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  1. a few examples of the am5 debacle https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-ryzen-7000-burning-out-root-cause-identified-expo-and-soc-voltages-to-blame luckily a bios update solved it in amd's case, but also makes a point on the heat issue. btw these are not even the worst cases i seen a picture of one am5 chip that literally burnt a hole through the cpu's heat dispenser plate . asus for one has allways had the practice of feeding cpu's unsafe voltages with overclockers having to reign in the wild values on some boards for stability but all the big companies did it to get better benchmarks. at one time i was partial to MSI boards because they generally worked well, then at the end of life of the board came broken bios updates some even destroying an otherwise perfectly working board (deliberate ? heh) and since then i been on ASUS boards (just dont use the software that comes with it and you will have a your board a long loooong time). sadly ABIT went boom some time after the p4 (early xp days), they made some of the best and most stable boards back then, i had an earlier model with a celeron 300A overclocked to double of what the 300A was rated for and it still runs today (my sister has it).
  2. Apologies for how ridiculously long I took to get to testing this. I was waiting for a short FM I could experiment with to try out demo recording. Now that I've come across Eye on the Prize I figured I'd see what a short demo behaves like. So what is the verdict? I'd say almost functional! Close but still far yet not as much as I imagined. There are some very obvious issues that currently make the system unusable in practice, but I was glad that it seems to work at the core basics. At least during a simple test where I went around picking up a body and some loot for about 10 seconds, a longer playthrough may reveal more. I'll proceed to list all problems I observed big and small: To get the mundane out of the way, I noticed that unlike screenshots demos are recorded in the FM directory rather than the root directory. While a screenshot is saved to "darkmod/screenshots" a demo is instead stored in "darkmod/fms/active_fm/demos". This is the least concern and easiest to solve, the real problems come next. Demo recording greatly reduces FPS, to the point where it isn't practical to leave it running. I went from 100 FPS to 30 FPS while it was running, constantly jittering as it would speed up a few frames then slow down again. The performance impact would need to be reduced for it to be usable during a normal run. The file size of the resulting demo is uncomfortably large, which isn't a bug per say but a blocker to practical usage. I got a 7.5 MB file for just 15 seconds on an extremely tiny FM: If someone were to record one hour on a large map with tons of AI and entities, I fear it would well surpass 10 GB if we're lucky. Playback, audio: Now for the playback issues, the first of which is lack of audio. The demo has no sound at all, neither world audio nor footsteps or the sounds for picking up loot. Playback, player model: While the camera appears to remain in 1st person, the 3rd person player model is still rendered on top. This causes you to see polygons from the player's head covering the screen. Playback, visual glitches: Lastly there is a strange issue with some parts of the world appearing grey or black. As you move around you'll see geometry become a dark color as if rendering is broken. Here's a screenshot of demo playback showing issues #4 and #5. The thing you see covering the view at the left is the player's head seen from the inside as it was bobbing around. In front is a normal structure which for some strange reason has its edge appearing black, the floor itself appears gray at some point which I didn't capture here. Which of those problems if any seem fixable? I presume whatever causes the player model to show and the world to glitch can be found then audio restored, but can performance and storage size be improved? Are the issues simple enough so that it's worth the effort trying to tackle them and see what we get working in the end?
  3. I got a samsung galaxy s21 (8gb ram). It shows 60 fps at the start of the trainingmission. I invite all android users to try and test this app out. And post your opinions, tips, etc in this topic.
  4. jaxa

    Free games

    I've followed the development on and off for a long time, and tried it a long time ago. It's got the look of Age of Mythology (if not better) which is good enough for an RTS, but focusing on time period of Age of Empires I. AOE II is my most played of the games. That one aged so well it's getting official expansions nearly 25 years after release. You know, I think 0 A.D. benefits from appearing at the top of software repos organized alphabetically.
  5. im probably not alone in this thought but the internet has become a monster fueled by advertising, data mining, and questionble practices from certain big companies. search machines are now geared 100% to wring out your last buck and finding what you were actually looking for is now a pipe dream (yeah them smokes are guuud). tbh im disgusted by our governements actually allowing behaviour like this from the big tech corps. i grew up with the internet and initially it worked as a second home, you could allmost allways find what you were looking for and if not there were places you could ask other users for advise. these sites are now largely gone and replaced by shit that just points you to the nearest shop which incidently does not have what you need but is happy to sell you something (anything) else even if it is totally unrelated to what you were searching for.... at said shop, hey i need an advisement on vector mechanics in C++ sorry sir we dont sell that here but we do have these tools you might want to fix your bike. me omg do i look like a bike mechanic im trying to fix some code ffs . sadly even people who dicth google for some other search machine it wont help since they are all based on the same algorithms and rely heavily on datamining to build user profiles for this insatiable beast. Atleast theres movement now in class acts to rein in the surveilance by said companies but since much of the problem stems from political sources (yeah they actually allowed the unmitigated data mining profiling and monetizing user data) which is now biting them in the proverbial nether regions, it will probably take as long to reain in as the internet has existed. and now we have AI...
  6. Here's my first FM. A small and easy mission, inspired by Thief's Den and The Bakery Job, where you must find and steal a cook's recipe book in order to save a friend from going out of business. Download (version 4): Mediafire (sk_cooks.pk4) TDM Website's Mission Page The in-game mission downloader Thanks to: The people who helped me get this far, both in the forums and on Discord. The beta testers: MirceaKitsune, Mat99, Baal, wesp5, Cambridge Spy, jaxa, grodenglaive, Acolytesix ( Per the author in the beta testing thread. ) Skaruts has given permission to the TDM Team to add Subtitles or Localization Strings to this mission. (No EFX Reverb.) If anyone from the Community or TDM team wishes to create these we will gladly test them and update the mission database.
  7. If you post a patch we will merge it
  8. Since due to the nature of this forum, file/image sharing is used quite frequently, I thought to present some alternatives to the widely used Gdrive, which I don't like so much, especially since the last TOS change. File Sharing To share large files there are several options that also do not require registration. The first is File Hosting Online, which supports files up to 25 Gb, encrypted and also includes a Virus Scan that ensures safe use Another good option is Gofile, free to use, privacy focused and unlimited Bandwith. No refistry needed. While the files are accesed or downloaded at least one time a week, they are never deleted, otherwise inactive files are deleted after 10 days. If you prefer to use P2P, that means to share files directly from PC to other, without a hoster in the middle, there are also very good options, which permits to share files and folders without limites of type and size. The most easy to use is O&O File Direct, a small Desktop app (sadly only Windows), very easy to use 1 Open the app and drag the files/folders you like to share in its window 2 Optional adjust the days and amount of permited downloads and if you want a password 3 Share the link which apears in the app Done The only limits are, that the receptor only can download your files, when your PC is online, on the other hand this permits that you can stop the download in any moment, going offline or shutting down the PC. The other limit is, that the files to share can't be in a protected folder. Her are an Example with a list of Search Enines (Html file 423,56 Kb). While I am online, you can download it https://file.direct/f/pmjVFnjfkjFTKTt5 Videos One of the best options is Streamable (need a free account, inactive videos are deleted after 90 days in the free version) Alternatively you can use Streamja, a simple Video sharer with good privacy, free account optional (nick, mail) Images Ok, there are a lot of Image sharer, most used the known Imgur, because of this I add only one which offers some advantages over Imgur. ImgBox (free account) is a reliable platform to share and host images like Imgur, but it make it very easy to upload and post dozend of images simultaneous, selecting all the images you want and drag them on the window, offering coresponding bulk codes from the selected images to post them with one click for forums (BBcode), Html and others, fullsize or thumbnails. More since Imgur used since some time the hated webm formats for gif images, hardly accepted in most forums.
  9. @BoilerDunce please post your Darkmod.cfg Also, I presume you are running TDM 2.12? Did you try evaluating different settings per our performance guide: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Performance_Tweaks ?
  10. Yes, it does work correctly in the very original Doom 3. Besides, the way how 5.1 sound outputs seems the same as in TDM 2.05 and earlier. I think that openal-soft stuff from Dhewm3 implemented in 2.06 actually breaks normal 5.1 output and turns it into 4.0 (I noticed that some ppl have the same issue with openal-soft in other games - no center and lfe channels). I've been researching and tackling all these sound wrappers for quite some time now (openal-soft, dsoal, indirectsound and so on) and noticed that though they restore eax-like stuff, there are some problems if the system is not stereo. Hence, my question: is there a way to make a legacy (pre-2.06) sound output on current TDM versions? Or maybe in future? P.S. I know, it's been a while since my last post but the issue is still there.
  11. In the topic text it says: I think that's the download version (Google Drive download). So peeps have to search through the topic to find the most recent version (Dropbox download). Snatcher linked to that post above. Maybe if you make a new version, you could include a file in root with info, like version, etc.
  12. Sure! [[FAQ#Troubleshooting]] the link to the forum is wrong, change it to https://forums.thedarkmod.com/ (or use same value as set for variable "Discussion forum" in the wiki menu instead) This seems important and has been on my list for a long time. The following changes are small but should be uncontroversial: * [[The_Dark_Mod_-_Compilation_Guide]] "Linus distro" -> "Linux distro" * [[The_Dark_Mod_Gameplay]] in section See Also, add a link to [[Bindings and User Settings]] * [[Bindings_and_User_Settings]] change "DarkmodKeybind.cfg" to "DarkmodKeybinds.cfg" * [[Installation]] add definitive article to the first two bullet points. * [[Installation]] "When the game doesnt start the first time, the game create logs." -> "If the game doesn't start the first time, the game creates logs." * [[TDM_Release_Mechanics]] "will be heavily changed of even removed by" -> "will be heavily changed, or even removed, by" * [[TDM_Release_Mechanics]] "links to bugtracker as especially welcome" -> "links to issues in the bugtracker are especially welcome" * [[Fan Missions]] change the redirect (from the category) to the article [[Fan Missions for The Dark Mod]] * [[FAQ#What_is_The_Dark_Mod?]] create a sub-header "Which license does TDM use?" and link to https://svn.thedarkmod.com/publicsvn/darkmod_src/trunk/LICENSE.txt I would have linked to https://github.com/fholger/thedarkmodvr/wiki/Gamepad-support from [[Bindings_and_User_Settings#Gamepad_Default_Bindings]] when I learned about it in January and I noticed it was missing from the wiki article, but the article has since been updated (by you, actually) in April.
  13. This post differentiates between "gratis" ("at no monetary cost") and "libre" ("with little or no restriction") per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gratis_versus_libre * A libre version of TDM could: ** Qualify TDM for an article on the LibreGameWiki *** TDM is currently listed as rejected https://libregamewiki.org/Libregamewiki:Rejected_games_list because "Media is non-commercial (under CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0). The engine is free though (modified Doom 3) (2013-10-19)" ** Qualify for software repositories like Debian *** TDM is currently listed as unsuitable https://wiki.debian.org/Games/Unsuitable#The_Dark_Mod because 1) "The gamedata is very large (2.3 GB)", and 2) "The license of the gamedata (otherwise it must go into non-free with the engine into contrib)" and links to https://svn.thedarkmod.com/publicsvn/darkmod_src/trunk/LICENSE.txt Questions: 1) tdm_installer.linux64 is 4.2 MB (unzipped), which is far from the 2.3 GB which is said to be too large. Yes, the user can use it to download data that is non-libre, but so can any web browser too. If the installer itself is completely libre, does anyone know the reason why it cannot be accepted into the Debian repository? 2) If adding the installer to the repository is not a viable solution, would it be possible to package the engine with a small and beginner friendly mission built only from libre media/gamedata into a "TDM-libre" release, and add user friendly functionality to download the 2.3 GB media/gamedata using "TDM-libre" (similar to mission downloading)? 3) Would such a "TDM-libre" release be acceptable for the Debian repository? 4) Would such a "TDM-libre" release be acceptable for LibreGameWiki? 5) Would the work be worth it? * Pros: Exposure in channels covering libre software (e.g. the LibreGameWiki). Distribution in channels allowing only libre software (e.g. the Debian repository). * Cons: The work required for the modifictions and release of "TDM-libre". Possible maintenance of "TDM-libre". I'm thinking that the wider reach may attract more volunteers to work on TDM, which may eventually make up for this work and hopefully be net positive. 6) Are there any TDM missions that are libre already today? If not, would anyone be willing to work on one to fulfill this? I'll contribute in any way I can. 7) I found the following related topics on the forum: * https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/16226-graphical-installers-for-tdm/ (installing only the updater) * https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/16640-problems-i-had-with-tdm-installation-on-linux-w-solutions/ (problems with installation on Linux) * https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/17743-building-tdm-on-debian-8-steamos-tdm-203/ (Building TDM on Debian 8 / SteamOS) * https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/18592-debian-packaging/ (Dark Radiant) ... but if there are other related previous discussions, I'd appreciate any links to them. Any thoughts or comments?
  14. My old friend Andreas urgently needs my help. He asked if I could meet him at the Lion's Head Inn, our favourite retreat in a quaint part of the city called Mirkway Quarter. He’s got a small apartment nearby where he makes a modest living off paintings he sells to pompous nobles and the odd merchant. Not long ago, his wife Lily was hired as a servant at the manor of the local alderman, one Lord Marlow. Now she hasn't been home for days. Andreas went to the manor looking for her, but the guards shoved him into the gutter and warned him not to return. Andreas is certain that something bad has happened, and I don’t think he’s wrong. Gallery Authors’ Notes It all started many years ago when Shadowhide laid the foundation for a sprawling and convoluted city and worked with MoroseTroll and Clearing to create a macabre storyline to befit this medieval metropolis. At some point, however, the beast grew too large to handle, so he handed the keys to the City to Bikerdude and Melan. Together, the two worked tirelessly, passing the map back and forth, each playing to their respective strengths. Notably, Melan reworked the story concept, toning down many of its darker, R-rated elements. Eventually Melan, too, moved on in 2017, but by then large swathes of the community had become involved in this map’s development. Mapping work was contributed by Baal, Grayman, Fidcal, Ubermann, Skacky, and Flanders, while Destined, nbohr1more, and Obsttorte wrote story texts. Several scripts were provided by Grayman, Baal and Obsttorte, such as an elevator with scissor gates, a TDM first. Even after all this input, the daunting task still remained to transform what had grown into the largest TDM map ever made into a playable mission. Bikerdude hammered away at this for some more years still, on and off between other projects, until in early 2020 when he deemed it ready for public viewing. It was then that Dragofer and Amadeus joined in. In the months that followed, the trio reworked, finished, and polished the mission in nearly every aspect, fully writing out and editing the story as well as adding countless scripted effects and (with help from Bienie) many new readables. The good working atmosphere and pooled creativity brought forth several new secrets, of which the largest likely hasn’t been done before in TDM (hint: check the libraries). In the very end, the name “Fractured Glass Company” was drawn up to refer to everybody who was involved in creating this very special mission. Without the hard work of all these people, most of all Bikerdude and Shadowhide, this mission would likely never have seen the light of day, let alone become what you see here before you. The mission is, as Bikerdude puts it, a homage to Thief 1 & 2, and it’s our hope that you catch these vibes as you explore and enjoy this mission. Update 1.2 (released 04/04/2021) Update 1.1 (released 11/11/2020) Credits - Mapping: Shadowhide, Bikerdude, Amadeus, Baal, Dragofer, Fidcal, Flanders, Melan, Skacky, UberMann - Original Story Concept: Clearing, MoroseTroll, Shadowhide - Story & Readables: Amadeus, Bienie, Bikerdude, Dragofer, Destined, Melan, nbohr1more, Obsttorte, Shadowhide - Editor: Amadeus - Scripting: Dragofer, Baal, Grayman, Obsttorte - Voice Acting: AndrosTheOxen (Andreas), Joe Noelker (Player) - Video Editing: Bikerdude (briefing), Goldwell (briefing intro) - Custom Models: Bikerdude, Dragofer, Dram, Epifire, Grayman, Obsttorte - Custom Textures: Airship Ballet, Dmv88, Hugo Lobo - Custom Sounds: GigaGooga, Sephy, Shadow Sneaker, alanmcki, andre_onate, Deathscyp, dl-sounds.com, Dmv88, dwoboyle, eugensid90, gzmo, lucasduff, mistersherlock, qubodup, randommynd, richerlandtv, sfx4animation, Speedenza - Betatesting: Amadeus, ate0ate, Biene, Bluerat, CambridgeSpy, Cardia, Dragofer, Garrett(Monolyth-42), JoeBarnin, Kingsal, Krilmar, ManzanitaCrow, MikeA, Noodles, S1lverwolf, s.urfer Download Note: this mission requires TDM 2.08, which is now available for download. Please be aware that old saved games will no longer work after you upgrade to 2.08's release build. Note: it’s highly recommended to run this mission using the 64-bit client (TheDarkModx64.exe), since there've been frequent reports the mission won't load on the 32-bit client (TheDarkMod.exe). Both are found in the same folder. The mission is available from the ingame downloader. In addition to that, here are some more mirrors, as well as the official screenshots for anybody uploading this mission to a FM database: Mission: Google Drive / OneDrive Mission (v1.1, slimmed down version for 32-bit clients): Google Drive / OneDrive Official Screenshots: Google Drive / OneDrive Hi-Res Map: Imgur Links Secret loot & areas walkthrough by @Lzocast
  15. Was thinking how as an alternative it's easy to build a bash or Python script to do it. The hardest part is scanning the map to figure out every resource used: Recursion is needed since a map may use an entity that has a model which uses a skin that itself uses a material and that material uses a bunch of texture images. In the meantime it's possible to do it all manually if you really want. As long as you're careful to not miss any packages and test your standalone distribution to make sure the console isn't reporting any missing data errors. A special mode for the TDM installer / updater could also work as an alternative, allowing you to install TDM with a particular FM and only the required core packages for running that FM: This would be an equally nice solution, as it would allow a FM creator to still distribute an executable for their FM which then installs itself similar to how a MMORPG or Minecraft self-update. And the engine has licensing limitations for hosting on platforms like itch.io? The code is GPL and most assets are CC-BY-SA-NC, so if you aren't selling it and post the project for free it should be good? I remember us having issues with Steam that didn't allow TDM to be hosted on it, but those were due to its ridiculously strict licensing terms.
  16. Flakebridge Monastery In this mission you will visit a Builder outpost to steal some valuable books. It is the first in what I hope will be a series about Selis Woderose. I would like to take the opportunity to thank my beta testers: Aprilsister, Bikerdude, Chiron, lost_soul, and prjames. As well as Fidcal for his starting map, and Melan for his texture pack. Known bugs: A small number may appear at the bottom left corner of your screen when the mission loads. Press sheath weapon to make it disappear. As already mentioned this is the first mission in a series. When you have completed it you may know what you'll be going after in the next mission. You may even know where! Enjoy! And please use spoiler tags where appropriate. A couple of screens: (thanks lowenz) http://2.bp.blogspot...0/shot00001.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot...0/shot00003.jpg
  17. People who use Blender for object editing sometimes run into a problem with material names. It has a character limit of 63. That's usually fine but some existing TDM materials have names which are longer than that, so it becomes impossible to use them. An FM author can make a copy of the material with a shorter name, but that might be adding unnecesary complexity for people who are just making standalone objects to share. I've been mounting a valiant campain on various Blender forums, and some of their LinkedIn posts, to get them to increase the limit, but to no avail. So it's time to take a different approach. Would it be feasible for TDM to rename long materials? The rendering system would have to intercept and replace calls to the original names, or something like that. I'm not sure if that would be an easy thing to implement or if it would set off a chain of complex events or coding etc. Another possible approach could be a material ID sytem, so in Blender the material name could be WoodPlanks_4ACFB987B, which would correspond to something like TDM\long\path\to\material\WoodPlanks That might even be beneficial for shorter material names, as even they are not user friendly to look at in some interfaces.
  18. It all started last year when my other better low end laptop died on me, at the time I played the first Dishonored game. When I started to play on my lower end laptop, I couldn't really play a lot of games. I tried Splinter Cell Chaos Theory but it didn't really stick, I scoured the internet for a low end stealth game and that's when I discovered the original Thief series. The thief series was just different I, was free, I was a sly little thief who could go anywhere and there were countless missions online. Fast forward to this year when I finally got another better, better low end laptop and can finally try The Dark Mod. I first heard about The Dark Mod in the r/thief subreddit, I didn't know it was a fan game from the fans of the original thief series. I tried a bunch of missions and oh boy does it really give off thief vibes, even on the lowest settings it looks good, I also like the fact that it is free. In my opinion The Dark Mod is harder than the original Thief series, the tappy tappy on the forward button while creeping just gets annoying but still a pretty good game for it's time, but in The Dark Mod it's harder to tail on npcs since they're more sensitive and my ego doesn't let not get a 0 in the stealth score. Though I wish that the peaking option from the unoficial patch or the modpack was a game feature, where if you long press right click while the door is in frob you can do the peeking option. Did I mention the mantling? It is so good, but I still make quicksave just in case when it's time to parkour in the game. I do wish that there would be an official campaign one day following the story of Corbin. Though even with a game with better graphics, my friends still don't want to play it. I guess pacifism and running around a manor or a city finding loot isn't their cup of tea. I guess the original Thief series and The Dark Mod is just for those who are real stealth lovers, not for the stealth/action ones. I love The dark mod and the Thief series because it isn't a hassle it's quite literally a waiting game, a game of patience and reading, lots of reading. They even thought me how to read maps to read the environment, not to kill first ask questions later and to figure out where in the f*** I am in the map. Overall I love this game and its inspiration, though I'm quite literally in too deep in The Dark Mod I can't stop playing. Thank you to the people who made this wonderful game and to the people who are creating mods or addons, for it, I hope it'll stay free, more features will be added, and hopefully an official campaign.
  19. Actually, even without the post, I'm now thinking this may be hopeless without "forbidden" overrides, or new capabilities added. However, here's long-shot ideas: 1) See if i18n can work for you #define MM_BRIEFING_VIDEO_MATERIAL_1 "str_1234" where where the non-Russian sections of all.lang (and their generated codepage-specific-encoded <language>.lang) would have: #str_1234 "video/tdm_briefing_video_english" Likewise Russian section with (I guess) Cyrllic-encoded codepage listing _russian version. 2) It possible you could use the deprecated SDK-controlled briefing system, designed mainly for multi-mission campaign system, which reportedly can be used with a single mission, too, as stated here: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Setting_up_Campaigns#Briefing_Videos However, how you control that, I dunno. Probably some trickery involving Mission number. And it may not work with non-Roq videos.
  20. Deathloop – what a mess of a game. I'd love to see a post-mortem on it some day. I hope Arkane is doing okay though.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Shadow


      Thanks to this thread I am currently playing Deathloop. Have to say I am enjoying it very much, but I can see where it turns people off. The bad first: Yes it's repetitive and enemies respawn, annoying to have to encounter/kill the same baddies over and over. It is a time loop game, so that part is to be expected. Perhaps the back and forth between times of day and revisiting areas once you find info or codes in other areas can be too much backtracking for some. The good: It feels just like Dishonored with a No One Lives Forever candy and bubble gum pop vibe. That's a definite plus. Mooncrash will be next to play for a real comparison.

    3. STiFU


      So, how do we turn this status discussion into a fully fledged thread now? 😄 @Dragofer is this possible? 🙂

    4. Dragofer


      Unfortunately I can only hide or delete this status update. Would be cool if new threads with new posts could be created.

  21. Inn Business It's business, at an inn, over three nights. Development screenshots: Download: https://drive.google...dit?usp=sharing Update 1.48 uploaded March 8th, 2014, one change: patches key rarely not being frobable in one of its possible spots Big thanks to my beta testers: Airship Ballet, Kyyrma and AluminumHaste! Development supporters of note: Sotha, Springheel and Obsttorte. Also thanks Sotha, for urinating in my mission. ;-) And thanks Kyyrma for the title screen! My appreciation to all forum/wiki contributors, without whom, this wouldn't exist. Thanks to positive commenters on my previous mission too, extra motivation helps! :-) Note this uses campaign features, what you use the first night, impacts subsequent nights. And to quote a tester, "...the level is maybe best experienced in more than one sitting". If you do pause between nights, please be sure to save, you can't begin partway through effectively. (If you accidentally start a night you already completed, just fail the kill objective to switch to another night.) If your frame rates are too low facing the cemetery, please reduce your "Object Details LOD" setting. It was designed with "AI Vision" set to "Forgiving", to be able to sneak through with minimal reactions, if you want more/less, adjust your settings accordingly. There are several random, conditional aspects, and ways of going about things, so others might have slightly different experiences. Post here if you discover hidden objectives for extra points! My condolences to loot completionists, I made a bit on the third night hard, you've got your challenge cut out for you! Speaking of which, there's a TDM bug that mission complete totals too high, here are the real amounts per night: 2026/970/202. Oh, there is something that in the U.S. would be rated PG, in case you play with kids in earshot. I hope you enjoy playing it, feel free to let me know you did, and I'm glad to respond to inquiries (like how stuff was done, nothing was scripted). (Note which night you are referring to if it's something specific.) (Please remember spoiler tags to not expose things meant to be discovered by playing.) Like so: [spoiler]secrets[/spoiler] Developed for TDM 2.01. PS: Thiefette, good news, no spiders! Springheel, if you find an optional objective you can skip...you might find it immersion breaking. Others, no undead! There are a couple other interactive critters though. :-) Edit note: Some posts below were from users of an unreleased version of TDM 2.02 which broke several things, they do not reflect regular game-play.
  22. You know how there are these long videos which turn your TV into a fireplace on christmas?

    Well, can we make a video with just videos of happy, friendly farm animals? ...for dogs? I notice that they get really happy when there are animals on TV, and how bored they are just lying around the house most of the day. When we leave them alone, we could just turn on the TV and have them be happy all day instead. It'll be like ASMR, but for pets.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nort


      Yeah, but they get really excited when they see other animals, like horses, and really happy.

    3. Xolvix


      It exists. RedLetterMedia covered "Dog Sitter" in one of their vids (worth watching the whole thing though):



    4. Nort


      I guess there's a right and a wrong way to simply film friendly farm animals. Rewinding them back and forth, having lots of jump cuts, having dogs talks like humans, and having animals wear outfits, would just confuse the dog. It's not hard to do animal ASMR: You just film peaceful animals for extended periods of time. Beyond that, the video is just four guys talking about their own human opinions. They're not the intended audience.

  23. Phew, it's almost exactly been 3 years since my first post about my VR modification for TDM. Three more versions of the game have been released in the meantime, and with them come performance improvements that I feel it's finally viable to continue my work on the VR adaptation So without further ado, head on over to https://github.com/fholger/thedarkmodvr and grab the latest release. It's based on the future 2.09 version, but is fully compatible with a 2.08 install. Although I've tried to make the VR version use its own set of resources (separate `darkmod_vr.cfg` and shader folders), I'd recommend you make a backup or copy of your TDM installation to be able to get back to the flat version cleanly without effort. Please heed the README in the repository, particularly about the choices of VR backends. Some noteworthy information for this new version: performance should be considerably improved from the old alphas. That doesn't mean it's perfect - although the CPU bottleneck is now completely gone, the game is now severely fill-rate limited. So if you have a current-gen headset with high resolution and/or a weaker video card, forget about any supersampling or AA. I also strongly recommend to stick to stencil shadows and disable soft shadows and ambient occlusion - the latter isn't that impressive in VR, anyway, and simply not worth the GPU cost. And even then, there will be some scenes in some missions where reprojection is just unavoidable, even with the beefiest GPU. That being said, I have tried a multitude of maps, and I think it's very playable. the UI is finally usable! Both the menu and ingame HUD elements are projected to a virtual screen in front of your sitting position. It's not the most elegant or immersive solution for the HUD, but it works vertical mouse movement is excluded from the VR view - this was suggested by some of you way back, and I think it makes the experience much more enjoyable. It can make it a little hard, though, to aim with the mouse for actions like frobbing items, because there's currently no visual indication to where the mouse is pointing. I'm planning to add one asap, but in the meantime, you can equip a weapon to get a vague sense of your mouse orientation. If you do want to re-enable vertical movement in the view, set 'vr_lockMousePitch' to 0 in the console. Other than that, I hope you enjoy this new version. Let me know which improvements you'd like me to work on first. Also, there are probably any number of render and other bugs still left in there somewhere. If you find one, please report them over at the Github tracker (https://github.com/fholger/thedarkmodvr/issues), so I can keep track of them. Latest Update:
  24. Changelog of 2.12 development: release212 (rev 16989-10651) * Training Mission reverted to 2.11 state, except for text changes about new controls. beta212-07 (rev 16982-10651) * Fixed save/load of turrets. * Fixed some more cases of camera clipping during force-crouched mantle (6425). * Fixed crash if player wins twice in quick succession (6489). * Added angRotate script event. * Fixed church_altar prefab (6285). beta212-06 (rev 16970-10644) * Fixed light leaks workaround dropped after save + load (post). * Force doors which connect visportal to cast shadows regardless of light flow (post). * Improved candle vs junk detection for new frob controls (6316). * Fixed player getting stuck at start of "One Step Too Far" (post). * Fixed warning on spawning atdm:env_ragdoll_tdm_spider. * Fixed wrong skin in mechanical/switches/switch_rotate_lever prefab (6479). * Fixed double slash in lady02 subtitle decls (post). * Fixed rotated versions of safe03_wall prefab (6268). * Tweaked fogging of health potion. * Fixed overbright skins for nature bushes (6478). * Fixed Grandfather_clock_victorian_01 model (6383). * Removed pause from looping sound machinery/machines/m3_loop (6384). * Fixed broken func_portals in Training Mission (4352). * Minor improvements in Saint Lucia mission. * Doubled game scripts memory limit (post). * Improved normal map of long banners (6355). beta212-05 (rev 16950-10635) * Fixed player seeing through ceiling when mantling into crouched state (6425). * Improved how frobbing works on junk items (6316). * Toggled states of player movement are saved and restored properly (6458). * Fixed back image loading optimization. * Added canCloseDoors spawnarg on AI, which allows to block closing only (6460). * Rats and spiders are non-shoulderable by default (6456). * Increased wait in screenshot_viewpos macro command (6331). * Added forest models from The Valley abandoned mission. * Fixed frobstage on sign models (6457). * Added vine arrows to training mission (4352). * Improved Merry Chest prefabs (6459). * Fixed normal map of dirt_packed_muddy (4668). * Fixed nails in door_boarded_up01 model. * Fixed attachments of atdm:fireplace_place_base (6474). * Fixed editor image of blocks_large_sandstone, rough_grey_dirty_sepia_grey_trim (6281, 6464). * Added editor image for grey_dirty_trim material. * Adjusted tooltip for auto-search bodies. beta212-04 (rev 16932-10626) * Added massive package of subtitles for AI sounds (6240, thread). * Fixes in envshot command (5796). * Added nature/dirt/ash_and_coals texture (6441). beta212-03 (rev 16902-10623) * Improved subtitles layout and location ring picture (p1 p2). * Fixed broken remote render with soft stencil shadows. * Added color buffer clears to fix remote render breaking skybox (6424). * Fixed warning generated by remote render (6424). * Fixed min_lod_bias being ignored if no other LOD settings is specified (6359). * Now changing LOD settings effects objects with min_lod_bias immediately (6359). * Fixed text & background alignment in mission lists (6337). * Fixed gaps in chandelier models (6433). * Added missing editor texture for carpet/runners/ornate_red_black03_end (6435). * Further expansion of listRenderLightDefs and listLightEntityDefs commands. beta212-02 (rev 16889-10613) * Fixed underwater rendering due to missing doublevision shader (post). * Exclude more lights from the new light portal flow optimizations (5172, 6321). * black_matt is now fully black, no tiny green bias (post). * Fixed lockpick interruption when mouse cursor switches between door and handle. * Extended listRenderLightDefs and listLightEntityDefs commands. * Fixed church_altar.pfb (6285). * Added window01_curtains01.lwo in separate parts (6356). * tdm_open_doors now opens locked doors too. * Fixed rare case of getting NaN in spline mover. * Added r_skipEntities cvar, similar to "filter entities" in DR. * Added editor spawnargs for volumetric light properties (6322). * Fixed radius override and added position override for script-based stims. * Fixed warnings with wrong virtual function overrides. beta212-01 (rev 16879-10584) * Fixed player falling through elevator when shouldering a body (6259). * Rebalanced volume of all player footsteps (6348). * Fixed weird animation when mixing drawn bow and main menu (2758). * Fixed all kind of issues with bc_teatray material. * Added alternative frob controls mode tdm_holdfrob_drag_all_entities for dragging on hold. * Fixed non-actor entities always getting full splash damage. * Hide console before screenshot with screenshot_viewport command (6331). * Added tdm_subtitles_ring cvar to disable subtitles location ring. * Added mission.cfg as a temporary way for mission to override non-archived cvars (5453). * Cvars "pm_lean_*" are no longer archived (6320). * Removed some cvar overrides from atdm:player_base. * CFrobLock now supports script events: Lock, Unlock, ToggleLock, IsLocked, IsPickable (6329). * Simplified flee script event, supported fleeing from non-actor entity and fleeFromPoint. * Fixed crash on some non-standard cases of flinderize. * Can set spawnarg "douse 0" on damageDef to not extinguish lights from splash damage. * Added setFrobMaster script event. * Added script-based stim type, which triggers only when stimEmit script event is called. * Added on/off script events to func_emitter entity. * Added setSmoke script event to change particle decl for a func_smoke. * Added hasInvItem script event to check if player has some item. * Added launchGuided script event to start guided projectiles. * Added getInterceptTime script event for shooting projectile and running target. * Added "bounce_sound_min|max_velocity" spawnargs to control projectile bounce sounds. * Added "postbounce_*" spawnargs to change projectile properties after bounce. * Fixes to moor guard ragdoll (6345). * Fixed wench AI sounds (6284). * Added new experimental entityDef for an automatic turret. * Official missions no longer pretend to be part of 3-mission campaign (6338). * Removed AI PAIN messages console spam. * Removed excessive "s_volume 0" from base loot entityDefs (6346). * Replaced symbol on the proguard's belt. * Default value of com_maxfps increased from 144 to 300. * Improved idEntityPtr, fixed some warnings. dev16854-10518 * High mantle animation has become much faster (6343). * Crouching while on ladder/rope now causes player to slide instantly. * Added "forceShadowBehindOpaque" hack to workaround shadow leaks in old missions (5172). * Fixed and revised underwater "double vision" effect (6300). * Add scratch images have alpha = 1, which fixes some mirror materials (6300). * Added warning if material output color depends on input alpha, fixed it in core assets (6340). * Support several independent user addon scripts (6336). * Fixed missing headbob and footsteps at very high FPS (4696). * Fixed player hanging mid-air in a jump at very high FPS (6333). * Don't crash if player's head does not exist (6326). * Added "fade in fast" options for frobhelper (6342). * Removed "show tooltips" option, now it is always on (6344). * Added default spawnarg values to "text" debug entityDef (6325). * Fixed some uninitialized values, float overflows and NaNs across the code. * Reorganized covered furniture models from Seeking Lady Leicester (6289). dev16842-10488 * Major changes in frob/use controls: holding frob does different thing now (6316, thread). * Fixed some electric lights not spawning. * It is no longer necessary to specify extension to reference PNG image. * Added cvar tdm_show_viewpos and command screenshot_viewpos (6331). * Fixed hanging when light is moved through a plane with many visportals (3815, thread). * Fixed multipage readables stuck on empty page, improved page flipping (6313). * Fixed WAV sounds playing in main menu, all sounds are streaming now (6330). * Fixed light leaks along scissor rectangle boundary with soft stencil shadows (thread). * Better subtitles location visualization (6264). * Changed position of subtitle blocks and subtitle font (6264). * Internal refactoring of idImage class (6300). * Fixed rare bug in renderworld raycasting... might happen with particle collisions. * Fixed warnings in newspaper_bridgeport0X core readable GUI (6245). * Added vec4 GUI keyword (6164). * Renamed pm_lean_toggle cvar to tdm_toggle_lean. * Improved "head bob" and "mantle roll" settings in main menu. * Updated FFmpeg to 4.4.4 (6314). Known issues: * Various problems after image refactoring: underwater, mirrors, etc. dev16829-10455 * Allowed to mantle while carrying/manipulating an object (5892, thread). * Allowed to change weapon while mantling or on rope/ladder (6319). * Several leaning improvements (6320, thread). * Parallel shadow-casting lights are deprecated, use parallelSky instead (6306). * Added many menu settings for autoloot body, blackjack helper, and other (6311). * Deleted option for autolooting bodies with one item per frob, added menu setting (6257). * Added cvar to modify all head bobbing settings (6310). * Fixed some corner cases with multiloot (6270). * Fixed frob helper's "always visible" mode (6318). * New&fixed versions of atdm:lamp_electric_square_3_lit_unattached (6315). * Fixed UV map on Stove models (6312). * Reworked r_showPrimitives + deleted code for rendering from CPU buffers. * Shortened name of end-mission autosaves (6294). * Consistent names of various arrows. Known issues: * Some electric lights don't spawn. dev16818-10434 * Fixed projectiles flying through player and enemies sometimes (6292). * Lights with noshadows spawnarg pass through walls again (5172). * Disabled portal flow culling optimization for parallel lights (5172, 6306). * Faster light-entity interactions matching if light is noshadows due to spawnarg (6296). * Compression of images to DXT1/3/5 is done in software (6300). * Cleaned up rounding math routines (6300). * r_showportals 2 is easier to understand now * Changed rules for getting start areas of parallelSky light (6306). dev16814-10408 * Optimized portal flow culling for shadowing lights (5172). * Extended dmap diagnostics to info_portalSettings, improved editor descriptions (6224). * Added test commands: tdm_open_doors and tdm_close_doors. * Minor adjustments to ear-cutting algorithm in dmap. * Minor refactoring in image compression code (6300). dev16809-10394 * r_shadowMapSinglePass is enabled by default now. * Fixed lack of shadows in volumetric lights under r_shadowMapSinglePass (6271). * Fixed interaction rendering on materials with polygonOffset (5868). * Optimized code for finding light-entity interactions on large maps (6296). * Optimized moving shadowing lights: don't create interactions in unreachable areas (5172). * More refactoring in backend: tonemap shader (6271). * Added more covered furniture models (6289). * Added wall models from Seeking Lady Leicester (6293). Known issues: * Some noshadows lights no longer pass through walls. dev16801-10370 * Supported -durationExtend for inline subtitles (6262). * Added blue noise dithering to tonemap shader, which fixed color banding of fog (6271). * Optimized away unnecessary render copy under "useNewRenderPasses 1" (6271). * Refactored blend and fog lights into new backend architecture. For troubleshooting, reduce cvar useNewRenderPasses to 1 or 0 (6271). * Added 30 case to max FPS selection in settings menu. dev16792-10357 * Fixed particles bound to animated joints (6099). * idVec3 is no longer initialized to zero by default (6280). * Integrated Address Sanitizer tool and fixed a few found bugs (6280). dev16789-10349 * Deleted old backend completely + some cleaning (6271). * Fixed map icon wrong name (thread). * Now light entities support noPortalFog spawnarg (6282). * Support fonts aspect ratio correction (6283). * Fixed playerstart customization (thread). * Refactored "render pass" part into new backend architecture. For troubleshooting, try cvar "useNewRenderPasses 0". Also "textures/particles/blacksmokepuff" now works (6271) * Now arithmetic expressions in materials support min/max functions (6271). * Minor initialization cleanup (6280). dev16785-10319 * "r_shadowMapSinglePass 1" now respects noselfshadows flag (6271). * Continued refactoring in shadow maps and render-pass shaders (6271). dev16783-10307 * Backported new rendering backend to uniforms, should work like the old one now (6271). * "Auto" lockpicking difficulty now unlocks pin from after one cycle (6256). * Added "auto-search bodies" feature under tdm_autosearch_bodies cvar (6257). * Added r_shadowMapAlphaTested cvar for single-pass shadow maps (6271). dev16781-10289 * Added first version of direction and volume cues to subtitles (6264). * Allow subtitles to extend duration of sound sample (6262). * Improved slot allocation algorithm for subtitles, a subtitle no longer changes slot (6264). * Fixed bug that stereo sample plays for 2x duration due to length confusion. * Upgraded libpng and rebuilt third-party packages. * Internal fixes of depth bounds test asserts. dev16778-10275 * Allow limited mantling with a shouldered body (5892). * Fixed toggle creep and improved settings layout in the menu (6242). * Fixed bounding boxes of animated entities and particles, enabled r_useEntityScissors by default (6099). * Trigger call_on_exit before call_on_entry when switching locations. * Don't expand bounds of surfaces with turbulent deform (5990). * Removed "gui" spawnarg on GUI message to avoid first frame (6117). Known issues: * Particles bounds to animated joints broken. Changelog of earlier versions can be found here. Source: 2.12 beta testing thread
  25. I seem to have run into a wall. I'm consistently getting the same error when compiling AAS as part of the dmap process: "WARNING: reached outside from entity..." followed by the entity number and name. The issue is that the pointfile generated is going through solid brushwork and the origin of the entity in question isn't in the void. It's always my NPCs and if I delete that one, another random guard will cause it to fail. I'm really not sure what the issue is, these guards were perfectly fine when I dmapped previous versions of this map, only now am I getting this behavior. I checked around the forums to see if anyone had encountered this before but haven't really seen any mention of it. Any thoughts?
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