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  1. Black Parade is released ! https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152429
  2. Question: What are the requirements for adding subtitles to missions? It seems that the subtitles that are not included in the mission as an update are also never downloaded. You can see the number of downloads in the post. It could also be that nobody cares about subtitles, but maybe I shouldn't go that far. If subtitles are not tested by anyone but me and the mission author doesn't care or isn't around, can they still be included without them checking it out? I think it's an addition, not a modification. I guess I should ask for permission prior and if I don't get a satisfactory answer don't do it?
  3. Announcing the release of the third William Steele mission! Summary Cleighmoor takes Steele inside Cleighmoor Gaol, where Warden Fielder likes nothing better than a glass of wine and some cheese, while watching a miscreant hang from his gallows. Steele is tracking down the evidence of his parentsā€™ murder. The mission starts in the sewers, and progresses to Cleighmoorā€™s compound. The William Steele Missions Cleighmoor is the third of several Steele missions. Altogether they'll tell a story of corruption, greed, and revenge. At some point, I'll start packaging them as a campaign, in addition to the single missions. If you havenā€™t played WS1: In the North, or WS2: Home Again, I suggest you complete those before playing WS3: Cleighmoor. Download Cleighmoor is available in the in-game downloader. Problem with Suicidal AI Occasionally, someone reports that a distant AI commits suicide. Since one of the mission objectives is to kill only in self-defense, this fails the mission when it occurs. To avoid that, I've created a replacement *.map file that you can obtain here. After you've downloaded and installed the mission, create a new folder named "maps" so that you have: darkmod/fms/ws3_cleighmoor/maps/ Unzip the replacement *.map file and place the new *.map file into the maps folder. So now you have: darkmod/fms/ws3_cleighmoor/maps/ws3_cleighmoor.map This should solve the suicide problem. A new version of the mission will be released after TDM 2.05. Build Time Nearly 4 years. (This was my first attempt at a mission, and it sat on the back burners until being folded into Steeleā€™s story.) I18n Cleighmoor is ready for translation. Thanks Thanks to the TDM team for creating a terrific platform for storytelling and stealth gaming. Thanks to my beta testers: AluminumHaste, Bikerdude, Goldwell, Xarg, Lux, Moonbo, Deadlove, and plotzzz. Thanks to Goldwell for his voice work on the conversations. And thanks to YOU, for playing! Known Issues This is a large mission. To ease the burden on older systems, consider shutting doors behind you as you go. If you experience low frame rates, please consult the Performance Tweaks page on the Wiki. Performance Tweaks For very low end PCs I recommend the following settings: V-sync is off AA is off Aniso is 4x or lower Advanced settings are simple/default Post processing is disabled Anyone having performance issues with TDM missions can put the following cvars into their Darkmod.cfg file. This will improve the framerate and stutter/chop when in-game, but may increase loading times a little. image_usePrecompressedTextures "1" image_useNormalCompression "2" image_useAllFormats "1" image_useCompression "1" image_preload "1" Important This mission requires TDM 2.01 or later. The William Steele story is heavy with readables. Please try to read every readable you find. Most importantly, Enjoy! Screenshots WS4: The Warrens Steele ventures into The Warrens, a dangerous area near Bridgeport's docks. You can find it here.
  4. As I mentioned in my post, if the this is even an issue the devs modeled it off of actual human capabilities. ie watching actual people perform the task. Whose capabilities are you measuring that feeling against? Your own? That of a season thief? It really doesnā€™t matter, they are your perceptions of the game. That should be valid enough without worrying if your subjective feelings about how the game should feel meet ā€œrealityā€. The game is inherently not realistic, nor are any of the games in the pantheon of immersive sims. That is another topic entirely though. Do you have an opinion on the default mantle roll setting?
  5. I love the looks, atmosphere and layout of this mission and the map is beautiful drawn. I just found it took too long to find a clue about Deacon. It's all in one building and most other places feel very empty. There's a sound file in the sound\sfx folder called message_smythe.ogg . It's from an audiograph, I think, but I never found the audiograph. I found only 3 music audiographs. Is it actually included somewhere in the mission and if, where can I find it? message_smythe.ogg No, I knocked out the killer and (ironically) left him in a room together with one of his victims. I later returned and then he was gone. So I had to search him. Luckely this wasn't too hard in this case. We'll never find out what he would do about it..
  6. It's a bit too late, the builds are long under these names in tdm_installer. And given that you have already asked me to change "long-click" to "hold frob" or "frob hold", I think tagging with names will help us to avoid confusion. Even if something is developed by several people, but there is usually one "champion" who is kinda responsible for the whole thing But in general I agree, I don't like attaching names e.g. to changelog.
  7. new section, new post: I'm in the apartments with the elevator; I've gotten three keys for the various floors, but they don't work on the doors from inside the elevator shaft? also, I have a key for someone's attic that I never found a place to use.
  8. Body awareness please. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20013-are-you-gonna-add-this/
  9. How you can help depends a lot on what skills you have. I can Record Video Recording "Let's Play" videos or simple walkthroughs of existing missions and posting them to Youtube is great exposure for the mod (see example .) Be sure to let us know so we can link to them. If you have some editing ability, Video tutorials, where you explain how the mod works, or how to use specific tools, would also be great. Video trailers, showcasing interesting places and features, are also great for publicity. An example is . I can Write Writing reviews for missions are always nice, especially if they include good screenshots. Not only does it give us something to post on other forums, but it makes mappers feel good when their mission gets attention (especially if it's positive). We have a collective thread to post reviews in: http://forums.thedar...s-walkthroughs/ Writing reviews of the mod as a whole, targetted an an audience that doesn't know much about TDM, is also very useful. You could also try offering your services to mappers to create interesting readables, or to proofread for their mission. I can Act and Record Audio We are always on the lookout for good quality audio recordings for vocal sets. If interested, you can pick a few different lines from this script: http://wiki.thedarkm...t:_Average_Jack and send the recordings to Springheel, who then writes a script based on the type of voice you have. I can Translate We could always use translations of our menu/hud into more languages. Also, only a few FMs are aavailable in more than one language, so there is a lot of work there, see the I18N Translator's Guide in the Wiki. I can Model Great! Take a look at the model request thread:http://forums.thedar...-requests-here/ and pick something that interests you. Or just post a, "Hey, anybody want a model?" thread in this forum and I'm sure mappers will get back to you. I can Animate Fantastic. We can always use more good animations. Our current character rigs use a Maya skeleton. PM Springheel for more info. I know C++ Have a look at our coding section in the wiki, pick an issue or feature from the bugtracker of the mod or the leveleditor, download the recent sourcecode release (or better ask for an SVN checkout) and get cracking. Make sure nobody is already working on that specific issue and feel free to ask questions. I can Edit Images We can always use completely new textures and/or improved versions of older textures. How to get started and how to import them into the mod. I can Take Photos Good quality photos of useful textures (medieval-ish building facades, dirt, rocks, wood, etc) are always welcome. The fewer directional shadows and higher resolution, the better. I don't have any skills Even if you can't do any of the above, you can still help out. Talk about TDM in other forums; share your (preferably positive) experiences with other gamers you know. Last, but not least, compliment people when you like their work. Saying "thanks", to a developer or, "I really enjoyed your mission" to a mapper will make their day. -------------------- I'll update this further as more things occur to me.
  10. Phew, it's almost exactly been 3 years since my first post about my VR modification for TDM. Three more versions of the game have been released in the meantime, and with them come performance improvements that I feel it's finally viable to continue my work on the VR adaptation So without further ado, head on over to https://github.com/fholger/thedarkmodvr and grab the latest release. It's based on the future 2.09 version, but is fully compatible with a 2.08 install. Although I've tried to make the VR version use its own set of resources (separate `darkmod_vr.cfg` and shader folders), I'd recommend you make a backup or copy of your TDM installation to be able to get back to the flat version cleanly without effort. Please heed the README in the repository, particularly about the choices of VR backends. Some noteworthy information for this new version: performance should be considerably improved from the old alphas. That doesn't mean it's perfect - although the CPU bottleneck is now completely gone, the game is now severely fill-rate limited. So if you have a current-gen headset with high resolution and/or a weaker video card, forget about any supersampling or AA. I also strongly recommend to stick to stencil shadows and disable soft shadows and ambient occlusion - the latter isn't that impressive in VR, anyway, and simply not worth the GPU cost. And even then, there will be some scenes in some missions where reprojection is just unavoidable, even with the beefiest GPU. That being said, I have tried a multitude of maps, and I think it's very playable. the UI is finally usable! Both the menu and ingame HUD elements are projected to a virtual screen in front of your sitting position. It's not the most elegant or immersive solution for the HUD, but it works vertical mouse movement is excluded from the VR view - this was suggested by some of you way back, and I think it makes the experience much more enjoyable. It can make it a little hard, though, to aim with the mouse for actions like frobbing items, because there's currently no visual indication to where the mouse is pointing. I'm planning to add one asap, but in the meantime, you can equip a weapon to get a vague sense of your mouse orientation. If you do want to re-enable vertical movement in the view, set 'vr_lockMousePitch' to 0 in the console. Other than that, I hope you enjoy this new version. Let me know which improvements you'd like me to work on first. Also, there are probably any number of render and other bugs still left in there somewhere. If you find one, please report them over at the Github tracker (https://github.com/fholger/thedarkmodvr/issues), so I can keep track of them. Latest Update:
  11. I loved it. Awesome game. I faceplanted at the people who asked for quest markers in the Steam forums there... Herr, lass Hirn regnen. The game is so great, and so true to the original, because it doesn't hold your hand. When is the new breed of gamers gonna learn.
  12. Not so long ago I found what could make a pretty good profile picture and decided to try it out on these new forums. But I couldn't find a button anywhere that would let me change it. I asked on Discord and it seems Spooks also couldn't find anything anywhere. So I logged into an old alternative account and, lo and behold, that account has a button. This is on the first screen I get when I: 1) click on my account name in the top-right of the browser -> 2) click on 'profile'. Compared to my actual account: Are you also missing this button on your account? It'd be very much appreciated if that functionality could be restored to any of the affected accounts.
  13. Awesome! Post is up! https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22200-beta-testing-the-house-of-delisle/#comment-487365 Thanks!
  14. When I tested TDM with a gamepad long ago, I'm afraid there wasn't any. I believe I tested force feedback with a system command and it worked, so TDM just doesn't implement this yet.
  15. I am convinced outlined yellow is the superior version over outlined white. I encourage everyone interested to test the yellow version (z_Subs_212_NoBG_Yellow_v5.pk4) vs the improved original (z_Subs_212_YesBG_Geep_v4.pk4). You can find the downloads in this post.
  16. According to UserBenchmark, the "IntelĀ® HD Graphics 530" that comes with your i5-6500 is more powerful than the Geforce GT610. Most motherboards that support this CPU have both HDMI and Display Port. Yours only has VGA? Can you post a picture of the rear I\O ?
  17. One last chance! In the two mock-ups attached to this post I am printing out each block of text a total of 9 times. In my humble opinion this is as close as we can get to a true outline. 9 times may sound excessive but I recall very complex in-game digital screens with tons of text and graphics in Doom 3 and I assume my approach cannot hinder performance in any way. I can be wrong, though. Download a pk4 and place it in your TDM root folder. Do not use quicksaves/loads, start a new mission when switching pk4. Delete the pk4 once you are done with testing. Some missions to give this a go: Seeking Lady Leicester: Intro Braeden Church: Beginning The Black Mage: Intro + Beginning A New Job: Intro + whole mission Here is a comparison in extreme situations (better to experience it in-game because of image compression): Outlined white [z_Subs_212_NoBG_Yellow_v5.pk4]: Outlined yellow [z_Subs_212_NoBG_Yellow_v5.pk4]: And also attached the original, improved version [z_Subs_212_YesBG_Geep_v4.pk4]: z_Subs_212_NoBG_Yellow_v5.pk4 z_Subs_212_NoBG_White_v5.pk4 z_Subs_212_YesBG_Geep_v4.pk4
  18. oh boy, i realise this is an old post from a decade ago, and maybe i should start with asking what the default keybindings are on keyboard and mouse for this game is and then go and maky my own keybindings, i'm using a program called controller companion which makes the bindings work, and it's probably better than this old tutorial when it comes to having alternate bindings to fully grasp what's needed. but i'm having trouble with the default bindings not quite being as accurate with the current updated version of the dark mod, and it's basically making anything i bind not properly work which makes the game impossible to play, yes i know i could play on keyboard but the whole reason for the controller is simply due to a disibility i have in my hands which makes long term gaming on keyboard and mouse a real strain on my arms and wrists and fingers and i would rather play with my controller.
  19. And here is v4 "Geep", based on your code from four posts above. Background enabled Text centered New graphic White color (let me know if you want to test other colors) Choose between any v3 or v4. We will take your choice to @stgatilov for a sanity check afterwards. EDIT: Download removed. Check this post for the latest version.
  20. Zip re-uploaded in the above post. I forgot to remove the background.
  21. Thanks, @Wellingtoncrab. Yes, @Geep, @stgatilov and @datiswous are doing a great job with the subs. Having no background to rely on one may argue yellow is the worst choice since yellows are supposed to be more common in the TDM world however, from my limited testing, I detected occasional interferences with both white and yellow colors. White feels colder and yellow feels warmer. I, for some reason, find yellow more welcoming and less out of place. We could try with different shades of yellow. Find below v3 in white color for completeness sake. EDIT: Download removed. Check this post for the latest version.
  22. How about something like this (now in yellow for a change). v3 below. EDIT: Download removed. Check this post for the latest version.
  23. There can be up to three blocks and each block can contain up to two lines of text, right? Plus the graphic at the top when appropriate, correct? If that's so then the new sample attached should be ok. I take the assumption that it is not possible to measure the length of each character and have a background that fits the the length of the text and as such, I once again removed the background but now added a kind of outline (fake drop shadow). Unfortunately the current font is sometimes thick and sometimes thin and the outline would be more effective if we had a typeface with a more consistent, thick outline. Subs are displayed by limited time and the more clear the font the faster we scan the text. I know you want the background because you are concerned some words cannot be read in some situations but my main concern is about those players that wouldn't mind having subs but end up disabling them simply because they find the whole approach too obtrusive. In my sample I went from pure white text to a light grey shade. Yellow color works quite well too for the subs. I understood what you were going for but it didn't land here. I haven't thought of alternatives for the graphic but I am impressed with some of @MirceaKitsune's gui/hud work so perhaps he can come up with different ideas. EDIT: Download removed. Check this post for the latest version.
  24. Particle collisions cannot be computed in realtime, particles are purely graphical effect which cannot interact with collisions. So the collisions have to be precomputed beforehand, just like dmap precomputes triangulations of brushes. Most of the nuances grow from here. It was possible in theory to run it automatically during dmap (just like e.g. you never have to run aas tool directly, because dmap calls it automatically), but I'm afraid it would annoy everyone because it may take quite a lot of time depending on settings. Now that some people have some practice with this, should we change it? Most importantly, collisions are precomputed statically. If you move the emitter, the collision information becomes wrong. All objects which seem dynamic are automatically excluded from precomputation, so the particles will still go straight through all the guards and moveables. What do you mean by "default" behavior? Default behavior of what? particles? Like make all particle emitters stop on collisions automatically? What about cases when mapper wanted particles to pierce walls? What about moving particle emitters? The goal was to reduce amount of work actually. As soon as you are able to set one huge particle emitter over the whole map, I think you don't have to mess with it any more, just remember to execute runParticle occasionally when you want up-to-date collisions. Before that, mapper had to split the rain patch into many patches and manually tweak every patch so that it stops at proper height. As far as I understand, it was very time-consuming and painful. As for areaLock, it does not restrict particles to single area. It only disables the whole system if renderer proves player does not see the specified area. As long as the door is open, you should still see rain falling indoors, no? Yeah, this is a tough question. Texture layout: Only works properly if particle evolves exactly the same way if emitted from the same location. Interacts with texturing: requires you to set non-overlapping texcoords in 0..1 range on the emitting surface. The only option in TDM 2.08. Ok for straight-falling rain, but snow is out of question. Linear layout: Only works for a periodic system, i.e. the whole system exactly repeats itself after some time. Precomputation might take a lot of time, especially if you insist on a large period. [problem for maintainers like me] If particle code is changed in TDM engine, the collisions must be recomputed. Was added in TDM 2.09. Supports pretty much any kind of particles, although snow was the main goal.
  25. Not sure if this was posted before A few pics of the Game The Unluckiest Man, a Free Short Mission created by the same guy in the post above. He's pretty good at creating cozy environments, good exterior atmosphere and lighting. Here's the Link for the game on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2140900/The_Unluckiest_Man/ It's free.
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