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  1. that´s why i will give you a patchnotes for version (and in a vid you showed so) Okay - if German was maybe only for settings ?! - then it doesn't matter otherwise? Why eliminated? and a 2GB game with no chance to save - looks ambitious to me Of course - the biggest part will be the engine! - but the game itself ? I'm going to take up the challenge and definitely : I'm going to have a lot of fun ( sure : it's not just "girls that want to have fun" ) CU ! Edit (24.04) Ohhh : I see (no save needed)
  2. Absolutely loved this mission, great job. I immediately recognized the minimal piano key track once you get inside- is that from Thief 3? I want to say it's from the seaside manor mission in T3, but maybe in another part of that game? Let me know, now I'm super curious. This is one of my favorite missions recently!
  3. Interesting idea. Not sure about my upcoming time availability to help. A couple of concerns here - - I assume the popup words uses the "Informative Texts" slot, e.g., where you might see "Acquired 80 in Jewels", so it likely wouldn't interfere with that or with already-higher subtitles. - There are indications that #str is becoming unviable in FMs; see my just-posted: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22434-western-language-support-in-2024/
  4. It's a big project, so it's important to test everything thoroughly and run several tests. "The Lost Citadel" had a lot of bugs in the first release because I didn't test enough. I will not repeat this mistake. I have fixed all problems found during beta 2. Beta 3 shall include all subtitles and briefing videos. The problem is that I'm still missing some voices. This means we can't complete the game subtitles and produce the briefing videos. In the worst case, I'll have to do a new audition for this stuff, but currently I don't feel like it.
  5. Found a few more tweaks that supposedly improve the game: To improve the quality of the game you can modify the BaseEngine.ini file located in \Steam\steamapps\common\Thief\Engine\Config changing the values written below: [MemoryPools] FLightPrimitiveInteractionInitialBlockSize=1024 FModShadowPrimitiveInteractionInitialBlockSize=1024 [SystemSettings] ... DepthOfField=False ... AllowImageReflections=True AllowImageReflectionShadowing=True SkeletalMeshLODBias=-1 ParticleLODBias=-1 ... MaxAnisotropy=16 ... MaxShadowResolution=2048 ... ResX=1920 ResY=1080 //or whatever res you will be using in gameplay ... bEnableBranchingPCFShadows=True ... bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing=True I also disabled bloom via ini and looks much better.
  6. In post https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/profile/254-orbweaver/&status=3994&type=status @nbohr1more found out what the Fixup Map functionality is for. But what does it actually do? Does it search for def references (to core?) that don't excist anymore and then link them to defs with the same name elswhere? Also I would recommend to change the name into something better understood what it is for. Fixup map could mean anything. And it should be documented in the wiki.
  7. I'm at the beginning of a new area, where bandits fights each other. Near the end, I imagine, but I'm not going to bother finishing it. The thing is tedious. It's very obvious your focus was on telling a story. The issue is that's not my thing, and I also think this is not the right game for it. You're trying to make it do things it was never designed to, so it feels clunky. I think the game shines best in a smaller map with some backstory and little touches in the mission, like notes one character leaves for another. Here, it feels like I'm being pulled along from place to place, having to go back where enemies have artificially respawned, with locked doors everywhere, JUST to further the story, not to give me an interesting challenge. And in terms of story, it's the same thing we see all the time: Pagans are the poor, downtrodden, nice people, and the Builders, are the heartless monsters. Yawn. I don't get how the gargoyle switch works in that guy's office, even after having read your explanation. I don't even understand what the situation is supposed to be. The gargoyle looks like it's locked inside a glass case, and therefore you want to get that glass case open. The note says the gargoyle switch is behind the downstairs desk. Downstairs from this note, there is no desk. And the note calls it the "gargoyle switch", which implies it's a switch for the gargoyle, not that the gargoyle itself is a switch. It's confusing for no good reason. Random notes: Boring name, as others have mentioned. A cursive font in letters is annoying to read. Loud music and sound effects are not fun, it just hurts the player's ears. The map is a screenshot. That ruins immersion. The light issues have been covered. For me, it never felt like I was in shadows, as opposed to other missions. Almost everything looks pretty brightly lit. I saw someone mentioning rope arrows are pointless, and I agree. You asked how that player could have made it past something without using one; well, I haven't used it either. You can just mantle. Of course, that's not an issue in itself. There's not reason to cry "I'm getting review bombed" when people are just giving their opinion.
  8. Yes this worked chakkman thank you. Much better. So far I'm enjoying the game in a very Hitman Absolution type of way. The sound effects and sound design overall is simply unpresentable to me. Lack of footstep, nice pick up loot and and satisfying lock pick sound cues makes it hard for me to give the game more than a 6 out of 10. With good sounds this game could have been a 8 or 9.
  9. Taffers, Time ago @Obsttorte and I worked on an AutoHotKey script that allows to control the player speed with the mouse wheel. In a further attempt to reduce the amount of critical keys this game demands I also created back then a script that allows the Left Alt Key to act as a lean modifier: Left Alt + W = Lean forward Left Alt + A = Lean left Left Alt + D = Lean right I never got around publishing the script because it isn't as good as it needs to be but I think we can debate regardless whether such a Lean Modifier Key would be welcomed in the core game or not. The most interesting aspect in my opinion is that we can claim back important keys such as Q and E and use them for other purposes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here below is the script in case anyone wants to give it a try (you must be familiar with AutoHotKey). The required key bindings for the script to work are: Move forward [W], Strafe Left [A], Strafe Right [D] Lean Forward [Numpad8], Lean Left [Numpad4], Lean Right [Numpad6] You can of course change the script to your liking.... #IfWinActive ahk_exe TheDarkModx64.exe ; run only when TDM is in focus <!w:: while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("w", "P")) { Send {Blind}{Numpad8 down} } Send {Numpad8 up} return <!a:: while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("a", "P")) { Send {Blind}{Numpad4 down} } Send {Numpad4 up} return <!d:: while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("d", "P")) { Send {Blind}{Numpad6 down} } Send {Numpad6 up} return Cheers!
  10. Sorry for the Necro but I can't find he hex for shroud. I just got the the game free off Epic.
  11. sadly the upcomming 8xxx series from amd will only be for midrange atleast according to leaks (grain of salt maybe ?). well it would be something quite different thats for sure not sure if 32 gb vram would actually help (what is the max texture size today ?), it might help if they really go nuts with the detail level in upcomming titles but i suspect this might take longer as the game companies dont want to alienate players with less vram. ofc it will come at some point but i dont see it in the near future. the 2 and 3 gb vram chips might actually make a dent in the bus width war. what the hell happened with hbm memory ???, the old fury cards could actually do 4k no problem with only 4 gb vram because the hbm memory was so blazing fast.
  12. Alright, so, I'm a Texture Artist myself for more than 20 years, which means I know what I'm talking about, but my word isn't law at all, remember that. I've worked (mostly as mods, I am a professional but I much prefer being a freelance) with old DX8 games up to DX12. When it comes to Detail Textures, for my workflow, I never ever use it except rarely when it's actually good (which, I emphasize on "rarely"). This is one reason I thought mentioning that I worked with DX8 was logical. One of the few times it's good is when you make a game that can't have textures higher than what would be average today, such as, World Textures at 1024x1024. Making detail textures for ANY (World, Model) textures that are lower than 128x128 is generally appealable. Another is when the game has no other, much better options for texturing, such as Normal Maps and Parallax Mapping. Personally, I think having Detail Textures for The Dark Mod is arguably pointless. I know TDM never had a model and texture update since 2010 or so, but most textures do seem to at least be 1024x1024, if there's any world texture that's lower than 256x256, I might understand the need of Detail Textures. Now, if this was a game meant to be made in 2024 with 2020+ standards, I would say that we should not care about the "strain" high resolution textures add, however, I do have a better proposition: Mipmaps. There are many games, mostly old than new ones, that use mipmaps not just for its general purpose but also to act as a "downscaler". With that in mind, you boys can add a "Texture Resolution" option that goes from Low to High, or even Lowest to Highest. As an example, we can add a 2048x2048 (or even 4096x4096) world texture that, if set to Lowest, it would use the smallest Mipmap the texture was made with, which depends on how the artist did it, could be a multiplication of 1x1 or 4x4. One problem with this is that, while it will help in the game with people who have less VRAM than usual these days, it won't help with the size. 4096x4096 is 4096x4096, that's about 32mb compressed with DXT1 (which is not something TDM can use, DXT is for DirectX, sadly I do not know how OpenGL compresses its textures). I would much rather prefer the option to have better, baked Normal Maps as well as Parallax Mapping for the World Textures. I'm still okay with Detail Textures, I doubt this will add anything negative to the game or engine, very sure the code will also be simple enough it will probably only add 0.001ms for the loading times, or even none at all. But I would also like it as an option, just like how Half-Life has it, so I'm glad you mentioned that. But yet again, I much prefer better Normal Maps and Parallax Mapping than any Detail Textures. On another note...Wasn't Doom 3, also, one of the first games that started using Baked Normal Maps?
  13. God knows since when have I last registered or posted on a traditional internet forum, but had to do so to pay my respects for the developers and map makers of this game. I have no history of the original thief series, and had no expectations for the mod. This is the first FM I played. After running around in a bit of a haste, becoming increasingly desperate of the complexity of the map, I learned to enjoy the feeling of being lost, calmed down and started to pay attention to the surroundings and listening to the ambient sounds and music. It is a truly immersive experience. I do have to admit that I could not find the entrance to the mansion, and had to resolve to a walkthrough to figure out how to enter, and at the end of the day did not manage to finish the mission. This mod is a great achievement, thank you for all the work and passion you have put into it.
  14. Greatly enjoyed the moment of starting the mission and hearing the Beethoven's symphony. Well fit for the atmosphere of the game and provided the mood for the FM as well. I found acting against my own will by shutting off the music.
  15. In the latest dev17026-10712, GUI debriefing is supported. It works exactly the same way as GUI briefing. It would be great if someone tries it For the nearest future, I'd like to support passing information from game script to GUI debriefing. So that you could show different things in debriefing depending on what player did in the mission.
  16. biggest gripe with my 2080 ti is that it only has hdmi 2.0b so it cant do 4k above 60hz luckily the displayport can and since i bought a monitor with displayport it happily chugs along in 4k 145 hz its an asus ultrawide 32" so matches my board which is also from asus and gfx card also from asus as a bonus, just stay the f... away from asus software the hardware is quite good though. the ultrawide screen has its own problems with some games though (letterboxing) but most of those can be worked around. in hzd the cutscenes are allways letterboxed which is annoying since it has a load of those but the game itself runs fine in ultra widescreen. my 3070 runs on an older phillips tv i had "1080p" eww. but i tried it on my 4k screen just for comparison. sometime in the near future ill ditch the old phillips for a 4k TV since i use my second PC as a streaming device mainly (i dont have cable TV) .
  17. There's been talk over the years on how we could improve texture quality, often to no avail as it requires new high-resolution replacements that need to be created and will look different and add a strain on system resources. The sharpness post-process filter was supposed to improve that, but even with it you see ugly blurry pixels on any nearby surface. Yet there is a way, a highly efficient technique used by some engines in the 90's notably the first Unreal engine, and as it did wonders then it can still do so today: Detail textures. Base concept: You have a grayscale pattern for various surfaces, such as metal scratches or the waves of polished wood or the stucco of a rough rock, usually only a few highly generic patterns are needed. Each pattern is overlayed on top of corresponding textures several times, every iteration at a smaller... as with model LOD smaller iterations fade with camera distance as to not waste resources, the closer you get the more detail you see. This does wonders in making any texture look much sharper without changing the resolution of the original image, and because the final mixture is unique you don't perceive any repetitiveness! Here's a good resource from UE5 which seems to support them to this day: https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/adding-detail-textures-to-unreal-engine-materials Who else agrees this is something we can use and would greatly improve graphical fidelity? No one's ever going to replace every texture with a higher resolution version in vanilla TDM; Without this technique we'll always be stuck with early 2000's graphics, with it we have a magic way of making it look close to AAA games today! Imagine being able to see all those fine scratches on a guard's helmet as light shines on it, the thousands of little holes on a brick, the waves of wood as you lean into a table... all without even losing much performance nor a considerable increase in the size of game data. It's like the best deal one could hope for! The idTech 4 material system should already have what we need, namely the ability to mix any textures at independent sizes; Unlike the old days when only a diffuse texture was used, the pattern would now need to be applied to both albedo / specular / normal maps, to my knowledge there are shader keywords to combine each. Needless to say it would require editing every single material to specify its detail texture with a base scale and rotation: It would be painful but doable with a text injection script... I made a bash script to add cubemap reflections once, if it were worth it I could try adapting it to inject the base notation for details. A few changes will be needed of course: Details must be controlled by a main menu setting activating this system and specifying the level of detail, materials properties can't be controlled by cvars. Ultimately we may need to overlay them in realtime, rather than permanently modifying every material at load time which may have a bigger performance impact; We want each iteration to fade with distance and only appear a certain length from the camera, the effect will cause per-pixel lighting to have to render more detail per light - surface interaction so we'll need to control the pixel density.
  18. jaxa

    2016+ CPU/GPU News

    It was a relatively strong mid-range card that obviously has less VRAM than it should. And it's still funny that the RTX 3060 packs 12 GB while the RTX 3080 copes with 10 GB. Game devs would like PC users to have 12-16 GB VRAM, but they'll support 8 GB and do little tricks like downgrading the textures automatically.
  19. Each time I check the objectives in game (pressing O), this warning appears in the console: I checked a few missions (MoongateRuckus, Eye On The Prize, By the Cookbook, Spider and the Finch) and they all do this. Doesn't happen with TDM 2.11. I reinstalled 2.12, but still get this behaviour. Is anyone else seeing this?
  20. ok so after getting myself a rtx 3070 im left with a bit of a wonder about all the fud on the net. elitist users claim the 3070 cant do 4k (debunked it handles 4k just fine but you need to lower the texture resolution in some titles to not overshoot the frankly rather low amount of vram -> 8 gb). some back and forth on the 2080ti some claim that the 3070 is faster while others claim the 2080ti is. (from my own experience the 2080ti is a bit faster in 4k while the 3070 is a bit faster in lower resolutions). if you play exclusively in 4k go for the 2080ti -> reason it has more vram 11gb vs 8gb this might not sound like a huge deal but the extra 3gb helps a lot with ultra high texture resolutions. debunked (claims that the 3070 uses newer dlss features, it does not. the 2080ti supports the exact same dlss features that the 3070 does, it even supports dlss 3 minus the framegen feature. some claims the 3070 uses newer tensor cores which are faster, well is they are i dont see it... the 2080 ti has 4 times the amount of tensor cores compared to the 3070 while the 3070 has around 1000 more cuda cores hmm ???). the real reason i think the 3070 got so popular is that it delivered close to the same performance of the insanely overpriced 2080ti, i cant fault people for that choice but i would like some realism in the comparison and not something based on just the price. the 2080ti was a highend card back when it was new while the 3070 is a mid range card at half the price of the 2080ti with at least comparable performance but lacks enough vram to play all titles at 4k with everything cranked to the max. playing hzd forbidden west on the 3070 atm in 4k with everything on max except texture resolution which i have on high and i get > 80 fps with the framegen mod and around 45 fps without it (dlss is flaky in this game though), the 2080ti in the same game in 4k gets around 100 fps with the framegen mod and 55 fps without it with texture resolution at the highest setting).
  21. Skins don't require a model path, that's just a convenience feature to allow the skins to be associated with the model(s) in the editor. However I have no idea if an unassociated skin can be used on a func_static. I suppose there's no reason why it couldn't work, but it's not something I've ever tested and I wouldn't be surprised if it fails to do anything (either in the editor or the game).
  22. Perhaps this is because your in-game brightness is very high and the Start Mission option blends with the background...
  23. I think this is being discussed for the core game and maybe some day it is included. For now if you want some order, just download the Unofficial Patch and only copy the fms folder in the archive into your TDM directory to get a better listing!
  24. After editing some objectives, now I'm getting this console warning pop up any time I check the objectives in game. I've never seen it before. Everything appears to be working though. I have not edited the tdm_objectives.gui file and it is intact in the tdm_gui01.pk4 folder in TDM. It references DestroyDelay here. onAction { set "gui::DestroyDelay" OBJECTIVES_DESTROY_DELAY; set "gui::CloseGUI" "1"; set "cmd" "updateObjectives"; } but I have no idea what I could have done in my fm to give it issue. [EDIT] I get this warning in other missions now, not just mine. I reinstalled TDM and I still get this warning. Is this a 2.12 thing?
  25. I would like to recommend adding "Warning: Skin names cannot start with numbers, as it will cause models to appear black in-game."
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