lot of blood and guts, grenades for clearing out monster infested areas, multiple functions for weapons, fast paced action, easter eggs/secrets, smarter/tougher monsters and an unlimited number of levels...

    1. Sotha


      Brutal Doom is awesome! No way I'm playing the old Doom after that.

    2. teh_saccade


      tempt you with doom 2?




      (that i paid £50 for way back when - 4 discs!)

  13. Years ago, to try and do a little Moddb participation project, I wrote a little blog piece about my take on the whole Doom 3 mod scene. At the time, I was roughly trying to parse out the factions within that community and my general feelings towards both the original game and the mods affect on it. Results, pretty much an awkward Myspace post about Doom 3: http://www.moddb.com/members/nbohr1more/blogs/reasons-to-own-doom-iii Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 eh? The general premise still stands though. Doom 3 is a game that uncomfortably straddles between a mindless shooter and a survival horror title. It's interesting to consider that Doom 3's cerebral attributes seem to be inherited from System Shock which heavily influenced it's design whereas I can now confidently say that Doom 2016 is a byproduct of Doom 3, Brutal Doom, and HL2 \ Black Mesa (with the latter being a particularly strong influence). While there are some flashes of brilliance in the early levels of the game, the true glories of the Doom 3 experience are in the Hell levels where the organic environments and intense demon fighting action take center stage compared to the claustrophobic jump-scare maze of offices in the research facilities. Still, there is SOMETHING there in that early gameplay that feels like it had the potential to be far more interesting than the version that shipped. I think that is why so many mods have tried to tinker with ammo amounts, difficulty, AI accuracy, etc to refine what was good about these areas. Alas, most of these endeavors have failed. Up 'till this point, Dentonmod was really my go-to gameplay modifier. I mostly used it for the included gore and weapon physics. It was more satisfying to watch my weapons display more powerful damage effects even if they didn't inherently change any of the difficulty behaviors. (I keep putting it on the back-burner but I have planned to fiddle with Flaming Sheep's Classic Doom 3 and Denton mod to make a combined mod so that all the functionality from both remains intact.) (Action Side) So, one evening, when scanning the Doom 3 mod section I came across the DoomReborn mod which I had seen a few times before and decided to finally give it a try. Up to this point, I had avoided it because it looked pretty garish and I thought that Classic Doom 3 had already accomplished this feat much more appropriately with better level design. I was surprised to find a completely different experience that was really a thrilling throw-back to the original Doom 3 feel. DoomReborn may not look so great in screen-shot form, but when played it's dimensions, player speed, and color scheme all subliminally link you back to the original Doom game and it makes you feel more like you are playing the most advanced Doom 1 graphics mod rather than a Doom 3 modded to play Doom 1 levels. I think it's a shame that the two projects were developed independently. Classic Doom 3's smaller, more closed-in, levels and slower pacing feel somewhat limp compared to the bombast of DoomReborn's sprawling 1000mph blast fests. So, I'll give a resounding "recommended" to DoomReborn if you are a fan of the arcade style action of the original Doom games: http://www.moddb.com/mods/doomreborn (Survival Horror Side) After that, and tinkering with a few other Doom 3 mods that mostly were variants of Sikkmod with Wulfen textures, I decided to check out one mod that was constantly mentioned in Steam forums. Strelok's D3 Enhancements. http://www.moddb.com/mods/streloks-d3-enhancement-mod I was absolutely floored! Stelok has done something quite special here. He's finally made the base Doom 3 game live up to it's survival horror leanings. Enemies no longer awkwardly lurch towards you as you fire ineffectual rounds at them. Now they rush at you in a way that recalls the menace of contemporary Zombie films. The whole feel of navigating the early missions is completely nail-biting. Also, weapon reloading is a manual affair. Once you run out of ammo, the game no longer wrests controls from the player and auto-reloads but instead leaves you firing empty clicks. You must take the initiative to reload. Another nice survival horror touch! The only down-side, I've encountered thus far are the Imp's. They are also sped-up and more aggressive to the point that it is very difficult to survive an encounter with more than two at once. With Doom 2016 out, this mod makes the virtues of Doom 3's design stand much further in contrast. If Doom 3 had launched like this, surely it would've been considered to be in the company of classic survival horror titles like the Resident Evil series. (Footnote) I have yet to revisit everyone's standard Doom 3 mod, Perfected Doom 3. The last time I tried this it was a horrible mess with inappropriate self-shadowing and strange "sharpened" textures with halo\emboss artifacts at the shading boundaries. (And it performed like a dog.). It looks like V-games may have made some significant improvements since I last looked into this, so I look forward to seeing the progress.
    1. demagogue
    2. jaxa


      I've found it difficult to find where TDM is listed as #1 on Greenlight. This page ( https://steamcommunity.com/greenlight/ ) has no ranked listing. This one ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=858048394 ) has no visible rank or stats page. Is it my script blocker?

  14. I know this forum is for The Dark Mod but this seems to be the only place with an active technical side to Id Tech 4 so I'm kinda not sure where else to look. So I've been trying to compile the Doom 3 source code to make some edits to some game mechanics in Resurrection of Evil. Thing is though I keep running into issues with errors in Visual Studio and I'm not exactly sure on how to solve them. I've been following this guide in order to compile the Doom 3 source code but I get issues with DoomDLL, MayaImport, and Game-D3XP. https://www.katsbits.com/smforum/index.php?topic=896.0 MayaImport doesn't matter as the issue for it seems to be that I don't have Maya to begin with and I'm assuming isn't needed for me to compile anyways. DoomDLL fails however with errors about Win_input.cpp with errors about things being in a constat and identifiers. Game-D3XP fails due to a problem with the script_compiler.cpp with it complaining about constant char as well. I can get Game-D3XP to compile if I replace the script_compiler.cpp with the one from Game and it seems to work fine. While I managed to compile a DLL for Doom 3 and ROE they were much larger than the vanilla DLLs that come with the game. I know some things changed like something different about the shadows to avoid a problem with a patent but are they supposed to be almost twice as large? I removed the default DLLs from the game files and used my own which seemed to run fine which gets me on to the point. The goal of this is essential to make some engine changes to allow the player to get ammo_souls like they did in Doom 3. I tried adding the Soul Cube and changing the Artifact to use ammo_souls so that it would be usable in custom maps that don't have the Artifact charge pickups. Killing enemies won't get you souls in ROE even if you have the Soul Cube in your inventory it seems and I've found this in the code. /* ============= idPlayer::AddAIKill ============= */ void idPlayer::AddAIKill( void ) { #ifndef _D3XP int max_souls; int ammo_souls; if ( ( weapon_soulcube < 0 ) || ( inventory.weapons & ( 1 << weapon_soulcube ) ) == 0 ) { return; } assert( hud ); ammo_souls = idWeapon::GetAmmoNumForName( "ammo_souls" ); max_souls = inventory.MaxAmmoForAmmoClass( this, "ammo_souls" ); if ( inventory.ammo[ ammo_souls ] < max_souls ) { inventory.ammo[ ammo_souls ]++; if ( inventory.ammo[ ammo_souls ] >= max_souls ) { hud->HandleNamedEvent( "soulCubeReady" ); StartSound( "snd_soulcube_ready", SND_CHANNEL_ANY, 0, false, NULL ); } } #endif } From what I've been told the #ifndef _D3XP skips the code if D3XP is defined somewhere but I'm not a code expert and this is just my guess from reading what the statement might mean online. The other problem after this is that I want to use Sikkmod on top of these changes with my Doom 3 mod list. While Sikkpin released the source to his mod I'm not 100% on how to use it. I assuming you just plant it on top of the vanilla Doom 3 source code and compile it that way but doing that gives me issues with player.obj and calling external objects. Error 1015 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall idGrabEntity::idGrabEntity(void)" (??0idGrabEntity@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: __thiscall idPlayer::idPlayer(void)" (??0idPlayer@@QAE@XZ) C:\Users\The_OId_AI\Downloads\doom3.gpl-master - Copy\neo\Player.obj Really, all I want help with is compiling it all properly so that I can look into what I need for the Soul Cube and the Artifact. TL;DR1. Is the guide I'm following correct? Are there any extra steps I need to take that the guide may not have mentioned due to maybe the author thinking it was obvious?https://www.katsbits.com/smforum/index.php?topic=896.0 2. Is the compiled DLL supposed to be about twice as large as the vanilla counterpart? If not what exactly should I do to make sure it is? 3. How can I resolve the issues I am having with Sikkmod 1.1 ROE edition source? What steps do I need to take in order to compile it. 4. Is it a bad idea to do what I am doing with script_compiler and D3XP? Is there something I should look into for a proper solution? More info here but I think I covered everything here. http://idtechforums.fuzzylogicinc.com/index.php?topic=532.msg5830;topicseen#msg5830 If there is anything I'm missing that you need ask and I'll see if I can give you an answer. https://www.katsbits.com/smforum/index.php?topic=896.0
  15. Hey, Every time I've try to use the Full Editor when PM'ing someone, and every single time I get an error. Whoever is in charge of the forum, is it possible that this could be fixed? Thanks Neon
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