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  1. Well, let's explore this a bit. How can this be solved? Currently, creeping overrides running (like you said). Here are a couple issues or considerations: What about players who want to keep the fine control of toggling each one independently? Perhaps some players want to go from creeping to running. At the moment, the code is written in such a way (due to its Doom 3 history) that toggling creep can set the toggled run state, but toggling run cannot set the toggled creep state. The toggle creep key can set the toggled run state to walk but only once. If the player presses the toggle run key again, it will toggle without regard to the toggled creep state. Fixing this would require a lot of code rewriting. Brainstorming: It almost sounds like increase and decrease speed keys are desired. Run key to go from creep to walk and from walk to run. Creep key to go from run to walk and from walk to creep. If you're curious to give this a try, here's a Linux test build that matches beta212-05 (rev 16950-10635) with the following change: The toggle creep key sets the toggled run state to walk but only once. If the player presses the toggle run key again, it will toggle without regard to the toggled creep state. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1osTCQRf7LQ5wPvhGl2uRU4NcFnJPEu9_/view?usp=sharing
  2. Hello everyone! I'm excited to bring you Cauldron of the Gods, the second mission in the Volta series. This mission is large, so I'd expect anywhere from 1.5 - 2+ hours depending on your play style. **Hard and Expert difficulties increase AI awareness, patrols, and amount of health potions in the level.** Version 2.2 (requires 2.08) Available in the in-game downloader or HERE Credits: Vocals: Andrew Bartmess - The Thief / Narrator Goldwell - Bellero / Drunk Nobleman Yandros - The Manbeasts Modeling: Epifire - Builder props Drdocker - Rock models **See cauldron_v1/models/model_credits.txt for full list. Music Credit: Ghast, Gigagooga, Sephy, Spadey **See cauldron_v1/sound/sound_credits.txt for full list. Scripting help: Obsttorte, SteveL Special thanks to these awesome beta testers: Bikerdude, Boilder's_hiss, Epifire, DrDocker, FinalBoss, Goldwell, Judith, Springheel New to TDM? -I'd recommend playing the tutorial and Volta 1: The Stone before playing this this mission. Stuck or having a problem? Tips: A couple screen shots: I hope you enjoy it! -Kingsal
  3. Hint: I checked the objectives. It is possible to not read the note and also not see the body, in which case you wouldn't know she needed reviving and then you would not be able to complete the mission. I will release an update to fix that. Since you did find her though, I don't know why you didn't get an objective to revive her. I'm not able to reproduce that bug. Finding the note is set as optional, so missing that alone wont cause a fail.
  4. I wrote earlier that I owe this masterpiece a review, so... Here is my detailed review of this groundbreaking and seminal Mission Fan. SPOILERS ABOUND ! TDM PLAYER BEWARE, YOU'RE IN FOR SPOILERS AND MAYBE EVEN A SCARE ! This mission... subverted my expectations. Starting with the briefing video. Not since the days of Sergio Leone's Spaghetti Westerns have I seen such daring subversion right at the start. You're expecting one thing... then, bam ! I tried everything to infiltrate the mansion from the outside ! No luck ! Well and truly, expectations subverted ! NPC dialogue heard from the inside... stellar ! Brought a tear to my eye. Or was it just one of the raindrops that fell on my head ? What else brought a tear to my eye ? The senselessly slaughtered guard at the courtyard ! Clearly, a cautionary story that he who grabs a sword... and yet, forgets to dim his lantern, the fool... shall die by someone's sword or arrow. Figures ! That you hid the masterful sidequest of collecting the pennies-for-a-thought from the rather racy fountain, in order to later thoughtfully redistribute them to the poor and hungry street urchins of Bridgeport, is nothing short of design brilliance worthy of at least a two hours long, detailed GDC lecture. I'd watch such a lecture on a loop, 24 hours a day, twelve times a day. Brilliant stuff ! Ah, the side-yard, with steps and a basement entrance that looked and felt straight out of Thief II's opening mission, Running Interference... Could the cunning TDM homages to the classics get any better ?! Could they ? Well, soon enough, I discovered that, yes, they could get even better ! There was an even more amazing homage that I didn't expect ! Read on to find out what... The chefpick was... indescribably cool. I now yearn for it to be included in every single FM. The classic lockpicks feel completely passé. I knocked out both NPCs and... what is this unexpected social commentary ?! The knocked-out have names ?! I applaud your deeply incisive observation, worthy of a skilled chef with a kitchen knife, that the NPCs in games are not mere fictional constructs, but fictional beings with names, hearts and souls ! I confess, upon this moving revelation, I started shedding tears so uncontrollably, I nearly had to quit playing the mission. Yet, I pressed on, heartened and refreshed by such displays of humanity in a work of stealthy interactive fiction ! The commentary was no less subtle and stealthy, I tell you ! As subtle as the protagonist's gritty, grounded accent ! Two different entrances into the local vent system... I... I can't even... So many possible routes of entry. Truly, in the grand tradition of the TDM immersive sim design philosophy ! The choice of giving the intrepid protagonist a temporary rat companion, bribable by cheese, who fetches priceless hidden loot, was equal parts innovative and a hard-hitting social commentary on the abuse of animals for theft and burglary, and people "ratting out" their fellow tenants by revealing the hiding places of their priceless belongings ! I was deeply impressed ! I was thoroughly amazed ! You even had my 'stalgia sense tingling ! Why ? That minor element of your FM even reminded me of the old but gold Thief II FM campaign The Flying Age: The Abominable Flying Machines of Dr. Zeppelinger, where you escape a prison cell by giving a mouse a bit of cheese you've managed to find, and the mouse then provides you with a means of escape. I have scarcely ever seen such a wonderful duo of homages to other past LGS missions and fan missions ! Of course, the shocking revelation with the undead in the freezer was an even more biting commentary on the undead precariat of today, and their ruthless and dehumanizing exploitation by The Man, maaan, the snobby culinary establishment. Undeadkind merely want to roam their abandoned tombs and catacombs in peace (pieces ?) and get a bite or two out of a stray vagrant or drunk guard every now and then, no big deal. Society needs to be more charitable to undeadkind ! And you've even included a gas arrow up in the rafters ! You well and truly know your audience, as I'm an old, die-hard gas arrow collecting enthusiast. I am a sophisticated, yet simple man: I see a gas arrow in Thief or The Dark Mod, I immediately grab it, owing to its rarity. Thank you for such generous mission design. To cut a long story short, I have had a thorough, engrossing and moving cultural experience with this short-but-dazzling mission ! In the shadowed alleys of TDM fan mission sites, I have crossed paths with missions that were ruthlessly difficult and confounding, yet rewarding, but never have I played a mission this... authentic... avantgarde... thought-provoking... It even made me feel hungry ! Riveting, simply riveting. Like working on the skeleton of a 1930s Art Deco skyscraper. Ultimate verdict: 22 frommages out of 20, with a happy cheese-filled rat as the cherry on the top. (But what kind of frommage ? Cheddar ? Swiss cheese ? Gouda ?! I dunno. Don't have a cheesemaking degree.) In other words, I cannot rate this mission other than with the Chef Excellence Award for... Excellence ! *chef's kiss* Le Mission Légendaire Magnifique ! Roll over, Requiem ! Roll over, Crucible of Omens ! Roll over, Iris ! This, this... is the pinnacle TDM fan mission of all time.
  5. Flakebridge Monastery In this mission you will visit a Builder outpost to steal some valuable books. It is the first in what I hope will be a series about Selis Woderose. I would like to take the opportunity to thank my beta testers: Aprilsister, Bikerdude, Chiron, lost_soul, and prjames. As well as Fidcal for his starting map, and Melan for his texture pack. Known bugs: A small number may appear at the bottom left corner of your screen when the mission loads. Press sheath weapon to make it disappear. As already mentioned this is the first mission in a series. When you have completed it you may know what you'll be going after in the next mission. You may even know where! Enjoy! And please use spoiler tags where appropriate. A couple of screens: (thanks lowenz) http://2.bp.blogspot...0/shot00001.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot...0/shot00003.jpg
  6. In addition to voting for TDM, let's help our friend Skacky garner some Moddb recognition for the momentous release of "The Black Parade" https://www.moddb.com/mods/thief-the-black-parade

  7. The Adventures of Thomas: Lucy's Quest Author: gg 2022-06-20 Version: 1.1 Required TDM Version: 2.10 or higher EFX: Yes ============================================================== Cautionary note: This FM needs a strong CPU/GPU combination sufficient to play the more demanding TDM FMs. Just as for many or most of the new FMs being released with the new gfx possibilities opened up it does a world of good to tweak the advanced video settings for the best combination of settings for your PC. For example, on my weaker laptop I set shadows as stencil and soft shadows off. On my desktop I set shadows as maps and soft shadows medium. Bloom off. Ambient occlusion off. Since the FM was built and extensively tested at these settings I believe either should produce a satisfactory experience. ============================================================== Sound Credits: freemusicarchive.org music Aislinn04_-_Aislinn_-_Lovely_Maria freesound.org klankbeeld_horror_1 freesound.org/people/CarlosCarty/sounds/522687/ om_aum_mantra_male_chant_bb freesound.org/people/Still%20Frames/sounds/37720/ still_frames freemusicarchive.org music The_Mind_Orchestra_Bruwynn tecknic.bandcamp.com/album/the-dark-mod-ambience-and-atmospheres Zack Bower Ancient_2, _3, _5. Solemn_1 freesound.org/people/Jagadamba/sounds/256006/ group_chanting_om_aum ============================================================== Thanks to: The TDM/DR developers for producing such a beautiful machine. The keepers of the wiki pages which are looking very good these days. Sotha for his invaluable tutorial "The Bakery Job". This tutorial is a jewel. Springheel for creating an atmosphere. Bikerdude for... ideas how to do things and scale things. Playtesters and advisors Dragofer, wesp5, datiswous, shadow. datiswous pointed out some immersion breaking lighting faults, so I got the idea. wesp5 gave me some good advice on how to tell the story - so it's more understandable. Dragofer gave me some early advice on optimizing the mission, which gave me a couple of months work with results that are well worth it. Dragofer wrote a script which optimizes CPU calculations of AI interactions. Shadow helped by testing the script, as well as testing other attempts at optimization. With the script in action only the minimal of AI interactions in the player's vicinity are called to be calculated. The script provides a general benefit but the results vary from computer to computer. The script targets a CPU task. ============================================================== Gameplay: Notes attached to objectives contain essential information on gameplay, on who the good/bad guys are, on what the player must do, and why. Mandatory objectives are linear, directing the player along a route to the goal. Optional objectives can be completed anytime. ============================================================== CAUTION: spiders, rats, undead, necrophiles, cannibals, psychotic thugs, and some generally unsavory characters. No snakes, though. The spiders ate them. ==============================================================
  8. TDM Modpack v3.8 released!

    Introducing the SHOCK MINE!

    1. Goldwell


      Ooooooo very cool!

  9. Some good news! Tels dug around further in his old computers and found some gold. Namely, a whole fonts directory that includes GIMP .xcf files. Tels says: "The XCF files esp. are what I used to manually draw the new characters (like adding dots to an u to convert it to ü etc.) They contain many layers with different characters, that are layout exactly in the place where they need to be for the patcher script." That is, for english stone 24 pt, one .xcf file contains two independent RGBA bitmap layers, that can be saved separately as two .dds files. A quick glance of that content appears to match the current distributed stone_0_24.dds and stone_1_24.dds. So I won't need to back-convert from DDS to TGA after all. @Amadeus, I think a copy of this should be added to the TDM assets repository. Could you do that? * http://bloodgate.com/mirrors/tdm/pub/scripts/tdm_font_source.7z
  10. I couldn't help thinking of another realism related suggestion, don't know if it was discussed before but it seemed like an interesting idea. If this were to be changed on existing lights by default, it would have minor gameplay implications, but the sort that make missions easier in a fair way. So... electric lights: Like the real ones of the era, they're implied to use incandescent light bulbs... the kind that in reality will explore and shatter upon the smallest impact, and which like real lamps are encased in glass or paper. In any realistic scenario, shooting a broadhead arrow at a lamp or even throwing a rock at it would cause it to go through the glass and break the light bulb inside. Is it wrong to imagine TDM emulating this behavior as a gameplay mechanic? Just as you can shoot water arrows at flame based lights to put them out, you'd shoot broadhead arrows at electric lights to disable them... you must however hit the glass precisely, there's no room for error and it must be a perfect shot. As a way to compensate for the benefit, AI can treat this as suspicious and become alert if seeing or hearing a lamp break, or finding a broken lamp at any time if that's deemed to provide better balance. A technical look at implementing this: Just as broadhead arrows can go and stick through small soft objects such as books, they should do the same if you hit the glass material on a lamp, while of course still bouncing off if you hit metal: Lamp glass would need a special material flag that sends a signal to the entity upon collisions but allows arrows to go through, unlike glass in other parts of the world which is meant to act as solid and changing that everywhere would break a lot of things. When pierced by an arrow, the lamp should immediately turn itself off while playing a broken glass sound and spawning a few glass particles. The glass material should be hidden if the model is a transparent surface, or replaced with a broken glass texture in case the glass is painted on a lamp model without an interior... obviously this would be done by defining a broken skin for the entity to switch to. This does imply a few complexities which should be manageable: Existing lamps supporting this behavior will need new skins and in a few cases new textures, the def must include a new skin variable similar to the lit / unlit skins in this case a broken skin. Any electric light may be connected to a light switch, we don't want toggling the switch to bring the light bulb back to life... as such a flag to permanently disable triggering the light from that point on would be required. For special purposes such as scripted events to reset the world, we should allow an event to unbreak lamps, setting their state back to being lit / unlit while re-enabling trigger toggling. What do you think about this idea and who else wants it? Would it be worth the trouble to try and implement? If so should it only be done for new lights or as a separate entity definition of existing ones, or would the change be welcome retroactively for existing missions without players and FM authors alike feeling it makes them too easy?
  11. Story: Build Time: Thanks: Download: In the in-game downloader, when it's back up* or at the following locations: Dropbox http://darkmod.taaaki.za.net/fms/lhl.pk4 http://fidcal.com/darkuser/missions/lhl.pk4 http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/fms/lhl.pk4 *right now the mission server is down, which means you will need to manually download and install this mission. Download the pk4 file from dropbox above, and place it in your folder called LhL inside your "fms" folder in your TDM install directory. Let me know if you run in to problems! Gallery: Hints, Tips, Walkthrough, Spoilers(!):
  12. I'm trying to get DR to work with my Godot projects, to replace TrenchBroom, but my first attempts haven't been fruitful. I need DR to see my project's textures, 3D models and entity definitions. I told DR where to find my game in the Game Setup window, but I'm having some issues. As far as entities go, I think I'm probably fine. I unpacked a few of TDM's .pk4 files and found the folder def with many .def files. I tried placing misc.def and tdm_base.def in there, to see if DR would load those entities after restarting, and it does but only if the game type is TDM. I'm probably fine with that, as it makes no difference, as far as I can tell. The Godot importer only cares about the contents of the .map file, which I know I can export in a few formats, so that should be fine (Q3 at least should work fine). However, DR is not seeing my project's textures. I don't know if DR can work with .png files, but I brought in some .tga files from TDM for testing and DR doesn't see them either. So something is missing, but I don't know what it is. I tried placing the textures in a textures folder at the project's root, but nothing happened. Although ideally I'd like to have the textures in root/assets/textures. I haven't tried to use 3D models at all yet, so I'm in complete darkness about that. I wonder what formats DR supports, though. I usually work with .obj, which bypasses Godot's import weirdness.
  13. Inn Business It's business, at an inn, over three nights. Development screenshots: Download: https://drive.google...dit?usp=sharing Update 1.48 uploaded March 8th, 2014, one change: patches key rarely not being frobable in one of its possible spots Big thanks to my beta testers: Airship Ballet, Kyyrma and AluminumHaste! Development supporters of note: Sotha, Springheel and Obsttorte. Also thanks Sotha, for urinating in my mission. ;-) And thanks Kyyrma for the title screen! My appreciation to all forum/wiki contributors, without whom, this wouldn't exist. Thanks to positive commenters on my previous mission too, extra motivation helps! :-) Note this uses campaign features, what you use the first night, impacts subsequent nights. And to quote a tester, "...the level is maybe best experienced in more than one sitting". If you do pause between nights, please be sure to save, you can't begin partway through effectively. (If you accidentally start a night you already completed, just fail the kill objective to switch to another night.) If your frame rates are too low facing the cemetery, please reduce your "Object Details LOD" setting. It was designed with "AI Vision" set to "Forgiving", to be able to sneak through with minimal reactions, if you want more/less, adjust your settings accordingly. There are several random, conditional aspects, and ways of going about things, so others might have slightly different experiences. Post here if you discover hidden objectives for extra points! My condolences to loot completionists, I made a bit on the third night hard, you've got your challenge cut out for you! Speaking of which, there's a TDM bug that mission complete totals too high, here are the real amounts per night: 2026/970/202. Oh, there is something that in the U.S. would be rated PG, in case you play with kids in earshot. I hope you enjoy playing it, feel free to let me know you did, and I'm glad to respond to inquiries (like how stuff was done, nothing was scripted). (Note which night you are referring to if it's something specific.) (Please remember spoiler tags to not expose things meant to be discovered by playing.) Like so: [spoiler]secrets[/spoiler] Developed for TDM 2.01. PS: Thiefette, good news, no spiders! Springheel, if you find an optional objective you can skip...you might find it immersion breaking. Others, no undead! There are a couple other interactive critters though. :-) Edit note: Some posts below were from users of an unreleased version of TDM 2.02 which broke several things, they do not reflect regular game-play.
  14. Taffers, Time ago @Obsttorte and I worked on an AutoHotKey script that allows to control the player speed with the mouse wheel. In a further attempt to reduce the amount of critical keys this game demands I also created back then a script that allows the Left Alt Key to act as a lean modifier: Left Alt + W = Lean forward Left Alt + A = Lean left Left Alt + D = Lean right I never got around publishing the script because it isn't as good as it needs to be but I think we can debate regardless whether such a Lean Modifier Key would be welcomed in the core game or not. The most interesting aspect in my opinion is that we can claim back important keys such as Q and E and use them for other purposes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here below is the script in case anyone wants to give it a try (you must be familiar with AutoHotKey). The required key bindings for the script to work are: Move forward [W], Strafe Left [A], Strafe Right [D] Lean Forward [Numpad8], Lean Left [Numpad4], Lean Right [Numpad6] You can of course change the script to your liking.... #IfWinActive ahk_exe TheDarkModx64.exe ; run only when TDM is in focus <!w:: while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("w", "P")) { Send {Blind}{Numpad8 down} } Send {Numpad8 up} return <!a:: while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("a", "P")) { Send {Blind}{Numpad4 down} } Send {Numpad4 up} return <!d:: while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("d", "P")) { Send {Blind}{Numpad6 down} } Send {Numpad6 up} return Cheers!
  15. Also, related to font improvement, I've just released "ExportFontToDoom3All256", a reconstruction of an earlier but now lost tool variant. This is described and available in the wiki article ExportFontToDoom3 I tested that tool using one of the TDM FM fonts, Andrew Script, for which a TTF file is available. I generated a fresh set of bitmaps (newly including any available Latin-1 characters). I also mucked about with FontForge, to reconfigure that TTF to be ordered like the TDM custom codepage. However, Andrew Script is missing a fair number of Latin-1 glyphs, so it would take some work to make it good (whether by editing in FontForge or post-export as bitmaps). I'm putting that aside for now, since the jury is out on whether Western language support in FMs and their fonts will become viable (see Western language support in 2024?). Instead, I plan to turn my font-improvement-for-2.13 attention to Stone 24pt, which (because its used in HUD captions) is more clearly worthwhile to work on. Looks like I'll have to convert the Stone DDS to TGA as a prerequisite to bitmap editing.
  16. Who I am is of little importance, what matters is the job I am offering. Though the item in question may be simple, I can assure you that the reward is anything but. The task, to those brave enough to follow through, is this: During the peak of Braeden's Harvest Festival, break into Lord Alister Squashbottom's manor and steal that which is most valuable to him: his prize-winning pumpkin. This is the very pumpkin he intends on submitting to the judges of this year's competition, and you are to ensure he has no choice but to resign in failure. It may be dangerous, to which you will be amply compensated, but I have little doubt you will be able to weather all obstacles and keep your eye on the prize to complete this task. For those brave enough to accept the job, start here. Cordially, E. Siltstone Gameplay Notes TDM version 2.12 is required to play this mission. Mines are pickable; simply approach them with lockpicks equipped to frob-disarm. A moss arrow can be shot at glass to make it break more quietly. I recommend playing all three difficulties, as they are very different. This FM may be more hardware intensive than normal. LOD settings can be set below "Normal" to improve performance on low-end machines. Download Version 1.0 - This FM is available here via Google Drive, and will soon be made available via the in-game mission downloader. Promotional Screenshots ThiefGuild Release Page Credits A huge thanks to my beta testers Goldwell, WellingtonCrab, Kingsal, Baal, and Rezar for all of your fantastic feedback Voice Credits - Goldwell! Asset Credits Kingsal Wellingtoncrab Goldwell Sotha Bikerdude Refle3cks Arcturus +++And thank YOU for playing!+++
  17. Want to hang out with fellow TDM enthusiasts? Want an answer to a question but don't want to wait for hours on the forum? Need a break from that marathon mapping session? Join our Discord The Dark Mod channel! Discord is a very easy-to-use hangout platform. You can easily chat, swap screenshots, or get feedback on a WIP. With around 35 members in the TDM channel, there are usually a couple active people on any time of the day. Adding screenshots is just drag and drop, and you can link directly to videos or images with automatic previews. It's extremely easy to use and very handy when you need some quick feedback on a project. You can download the free Discord app here: https://discordapp.com/download But you don't have to! You can access Discord directly from your browser by following this link: https://discord.gg/M96zPHD Hope to see you there!
  18. Please make the mission complete sound the default for TDM! It was short but I liked it.
  19. TDM Modpack v3.6 released!

    Check out the new Flash Grenade Mod.

  20. Demonstration Video I wondered if I could implement an improved lean for The Dark Mod. How was the result? Please see for yourself by checking out the video. The video shows: Leans from multiple games that show less view angle and more slide. Comparison between Thief and this lean proposal. Comparison between TDM 2.11 and this lean proposal. Aiming and shooting arrows while standing and crouching. Tap lean ability. Motivation There is something about the original Thief game's lean that feels really good. It feels close to actually peeking around a corner while not jarring the view. In an interview with former Looking Glass Studios developers, the interviewer asks them how they got leaning to feel so good while other FPS games have not. In a tweet by NamelessVoice, the author of the widely used Thief FM script library called NVScript, he said: New Lean Proposal Provide a lean that is more similar to Thief-style lean. Less view angle, more slide. Feels more natural, less awkward. Easier to aim and shoot arrows. Unlean more quickly. Feels like snapping your head back after suddenly seeing a guard. Improved lean during crouch. Compared to TDM 2.11, this lean can be used to see more around corners while crouched. Tap lean ability. Compared to TDM 2.11, this lean allows pressing the lean keybinding in rapid succession. Other: Fixed "lean getting stuck sometimes" bug in TDM 2.11. Fixed "lean getting stuck after saved game load" bug in TDM 2.11. Technical Details Bug Tracker https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6320 Cvars At the moment, the new lean is toggled on via the tdm_lean2_mode cvar. Other cvars include: pm_lean2_time_to_lean (default "400") pm_lean2_time_to_unlean (default "300") pm_lean2_slide (default "200") pm_lean2_angle (default "8") pm_lean2_angle_mod (default "0.5") However, I didn't know how to proceed with this section. Does the new lean replace the old lean? Does the new lean become the default while keeping the old lean available? Code TDM 2.11 uses a sine easing function. Instead, this new lean uses a cubic bézier easing function. For a 2.11-Like Lean For a lean that is similar to 2.11, its cvars can be set to the following: pm_lean2_slide "100" pm_lean2_angle "18" pm_lean2_angle_mod "0.8" The following video shows a comparison between 2.11 and this new lean proposal with those cvar settings.
  21. Paying the Bills: 0 - Moving Day You've just heard a sweet tip. Get to work before the window of opportunity closes. Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hMqw99FgTk5jkezPnI1aaU2xX_gJ8fwo?usp=sharing Credits Assets: Amadeus - the Golden Lute STRUNK - new kitchen assets as well as fireflies & bats Alpha Testers: Amadeus, Baby Genius, Bienie, dragofer, Epifire, Jack Farmer, joebarnin, kingsal, NeonsStyle, Rotary Racer, The Dark One Beta Testers: Cambridge Spy, Shadow, Abusimplea, JackFarmer, thebigh, wesp5, Amadeus, kingsal, s.urfer, joebarnin, grayman, nbohr1more, prjames, AluminumHaste, Dragofer, datiswous, stgatilov, duzenko, Goldwell, Wellingtoncrab, If I forgot anyone PLEASE LET ME KNOW Notes - TDM 2.10 Beta 5 or later is REQUIRED to play this mission. - This is my first FM and took me roughly 4 years and 1000+ hours. I had originally planned a city map for my first FM, I even had an over-arching story set across 4 missions, but I decided to whip up a prequel to use as my "training-wheels protocol" for DarkRadiant before I move on to my magnum opus, hence why this one is #0. Subsequent entries will be on a micro scale compared to this map. - This FM implements the func_peek mechanic, allowing players to peek through any door that has a keyhole on it by leaning forward. PLEASE NOTE: This function has been known to cause crashes for a small number of players in the past, likely due to using the 32-bit version of TDM. At no point in this mission is it required to use the func_peek mechanic; it is purely optional, so feel free not to use it. - There are spiders - Suggestive themes/references - DISCLAIMER: This is a BIG mission by TDM standards, and has a lot of wide outdoor areas; performance may vary greatly. - Lots of plans for future updates, many ideas still left on paper. Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hMqw99FgTk5jkezPnI1aaU2xX_gJ8fwo?usp=sharing (drop the folder into darkmod/fms) Many thanks, have fun!
  22. Build Time: About 2 yrsThanks: To the Dark Mod team and comminuty at large for helping to get this mission completed, and for putting up with all my questions.Story and Readables: Melan, Sotha, Moonbo, Baal and Bikerdude.Additional Sounds: GoldwellBriefing Video: Crowind, SlyfoxxBeta testers: Oldjim, Lowenz, AluminumHaste, nbohr1more, Goldwell, Cookie, Tr00pertj, Grayman, Arcturus, Ungoliant, skacky, Goldchocobo.Additional Resource: Bikerdude & Dram (fire-flies)Info: TDM 2.03 is required for this mission - running the mission on older version/s will result in an 'Get Next Entity' errorThe mission available via the in-game downloader.Repeat after me, "Read and explore, Read and explore"Misc: We have used LOD on a lot of objects in the outside area's to cater for people with low end machines, when in game go the video settings>advanced>Object details and then adjust to suit your system.Feedback:
  23. Unlike some fan missions for the Thief games, the TDM fan mission authors take care that there is no copyrighted material in the missions.
  24. I think I just heard a tiny sample of TDM music during an Al Jazeera doc on North Korea just now.

    It's the part where they blow up the Inter-Korean Liaison Office


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    2. Xolvix


      That has got to be from a royalty free archive, it would make more sense for the TDM music to have used such sounds rather than someone who's a TDM fan at Al Jazeera taking audio from a track.

      On the other hand if you think it'll help the mod, you can always link it on the front page for publicity! :)

    3. demagogue


      "Al Jazeera approved!" 😃-b

    4. taffernicus


      I bet the aljazeera people visiting this website have a user agent string containing the word "press",as in the word "press" imprinted on journalist safety vest. /s /jk

  25. Interesting idea. Not sure about my upcoming time availability to help. A couple of concerns here - - I assume the popup words uses the "Informative Texts" slot, e.g., where you might see "Acquired 80 in Jewels", so it likely wouldn't interfere with that or with already-higher subtitles. - There are indications that #str is becoming unviable in FMs; see my just-posted: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22434-western-language-support-in-2024/
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