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  1. Is there something wrong with the forums lately, or is it my browser? I've been having trouble formatting posts, and just now I couldn't format anything at all.

    I'm using Vivaldi.

    Usually I have to: select text, click bold, nothing happens, select again, click bold, then it works. 

    Same for other stuff, like creating spoilers, bullet points, links. Nothing works the first time. 

    1. datiswous


      I have no problem. I use Firefox. @Zerg Rush also uses Vivaldi. Have you tried without extensions, or in another browser?

      (btw. bold, italic and underline have shortcut keys: Ctrl B, Ctrl I and Ctrl U, you could try that)


  2. Okay, I'd like to throw in one idea. Open the spoilers for several disclaimers. Imagine 1. a real-time, online Multiplayer for Dark Mod (or similar 3D-first-person-medieval-theft-style game inspired by thief) 2. every real person has an account with a virtual money balance as acquired by playing the game 3 however, if one's virtual character dies, so does the account, and then the money is gone. One can decide to start fresh with a new account though. 4. top players and their accounts are listed somewhere on the games central website, bla bla bla, so there is motivation to have a long-lived character with a lot of money So far so good (?). Now for some gameplay specifics: 5. there are maps, of course. Everyone is free to design Maps. (since availability of maps is certainly one of the bigger bottlenecks, the initiative for someone to submit a map should be rewarded, or at least not made difficult). 6. There is an official entrance for the map, where the guards enter. And then there is a (or several?) inoffical entrance(s). There thieves might enter. The map creator is responsible for making sure both types of entrances (official and inoffical) exist. (As with single-player maps, the map creator should make sure there are official and inofficial routes throughout - in other words, an interesting, explorable, thief-style map). 7. The map creator is also responsible for making some riddles, which potential thiefs must solve in order to get into the map. Riddles should be hard (only solvable with a "hacker-mentality" - think of the cognitive tasks thieves face when trying to get entrance to a complicated system) (or, metaphorically speaking - the thieves play out their own version of a cutscene before a heist - of course only in their mind, not with a video ) 8. The goal of the guards is to, well, guard a specific object (or keep thieves from achieving a certain objective) for a certain amount of time. If they succeed, they will be paid accordingly (or rather the player's accounts)). 9. Per map, there is a maximum number of guards. This number is defined by the map creator. Also, the map creator equips each guard. Before a map starts, each guard position must be filled. If more people are interested than open positions exist, there will be a competitive selection procedure (maybe one-on-one fights in a "sandbox" mode against contestants? Or a quiz how well they are familiar with the map they want to guard?) 10. Importantly, the map creator CANNOT specify routes of guards. This is up to the players playing the guards. 11. Even more importantly - the group of guards do not know when of even if thieves will appear. This should encourage patrolling-style behaviors automatically. 12. The entrance riddle of thieves should be difficult. This is the main trade-off for the lucrative prize, together with the high guards:thieves ratio. 13. Within the map, there is no chat. People (guards and thieves) should only be allowed to cooperate via game-play elements. Therefore, guards writing letters should be possible, but thieves might steal this information within the map. (maybe talking is also possible, but this should be audible in a realistic way - thieves should be careful to not raise their voices and were they want to speak) 14. When the set time for a map is done, the players may decide each time if they want to play for the guards or the thieves next time. All in all, I believe this gameplay style would offer trade-offs for each party (guards, thieves) to make it difficult for both but balanced. Going back to the disclaimer: I'm aware that the online, real-time nature of my suggestion is difficult to implement at best, impossible at worst. But then, why these specific ideas? I believe such an approach could circumvent several dangers Dark Mod is facing: - rather unrealistic/easy AI --> not an issue here, because there is no AI, only natural human intelligence. - small ratio between map playing time : map creation time (not so much an issue as maps may be reused, but the feel for the mission is kinda new each time) - this might inspire some opening up of the community to new players, or encourage people to hand in maps, with the prospect that they might be used in a real-time, MP, higher-stakes scenario. So! I think I'm ready now being torn apart by you guys
  3. Since Aluminum directed me here ( https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/9082-newbie-darkradiant-questions/page/437/#comment-475263 ) can we have unlimited renderer effects? Well, maybe not unlimited, by maybe 3-5? Thanks.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nort


      Since I wasn't the one mainly asking, I'll just cite you in the original thread instead.

    3. AluminumHaste


      There already is a kind of sorting, sort nearest, sort decal, sort <n>. For things like windows and such, sort nearest should probably have the desirable affect, though looking through multiple translucent shaders might kill performance.

    4. Nort


      Is having multiple render effects really killing performance that badly? I don't understand. You're saying that if I have two transparent objects side-by-side, then they'll just count as two render effects, but when combined, they somehow become something much more difficult to render?

      Never-the-less, unless we're talking some kind of infinite portal problem, why not let the mapper choose how much he wants to kill performance? Just warn him against putting too many effects close together.

  4. Woo!! 2.10 Beta "Release Candidate" ( 210-07 ) is out:


    It wont be long now :) ...

  5. I don't think there's a link to thedarkmod.com on forums.thedarkmod.com ...

    1. datiswous


      Yeah and the wiki and moddb. It should have those links in the footer I think. Probably easy to add by an admin.

      Edit: And a link to the bugtracker. I'm always searching for a post in the forum that links to that because I can't remember the url.

    2. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      I drew attention to this several times in the last few years. No one payed it any attention, so I just gave up.

    3. duzenko


      Reluctance to improve the forums is matched by reluctance to allow more people to work on it. Talk about trust and power.

  6. Not so long ago I found what could make a pretty good profile picture and decided to try it out on these new forums. But I couldn't find a button anywhere that would let me change it. I asked on Discord and it seems Spooks also couldn't find anything anywhere. So I logged into an old alternative account and, lo and behold, that account has a button. This is on the first screen I get when I: 1) click on my account name in the top-right of the browser -> 2) click on 'profile'. Compared to my actual account: Are you also missing this button on your account? It'd be very much appreciated if that functionality could be restored to any of the affected accounts.
  7. Hi, I need to know what the code is to use Spoiler Tags. I am using my tablet and I don't have the options to use anything, like spoiler tags, quote tags, text changes etc. Thanks
  8. Still spreading the word about TDM on forums to new peops... Funny to see people say "Awesome, I loved playing Thief back in the day!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kano


      Yes it was in a discussion where someone was saying how unhappy they are with the way game companies grant themselves permission to do whatever they like to your PC and personal info today. I pointed out that giving up games completely is an unnecessarily overkill solution when there are free games like TDM to play.

    3. Epifire


      Honestly the mod/Indie genre is still really booming right now. And they aint got no reason to do shady invasive privacy bs.

    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      What Epifire said. :-)

  9. Hello. I have started to work on multiplayer and I'm looking for contributions. After some tweaking now you can set up a server or connect to one. Here's an overview: -I've added a few placeholder GUIs and a Join Game button for the host. I think I can't do much more than that since I don't have the original GUI assets from Doom3 -The player will be able to respawn after death by clicking attack, just like in Doom3. The fadeout effect is quicker than the single player one. Maybe the player should stay in spectate for 10-30 seconds. -Commented out the part about player skins, since I don't need it right now. -Event_GetEntity: if the entity you want to get in a script is named 'player1', the function will redirect you to gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() -Added back the si_pure cvar for the server/client checksum check: if the cvar is set to 0, players will be able to connect even if their installations don't match. -I haven't worked on the objectives. /Commented out the objectives part. I'm not sure what the server is supposed to do after someone completes all the objectives. Restart the map? Change map and force the client to install another mission, then restart the game and reconnect? -Frob highlighting is done client-side, you can pick up objects but I couldn't get grabbing/lifting to work. -Various band-aid fixes. Here's a list of things that need to be fixed: -Weapons (clientside). They work only for the server host, and I can't quite figure out how the client is supposed to change weapon, since the SelectWeapon function is reserved for the host. -Inventory (clientside) -Flashbombs and flashmines don't spawn in the right place when used. -Lightgem.The AI are blind. -Chat GUI and other GUIs. -Third person animations. People can't see when I'm attacking because the player's torso is stiff. Does the player's worldmodel support the existing NPC animations? If so, most of the work is already done. In any case, we'll need a mantling animation, which could benefit single-player guards too. -Speaking of mantling, client mantling is buggy. The camera animation runs at double the normal speed, and the player is not left hanging on ledges, so the clients often land back where they started unless they keep jumping. -A new server message which tells all players when an objective has been completed. -The player's head is bugged when another client connects. Right now there's not much you can do, besides hosting a jumping/tap-dancing competition or roaming together around a map (without AIs). You can use 'say <message>' to chat. Here's the code. I have included only the files I've changed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/16j3mlkwprthsin/multiplayertest.zip?dl=0 I have also included an executable and DLL for windows in the zip. I recommend you to back up your old ones, because the new ones were compiled with vs2013 which has a few weird bugs. This was based off the latest official source(2.03). Maybe we could set up a branch, or add this directly to the main branch. Thanks to SteveL for some tips. IMPORTANT: the client's installed FM must be the same as the server's, otherwise the client will keep trying to restart the game endlessly trying to find it.
  10. Hey guys, anybody like to do a bit of lounging around and general multiplayer stuff on Steam? I know we are all mostly on different time zones but I figured it'd be fun to do some fun bits online.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Epifire


      We seriously need a pinned page with all this info crammed in there or something. I didn't realize anyone actually ran with the whole chatroom thing after we talked about it.

    3. Epifire


      Do you have a link to this, "Biker-room"?

    4. Xarg


      For anyone else curious, https://discord.gg/0pXtSX7AX7mBRin6 should be valid for 24 hours from now.

  11. Hi guys, through the "cheats" topic I got the idea, that it would be quite useful, if there were tags for missions (the post was about removing the killing restriction in some missions to suit the prefered play style). I don't know how easy or difficult this is, but with them, it would be quite convenient to pick missions with playstyles, environment, etc one does want to use. This could also be expanded to other mission properties. I remember a discussion about climbable drains, handles on doors, that cannot be picked and other things the map author chooses for himself. That way these things would be clearer and as I said before, it is easier to choose missions with playstyles that suit oneself. What do think?
    1. Tarhiel


      Awesome, congratulations!!! :o

    2. Bikerdude


      Yup, all the remianing bugs were ironed out, so it nigh on perfect now.

    3. AluminumHaste


      version 2.1 is now uploaded to mirrors ready to download.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      It's exclusive to games that almost guarantee loss if one player leaves.

    3. OrbWeaver


      Cooperative multiplayer games are fine. It's just the competitive ones that are the problem. Either you get let down by random team-mates, or you're the one letting them down and you get abuse.

    4. Bikerdude


      +1 on coop games, as I recently only discovered this type of gameplay in Dying Light.

  12. can somebody fix the mainpage of our site? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19469-new-layout-error/

    1. nbohr1more
    2. Springheel


      It's under construction at the moment.


  13. Experimenting with TDM on Steam Link on Android. see topic http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19432-tdm-on-steam-link-for-android/

    1. freyk


      Did the TDM team removed D3's internal Joypad feature? (tdm works only with systemkey binders for joysicks)

    2. freyk


      Thanks to shadrach, i got my joypad working in TDM on steam link!

  14. I'm sure the idea has occurred in someone's mind before, and it's certainly made me curious: Has a multiplayer mode ever been considered? Obviously I'm not talking about DeathMatch, and players using bows and swords to frag each other and score... there are enough FPS projects designed for that purpose. I'm thinking of multiple players partaking in the same mission on a server. The most obvious way is a coop mod, where any player can join the mission and play it as usual (no attacking each other). When a player completes an objective, the objective is marked as completed for everyone. Players can form groups and go for different objectives to complete the mission faster. I believe this would automatically work for all existing missions. An alternative mode, which is what I think would make the effort worth it, are players being able to join different sides: When entering the server, each player is asked what role they wish to play. Each role changes where the player spawns, what objectives they have, and who their enemies and allies are (among both players and AI). For example, a mission can contain the two roles "thief" and "guard": Players who join the thief team spawn outside of a house which they must enter and rob, and will be attacked by both guard AI's and guard players. Players who join the guard team instead will spawn in the house and be friends with guard AI's, while their objective is to find and kill all players in the thief team. I imagine this would require greater coding and refractoring some existing mechanics though. Obviously there would be limitations and concerns to playing online. The most obvious is that saving and loading would no longer be possible, and once a player is dead they must be turned into a floating spectator. Another issue is that unlike FPS games, TDM would be more prone to trolling in an online environment. For example, if there's an objective which requires you to not kill someone, a troublemaker can do so and end the game for all players. Some players might also feel like killing everyone in sight, making others who prefer stealth feel that the game is being ruined.
  15. Did a great find today: Quake 4 mods for dummies. Now online readable. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/5576-book-quake-4-mods-for-dummies/?p=412644

  16. Hello there, I am a new player that started playing with the release of 2.0 and to say the least, I am overjoyed at how brilliant and complex this game is and the numerous unique missions there are to be played. I was recently having a discussion with a friend concerning the game and he brought up the topic of multiplayer which led me to thinking about the implications within The Dark Mod and for this topic - a cooperative gamemode. It would certainly open up new avenues of gameplay and possibly bring more people aboard but it would also bring its own share of troubles that could make it unfeasible for this game. I know that this game has been around for quite some time, so the topic has probably come up in the past and because of how delicate the singleplayer experience is, I am not holding out for multiplayer in the near or far future but my question is essentially - is it possible for multiplayer is be incorporated into The Dark Mod? Thank you
    1. Obsttorte
    2. Bikerdude


      He changed ita long while back, it was so he was using the same name as he uses on other forums.

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