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Fan Mission: The Glenham Tower by Sotha (2010/07/17)


The Glenham Tower by Sotha (2010/07/17) Summer FM Vertical Contest Entry  

126 members have voted

  1. 1. 1. Gameplay: Enjoyment. Fun duration. Smooth flow, ect. Versus Bugs. Frustration, Boredom, framelag

  2. 2. 2. Appearance: Vertical use, Visual pleasure, lighting, visual style, deduct bad texturing etc.

  3. 3. 3. Story & Text: Story. Text. Briefing. Graphic storytelling

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Hmm. It seems that in general when people are encountering humans they sneak past them. When the undead are encountered, people hack them to pieces. They are dead already so there is no moral dilemma. :P


Remember, undead are tough and holy water is sparse. It is difficult to bring a zombie down without getting wounded in the process, so it is probably easier to sneak past them.... But yes, in TDM if you manage to get a zombie down it will stay down. I personally wouldn't mind a spawnarg which would bring the monster back to life after a while...



At any rate, I'm really happy that so many of you have enjoyed the mission! :wub:

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-The mapper's best friend.

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My goodness, my goodness. What a damn good and even damn more frightening mission!!! I´m still pumped up with adrenaline! wacko.gif I´m taking my head for you, Sotha. Erm, I mean my hat, of course! biggrin.gif


It was much fun to climb the tower, the rock falling down with my rope arrow in it was funny as well. Some very good shock effects you implemented there. But the explosion was too much (in a good way). My heart slipped into my trousers. (a German phrase) But because of id´s Spoiler (not id software) I knew that there will come something up very likely, so I hid. But the damn zombie remaining in the room, I don´t know why, I simply had to kill him. It took several attempts and I never did it without loss of health. Didn´t they have a too long attack range?

Sadly, very sadly, really very sadly, the music was set back to the default song after reloading. Did you made a mistake with the music or is this still a TDM-bug?

But there was nothing else wrong after reloading. No FPS-drops either.


The story was really good or even great. I most liked the first text by my predecessor. This really added atmosphere besides the stuff of him lying around, hehe. biggrin.gif


I found 4145 out of 4605 gp´s. I really looked everywhere I could. Especially after I cleansed the whole place with the sphere. (nice lighting it had) Some hints where the real hard stuff is, please?


I found a little bug: a mispositioned water tap by the bathtub. Oh and can I please have a translation of the (I guess Latin) objective-book, please? (Because I really would like to try this in real world so I could create my army and cleanse the world...)

I saw a mispositioned flare on the oil-lamp in the far room on the left too. (same story as bathtub) These serious bugs almost spoiled the mission and I was short before uninstalling the mission and delete it! ohmy.giftongue.gif;)


The layout and gameplay were really good, there were no real problems, but lots of tension. If the first zombie didn´t annoyed me so much (look at attached screenshot to see why) I could have ghosted the mission.


I´m not sure if I like the current layout of the haunts, because they remind very hard of the Thief-haunts. Maybe a color-change of their clothes would help...

I was disappointed by the Leech queen because I expected some rotting breasts. sad.gif The TDM really needs some girl-power...


Overall it was an outstanding mission because of the setting and the atmosphere. Extraordinary atmosphere that is!

Great job, Sotha!! :) :bothThumpsUp:




This is the one that deserved to die for good. Though, finally he gave me a nice screenshot, me thinks.:)



edit: why is the text following the one in size one bold? I couldn´t switch it off by activation and deactivation the bold-option.

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The rep demotion definitely seems uncalled for... I will defer to someone with more cred here in these forums to click the plus symbol to neutralize this... (unless id3839315 decides to do so...)

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Well im glad to know none else had any technical trouble =D I completed it yesterday anyway, in one shot sessions (Wasnt that difficult to plan and then ghost my way towards the goals after reading all these spoilers). Gotta say, this is one of the few missions ive seen in TDM with that sophisticated scripting (wich, alongside with the AI having conversations with each others and making puns while on patrol, were my favourite features in the forerunner games). Thumbs up!



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Fabulous FM, Sotha. My favorite contest entry up until now... :laugh: But in all seriousness, this was a really great experience. I really missed the "adventure"-feeling in TDM, that came up every so often in the classic thief games, but you totally pulled it off. And you even managed to gave me the shivers once... Great work! Sweet visuals, a good story, nice climbing, gameplay and atmosphere. I'll still hold back my vote though, as I want to see some of the others entries first.


Looking forward to your next masterpiece... ;-)

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Very nice work! I have to admit I was a little less than impressed at the beginning, because I walked through the gate, through the fog, and to the edge of the world.


Then I got inside the tower! This has to be the scariest TDM mission thus far. The ambient sounds are very nice, including creaking, nature sounds and some good surprises, which I won't spoil here. The inside of the tower looks great. It looks like a run-down place that is falling apart. Stuff is strewn across the floor in many rooms.


The number of enemies was just right, and they had good patrol roots.



Edited by lost_soul

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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Very nice work! I have to admit I was a little less than impressed at the beginning, because I walked through the gate, through the fog, and to the edge of the world.


I would love to hear how exactly you did that.


I tested myself, but I couldn't get outside no matter how hard I tried. Also I checked in DR that the area is properly playerclipped. I saw no problems. First I thought that the player start is slightly touching the playerclip, but that is not the case. I have no idea how that was possible.:wacko:


-The mapper's best friend.

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Awesome! I loved it. But I failed to finish it due to a quicksave crash. I was basically done on hardest difficulty, just looking for a couple hundred more gold.


All was done, including the sphere... I had just killed the fiery one. Went down to the door behind the throne and was roping around in the broken spiral staircase. Grabbed some loot at the bottom and was about to climb out of there. I hit quicksave and whammo! Immediate crash :( Then I realized I had used quicksave the whole time and only had one named save... at the very beginning :(


Oh well, I'll play it through again


System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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very nice fan mission.


i love the undead :-)


no problems with quicksaves or anything else.


funny effect that the burning body smashes the front door and says good bye ^^.


but it was easy to kill ( 1 water arrow for the flames and 3-4 with holy water for the creature).


got nearly 4k loot and will have a look for the othere 600+ missing ones.


the story was clear and im happy i could easily figure out how to destroy the spehere because the scroll was easy to read.


i had no probleams to reach any room again.


greetz Mc

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A great mission Sotha, I really enjoyed this one. There wasn't much I didn't like. The only thing I couldn't find out was



how to get the sphere back because the door I came through at the top of the tower was closed. It also would have been better IMO to put the sphere in your inventory but I managed. Usually I'm not really a fan of undead missions but this one did a great job in keeping me entertained. The tower falling apart, especialy in the beginning scared the crap out of me cause I was just reading the research journal when whatever collapsed and the zombies came in after that.



Looking forward to the rest of the missions, cause if this is the quality standard it's going to be difficult to decide who wins :)

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So the 'explosion' is time-triggered? I thought it was a bomb inside the commode in the left corner, because as I opened it the big bang occurred! laugh.gif



I hoped the quicksave-crashes were history with the new update, guess not. Though, I quicksaved very often and had no crashes.

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Well, too bad you didn´t tried to hit only Reply, than you should have hit the +. :D;)

Oh, just saw that 'Reply' is too far away. But the joke was worth it...:rolleyes:


As for the picture. First it didn´t worked, so I added a space between the codes.

Edited by LEGION

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I hope to make time to play this again especially to complete the optional objective this time.


I am sure you will be pleased the way I improved it. I got some really good feedback on that one... ;)


-The mapper's best friend.

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To Mr. Lemony Fresh


I tried many things and finally (and i reckon this was kinda clever smile.gif ) I realised that I could lead them all up the ramp and to the ladder where i could climb up, sneak back in the other way, lock shut the door from behind them, take about 5 minutes trying to get the stone, thinking that maybe I had to just hit it on the spot and still thinking that when I was getting hurt sounds from it. I realised what i had to do with it ---



HOW? HOW? HOW? I've managed to lead all but the fiery one up there only once and I shut the door on the rest but before I could do anything with the one left, the others just opened up the door and resumed what they were doing, leaving me with no time to grab the sphere. Please help! I want to finish this awesome mission.Many thanks in advance



Never mind tried one more time and I got it! I musta put my speedy shoes on this time. Now I just need to decide to stay or gosmile.gif

Edited by Thiefette
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Well, I haven't been in here at all since soon after the mission was released because I didn't want to risk any spoilers and glimpsed one right near the very start of the thread... c'mon... don't do that...




Anyway, I really am not a fan of the "horror genre". It's a little of the "it's way over done" and, yes, a little of the "I don't like hate them monsters, scarit me they"...


So you gotta know that if I enjoyed this one, it must've been fun beyond the horror! the horror...




It was very fun; and very well constructed -- story-wise and build-wise! It also made good use of the theme of "verticality" in more than a few ways.


So, I simply had mark this one high even though it's the first of what will hopefully be many in the contest. Excellent marks all around. The bar starts raised high.




Plus I'm quite impressed with myself -- I don't often give a rats as long as I get within a reasonable range of the loot total... I'm not about to go obsessively hunting back after I've finished. I ended up only 50 shy!


And I completed that dastardly OpObj too!





"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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I just finished the mission.

Wow, Sotha, just wow... bro, lets start a campaign together... What an amazingly fantastically uber fun level. That much fun, without extreme fancy architecture, or plot lines, or custom dialogue, etc, etc... just a perfect pace of gameplay, and level progression.

Good job!

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bro, lets start a campaign together


As an outsider, an observer, a random opinionater, and a spambot-suspect suspected of generating semi-legible entirely synthetic and possibly subliminal "stuff", I think this is a great idea.

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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Well , what a simply great and entertaining mission. Seems you can play it any which way you like.

I chose to save all my mines and fire arrows up and destroy everyone in the basement 'throne room '. Then I pinched the book and green orb and legged it past the undead upstairs. So , I completed it objective wise sort of except I haven't managed to get out yet so must be missing something. I got back to the top story and of course the stairs were all caved in and there seemed to be no way out that way!

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brief hint:

Try searching the cellar some more. Too bad you killed everyone in the cellar. There is some nice effect at the end if you don't.


Total Spoiler:

Behind the throne is a door. In the room behind that door you can climb up with some rope arrows.


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