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  1. Looking at the code, the originals were "pm_mantle_pull 750" and "pm_mantle_pullFast 450". The new "pm_mantle_pull" value is "400". A "pm_mantle_pullFast" value of "450" would be slower than regular pull, not faster. With both being set to "400", they are at least similar. Other than that, it's subjective and the feedback from playtesters was positive. Also, referenced internally here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22256-movementcontrols-settings-in-main-menu/&do=findComment&comment=489158
  2. That sort of tone doesn't fly in our forums.
  3. I would use this massive list for any fan missions, it includes campaigns too: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148090 There are a lot of Fan Missions for the picking, I myself go for the lesser known ones and the short variety, because sometimes they hide a gem or two. Just like jaxa, I'm a bit outdated after the temporal retirement, but I do remember some amazing campaigns like "The Black Frog". If you intend to play The Black Frog, you should play the first two of the L'Arsene series missions, it's how I did it myself. Also, yes, L'Arsene are a fantastic series. The first mission of L'Arsene is a "rough draft", author was a bit new to Thief level making, but still great either way, after the 3rd you will see how his skill increased by a massive amount.
  4. Unfortunately, TDM forum deletes the separator between the numbers. So I have to guess where one number ends and the next starts Also, user can rename screenshot manually, or push it through something that would rename it automatically. Thenwe won't see coordinates on screenshot address on forums.
  5. tdm_show_viewpos cvar and screenshot_viewpos command: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22310-212-viewpos-on-player-hud-and-screenshots/
  6. Well I've finished it in the end. Overall an enjoyable and hugely impressive mission with my favourite area being the Cathedral. My problem with this mission was that I felt everything was too big, first the sewers although not too much of a maze I found them frustrating because if you didn't find the next item you needed to proceed it could take you an age to find that item with almost everywhere looking the same I found myself too easily lose my bearings. The Town was easier but I felt went on for too long, as again the forest was too big for my personal preference, again I spent an age backtracking looking for that elusive cave or side pathway. As for the Cathedral I found that to be the perfect size, I was expecting after the town to come across a monstrously sized building that went on for ever so was pleasantly surprised and it looked great. Yes I found everything in the end (with a few hits from the forum) but I get greater satisfaction from missions that tended to be less spread out, smaller being better IMO, others I'm sure prefer the opposite. The puzzles were spot on, I'm not that keen on tough mind bendingly painful puzzles but everything in this mission was fair and reasonable, with books and hints easily found and near to the actual puzzles themselves, so thank you for that. I didn't achieve the loot target (about 400g short) thankfully that was an optional goal, and I only achieved 1 good deed, obviously my experience as a TDM players is sub par, I really ought play more. Anyway thanks for one whole day lost wandering around your monster sized mission, it was great fun overall and I look forward to your next mission.
  7. Relax @Näkki, it's great to hear you enjoyed the game. My personal expectations were just a bit different when I read the Steam page, although the various trailers should have been a warning that stealth maybe wasn't the biggest priority of the devs. From the Steam page: "Weird west legends meet eldritch horror in BLOOD WEST, an immersive stealth FPS." Also "Blood West is a stealth FPS inspired by the genre classics such as the Thief series (whose fans will be happy to hear the voice of Stephen Russell, the actor voicing the master-thief Garrett, returning here as the protagonist), S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, or - from the contemporary catalog - Hunt: Showdown. The gameplay rewards the careful approach: scouting the area, stalking your enemies, and striking from the shadows. Can you figure out a way to clear a fort full of ghouls and monsters without raising an alarm?" From my personal experience I think the game is predominantly Hunt: Showdown, a bit of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and a very small portion Thief. Stealth is very unforgiving and makes it almost impossible early game when there are various enemies around, but hey maybe I just suck at it. I don't see Deus Ex in it, unless the skill leveling is the Deus Ex part for you and then I have to disagree with you, as that seems like the trait system in Hunt: Showdown. Edit: What I also understood from the Steam forums is that the original VA was dropped close before the release of the full version and replaced by Russell with no real explanation from the devs why this was done.
  8. The devs didn't title this thread, and @datiswous said they're attempting to mislead people by using Russell's name and a retro style to make it resemble Thief, which is cynical. I grew up on forums like I'm sure anyone who likes a game from '98 did. I actually left the Discord immediately after joining it because it was more off-topic doom-posting than anything relevant to the mod. I thought the forums might be better, but it's mostly just grown men yelling at clouds and telling strangers how mature they are, and a few brave souls actually developing anything. Depressing place, I'll just stick to enjoying new missions every 6 months without an account.
  9. True, but, 1. this thread is called "Western stealth FPS with Stephen Russell", and, 2. nothing you said changes anything for me. The gameplay still doesn't look like something I'd enjoy. And, if you really think this forum is cynical, then you don't visit forums much. Actually, the majority of the users are are pretty mature, unlike in other forums.
  10. So, if I understand you, no Thief Gold FM does sound and text notifications of completed objectives? The missions in The Black Parade surely did. I'm completely confused now. I was sure that original Thief Gold had those objective complete notifications (at least the sound). Reading this thread suggests otherwise though: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132977
  11. kinda weird but i lost all compulsions for gaming... went back to building sleeper PC's as a hobby instead. heres my latest -> Lian Li PC-B25FB outfitted with an asus x99 deluxe mainboard, a 1080 ti gfx card, 32 gigs of G-Skill DDR4 ram. and a samsung 1tb nvme as well as two 2tb sata ssd's also from samsung. probably the lightest PC i ever built... 750 watt corsair PSU and it weighs about the same as a good handbag . cabby while 16 years old has some pretty good airflow to. two 140mm fans up top two 120mm in front and one 140mm blowing out the back. The CPU cooler is a thermalright. Perfect machine for old school lan parties because of the weight and it is plenty powerfull also with the 6900K cpu.
  12. A Problem Arises I've paused subtitling of the Lady02 vocal set, because of a problem with the voice clips described here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21741-subtitles-possibilities-beyond-211/&do=findComment&comment=490151 While a way forward is being determined, I'll work on a different vocal set. Maybe manbeast, for which Kingsal just provided me the voice script.
  13. Skacky prefers the darker look of Thief Gold to TMA and wanted all the TG assets available when building the mission.
  14. Black Parade is released ! https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152429
  15. Body awareness please. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20013-are-you-gonna-add-this/
  16. If the "mission fails as soon as stealth score turns non-zero," that would not be good for ghost players. They might need to find out "how" they failed and experiment to avoid alerting guards. They might need to take those score points as a "bust". They might need to take those score points to complete an objective. Then, mission authors would need to encode exceptions into their missions, which would be a lot of work (if they decide to do it at all). However, part of what makes ghosting challenging and fun is when mission authors do not create their missions with ghosting in mind. Please see: Official Ghosting Rules: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148523 Writing code for these rules would be a huge undertaking. Ghost Rules Discussion: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148487 Creating an official mode could alienate these dedicated ghost players, because it would clash with what is considered ghosting in the community. Including the Stealth Stat Tool mod in the official release would be more useful. Or, making the audible alert states of guards quick and easy to recognize could help as well. For these reasons, I don't agree with an official "Ghost" mode. If the dev team were to do it, we should consult with @Klatremus so we get it 100% correct or not pursue it at all. (This ghosting bit should probably be in its own thread.)
  17. I loved it. Awesome game. I faceplanted at the people who asked for quest markers in the Steam forums there... Herr, lass Hirn regnen. The game is so great, and so true to the original, because it doesn't hold your hand. When is the new breed of gamers gonna learn.
  18. A couple more: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21739-resolved-allow-mantling-while-carrying-a-body/ https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22211-feature-proposal-new-lean-for-tdm-212/ https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22198-feature-proposal-frob-to-use-world-item/ https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22249-212-auto-search-bodies/
  19. I'm happy to present my first FM, The Spider and the Finch. There may be a spider, but no ghosts or undead. It should run a couple hours. It's now available on the Missions page or the in-game downloader. Many thanks to the beta testers Acolytesix, Cambridge Spy, datiswous, madtaffer, Shadow, and wesp5 for helping me improve and making the mission to the best of my abilities. This would not be have been possible without Fidcal's excellent DarkRadiant tutorial. Thanks also to the many people who answered my questions in the TDM forums. Cheers! 2023-12-13 Mission updated to version 3. Fixed a bug where the optional loot option objective was not actually optional. Updated the animations for Astrid Added a hallway door so the guards are less likely to be aggroed en masse. 2024-05-31 Mission updated to version 4. Adjusted tower guards Added voices for conversations Improvements to objectives
  20. Yes, I left it a little ambiguous as to what I meant; in that Both there is 1 particular model over-used AND that there are more lamp/lantern options available now. (more and some form of Modular-lamp would be neater) I think that is a 'Naval / Marine' "Den Haan Holland" brand lamp; for yacht use...and apparently STILL-MADE (today). [or its not and its a 'Tung Woo' from the late 19th century, Marine/Ship wall-lamp...its hard to tell them apart]
  21. Idea: Thief 3 style missions.

    One of the great features of Thief 3 are missions defided in small segments with loading screens when you move from segment to segment. We all miss those right? I was thinking of mapping only horizontal, so not stacked. When you go up or down (stairs or elevator), you get a 20 seconds fake loading screen where you can play a minigame (The Builder's Blocks?). After that you get teleported to a different area that seems to be on top of the first, but actually isn't in the map file. It's much easier mapping, because you can see everything in one glance from above. This could also give more freedom building, because it doesn't have to fit. Everything is predictable because guards don't move to different sections.

    This could be used for the Thief 3 contest possibly..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AluminumHaste


      Just use layers in Dark Radiant. Put everything on one floor in a single layer then hide it.

    3. jaxa


      Seems like the idea is doable, IDK about the fake loading screen though.

      How well can TDM handle large, open areas? I know it was never a strong suit of the engine, but I'm thinking of the recent "A Bridge Too Far" and biiig T2 FMs like "Lord Alan's Factory".

    4. datiswous
  22. Wasn't sure if I should still post this since the mystery was somewhat solved, but just to confirm this case can be found in the wild with FM's other than mine: Yesterday I played Chronicles of Skulduggery 0: To Catch a Thief. There's a door up on a terrace (I can reinstall it and go there to get a viewpos if anyone's interested) which upon picking and opening will cause the light on the back of the wall indoor to slightly shine on the floor outside through the entire wall. Exact same camera position / angle in both images so you can just overlap the two screenshots to see the difference, though if you look at the bottom left ground it's pretty clear what happens once the door is opened. It's still a bit weird: The wall module model should still be casting a shadow, even if the wall brush uses caulk and not shadow caulk. Whatever the case a few FM's out there seem to have this problem, even if it's not an issue the engine or building modules can resolve I wonder if mappers can be better put on notice about it since like me most are likely not aware this is a thing or what causes it. Looked at the first post again and the video attached to it: Definitely seems like the same thing. Most importantly it wasn't doing this in earlier versions which I didn't realize... I'm seeing the clarification by Stgatilov as well which I initially missed, I definitely prefer the performance optimization but now I do wonder if something can also be done about this eventually.
  23. DarkRadiant is presently suffering from huge slowdowns when editing complex maps. They appear to increase the more models and entities are added to a map: With the building modules used in a lot of places, one of my maps is at the point where DR freezes for over one second whenever I merely toggle a filter which is very annoying for every repeated action. The lag occurs both when moving the 2D or 3D camera or viewport around, as well as enabling or disabling filters or using Control + F to go in and out of editing a group. From what I can tell as an end user, this seems to occur because DR drops models that are no longer being rendered from memory, so whenever a change in the camera or viewport is made everything that pops into view or is recalculated floods back in. While this may be nice to save on RAM, my suggestion would be a change or at least an option to disable this behavior and keep everything precached: Like TDM itself, DR should maintain every model and texture used by the map in memory, only removing it once every last instance has been changed or deleted from the map being edited.
  24. Aha, thank you for this clarification! I see what's happening now: I was expecting that the building modules still cast shadows by default, which I was in fact hoping got disabled since their performance impact can be felt... in addition I thought texturing the walls with normal caulk would still work as they create closed rooms, but indeed caulk isn't a shadow caster so I shall replace them with shadowcaulk as suggested. There's another bug in latest dev I was waiting to report: I noticed I can place electrical lights in DarkRadiant where they show up just fine, but when opening the map in TDM they do not spawn any longer. The console provides a warning which suggests an invalid newline causing the engine not to load the def though DR doesn't mind it. I don't override the file in my FM nor had any errors while running the installer and updating so I'm presuming something got broken. WARNING:file def/tdm_lights_static_electric.def, line 612: newline inside string
  25. It's not that no: I didn't modify the properties of the default entity or its flame, in this case it's the standard atdm:lamp_oil_wall_lit entity... also I have player shadows enabled, the player as well as other architecture elements cast shadows fine. Walls are the building modules, eg: model models/darkmod/architecture/modules/interior_set01_corner.lwo with skin diamond_wallpaper as a test. This is the closest to the setup I still have: The origin of the light is well beyond the face of the module surface for shadow casting. Though this shouldn't even matter since the light is in the other room and the caulk brush should itself mark this. I think I noticed this on other maps too while playing, but only now saw it obviously enough to realize there's likely an issue somewhere. I remember seeing the glow of a light from another room shining on the floor / ceiling when it shouldn't, though I didn't document it at the time.
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