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  1. So I was reading the DarkRadiant Script Reference and it gives an example to move the cameraview by setting coordinates: import darkradiant as dr camview = GlobalCameraManager.getActiveView() camview.setCameraOrigin(dr.Vector3(50,0,50)) This works, but then I wanted to use the tdm position coordinates that you can get by doing getviewpos in the console in tdm. But these coordinates don´t give the same position in DR. Why is that? Is there an other way? Edit: WHOOPS it does actually work. (some layers in the testmap were disabled)
  2. Whenever I try to open The Dark Mod, it shows a grayish-white Screen when opened, then when I click on it it lags and shows me the not responding popup, so I try to close it. I have reinstalled it 3 times. When I first installed it, It worked properly for the first week or so, but has been reoccurring since then. I don’t know what’s wrong with it, I install it the right version (I have a Windows 10 64-bit desktop), I try to do everything correct, and it still won’t work properly. I have a video, link related: https://youtube.com/shorts/csugorI4jkU?si=TuxhoWOU2XkHFhPm
  3. I'm the developer of AngelLoader, a fan mission loader/manager for Thief 1/2/3/SS2. I recently decided to try adding Dark Mod support. The latest release is here: https://github.com/FenPhoenix/AngelLoader/releases I'm going to keep a log of issues, ideas, notes, etc. here and we can discuss them or whatnot. If anyone has ideas or suggestions, feel free to post them here. TDM version requirement: I've only tested it with TDM 2.11. I'm not sure but I dimly remember FMs used to be stored differently at some point in the past? If so, it wouldn't work with those older versions. I assume people would normally keep their TDM install up to date, but just a heads up. How it works: In the Settings window -> Paths tab, choose your Dark Mod executable. Click OK. Now your TDM FMs will be detected, scanned, and added to the list. For the other supported games, there is the concept of "installed" vs "not installed", this is because they normally come in archive files and then the loader can "install" them (extract the file into the "installed FMs" folder). For TDM there is no such concept (FMs are always installed), so the green checkmark "installed" indicator means that that FM is the currently selected one (the one that is loaded up when you start TDM), and only one TDM FM can be "selected" at a time. This indicator is kept in sync with the game, so if you change your selected FM inside TDM, AngelLoader will update its "selected" indicator in-app. Notes & Issues: Deleting FMs: Deleting TDM FMs is not supported yet. I notice TDM itself doesn't allow you to delete FMs either; it has been noted that people have accidentally lost their data and so the option was removed. AngelLoader puts files into the recycle bin when it deletes them, and I could add the option, but figured it was okay to leave it out initially since the game doesn't let you do it either. Note, though, that you can still delete TDM FMs from AngelLoader's database if you've manually deleted the actual FM from disk first. To do this, first click the "Show only unavailable FMs" button (red X page icon on the top bar). Last Played and Finished-On-Difficulty: Finished-on difficulty is now autodetected. Last played date is taken from the game's database only if AngelLoader doesn't have one in its own (its own is more granular). In the FMs folder, there is a file missions.tdminfo which stores certain pieces of data about FMs. Included among this data is which difficulty the mission has been finished on, and the last played date (down to the day only). AngelLoader also stores this information, but it doesn't get these values from this file at the moment. Instead, the last played date (down to the instant, not just the day) is set whenever an FM is started, and the finished-on state must be set manually. I could have it watch the file for changes and update the finished-on-difficulty automatically for the current FM. This would override the user setting, but in theory should be accurate anyway. I could also auto-update the last played date, but because it's only down to the day, that would be less optimal than just setting it on FM start, which would give a more granular date and would have sorting working better. So if you played two FMs in one day, the latest played one would sort at the top. Mods tab is disabled: For NewDark games, there is built-in support for mods, and they can be enabled or disabled per-FM in an official capacity. I've disabled the Mods tab for TDM because - from a cursory look anyway - I don't think there's such a per-FM method of mod management. Language selection is disabled: In the Edit FM tab, there's an option to choose which language to play an FM with. I've disabled it for TDM because there's a language option in-game (not the case with NewDark) and I haven't looked into how I would scan a TDM FM for supported languages anyway. "Play Without FM" Option: For the other games, there is the option (in the bottom bar) to play them with no FM. For TDM there is no such thing as "no FM", but the option is still there currently. It will simply start TDM without passing it anything, and whatever FM it has selected will be there. I might remove the option since it doesn't really make sense. This might make people wonder "where's the button for TDM" but on the other hand having it isn't really useful. Not sure. Mission downloading and updating: An in-app mission downloader is in progress. There is no mission downloader or anything like that currently. It simply lists what you've got on disk. This means that to get new FMs or check for updates to existing ones, you still have to go in-game. I don't know how people feel about the convenience factor of this, having to go in-game to get your FMs and then back out to AngelLoader. However, duplicating the TDM download functionality would mean it might well break if TDM ever changes anything about its downloader. Custom resource stats: In the Statistics tab, custom resource display is disabled for TDM. I haven't looked into what sort of "custom" things a TDM FM can have and how I can detect them. I may do this in the future.
  4. That moment when it's a great time to play an awesome classic like Thief or TDM, but you also got other great games you wanna play. Make up your mind, brain!

    1. chakkman


      Easy. Thief > anything else. ;)

    2. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      Yes, nothing like some good ol' amazing legendary game during the night, or even the whole day with all curtains down 🙂

  5. In addition to voting for TDM, let's help our friend Skacky garner some Moddb recognition for the momentous release of "The Black Parade" https://www.moddb.com/mods/thief-the-black-parade

  6. TDM Modpack v3.8 released!

    Introducing the SHOCK MINE!

    1. Goldwell


      Ooooooo very cool!

  7. Want to hang out with fellow TDM enthusiasts? Want an answer to a question but don't want to wait for hours on the forum? Need a break from that marathon mapping session? Join our Discord The Dark Mod channel! Discord is a very easy-to-use hangout platform. You can easily chat, swap screenshots, or get feedback on a WIP. With around 35 members in the TDM channel, there are usually a couple active people on any time of the day. Adding screenshots is just drag and drop, and you can link directly to videos or images with automatic previews. It's extremely easy to use and very handy when you need some quick feedback on a project. You can download the free Discord app here: https://discordapp.com/download But you don't have to! You can access Discord directly from your browser by following this link: https://discord.gg/M96zPHD Hope to see you there!
  8. TDM Modpack v3.6 released!

    Check out the new Flash Grenade Mod.

  9. Demonstration Video I wondered if I could implement an improved lean for The Dark Mod. How was the result? Please see for yourself by checking out the video. The video shows: Leans from multiple games that show less view angle and more slide. Comparison between Thief and this lean proposal. Comparison between TDM 2.11 and this lean proposal. Aiming and shooting arrows while standing and crouching. Tap lean ability. Motivation There is something about the original Thief game's lean that feels really good. It feels close to actually peeking around a corner while not jarring the view. In an interview with former Looking Glass Studios developers, the interviewer asks them how they got leaning to feel so good while other FPS games have not. In a tweet by NamelessVoice, the author of the widely used Thief FM script library called NVScript, he said: New Lean Proposal Provide a lean that is more similar to Thief-style lean. Less view angle, more slide. Feels more natural, less awkward. Easier to aim and shoot arrows. Unlean more quickly. Feels like snapping your head back after suddenly seeing a guard. Improved lean during crouch. Compared to TDM 2.11, this lean can be used to see more around corners while crouched. Tap lean ability. Compared to TDM 2.11, this lean allows pressing the lean keybinding in rapid succession. Other: Fixed "lean getting stuck sometimes" bug in TDM 2.11. Fixed "lean getting stuck after saved game load" bug in TDM 2.11. Technical Details Bug Tracker https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6320 Cvars At the moment, the new lean is toggled on via the tdm_lean2_mode cvar. Other cvars include: pm_lean2_time_to_lean (default "400") pm_lean2_time_to_unlean (default "300") pm_lean2_slide (default "200") pm_lean2_angle (default "8") pm_lean2_angle_mod (default "0.5") However, I didn't know how to proceed with this section. Does the new lean replace the old lean? Does the new lean become the default while keeping the old lean available? Code TDM 2.11 uses a sine easing function. Instead, this new lean uses a cubic bézier easing function. For a 2.11-Like Lean For a lean that is similar to 2.11, its cvars can be set to the following: pm_lean2_slide "100" pm_lean2_angle "18" pm_lean2_angle_mod "0.8" The following video shows a comparison between 2.11 and this new lean proposal with those cvar settings.
  10. Paying the Bills: 0 - Moving Day You've just heard a sweet tip. Get to work before the window of opportunity closes. Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hMqw99FgTk5jkezPnI1aaU2xX_gJ8fwo?usp=sharing Credits Assets: Amadeus - the Golden Lute STRUNK - new kitchen assets as well as fireflies & bats Alpha Testers: Amadeus, Baby Genius, Bienie, dragofer, Epifire, Jack Farmer, joebarnin, kingsal, NeonsStyle, Rotary Racer, The Dark One Beta Testers: Cambridge Spy, Shadow, Abusimplea, JackFarmer, thebigh, wesp5, Amadeus, kingsal, s.urfer, joebarnin, grayman, nbohr1more, prjames, AluminumHaste, Dragofer, datiswous, stgatilov, duzenko, Goldwell, Wellingtoncrab, If I forgot anyone PLEASE LET ME KNOW Notes - TDM 2.10 Beta 5 or later is REQUIRED to play this mission. - This is my first FM and took me roughly 4 years and 1000+ hours. I had originally planned a city map for my first FM, I even had an over-arching story set across 4 missions, but I decided to whip up a prequel to use as my "training-wheels protocol" for DarkRadiant before I move on to my magnum opus, hence why this one is #0. Subsequent entries will be on a micro scale compared to this map. - This FM implements the func_peek mechanic, allowing players to peek through any door that has a keyhole on it by leaning forward. PLEASE NOTE: This function has been known to cause crashes for a small number of players in the past, likely due to using the 32-bit version of TDM. At no point in this mission is it required to use the func_peek mechanic; it is purely optional, so feel free not to use it. - There are spiders - Suggestive themes/references - DISCLAIMER: This is a BIG mission by TDM standards, and has a lot of wide outdoor areas; performance may vary greatly. - Lots of plans for future updates, many ideas still left on paper. Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hMqw99FgTk5jkezPnI1aaU2xX_gJ8fwo?usp=sharing (drop the folder into darkmod/fms) Many thanks, have fun!
  11. I think I just heard a tiny sample of TDM music during an Al Jazeera doc on North Korea just now.

    It's the part where they blow up the Inter-Korean Liaison Office


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Xolvix


      That has got to be from a royalty free archive, it would make more sense for the TDM music to have used such sounds rather than someone who's a TDM fan at Al Jazeera taking audio from a track.

      On the other hand if you think it'll help the mod, you can always link it on the front page for publicity! :)

    3. demagogue


      "Al Jazeera approved!" 😃-b

    4. taffernicus


      I bet the aljazeera people visiting this website have a user agent string containing the word "press",as in the word "press" imprinted on journalist safety vest. /s /jk

  12. And what kind of computer is inside them, anyway? Is it some 8-bit thing, or something more advanced like an ARM architecture? The place I visited recently had an elevator with five full color LCD screens; one on every floor, and one in the elevator itself. I don't imagine an 8-bit computer driving them all at the same time... Note that it is presumably the computer's job to determine if the elevator is overloaded with too much weight, whether the doors are fully closed or not, etc.
  13. Does TDM 2.12 add "30" to the list of FPS caps? I accidentally changed mine and had to look up a console command to set it back to 30.

    1. nbohr1more
    2. jaxa


      Thanks. Now it's ready for my junk and Steam Deck. :P

  14. Hope I'm not being too off-topic for this thread, but I was playing a lovely new FM and something I saw reminded me of another reason why I hate MSAA apart from bad performance: It doesn't even always do the job right, including (but not limited to) to fixing pixel-sharp patterns on textures. Zoomed in for a close look and to catch a good example, see at full res. Seems to be the bumpmap in this case. Possibly caused by the texture being so high-res it surpasses the screen resolution so there's no blurring any more? I set MSAA to 4x and it didn't affect it. Which makes sense since I'm sure it only handles geometry and has no concept of textures. It would further be great if we had an alternative form of AA, which weren't just cheaper than MSAA but also handled sharp pixels on textures including alpha edges alongside geometry edges: Right now I think we have no fix to that grain.
  15. so I just downloaded the game but every time i boot it up it doesn't work my device is the ASUS x550c it only shows a grey screen i have the intel(R) Core I3 Inside and the Intel (R) HD Graphics 4000
  16. Haven't run TDM for a month or so, just tried running it and get a repeatable segmentation fault: This is version 2.11a, I've just re-run tdm_installer to double check, on Fedora 38 with an AMD HD6950 graphics card. Have also tried after deleting currentfm.txt, makes no difference. Don't know what's changed.
  17. TDM Modpack v3.4 released!

    Check out the new Blinking Items Mod...

    1. demagogue


      Do you want to put up a link to it?

    2. snatcher


      Thanks, done.

  18. Might not be the right forum but, As a recovering TDM addict, I thought it'd be useful to call attention to some games that have helped me get past my withdrawal symptoms, at least until the next release! 1.) STALKER Anomaly, Wind of Time, Spatial Anomaly...etc 2.) Enderal 3.) Aliens Colonial Marines TemplarGFX - still too short! 4.) Prey 5.) Ruiner - arcadey, but works 6.) Thief 2 - Shadows of the metal age 7.) Deus Ex - GMDX, Nihilum, etc
  19. The most recent TDM has the "automation" system, which allows an external Python script to connect to TDM game and programmatically do some stuff within it. Right now only one basic action is supported, which is: run a given command in console. Originally, the whole system was intended to implement automatic testing, and I hope I'll have time to get it there some day. However, I already find it useful. Recently I implemented a simple watcher script for interactive shader editing. It works like this: 1) Python script watches over all files like glprogs/*.fs, glprogs/*.vs and glprogs/*.gs. 2) Whenever one of them changes, reloadGLSLPrograms command is run automatically. As a result, you can edit GLSL shader file in Notepad++ on the left half of the screen, which TDM on the right half reloads immediately after each save. You can see some sort of demo: Probably this scenario applies to other TDM resources which are reloadable without restarting map. Something like reloading texture while editing it in special software, or doing the same with mesh/model. In fact, it is even possible to auto-reload map with something like: getviewpos // this gives coordinates and orientation dmap {mapname} // make the updated map playable map {mapname} // start the updated map setviewpos {saved coords} // teleport to the same exact locationIf you have any ideas about using this system to reduce amount of dull work, please share.
  20. You may have noticed that TDM 2.05 ships with two new missions. Mission 1: A New Job, and Mission 2: Tears of St. Lucia. One of the most common complaints about TDM over the years has been that there is no official storyline included in the game. Although we have a Training Mission, players seem to want a mission that introduces gameplay concepts during an actual story. To that end, we started working on a short, 3-mission campaign to be included with the mod as an introduction to our setting and gameplay. The story would revolve around the St. Lucia mission, our first official team map. It was decided that a small, introductory mission would be a prologue to St. Lucia, and a third mission would be the sequel. I had hoped that by keeping the campaign small (2 new maps) it would be a realistic thing to achieve in a year, but it didn't turn out that way. Since I was both creating new model sets from scratch and using them to create the maps at the same time, progress was slow. Eventually I burned myself out, and we had the choice of holding back what was already completed until the whole story was done (which might never happen), or release what was already accomplished so that mappers could begin using the new module sets. Thus, the two missions represent the first two chapters of the 3-mission campaign. A New Job is a small, introductory mission meant to help new players get used to the gameplay and setting of TDM. Tears of St. Lucia has been revised to fit into the storyline created for the campaign, though there are no radical changes from the original (the original has been left as is for legacy purposes). Hope you enjoy!
  21. TDM Modpack v3.2 released! Introducing the Stealth Alert Mod... Check it out.

  22. TDM missions are eligible to enter the TDS Anniversary Contest: 


  23. Here's the (growing) list http://www.moddb.com...d-20-standalone http://www.pcgamer.c...without-doom-3/ + http://www.pcgamer.c...e-dark-mod-2-0/http://kotaku.com/if...this-1442764101http://www.gamestar....89,3028788.htmlhttp://www.rockpaper...-is-standalone/http://www.shacknews...-now-standalonehttp://www.dsogaming...n-2-0-released/http://www.phoronix....item&px=MTQ4MjYhttp://www.polygon.c...-with-version-2http://atomicgamer.c...32/the-dark-modhttp://www.gamefront...one-2-0-update/http://www.destructo...se-263370.phtmlhttp://lfg.hu/62280/...oom-3-motorral/ (hungarian)http://www.bluesnews...no-longer-a-modhttp://games.on.net/...r-file-library/http://www.vg247.com...one-experience/http://www.joystiq.c...self-goes-stan/http://vorpalchainsw...rk-mod.html?m=1http://www.explosion...one-experience/http://www.chip.de/d...d_64819987.html (german)http://slashdot.org/...ief-a-like-gamehttp://www.gamestar....61,3029213.html (german)http://the-rageaholic.tumblr.com/post/63609053694/in-positive-thief-related-news-you-no-longer-needhttp://www.destructo...od-264626.phtml
  24. After all the research I've done so far and comparisons, including reading the history of the development of TDM. It seems TDM would be the best engine possible for DOOM 3. Any thoughts, or avenues to pursue on this from anyone constructive would be much appreciated.
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